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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards:
is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations, formulate real-life, problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them
using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and code: Solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting square roots; (b)
factoring; (c) completing the square; and (d) using the quadratic formula. (M9AL-Ia-1)
Quarter: FIRST Week:1st Day: 1
I. Objectives
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. identify quadratic equation;
2. illustrate quadratic equation;
3. show appreciation of the significance of quadratic equation in real-life.

II. Content
Subject Matter: Illustrate Quadratic Equation
Integration: (Learning area): T. L. E
Strategies: Experiential Learning, Think – Pair Share
References: Mathematics Learner’s Material, Intermediate Algebra patterns and
III. Learning Tasks; (Depends on the strategies used)

a. Elicit
The students will be given a drill about this activity below.

Activity 1: Do you remember these products? Find each indicated product then
answer the questions that follow.
1.3(x2 + 7)
2. (w + 7)(w + 3)
3. (x + 9)(x-2)
4. (x + 4)(x + 4)
5. (2r – 5)(2r – 5)

Let the student explain how they arrived with each product
1. 3x2 + 21
2. w2 + 10w + 21
3. x2 + 7x -18
4. x2 + 8x + 16
5. 4r2 – 20r + 25

B. Engage
The student will form by pair.
The teacher will present this problem on the board.
Mrs. Llantino of Grade 9 Ruby asked a carpenter to construct a rectangular bulletin board
for her classroom in preparation for the evaluation. She told the carpenter that the board’s
area must be 18 square feet.
Out of the given situation, let the student draw a diagram to illustrate the bulletin board.
C. Explore
On the given illustration above, ask the student to answer the following questions by pair:
1. What are the dimensions of the bulletin board?
2. Suppose the length of the board is 7 ft. longer than its width. What equation would
you represent the given situation?
3. How would you describe the equation formulated?

(Teacher will call students to explain their work in the class)

Answer Key
1. Possible dimensions of the bulletin board: 2ft. by 9ft. and
3 ft. by 6ft.
2. Let w be the width (in ft.). Then the length is w + 7. Since
the area is 8, then w(w + 7) = 18
3. The highest exponent is 2. Therefore, the equation is

D. Explain
A quadratic equation in one variable is a mathematical sentence of degree 2 that can be
written in the following standard form ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c, are real numbers and a
≠ 0. In the equation, ax2 is the quadratic term, bx is the linear term. In standard form, a must be
positive real number, the solutions to a quadratic equation are called its roots.
Examples of quadratic equations:
1. x2 + 3x + 1 = 0
2. 6x2 + 10x -20 = 0
3. 2t2 -7t =12
4. (x + 2)2 = 0
5. x2 -5x + 10 = 0
E. Elaborate
The teacher will show an equation, let the students fall in line in the word “FACT” posted
in the board if the given equation is quadratic and in the word “BLUFF” if it is not a quadratic
equation. The student who choose the wrong answer will be eliminated.
Activity 3. (Fact or Bluff)

1. 9x2 + 2x = 1
2. 2x -5 = x
3. 3 = -15 – 2x
4. 8x – 2= 2x2
5. 3m + 8 = 15
6. t2 =7t = 12
7. 3x(x-2) = -7
8. (w – 8)(w + 5) =14
9. 6 -2x + 3x2 = 0
10. ½ (h – 6) = 0



F. Evaluate

Identify which of the following equations are quadratic or not. Write it in a

standard form.
1. (3x )(x + 4) = 7
2. x2 + x + 10 = 0
3. (x + 2) ( x -2) = 0
4. 3m2 = 2m + 6
5. m + 1 =4
1. Quadratic: 3x2 + 12x – 7 = 0
2. Quadratic: x2 + x + 10 = 0
3. Quadratic: x2 – 4 = 0
4. Quadratic : 3m2 – 2m – 6 = 0

G. Extend
In your own understanding, give 10 examples of quadratic equations, just write
your answer in your notebook.

A. No. of learners achieve 80%

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson:
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation:
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share
with other teacher?

Kapatagan National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9


Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards:
is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations, formulate real-life, problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them
using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and code: Solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting square roots; (b)
factoring; (c) completing the square; and (d) using the quadratic formula. M9AL-Ia-b-1
Quarter: FIRST Week:1st Day: 2

I. Objectives
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. identify equations that can be solve by extracting square roots;
2. solve quadratic equations by extracting square roots.

II. Content
Subject Matter: Solving quadratic equation by extracting square roots
Integration: (Learning area): English
Strategies: Inquiry-based and collaboration
Mathematics learner’s material
Ramo, MNS., & Santos, AL. (2016). Math Essential. Victorious Publication
Inc.: Guiguinto, Bulacan

III. Learning Tasks; (Depends on the strategies used)

A. Elicit
The students will be formed into groups with four members. The teacher will
prepare a multiple-choice activity with a word puzzle. By answering the
questions, they will identify what is the topic all about.

Questions: Solve for the unknown. Choose the letter of your answer. Then form
the letters to solve the puzzle.

ii. x=√ 16 a. + 2/3 j. + 12


iii. x=√ 81 b. + 10 k. 16

√ 16

x=√ 121
c. 5
d. + 11
L. 8
M. -17


f. 7
e. + 15
O. -5
N. + 21

viii. 2 s +16 = 0 g. 3 P. 36
ix. 3 ( x+ 7 )=24 h. 9 Q. + 4
x. 2(3 k −1)=28 i. 1 R. + 13/16
S. 0 T. -8
U. + 9 V. 2/5
W. 1/8 X. 14
Y. 28 Z. 30

The word is QUADRATIC

B. Engage
The teacher will write these 3 quadratic equations on the board
i. x 2=36
ii. x 2−25=75
iii. 2 s 2−98=0
and allow the students to solve it in their seats and ask these following questions:
1. Are these equations quadratic?
2. If yes, how did you determine their solutions?
3. How many solutions did you obtain?
4. How did you know that the values of the variable really satisfy the equation?
Possible Answer
1. Yes
2. By extracting the roots
3. 2
4. Substitute the values to the original equation

C. Explore/explain
The teacher will discuss to the class the different properties below.
Here are the following properties to be applied in solving quadratic equation.
i. If k > 0, then x 2=k has two real solutions or roots: x=± √ k .
ii. If k =0, then x 2=k has one real solution or root: x=0.

iii. If k < 0 , then x 2=k has no real solutions or roots.

Remember that the method that will be used in solving the equation x 2=k , is
called extracting square roots
Example, solve 4 x 2−225=0
The teacher will instruct the students to find their pair and solve the following
1. 3 t 2=12
2. x 2−7=0
3. 4 x 2+5=21
1 2
4. x +16=0
5. 5 x 2−120=5
6. 2 x 2−128=0

Answer Key
The solution of number 1 is done for you
1. 3t2 = 12
1/3(3t2) =12(1/3)
t2 = 4
2. X = + √ 7 3. X=+2 4. X = + 2√ 2
5. X=+5 6. X=+8

b. Elaborate

The teacher will ask these following questions to the students.
1. How can you say that it is a quadratic equation?
2. How did you find the roots of the equation?
3. Which equation did you find difficult to solve by extracting square
roots? Why?
4. Which roots are rational? Which are not?
Possible Answer
1. The equation is quadratic if the degree is 2 and is written in standard form ax 2
+ bx + c = 0 where a, b, c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
2. Extracting square roots
3. Numbers 2 and 4 because there is no exact value of x.
4. The roots for the equations 1, 3, 5, 6 are rational while the roots of the
equations 2 and 4 are irrational.

D. Evaluate
The students will work on this individually
Solve for the following:
1. If a square has an area of 169 c m2, find the length of the sides.
2. Given this figure, find the value of s and the total area of the square
S 5 cm

Area=256 cc m

5 cm

Answer Key
2 2
1. S = 169 cm
S = 13 cm
2. S2 = 256 cm2
S = 16 cm
Total area = 441 cm2

E. Extend
In a ½ crosswise, find the solutions of the quadratic equations.
1. x 2−144=0
2. 625−x 2=0
1 2
3. x +5=0
1 2
4. x −27=0
5. 2 x 2−128=0

Answer Key
1. No real roots
2. + 25
3. No real roots
4. +9
5. +8


A. No. of learners achieve 80%

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson:

E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation:

F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?

G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?

H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with
other teacher?

Kapatagan National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations, formulate real-life, problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them
using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and code: Solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting square roots; (b)
factoring; (c) completing the square; and (d) using the quadratic formula. (M9AL-Ia-b-1)
Quarter: FIRST Week:1st Day: 3

I. Objectives

At the end of 50 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to:

1. identify equations that can be solve by factoring,

2. solve quadratic equations by factoring.

II. Content

Subject Matter: Solving Quadratic Equations by factoring

(Learning area): MAPEH
Strategies: Inquiry-based and collaboration
Materials: Power Point Presentation, Chalk and board, Cabbage peel (Paper)
References: Mathematics learner’s material Ramo, MNS., & Santos, AL.
(2016). Math Essential. Victorious Publication Inc.: Guiguinto, Bulacan

III. Learning Tasks; (Depends on the strategies used)

a. Elicit
Activity 1
This activity is called the cabbage peel. A paper crumpled into a cabbage form, a
question about factoring is written in each paper. The teacher will play a music
and the students will pass the paper to their classmates. When the music stops,
whoever holds the crumpled paper will peel one paper and do what is being

Factor the following expressions: ANSWER KEY

1. 2 x −8 x 1. 2x(x-4)
2. −3 s −9 s 2. -3s (s + 3)
3. 4 x+ 20 x
2 3. 4x (1 + 5x)
4. 5 t−10 t
2 4. 5t (1- 2t)
2 5. (x + 6)(x – 1)
5. x + 5 x −6

b. Engage
How did you factor those polynomials?
How did you know if the factors you got are correct? Did you try any method?
Now, let’s try to factor these expressions:
1. x 2+ 3 x −28
2. x2 - 10x + 21
3. 4r2 + 20r + 25
4. s2 + 8s + 12
Answer Key
1. x +3 x−28 = (x +7) (x -4)

2. x2 - 10x + 21 = (x -3) (x – 7)
3. 4r2 + 20r + 25 = (2r + 5)(2r + 5)
4. s2 + 8s + 12 = ( s + 4) (s + 8)

c. Explore
From the previous example that we have, how did you factor the quadratic
expression? How about if the previous expression is equated to zero?
 Let the students show these equations on the board.
1. x +3 x−28 = 0

2. x2 - 10x + 21 = 0
3. 4r2 + 20r + 25 = 0
4. s2 + 8s + 12 = 0
 Let the students set each factor of the equation to zero and let them solve for
the solution of the quadratic equation.

Answer Key
1. x +3 x−28 = (x +7) (x -4), x +7 = 0, x = -7, x - 4 = 0, x = 4
2. x2 - 10x + 21 = (x -3) (x – 7) , x – 3 = 0, x = 3 and x -7 = 0, x = 7
3. 4r2 + 20r + 25 = (2r + 5)(2r + 5) , 2r + 5 = 0, r = -5/2 and 2r + 5 = 0, r = -5/2
4. s2 + 8s + 12 = ( s + 4) (s + 8), s + 4 = 0, s = -4, s + 8 = 0, s =-8

d. Explain
Here are the following procedures to follow in solving quadratic equations.
1. Transform the quadratic equation into standard form if necessary.
2. Factor the quadratic equations
3. Apply the zero product property by setting each factor of the
quadratic equation.
4. Solve each equation.
5. Check the values of the variable obtained by substituting each in
the original post
e. Elaborate

The teacher will ask the following questions to the students.
1. How will you factor an equation?
2. What are the steps in solving quadratic equation using factoring?
3. Why is it important to use the zero product property?
4. How can you apply the factoring method in solving real life problems?

IV. Evaluate
B. Solve the following equations by factoring.
1. x2 + 7x = 0
2. 6s2 + 18s = 0

3. x2 -10x + 25 =16
4. 11r + 15 = -2r2
5. x2 – 25 =0
Answer Key
1. x = 0 and x = -7 3. X = 1 and x = 9 5. X=5
2. x = 0 and x = -3 4. r = -5/2 and r = -3

V. Extend

Let the student answer this.

Which of the following quadratic equations may be solved more appropriately by

factoring? Explain your answer.
a. 2x2 = 72 c. t2 + 12t + 36 = 0
b. w2 – 64 = 0 d. 2s2 + 8s – 10 = 0

Answer Key
Letters c and d can be solved more appropriately by factoring and
letter b can be solved by extracting square roots

A. No. of learners achieve 80%

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson:
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation:
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with
other teacher?

Kapatagan National High School

,l.Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9


Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational
algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical
relationships in various situations, formulate real life problems
involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and
rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of

Learning Competency and Code: The learner solves quadratic equations by completing the

Quarter: FIRST Week: 1st Day: 4

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. find the third term of an equation to make it a perfect square trinomial
2. solve quadratic equations using completing the square
II. Content:
Subject Matter: Solving Quadratic Equations using Completing the Square
(Learning Area): MAPEH
Strategies: Think – Pair – Share, Collaboration
Materials: Powerpoint presentation
References: Grade 9 Learner’s Material pp. 35 - 42
Grade 9 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities, page 24 - 27

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: ( 3 minutes )
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance and management of the classroom

Solve each equation mentally.
1. x =16 ±4
2. 2
x =128 ± 8 √2
3. x −121=0 ± 11
4. x =49 ±7
5. x −169=0 ± 13

What will be added to each expression to make it a perfect square trinomial? Factor
the resulting trinomial.

1. x 2+ 4 x 4 2
3 1. =2→(2) =4 , (x + 2)2
2. x − x 2
2 −3
( )
( )
2 2
3. x −10 x 2. 2 −3 1 −3 −3 9 , X−
2 4
= ∙ = → = 4
4. x + x 2 2 2 4 4 16
3 −10 2
5. x + 18 x 3. =−5 →(−5) =25 , (x + 5)2
( )
4. 3 4 1 4 4 16 , X+
= ∙ = → = 6
2 3 2 6 6 36
Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space provided before the
Column A Column B ANSWER
_____1. x 2−6 x +9 a. (2 x+ 1)2 b
2 2
_____2. 4 x −12 x +9 b. (x−3) f
2 4 4
_____3. x − x+ c. (2 x+ 3)2 d
3 9

( )
_____4. x 2+ 10 x +25 d. x− e
_____5. 4 x 2+ 4 x +1 e. ( x +5 )2 a
f. ( 2 x−3 )

A quadratic equation in standard form is easily solved when its left side is factorable.
But the problem arises when it cannot be factored. A different method is required for
such case. One method of solving quadratic equations that works whether the equations
can be factored or not is the method of completing the square.
The main task in using the method of completing the square is to produce a perfect
square trinomial on the left side of the quadratic equation, and then use the square root
property to solve the equation.

( )
To make an expressions x 2+ bx a perfect square trinomial, add b to it.

Given Add Result
2 2
x + 12 x 36 x + 12 x +36=¿
2 2 2
x −20 x 100 x −20 x+ 100=( x−10 )

( )
2 4 4 2 4 4 2
x+ x x + x+ = x+
3 9 3 9 3

Solve x 2+ 10 x =3 by completing the square.
Since the coefficient of x 2 is 1, we will add the square of half the coefficient of x.

( )
10 2
= (5 ) =25
By adding 25 to x 2+ 10 x , the polynomial will now be a perfect square since
2 2
x + 10 x +25=(x +5)
However, since we are working with an equation, we shall add 25 to both sides of
the equation.
x + 10 x +25=3+25
x + 10 x +25=28 Combine like terms
( x +5) =28
x +5=± √ 28 Get the square roots of both sides

x +5= √ 28 x +5= √ 28 Solve each equation

x=−5+ √ 28 x=−5−√ 28
The roots of the equation are −5+ √ 28 and −5−√ 28 . These can also be written as
−5+2 √ 7 and s −5−2 √ 7


Let the students form a group of 3 members, ask them to show to the class how to
solve quadratic equation x2 – 6x – 7 = 0 using the completing the square by following the
steps below:
To solve a quadratic equation by completing the square:
1. Isolate the terms with variables on one side of the equation and arrange them in
descending order. x2 - 6x = 7
2. Divide by the coefficient of the squared term if that coefficient is not 1.
3. Complete the square by taking half the coefficient of the first-degree term and
adding its square on both sides of the equation. x2 - 6x + 9 = 7+ 9
4. Express one side of the equation as the square of a binomial. (x – 3)2 = 16
5. Use the principle of square roots. x–3=±4
6. Solve for the variable x – 3 = 4 or x – 3 = -4
x = 7 or x = -1

I. State whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. If it is false, explain why.
1. Any quadratic equation can be solved using the completing the square method.
2. Any quadratic equation can be solved by the factoring method.
3. A quadratic equation always has two distinct solutions.
4. The solutions of a quadratic equation are always real numbers
II. Determine a number that must be added to make each of the following a perfect
square trinomial. Then write the perfect square trinomial in factored form.

1. x 2+ 6 x
2 1
2. x + x
3. x −26 x
2 9
4. x + x
5. x −20

III. Solve each equation using the completing the square method.
1. x −2 x−5=0
2. 2 t +5 t=13
3. w −4 w−3=0
4. r −10 r =15

I. 1. True
2. False . When the roots are not integers, the quadratic equation
cannot be solved by factoring method.
3. False. In some cases, the solutions are not real numbers.
4. False. In some cases, the solutions are not real numbers.
II. 1. 9 ,( x +3)2 III. 1. x=1 ± √ 6
1 1
−5 ± √ 129
2. ,( x+ ) 2. t =
16 4 4
3. 169 ,( x−13) 2
3. w=2 ± √7

( )
81 9
4. , x+ 4.r =5± 2 √ 10
64 8
5. 100 ,(x−10)2

I. Solve each equation using the completing the square method.
7 ± √65
1. x 2−2=7 x −x2 x=
−5 ± √ 129
2. 2 t 2 +5 t=13 t=
2 1 3 3 −1
3. x − x= x= , x=
2 16 4 4
4. x 2−5 x+ 4=0 x=1 , x=4

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___

H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Kapatagan National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational
algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical
relationships in various situations, formulate real life problems
involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and
rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of
Learning Competency and Code: The learner solves quadratic equations by completing the

Quarter: FIRST Week:2nd Day: 5

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
3. Solve real life problems in quadratic equations using completing the square
4. show awareness the importance of solving real life problem involving quadratic

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Solving Quadratic Equations using Completing the Square
(English): Reading Comprehension
Strategies: Think – Pair – Share, Collaboration, Problem solving
Materials: Powerpoint presentation
References: Grade 9 Learner’s Material pp. 35 - 42
Grade 9 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities, page 24 - 27

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: ( 3 minutes )
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Checking of attendance and management of the classroom

The area of the rectangle is 224 cm2
1. What is the area of the rectangle in terms of x based on the
figure at the right?
2. Find the value of x by completing the table.
The first is done for you.

Value of x Length Width Area

1 4 cm 2 cm 8 cm

3. What are the dimensions of the rectangle?

4. How did you determine the dimensions of the rectangle? Explain.

1. A=(3 x +1)( 3 x−1)
Value of x Length Width Area
1 4 cm 2 cm 8 cm
2 7 cm 5 cm 35 cm
3 10 cm 8 cm 80 cm
4 13 cm 11 cm 143 cm
5 16 cm 14 cm 224 cm
3. L = 16 cm ; W = 14 cm
4. Substitute various values for x and check which yields 224 cm2.

 Students will be grouped by 5. Each group will assign their leader, a secretary and
a reporter. Consider the given problem.

Dolphins are some of the world’s most loving and intelligent animals. In a
dolphin show, the height h in feet reached by a dolphin t second after breaking the
surface water is given by h=16 t 2 +32 t . How long will it take the dolphin to jump out of
the water by 16 feet to get the fish from the trainer’s hand?


 Let the students present their output.

When the dolphin reaches the fish, its height will be 16ft. Thus, we set h equal to 16
and solve for t.
2 2
h=−16 t +32 t 16=−16 t +32 t
16 t −32t +16=0 Rewrite the equation in standard form
16 ¿ ¿ Factor out GCF
16 ( t−1 ) ( t−1 )=0 Factor the trinomial

16=0 t−1=0 t−1=0 Set each factor equal to 0.


FALSE t=1 t=1

Thus, when t=1, the dolphin’s height from the ground is 16 ft. This means it only
takes the dolphin 1 second to leap out of the water to the fish.

The equation 16=−16 t 2 +32 t is an example of a quadratic equation. We say that it is

written in standard form when the other side of the equation is 0, such as in
16 t −32t +16=0

Since not all quadratic equations are factorable, we can use completing the square in
finding the solution set of a given quadratic equation.

Example 1:
Solve by completing the square
x −3 x−1=0
x −3 x=1 Rearrange by writing the constant on the right

5 25
Since the coefficient of x 2 is 1, we will add =
2 4
2 25 25
x + 5 x + =−4+ Add the same number to both sides.
4 4
2 25 9
x +5x+ =
4 4

( )
5 9
x= = Factor the perfect square trinomial
2 4

( ) 5
x + =±
√ 3
Get the square roots

x + =± Solve both equations.

2 2
5 3 5 −3
x+ = x+ =
2 2 2 2
x=−1 x=−4
The roots of the equation are −1∧4.

When the coefficient of x 2 is not 1, first is to divide all terms of the equation by the
coefficient of x 2 so that it will then be equal to 1.

Example 2:
Solve by completing the square
2 x −3 x −9=0
2 x −3 x =9

2x 3 x 9
− = Divide the terms by 2
2 2 2

( )
2 3 9 9 9 3 9 9
x − x+ = + Since ÷ 2 is , add to both
2 16 2 16 2 16 16

( x− 34 ) = 8116
3 9
x− =± Get the square roots of both sides
4 4

3 9 3 −9
x− = x− =
4 4 4 4
x=3 x=

The roots of the quadratic equation are


Let the students form a group of 3 members. Ask the group of the students to make
generalization about completing the square in solving quadratic equation.

I. Solve each equation using the completing the square method.
1. x + 8 x+6=0 x=−4 ± √ 10
2 3 ± √3
2. 2 y +3=6 y y=
3. 2 w −24 w−94=0 w=6 ± √ 83
4. m −8 m=5 m=4 ± √21
−1 ± √ 29
5. ( x +2 ) ( x −1 )=5 x=
II. Solving Problem
1. The length of a rectangular garden is one more than thrice its width. Its area is
80 m .
a. Express the length and width of the rectangular garden in terms of x.
b. Write the quadratic equation
c. Find the length of the diagonal path across the garden.

I. Solve the following
1. A polygon has 27 diagonals. How many sides does it have? Ans. 9
Hint: The number of diagonals d of a polygon of n sides is given by,
n (n−3)
2. A number is divided by 3 x 2+11 x +10. Find all permissible values of x.

3. Solve the equation 4 y−2−4 y−1−8=0

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Kapatagan National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational
algebraic equations.

Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical

relationships in various situations, formulate real life problems
involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and
rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of

Learning Competency and Code: The learner solves quadratic equations using quadratic formula
Quarter: FIRST Week:2 Day: 6

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. derive the quadratic formula;
2. solve quadratic equations using quadratic formula;
3. demonstrate an understanding of the equivalence of factoring, completing the square,
or using the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Solving Quadratic Equations using Quadratic Formula
(Learning Area):
Strategies: Think – Pair – Share, Collaboration, Problem Solving
Materials: Power point presentation
References: Grade 9 Learner’s Material, pp. 47 - 53
Grade 9 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities, page 24 - 27

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: ( 3 minutes )
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Checking of attendance and management of the classroom
Let the students complete the square by finding the missing terms.
1. x - + 49 14x
2. x2 + 16x + 64
3. 4x – 20 x + 25
4. 9x2 – 6x + 1

For each given equation write the following in standard form, ax 2 +bx +c=0. Then
identify the values of a , b∧c . Answer the questions that follow.
1. x 2−5 x+ 1=0
2. x 2+ 4=−3 x Answers
3. x 2−8=0 1. x −5 x+ 1=0 , a=1 ,b=−5 , c=1
4. 3 x 2=10 x−3 2. x 2+ 3 x + 4=0 , a=1 , b=3 , c=4
5. 2 t 2 +7=6 t 3. x 2−8=0 , a=1 , b=0 , c=−8
6. 2 m2=8 m 4. 3 x −10 x+3=0 , a=3 , b=−10 , c=3
2 2
C. EXPLORE 2 t −6 t+7=0 , a=2 ,b=−6 ,c=6.2 m −8 m=0 ,a=2 , b=−8 , c=
Angelo is told that the length of a rectangular slab of foam insulation is 1 meter more
than four times its width. Its area is 27.5 sq meters.
He is asked to find its length and width.

Angelo writes this:

Area=lenght x width
27.5=( 4 x +1 ) ( x )
27.5=4 x + x Rewrite in standard form
4 x −x+27.5=0 Multiply the equation by 2.
8 x + 2 x−55=0

Now, he needs to solve the quadratic equation 8 x 2+ 2 x−55=0 .

But he finds the completing the square methods messy and tedious to do. How can he
solve the quadratic equation in a more efficient way?
Angelo can solve the equation using the Quadratic Formula.
The Quadratic Formula is a general formula in solving the quadratic equation
ax +bx +c=0 where a≠ 0 . We will use the completing the square method to derive the
ax +bx +c=0
ax +bx=−c Rearrange the terms

ax bx −c
+ = Divide both sides by a. This is possible since
a a a
2 2
2 b +b b c
x + x 2 = 2− Complete the square on the left side by adding
a 4a 4a a
the square of the coefficient of x. That is

( )
2 2
1 b b
∙ = 2
2 a 4a

( x + 2ba ) = b −4
2 2
2 Factor one side and simplify the other side

b b −4 ac
x+ = Get the square roots of each side provided
2a 4a

b −4 ac=0
b2−4 ac

−b ± √ b2−4 ac

Solve for x.

x= This is the Quadratic Formula


What happens if b 2−4 ac give a negative answer? That would mean that the
quadratic equation has no real solution. Can you explain why?
If b 2−4 ac< 0, the quadratic equation ax 2 +bx +c=0 , a≠ 0 has no real solution.
If b 2−4 ac ≥ 0, the real solutions(s) of this equation is (are) given the quadratic formula.

The solution to Angelo’s problems in the Explore activity is shown as Example 1.

Example 1 Solve 8 x 2+ 2 x−55=0
In the equation,
a=8 (the coefficient of x 2)
b=2 (the coefficient of x); and
c=−55 (the constant term).

−b ± √ b2−4 ac
x= Substitute the values
−2 ± √ 22−4(8)(−55)
x= Simplify
−2 ± √ 1764
−2 ± 42
−2+42 40
x= = =2.5 Using the positive sign
16 16

−2−42 −44
x= = =−2.75 Using the negative sign
16 16

Since length cannot be negative, we say that the width of the rectangular slab is 2.5 m and its
length is 11 m since 4 ( 2.5 ) +1=11

Check: Area=length x width

Note that we used the condition in the original problem for checking.


1. Use the quadratic formula to find the real solutions of the given equations.
a. 6x – 2 = x2
b. 9z - 6z + 1 = 0
2. Part of Rani’s solution to x 2−4 x−3=0 is shown below. Discuss what is wrong with
the solution at this point.
−4 ± √ 16−4 (−3)
−4 ± √ 28

2. Compare and contrast the various methods for solving quadratic equations.

1. a. x=3 ± √ 7 2. b = - 4 and not 4. Thus, the equation should be
4 ± √ (−4 ) −4(1)(−3)
b. x= x=
3 2(1)
4 ± √ 16−4(−3)

1. For what value(s) of k are the solutions of x 2+ 8 x+ k=0 are real numbers? Explain.
Answer: k ≤ 16
2. For what value(s) of k will the equation x + kx +25=0 have no solution? Explain.
Answer: k < 10

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___

H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Kapatagan National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational
algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical
relationships in various situations, formulate real life problems
involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and
rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of
Learning Competency and Code: The learner solves quadratic equations using quadratic
formula (M9AL-Ia-b-1)

Quarter: FIRST Week:2nd Day: 7

I. Objectives:
At the end of 50 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. Solve quadratic equations using quadratic formula
2. Show awareness the importance of solving real life problem involving quadratic

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Solving Quadratic Equations using Quadratic Formula
English: Comprehension
Strategies: Think – Pair – Share, Collaboration, Problem Solving
Materials: Power point presentation
References: Intermediate Algebra Patterns and Practicalities

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: ( 3 minutes )
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Checking of attendance and management of the classroom


Transform each equation to standard form. Then, identify the values of a, b and c.
2 2
1. x −6 x=−5 x −6 x +5=0 , a=1 , b=−6 , c=5
2. x 2−25=0 2
x −25=0 , a=1 , b=0 , c=−25

3. 3 x−x 2=0 2
−x + 3 x =0 , a=−1 , b=3 , c=0
4. ( x−3 )( x +3 )=6 x 2
x −6 x−9=0 , a=1 ,b=−6 , c=−9
5. 9=2 x 2−7 x 2
−2 x +7 x +9=0 , a=−2 ,b=7 , c=9

Simplify each of the following expressions.

5+ √ 100−25 5+5 √ 3
2(3) 6
2. √6 −2(1)(−3)
√ 42
2(1) 2
3. √¿¿¿ 2 √ 23
9− √ 48 4 √3−9
2(−1) 2
2+ √ 64 5
8 4


The length of the base of the triangular sheet of canvass above the door of the tent is 1 meter
more than its height. The area is 0.72 sq m. Find the height and length of the base of the

1. Understand the problem.

Let x=the height
x +1=the base
2. Write the equation
Let’s substitute the values in the formula for the area of a triangle
A= bh
0.72= (x +1)(x )
3. Solve the equation
1.44=( x +1 )( x )
1.44=x + x
x + x−1.44=0

Note that since 1.44 is negative, this is not a perfect square trinomial.
Let us use the quadratic formula
a=1 b=1 c=−1.44
−b ± √ b −4 ac

−1 ± √ 12−4(1)(−1.44)

−1 ± √ 6.76

−1 ±2.6

−1+2.6 −1−2.6
x= x=
2 2
x=0.8 x=−1.8
Since the height of a triangle cannot be negative, we conclude that is height is 0.8 m and
the length of its base is 1.8 m.
Check: Is the base 1 m longer than the height?
0.8 m+1 m=1.8 mYES
Is the area equal to 0.72 sq m?
0.72= (1.8 )( 0.8 )

Example 1
Solve for x in x 2+ 9 x+14=0
In the given equation, a=1 , b=9∧c=14. Using the quadratic formula.

−b ± √ b2−4 ac
−9 ± √ 92−4 (1)(4 )
−9 ± √25
−9 ± 5
−9+5 −9−5
x= x=
2 2
x=2 x=−7
Thus, the solutions are −2∧−7

Example 2
Solve for x in 3 x+ 18=x 2

Transform the equation in standard form to identify a, b and c.
3 x+ 18=x

−x + 3 x +18=0
a=−1 , b=3∧c=18

−b ± √ b2−4 ac

−3 ± √ 32−4 (−1)(18)

−3 ± √ 9+72

−3 ± √81
−3 ± 9

−3+9 −3−9
x= x=
−2 −2
x=−3 x=6

The solutions are −3∨6.

The examples show that the first concern in solving a quadratic equation by the quadratic
formula is to rewrite the equation in standard form before substituting the values of a, b
and c in the quadratic formula.

A. Solve each equation using the quadratic formula.
1. x −3 x+ 2=0 x=1 , x=2
2. 9 x +5=2 x 2 x= , x=5
3. x ( x +7 )=−12 x=−4 , x=−3
2 3
4. ( 5 x−12 ) ( 2 x +1 )=−18 x= , x=
5 2
35 ± √1561
5. 3(x ¿¿ 2−3)=35 x +19 ¿ x=
B. The City Mayor of Valencia plans to build a diagonal pathway for the rectangular
plaza whose length is 20 m longer than the width . If the pathway is 20 m shorter than
twice the width, find the length of the pathway.
Answer: The plaza is 60 m wide and 80 m long .
The pathway is 100 m long

Solve the given problem:

Jason trims his plants using a pruning saw blade. The dimensions of the teeth of a
pruning saw blade are x , x +1∧x +2. Find each length.

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Kapatagan National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations ,
inequalities and functions , and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations , formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic and solve them using
a variety of strategies

Learning Competency and Code:

Quarter: FIRST Week: 2nd Day: 8 h


I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to answer a 45-item test

II. Content:
Summative Test No. __1___

III. Tasks:

A. Setting of Standards
 Preliminaries
Checking of Attendance
B. Reading of Instructions
 Students are to answer the given questionnaire in 55 minutes
 Students are also instructed that using of calculator is not allowed during the
period of the test.
 Students can have extra sheet of clean paper for their solution which is to be
submitted after the given period for the test.
 Emphasize that cheating is highly prohibited.
C. Supervising learners in answering the summative test
 The teacher will roam around the class as the test occurs in order to lessen
chances of cheating among the students.
D. Checking of papers

IV. Recording of test results

V. Reflection

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___



characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation using the discriminant (M9AL-Ic-1)
solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting square roots; (b) factoring;
(c) completing the square; and (d) using the quadratic formula.

60% Easy 30% Moderate 10% Difficult
Total No.
OBJECTIVES of Days of Items
R U App An E C

3 1 1 1 0 0
1. Illustrate quadratic
1 14 6 (Where to find the item in the test) 6
1,2,3 4 5 6

2. Solve quadratic 2 2 1 0 1 0
equations by extracting 1 14 6 (Where to find the item in the test) 6
square roots 7,8 9,10 11 12

2 1 1 2 1 0
3. Solve quadratic
1 14 6 (Where to find the item in the test) 7
equations by factoring
13 , 14 15 16 17, 18 19

4 4 2 2 1 0
4. Solve quadratic (Where to find the item in the test)
equations by completing 2 29 13 II A - 1, 13
the square 20, 21, II A - 3,
24,25 26 , 27 28
22,23 IIA - 4,
IIA - 5
4 4 2 2 1
5. Solve quadratic (Where to find the item in the test)
equations by using the 2 29 13 33,IIA-3 13
quadratic formula 29 , 30, IIB - 4 ,
, IIB-2, 34 , 35 IIB - 3
31,32 IIB - 5
Total 7 100 45 15 12 7 7 3 1 45
60% 31% 9%

Prepared by:

Summative Test no. 1

NAME: _____________________________SECTION: ___________ SCORE: _________

I - MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of your best answer.

1. Which of the following is a quadratic equation?

A. x=5 C. x−5=0
B. x 2−5=0 D. x 3−5=0
2. What is the standard form of the equation 4x = 3x2 – 2?
A. 3x2 – 4x – 2 = 0 C. 3x2 + 4x – 2 = 0
B. 3x2 – 4x + 2 = 0 D. 3x2 + 4x + 2 = 0
3. What are the values of a, b, c of the equation in number 2?
A. a = 3, b = -4, c = -2 C. a = 3, b = 4, c = -2
B. a = 3, b = -4, c = 2 D. a = 3, b = 4, c = 2
4. The following expressions is equivalent to 5 - x (2x-3)=12 except one, what is this expression?
A.5−2 x 2−3 x=12 C. −x ( 2 x−3 )=7
B. 5−2 x +3 x=12 D. −2 x 2+3 x=7
5. The length of a garden is 2 m more than twice its width and its area is 24 m2. Which of the
following equations represents the given situation?
A. x2 + x = 12 C. x2 + x = 24
B. x2 + 2x = 12 D. x2 + 2x = 24
6. Which of the following situations illustrate quadratic equation?
A. Edna paid at least Php 1, 200 for a pair of pants and a blouse. The cost of the
pair of pants is Php 600 more than the cost of the blouse.
B. A realty developer sells residential lots for Php 4, 000 per square meter plus a processing fee
of Php 25, 000. One of the lots the realty developer is selling costs Php 625, 000.
C. The length of a swimming pool is 8m longer than its width and the area is 105 m2 .
D. Riza was 25 years old when her first son was born. Today, the sum of their ages is
105. How old are Riza and her son now?
7. What property states that “If the product of two numbers is zero, then either of the two is
equal to zero or both numbers are equal to zero.”?
A. Identity property C. Reflexive property
B. Inverse property D. Zero product property
8. Which of the following quadratic equations can be solved easily by extracting square roots?
A. x2 - 7x + 12 = 0 C. 2w2 + 7w - 3 = 0
B. 3v2 – 2v - 8 = 0 D. 4t2 - 9 = 0
9. In the equation x = 4 , what is the real number b ?
A. 0 C. 4
B. 1 D. undefined
10. How many real roots does the quadratic equation x2 = 16?
A. 0 C. 2
B. 1 D. infinite
11. How many possible real roots are there in the equation x2 = k, where k < 0?
A. 0 C. 2

B. 1 D. infinite
12. A 3 cm by 3 cm square piece of cardboard was cut from a bigger square cardboard. The area
of the remaining cardboard was 40 cm 2. If s represents the length of the bigger cardboard, which
of the following expressions give the area of the remaining piece?
A. s – 9 C. s2+ 9
B. s2- 9 D. s2+ 40
13. Which of the following equations can be solved easily by factoring?
A. h2 + 6h = 16 C. t2 + 4t = -1
B. r2 – 10 r = -17 D. w2 + 6w – 11 = 0
14. Which representation shows solutions of x 2+ 2 x−15=0 ?
A. x 2+ 2 x=−15 B. ( x +5 ) ( x−3 )=0
C. x ( x +2 ) =15 D. ( x−5 ) ( x +3 )=0
15. What is the missing term if x + 7 x +¿ ¿ 0 has the factors( x +3 ) ( x+ 4 )=¿ 0

A. ¾ C. 7
B. 1 D.12
16. Which of the following are the roots of the equation x2 – 3x – 54? Choose the simplified
A. {-9, 6} C. {9, -6}
B. {-9, -6} D. {9, 6}
17. The roots of a quadratic equation are - 4 and - 5. Which of the following quadratic
equations has these roots?
A. x 2+ x−20=0 C. x 2−x +20=0
B. x 2+ 9 x+20=0 D. x 2−9 x +20=0
18. Which of the following values of x make the equation x + 7x – 18 = 0 true?
I. -9 II. 2 III. 9
A. I and II C. I and III
B. II and III D. I, II, and III
19. The length of a garden is 5 m longer than its width and the area is 14 m2. How long is the
A. 9 m C. 5 m
B. 7 m D. 2 m
20. In completing the square, what happens to the equation when both sides are added by square
of one-half of the coefficient of x?
A. It becomes perfect square. C. It becomes perfect square trinomial.
B. It becomes perfect square binomial. D. It becomes some and difference of
two squares.
21. Which of the following is a perfect square trinomial?
A. x2 + 2x + 1 C. x2 + 3x + 4
B. x – 2x – 1 D. x2 – 3x + 4
22. What will be added to the equation x + 24x + _____ to make it a perfect square trinomial?
A. 12 C. 144
B. 24 D. 576

23. In solving the equation x2 + 14x = 32 by completing the square, what will be added to both
sides of the equation to make the left side of the equation a perfect square trinomial?
A. 7 C. 49
B. 14 D. 2401
24. What value of k will make the expression 4x2 + k x + 9 a perfect square trinomial?
A. – 12 C. 6
B. – 6 D. 36
25. Judith is solving the equation x −6 x−41=0 by completing the square. Which of
the following equations will she arrive at?
A.( x +3 )2=50 B.( x−3 )2 =30
C. ( x−3 )2 =50 D. ( x +3 )2=30
26. What are the values of x in the equation -6x2 + 36x = 0?
A. x = 0 and x = 6 C. x = 6 and x =-6
B. x = -6 and x = 0 D. x = 0 and x = -36
27. Judith is solving the equation x 2−6 x−41=0 by completing the square. Which of
the following equations will she arrive at?
A.( x +3 )2=50 B.( x−3 )2 =30
C. ( x−3 )2 =50 D. ( x +3 )2=30
28. The sum of two numbers is 16, and the sum of their squares is 146. Find the two numbers.
A. 14 and 2 C. -11 and 5
B. 11 and 5 D. -14 and -2
29. Which of the following is the quadratic formula?

−b ± √ b2−4 ac −b ± √ b2−2 ac
A. x= C. x=
2 2a

b ± √ b2−4 ac −b ± √ b2−4 ac
B. x= D. x=
2a 2a
30. Which equation shows how to solve 3 x 2– x + 2 = 0 by using the quadratic formula?
1 ± √ 3 2−4 ( 3 ) (2 ) 1± √ (−1)2−4(3)(2)
A . x= C . x=
2 (3) 2(3)
−2 ± √ (−1) −4 ( 3 ) (2) −1 ± √ (−1 ) −4(3)(2)
2 2
B. x= D. x=
2 2
31. Which of the ff. can be solved using quadratic formula?
A. x 2−2 x=24 C. x 2+ 5 x + 4>0
B. x 2−8 x +3= y D. 2 x 2−17 x+21< 0
32. Who do you think got the correct values of a, b, and c when 5−3 x=2 x 2 expressed
in standard form?
A. Edna: a=2 ; b=−3; c=−5 C. Luisa: a=−2 ; b=−3 ; c=5
B. Karen: a=5 ; b=−3 ; c=2 D. Gina: a=2 ; b=−3; c=5

33. What are the roots of the quadratic equation x 2−6 x−41=0 ?
A. −3+5 √ 2 and −3+5 √ 2 C. 3+5 √ 2 and 3−5 √ 2

B. −3−5 √ 2 and −3−5 √ 2 D. −3+5 √ 2 and −3−5 √ 2

34. Below are the steps in solving quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula. Arrange
the steps in order.
I. Determine the values of a, b and c.
II. Check the solution.
III. Write the equation in standard form.
IV. Simplify the result.
V. Substitute the values of a, b, and c in the quadratic formula.
A. I, II, III, IV, V C. III, I, V, IV, II
B. V, IV, III, II, I D. III, IV, I, V, II
35. If you are going to solve the equation 5x – 14 = -x2, which of the following is the correct
substitution of the quadratic formula?

−5 ± √ 52−4 (−1)(−14) −14 ± √ 14 2−4(5)(−1)

A. x= C. x=
2(−1) 2(−1)

−5 ± √ 52−4 (1)(−14 )
B. x= D. x=−(−14)± √ ¿ ¿ ¿
2( 1)
II. A. True or False. State whether the statements is TRUE or FALSE. If it is false , explain why.
_____1. Any quadratic equation can be solved using the completing the square method.
_____2. Any quadratic equation can be solved by the factoring method.
_____3. A quadratic equation always has two distinct solutions.
_____ 4. The solutions of a quadratic equation are always real numbers
_____ 5. The solution(s) of x2 = √ −1can be written as x = ± 1.
B. Solving. Consider the situation below and answer the following questions:

Mr. Manuel cut a rectangular plywood to be used in the furniture that he makes. Given
that the perimeter of a plywood is 10 ft and its area is 6 sq ft.
1. What quadratic equation represent the area of the plywood? Write the equation in
terms of the width of the plywood.
2. Write the quadratic equation formulated in item 1 in standard form. Then determine
the values of a, b, and c.
3. Solve the quadratic equation using the quadratic formula.
4. Which of the solutions or roots obtained represent the width of a plywood?
5. What is the length of each piece of plywood?

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations ,
inequalities and functions , and rational algebraic equations
Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations , formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic and solve them using a
variety of strategies

Learning Competency and Code: Characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation using the
discriminant (M9AL-Ic-1)
Quarter: FIRST Week: 3rd Day: __9___

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. identify values of a , b and c of a quadratic equation;
2. find the roots of the quadratic equation;
3. find the discriminant of a quadratic equations through the quadratic formula.
II. Content:
Subject Matter: The Nature of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation
Values Education: The value of patience, accuracy and cooperation
Science: Problem solving
Strategies: Drill and cooperative learning,
Materials: Activity sheets and power point presentation,
References: Learners’ Module 9, pp. 56 - 61

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: ( 3 minutes )

 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Setting the mode of the classroom

A. ELICIT: (4 mins.)
Let the students participate the activity.
Activity 1 : YES-NO-STAND-UP Game
In this game, the teacher will tell the students that answering yes means stand up
and answering no means sit down. Next, the teacher will ask students some
random and mathematical questions to check their understanding.

1. Do you like chocolates?

2. Do you like to hurt people?
3. Do you love math?
4. Is √ 49 = 7 ? Yes
5. Is 25 a perfect square? Yes
6. Is √ −15 a rational number? No
7. Is 100 not a perfect square? No
8. Is a rational number? Yes
9. Is 9 a perfect cube ? No
10 Is 289 a perfect square ? Is it a rational number? Is it a real number?
Yes, Yes, Yes
11. Is x2 – 8x + 16 = 0 a quadratic equation? Yes
12. Are you familiar with discriminant in a quadratic equation?
Questions from the activity:
Which of the mathematical statements above are familiar to you?
What is the standard form of the quadratic equation? ax2 + bx + c = 0
What is the form of a discriminant? b2 – 4ac

B. ENGAGE: (7 mins)
 Let the students do Activity 2
Activity 2: Write the following quadratic equations in standard form, ax² + bx + c
= 0, then identify the values of a, b, and c. Answer the questions that follow.

1. x2 + 5x = 4 ; x2 + 5x - 4 = 0 a = ___1_ b = ___5__ c = __- 4_
2. -4x2 = 8x – 3 ; 4x2 + 8x + 3 = 0 a = ___4_ b = ___8__ c = ___3_
3. 10x – 1 = 4x2 ; 4x2 – 10x + 1= 0 a = ___4__ b = __-10_ c = ___1_
4. 15 + 8x – 3x2 = 0 ; 3x2 – 8x – 15 = 0 a = ___3__ b = __-8__ c = __-15
5. 3x(x – 14 ) = 12 ; 3x2 – 42x –12 = 0 a = __ 3__ b = __- 42_ c = _ -12_

a. How did you write each quadratic equation in standard form?
b. Aside from your answer, do you think there is another way of writing
each quadratic equation in standard form? If YES, show then determine the
values of a, b, and c.

C. EXPLORE: (12 mins)

 Learners will be group by 4
 The group will be given set of values of a , b and c. They will be asked to
evaluate the expression b2 – 4ac.
1. a = 1, b = 5, c=4 b2 – 4ac =(5)2 – 4(1) (4) = 25 – 16 = 9
2. a = 2 b=1 c = -21 b2 – 4ac = 169
3. a = 4 b=4 c=1 b2 – 4ac = 0
4. a = 1 b = -2 c = -2 b2 – 4ac = 12
5. a = 9 b=0 c = 16 b2 – 4ac = -576
 Asked them if they were able to evaluate the expression and what is the
importance of the expression b2 – 4ac in determining the nature of the roots.

D. EXPLAIN: ( 8 mins)
The teacher will display a chart in determining the type of root or solution.
The number represented by b2 – 4ac, under the radical sign is called the
discriminant of the quadratic equation. The nature of the roots can be determined by
finding the value of the discriminant.
The nature of the roots determined by the value of the discriminant can be
summarized in three cases:
Case 1: If b2- 4ac is zero, the roots are real and equal.
Case 2. If b2 – 4ac is positive and a perfect square, the roots are rational.
: If b2 – 4ac is positive but not a perfect square, the roots are irrational.
Case 3 : If b2 – 4ac is negative, there are no real roots / imaginary
Give example for each case.

E. ELABORATE: (13mins)
Let them do the activity by group and have a representative for each group to
discuss the answer of the given questions in front.

1. Complete the table below using your answers in the previous activity.
Equation b2 – 4ac Roots
Equation b2 – 4ac Roots
1. x +5x +4 = 0 9 -1 or - 4
2. 2x2 + x – 21 = 0 169 -7/2 or 3
3. 4x2 + 4x + 1 = 0 0 ½
4. x – 2x – 2 = 0 12 1+ √ 3∨1−√ 3
5. 9x + 16 = 0 - 576 no real roots

2. How would you describe the roots of quadratic equation when the value of
b2–4ac is 0? positive and perfect square? positive but not perfect square?
If b2–4ac is zero, the roots are real and equal.
If b2–4ac is positive and a perfect square, the roots are rational.
If b2–4ac is positive but not a perfect square, the roots are irrational.
If b2–4ac is negative, there are no real roots.
3. Which quadratic equation has roots that are real numbers and equal?
rational numbers? Irrational numbers? not real numbers?
Real and equal roots: 4x2 + 4x + 1 = 0
Rational roots: 2x2 + x – 21 = 0 , x2 +5x +4 = 0 and 4x2 + 4x + 1 = 0
Irrational roots: x2 – 2x – 2 = 0
No real roots: 9x2 + 16 = 0
4. How do you determine the quadratic equation having roots that are real
numbers and equal? rational numbers? irrational numbers? not real

F. EVALUATE: (12 mins)

A. Complete the table below.
Equation b2 – 4ac Roots
1. 3x - 2x + 7 = 12 64 2 , -2/3
2. 2x2 – 3x = -2 -7 no real roots
3. x + 6x + 4 = 0 20 −3+ √5, −3−√ 5
B. Consider the situation below and answer the questions that follow.
A basketball player throws a ball vertically with an initial velocity of
100ft/sec. The distance of the ball from the ground after t seconds is given by the
expression 100t – 16t².
1. What is the distance of the ball from the ground after 6 seconds?
Answer: 24 feet
2. After how many seconds does the ball reach a distance of 50 ft. from the
ground? Answer: 0.55 and 5.70 seconds
3. How many seconds will it take for the ball to fall to the ground?
Answer: 6.25 seconds
4. Do you think the ball can reach the height of 160 ft.? Why? Why not?
Answer: No. The highest point is when t = 3.125 s, when the ball has a
height of 156.25 feet.
G. EXTEND: (3 mins)
Let them create two quadratic equations and give the discriminants and roots.

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___

H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? __
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations ,
inequalities and functions , and rational algebraic equations
Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations , formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic and solve them using a
variety of strategies

Learning Competency and Code: Characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation using the
discriminant (M9AL-Ic-1)
Quarter: FIRST Week: 3rd Day: 10

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. use the discriminants to determine the number and types of solutions;
2. describe the nature of roots of quadratic equation;
3. appreciate the use of discriminants in real-life situations.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: The Nature of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation
Values Education: The value of patience, accuracy and cooperation
Strategies: Think- pair - share and cooperative learning
Materials: Activity sheets and power point presentation,
References: Learners’ Module 9 and Grade 9 Mathematics (Patterns and Practicalities)

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: ( 3 minutes )

 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Setting the mode of the classroom:
A. ELICIT: (2 mins.)
Ask few students about the lesson discussed yesterday.
1.What is the discriminant of x2 – 8x + 16 = 0? Ans. 0
2. Give the discriminant of the equation x2 – 4x = 1. Ans. 20
3. Why do we need to determine the discriminant of the quadratic equation?

B. ENGAGE: (8 mins)
 Let the students do the Activity : What Is My Nature?. After the activity let them
compare and discuss their answer with their partner
Determine the nature of the roots of the following quadratic
equations using the discriminant. Answer the questions that follow.

1. x2 + 6x+ 9 = 0 discriminant : _9_ nature of the roots: rational and equal

2. x + 9x+ 20 = 0 discriminant: _1_ nature of the roots: rational and not equal
3. 2x2 – 10x + 8 = 0 discriminant: _36 nature of the roots: rational and not equal
4. 3x2 – 5x = -4 discriminant: _-23 nature of the roots: not real
5. 10x2 – 4x = 8 discriminant: 336 nature of the roots: irrational and not equal
a. How did you determine the nature of the roots of each quadratic equation?
b. When do you say that the roots of a quadratic equation are real or
not real numbers? rational or irrational numbers? equal or not equal?
c. How does the knowledge of the discriminant help you in determining
the nature of the roots of any quadratic equation?

C. EXPLORE: (12 mins)

Group the students with 5 members in each group. Let them choose their
leader, secretary, and a reporter Let them do the activity by group and have a
representative for each group to discuss the answer of the given questions.
Mang Pablo wants to make a table which has an area of 6m2. The
length of the table has to be 1m longer than the width.

a. If the width of the table is p meters, what will be its length?

Ans. Length = p + 1
b. Form a quadratic equation that represents the situation.
Ans. p ( p + 1 ) = 6 or p2 + p – 6 = 0
c. Without actually computing for the roots, determine whether the
dimensions of the table are rational numbers. Explain.
Ans. Yes. A positive discriminant implies two distinct roots
d. Give the dimensions of the table. Ans. 3 m by 2 m

D. EXPLAIN: ( 8 mins)
The teacher then will asked the students what they had learned about
discriminants in the previous discussion. Then present the table below that shows the
possible number and types of solutions of a quadratic equation.
b2 – 4ac Number and types of solutions
Positive Two real solutions
Zero One real solution
Negativ Two complex but not real solutions

E. ELABORATE: (14mins)
Answer the following questions
1. Describe the roots of a quadratic equation when the discriminant is
a. zero. Ans. The roots are real numbers and equal.
b. positive perfect square. The roots are rational and not equal.
c. positive but not perfect square The roots are irrational and not equal.
d. negative. There are no real roots.
Give examples for each.

2. How do you determine the nature of the roots of quadratic equation?


Ans. Find the value of the discriminant of the quadratic equation.

3. Danica says that the quadratic equation 2x2 + 5x– 4 = 0 has two
possible solutions because the value of its discriminant is positive. Do
you agree with Danica? Justify your answer. Ans. Yes
4. When the quadratic expression ax² + bx + c is a perfect square trinomial,
do you agree that the value of its discriminant is zero?
Justify your answer by giving at least two examples.
Ans. Yes , examples: x2 + 4x + 4 = 0 ; x2 + 10x + 25 = 0

F. EVALUATE: (10 mins)

a. Complete the given table.
Quadratic Equation Real Nature of Roots Discriminant
ax + bx + c = 0 roots b2 – 4ac
x –1=0 1 , -1 Two unequal real roots (0)2 – 4(1) ( -1) = 4
1. x2 + 2x – 3 = 0
2. x2 - 2x + 1 = 0
3. 2x2 – 8x + 3 = 0
4. 2x2 + 3x + 4 = 0
b. For what value(s) of k will the equation x2 + kx + 25 = 0 have no solution?
Quadratic Equation Real Nature of Roots Discriminant
ax2 + bx + c = 0 roots b2 – 4ac
x2 – 1 = 0 1 , -1 Two unequal real roots (0)2 – 4(1) ( -1) = 4
1. x + 2x – 3 = 0 1 , -3 Two unequal real roots (2)2 – 4 (1) (-3) = 16
2. x2 - 2x + 1 = 0 2 Two equal real roots (-2)2 – 4 (1) (1) = 0
2∓ √
3. 2x – 8x + 3 = 0 10 Two unequal real roots (-8)2 – 4 (2) (3) = 40
4. 2x + 3x + 4 = 0 No real root (3)2 – 4(2)(4) = - 23
b. k < 10 . If k is less than 10 , the radicand in √ b2−4 ac will be negative.

G. EXTEND: (3 mins)
Cite two or more real – life situations where the discriminant of a quadratic
equation is being applied or illustrated

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? __

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations ,
inequalities and functions , and rational algebraic equations
Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations , formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic and solve them using a
variety of strategies

Learning Competency and Code: Describes the relationship between the coefficients and the
roots of a quadratic equation (M9AL-Ic-2)
Quarter: FIRST Week: 3rd Day: __11_____

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. determine the sum and product of the roots using the formula.
2. describe the relationship between roots, coefficients and constants in a Quadratic
3. write an equivalent quadratic equation with the given numbers as solutions.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Relationship Between the Coefficients and Roots of a Quadratic Equations
English: Comprehension of the given problem
Values Education: The value of patience, accuracy and cooperation
Strategies: Drill , Think –Pair – Share and Collaboration
Materials: Activity sheet, power point presentation,
References: Learners’ Module 9 , pp. 66 - 74
Intermediate Algebra II , Revised Edition, pp. 55-57

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: ( 3 minutes )
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance and management of the classroom

A. ELICIT: (5 mins)
Drill on addition and multiplication of numbers. These expressions will be written
on the flash cards. After the activity ask the following questions.
1. 7 + 15 = Ans. 12 6. (8) (15) = 120
2. -9 + 14 = 5 7. ( -4) ( 7) = - 28
3. -6 + ( - 17) = - 23 8. ( -6 ) ( -12) = 72
4. ( )
−3 1
+ =
9. ( )( )
−3 2
7 5

5. ( )( )
10. ( )( )
−4 −3
5 8

a. How did you determine the result of each operation?
b. What mathematics concepts and principles did you apply to arrive at each result? c.
Compare your answers with those of your classmates. Did you arrive at the same
answers? If NOT, explain why.

B. ENGAGE: (7 mins)
 Learners will be group by 5
 Let them do the given activity.

Mang Pedro of Valencia City owns a rectangular lot. The perimeter

of the lot is 90 m and its area is 450 m2.

1. What equation represents the perimeter of the lot? How about the equation
that represents its area? Ans. 2l + 2w = 90 , lw = 450
2. How is the given situation related to the lesson, the sum and the product of
roots of quadratic equation? (Evaluate students’ responses.)
3. Using your idea of the sum and product of roots of quadratic equation, how
would you determine the length and the width of the rectangular lot?
Ans. Form the quadratic equation that describes the given situation then
solve. The equation is x2 – 45x + 450 = 0
4. What are the dimensions of the rectangular lot?
Ans. Length=30 m; Width =15 m

C. EXPLORE: (12 mins)

 Present to the students a real-life illustration of the relationships among the
roots and the terms of a quadratic equation. Let them perform the next activity.
In this activity, the students should realize that the dimensions of the garden
represent the roots of the quadratic equation. Hence, the sum of the roots
represents one-half of the perimeter of the garden and the product of the roots
represents its area.
 Let the students consider the situation below and answer the questions that follow.
Each group will select representative to present the output.

A rectangular garden has an area of 132 m2 and a perimeter of 46 m.


1. What equation would describe the area of the garden? Write the
equation in terms of the width of the garden.
2. What can you say about the equation formulated in item 1?
3. Find the roots of the equation formulated in item 1. What do the roots
4. What is the sum of the roots? How is this related to the perimeter?
5. What is the product of the roots? How is this related to area?

1. Let x = the width of the garden. The area of the garden is given by the equation
x(23 – x ) = 132
2. The equation is a quadratic equation.
3. x(23 – x ) = 132 → x2 – 23x + 132 = 0
The roots of the equation are 11 and 12. These represent the dimensions of the garden.
4. The sum of the roots is 23. This is half the perimeter of the garden.
5. The product of the roots is 132. This is equal to the area of the garden.

D. EXPLAIN: (10 mins)

We will now discuss how the sum and product of the roots of the
quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 can be determined using the coefficients a,b, and c
Remember that the roots of a quadratic equation can be determined using the
−b ± √ b2−4 ac
quadratic formula, x= . From the quadratic formula, let
−b+ √ b2 −4 ac −b−√ b2−4 ac
x1 ¿ and x2 = be the roots. Let us now find the sum and
2a 2a
the product of these roots.

Derive the formula for the sum and product of roots from the quadratic formula.
Guide the students in deriving the sum and product of roots.

Sum of the roots of Quadratic Equation Product of the roots of Quadratic Equation
−b + √ b2−4 ac −b−√ b2 −4 ac
x 1+ x2 =
2a (
x 1 ∙ x 2=
2a )(
−b+ √ b2−4 ac −b−√ b2−4 ac
(−b )2−( √b 2−4 ac )
−b + √ b −4 ac−b−√ b −4 ac
2 2
x 1 ∙ x 2=
x 1+ x2 = (2 a)
2a 2 2
b −b + 4 ac
x 1 ∙ x 2= 2
−2 b −b 4a
x 1+ x2 = → x 1 + x 2=
2a a 4 ac c
x 1 ∙ x 2= 2 → x 1 ∙ x 2=
4a a
−b The product of the roots of a quadratic equation is
The sum of the roots of a quadratic equation is
Discuss to them next activity which a is the reverse of the previous activities where the
students will be asked to determine the quadratic equation given the roots.
Example: Write the quadratic equation with the given roots 5 and 9 in the form
ax2 + bx + c = 0.
Method 1:Use the equations describing the roots to come up with two binomials whose product is zero.
If the resulting equation is simplified, it becomes a quadratic equation in the form

x = 5 or x = 9 → x – 5 = 0 or x – 9 = 0
Quadratic Equations: x2 – 14x + 45 = 0

Method 2: Get the sum and product of the roots and substitute these in the equation
2 b c b c
x + x + = 0 , where is the sum of the roots and is the product of
a a a a
the roots.

x1 = 5 or x2 = 9
Sum of the roots: x1 + x2 = 5 + 9 = 14
x1 + x2 =
= 14
= - 14
Product of the roots: x 1 ∙ x 2 = ( 5) ( 9 ) = 45
x1 ∙ x2 =
= 45
b c
Quadratic Equation : ax2 + bx + c = 0 → x2 + x + =0
a a
x2 – 14x + 45 = 0
E. ELABORATE: (10 mins)
A. Use the values of a, b, and c of each of the following quadratic equations in
determining the sum and the product of its roots. Verify your answers by
obtaining the roots of the equation. Answer the questions that follow.
1. x2 + 4x + 3 = 0 Sum: _____Product: _____ Roots:__________
2. 6x + 12x– 18 = 0 Sum: _____Product: _ ___ Roots: __________
3. 2x2 – 3x = 0 Sum: _____Product: _____ Roots: __________
4. 8x = 6x + 9 Sum: ___ _ Product: _____ Roots: __________
a. How did you determine the sum and the product of the roots of
each quadratic equation?
b. What do you think is the significance of knowing the sum and the product of
the roots of quadratic equations
B. Write the quadratic equation in the form ax² + bx + c = 0 given the
following roots.
1. - 3 and 15
2. 6

A. 1. x2 + 4x + 3 = 0 Sum: __-4__ Product: __3___ Roots: x = -1 or x = -3
2. 6x2 + 12x– 18 = 0 Sum: __-2___Product: _ -3___ Roots: x = 1 or x = -3

3. 2x2 – 3x = 0 Sum: __3/2__Product: __0___ Roots: x = 0 or x = -3/7

4. 8x2 = 6x + 9 Sum: __3/4 _ Product: _-9/8__Roots: x = 3/2or x = -3/4
B. 1. x2 – 12x – 45 = 0 2. 36x2 +36 x + 5 = 0

F. EVALUATE: (11 mins)

Use the quadratic equations below to answer the questions that follow.
1. Complete the following table.
Quadratic Equation Sum of Product of Roots
x2 + 7x + 12 = 0
2x2– 3x– 20 = 0
3x + 7 = -5x2 - 4
2. What do you observe about the sum and the product of the roots of
each quadratic equation in relation to the values of a, b, and c?
3. Do you think a quadratic equation can be determined given its roots or
solutions? Justify your answer by giving 3 examples.
4. Do you think a quadratic equation can be determined given the sum and
product of its roots? Justify your answer by giving 2 examples.
5. Write the quadratic equation in the form ax² + bx + c = 0 given the
following roots.
a. -3 and 3
b. 3
1. Quadratic Equation Sum of Product of Roots
2. Roots The sum of the
x + 7x + 12 = 0 -7 12 roots of
2x – 3x– 20 = 0 3/2 -10 quadratic
3x + 7 = -5x - 4 -3/5 11/5 equation is equal
to and the
product is equal to
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. a. x2 + 6x + 9 = 0
b. 12x2 – x – 6 = 0

G. EXTEND: (2 mins)
Let the students answer the following:
1. Create 1 quadratic equation and solve the sum and product of roots.
2. The perimeter of a rectangular bulletin board is 20 ft. If the area of
the board is 21 ft.2, what are its length and width?

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___

D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___

E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___
Writer: Chona V. Doncillo
Valencia National High School
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations ,
inequalities and functions , and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations , formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic and solve them using
a variety of strategies

Learning Competency and Code:

Quarter: FIRST Week: 3rd Day: 12 h

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to answer a 25-item test

II. Content:
Summative Test No. __2___

III. Tasks:

A. Setting of Standards
 Preliminaries
Checking of Attendance
B. Reading of Instructions
 Students are to answer the given questionnaire in 55 minutes
 Students are also instructed that using of calculator is not allowed during the
period of the test.
 Students can have extra sheet of clean paper for their solution which is to be
submitted after the given period for the test.
 Emphasize that cheating is highly prohibited.
C. Supervising learners in answering the summative test
 The teacher will roam around the class as the test occurs in order to lessen
chances of cheating among the students.
D. Checking of papers

IV. Recording of test results


V. Reflection

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___



Characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation using the discriminant(M9AL-lc-1)
Describes the relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a quadratic equation

TOPIC/S SKILLS/ Number Total No. S K I L L S

Proportion 60% Easy 30% Moderate 10% Difficult Total
OBJECTIVES of Days of Items
R U App An E C
1 0 0 0 0 0
1. Identify values of a , b and
c of a quadratic equation.
(Where to find the item in the test) 1

1 33.333 8 2 2 2 0 0
2. Find the discriminant of a (Where to find the item in the test)
quadratic equations through the 6
quadratic formula. 2 ,3 4,5 6,7

1 1 1 1 1 0
3. use the discriminants to
determine the number and types (Where to find the item in the test) 5
of solutions
8 9 10 11 12
1 33.333 8
1 2 1 0 0 0
4. describe the nature of roots (Where to find the item in the test)
of quadratic equation 4
13 14 , 15 16

7. write an equivalent quadratic 0 0 1 1 0 1

equation with the given numbers 1 33.333 9 (Where to find the item in the test) 3
as solutions.
21 22 23
Total 3 100 25 8 6 5 3 1 2 25
56% 32% 12%

Prepared by:
Secondary School Teacher


NAME: ____________________________ SECTION: ___________ SCORE: _________

I - MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of your best answer.
1. What are the values of a, b, c of the equation 6x = 2x2 – 3?
A. a = 2, b = -6, c = -3 C. a = 2, b = 6, c = -3
B. a = 2, b = -6, c = 3 D. a = 2, b = 6, c = 2
2. The algebraic expression b −4 ac of the quadratic formula is called
A. coefficient C. discriminant
B. factor D. root
3. What is a discriminant?
A. The discriminant helps tell you the solution of a quadratic equation.
B. The discriminant helps tell you the nature of roots of a quadratic equation.
C. The discriminant helps tell you the vertex of a quadratic equation.
D. The discriminant helps tell you the trend of the graph of a quadratic equation.
4. How do we get the discriminant of quadratic equations?
A. By substituting the values a, b and c in b2 – 4ac.
B. By substituting the values a, b and c in .
C. By substituting the values a, b and c in .
D. By substituting the values a, b and c in ( ) .
5. In the quadratic equation x - 5 x – 14 = 0, the product of the roots is
A. -14 C. -2
B. -5 D. 7
6. What is the discriminant of the quadratic equation 3x2 – 2x + 4 = 0?
A. -48 C. 48
B. -44 D. 52
7. If b -4ac=0 , then
A. the roots are not real C. the roots are rational and equal
B. the roots are rational and not equal D. the roots are irrational and not
8. Which of the following values of the discriminant of a quadratic equation has imaginary
A. -1 C. 1
B. 0 D. 3
9. How many real roots does the quadratic equation x2 + 5x + 7 = 0 have?
A. 0 C. 2
B. 1 D. None
10. How many real roots does the quadratic equation 3 z 2+7 z +10=0 have?

A. 0 C. 2
B. 1 D. None
11. What is the nature of roots if the discriminant is -3?
A. The roots are rational numbers but are not equal.
B. The roots are irrational number and are not equal.
C. The equation has no real roots.
D. The roots are real numbers and are equal.
12. Your classmate says that the quadratic equation 2x2 + 5x – 4 = 0 has two rational and
unequal roots because the value of its discriminant is positive. Do you agree with your
A. Yes, because the discriminant is 57.
B. No, because the discriminant is -7.
C. No, because the roots are unequal irrational numbers.
D. No, because the roots are equal rational numbers
13. For what value of k does the equation 4x2 - 12x + k = 0 have equal roots?
A. 4 C. 12
B. 9 D. 16
14. Which of the following quadratic equations has no real roots?
A. 6 m2 +4 m=3 C. t 2−5 t−9=0
B. 2 s 2−4 s=−4 D. 4 r 2 +2 r−5=¿0
15. What is the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation x 2−12=0?
A. The roots are rational and equal. B. The roots are rational and not equal.
C.The roots are irrational and not equal. D. The roots are not real.
16. What is the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation n ( n−5 )=36 ?
A. The roots are rational and equal. B. The roots are rational and not equal.
C.The roots are irrational and not equal. D. The roots are not real.
17. How do we get the product of quadratic equations?
A. By substituting the values a, b and c in b2 – 4ac.
B. By substituting the values a, b and c in .
C. By substituting the values a, b and c in .
D. By substituting the values a, b and c in ( ) .
18. How do we get the sum of the roots of quadratic equations?
A. By substituting the values a, b and c in b2 – 4ac.
B. By substituting the values a, b and c in .
C. By substituting the values a, b and c in .
D. By substituting the values a, b and c in ( ) .
19. What is the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation 3 x 2+15 x−21=0?

A. 15 C. 5
B. -5 D. -7
20. What is the sum of the roots of 2x2 – 50 = 0?
A. 25 C. 5
B. 0 D. -5

21. What is the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation 2x2 + 6x – 14 = 0?
A. -7 B. -3
C. 6 D. 14
22. Which of the following quadratic equations has -5 and 3 as the roots?
A. x2 – 8x + 15 = 0 B. x2 + 8x + 15 = 0
C. x2 – 2x - 15 = 0 D. x2 + 2x - 15 = 0
23. The roots of a quadratic equation are -4 and -5. Which of the following quadratic
equations has these roots?
A. x 2+ x−20=0 C. x 2−x +20=0
B. x 2+ 9 x+20=0 D. x 2−9 x +20=0
24. The sum of the squares of two consecutive numbers is 265. Find the numbers.
A. 14 and 16 C. 13 and 15
B. 12 and 11 D. 11 and 13
25. Your classmate says that the standard form of the quadratic given the roots -3 and 15 is
quadratic x2 + 12x – 45. Do you agree with your classmate?
A. Yes, the quadratic equation is x2 + 12x – 45.
B. No, the quadratic equation is x2 – 12x – 45.
C. No, the quadratic equation is x2 + 12x + 45.
D. No, the quadratic equation is x2 – 12x + 45
II. Answer the following :
1. How do you determine the nature of the roots of quadratic equation?
2. Danica says that the quadratic equation 2x2 + 5x– 4 = 0 has two
possible solutions because the value of its discriminant is positive. Do you
agree with Danica?
3. When the quadratic expression ax² + bx + c is a perfect square trinomial, do you
agree that the value of its discriminant is zero? Justify your answer by giving
an example.


Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,

inequalities and functions and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standard: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in

various situation, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equation, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and
solve them using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency: solves equations transformable to quadratic equations (including

rational algebraic equations). M9AL-Ic-d-1
Quarter: FIRST Week: 4th DAY: 13
At the end of 50 minutes, the students should be able to:
o Solve equations transformable to quadratic equations( including rational
algebraic equations)
o Determine quadratic equations and rational algebraic equations.
o Write quadratic equations into standard form.
II. Content:
Subject Matter: Equations Transformable into quadratic Equations
Integration: English/ MAPeH(PE)
Strategies: Group Activities, Collaborative learning
Materials: Cartolina, Market, tape.
References: Mathematics 9
III. Learning Tasks:
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance

a. Elicit
 The teacher will have a review on their last topic (The Sum and Products
of Roots of Quadratic Equation) through a short game.

 Activity 1: GAME KA NA BA?

o The students will be group into 3. The groups will fall in
line at the back. The teacher will give a problem, the
representative in each group will go and write their answer
to the board. The first group who can get the correct answer
will get the points.
What are the values of a, b, c in each equation?
1. x 2+ 7 x+12=0
2. x 2+ 7 x−18=0
3. x 2+ 4 x−21=0

What are the roots of the following equation?

4. 2 x 2−3 x −20=0
5. x 2+ 7 x+12=0

1. a = 1 b=7 c =12
2. a = 1 b=7 c = -18
3. a = 1 b=4 c = -21
4. x = -3 x = -4
5. x = x=4

b. Engage:
 The teacher will give an activity to the students.
(Activity 2)
 The teacher will group the students into 5 and will be assign to an area
(front, back, sides). Each group will be given different equations on a strip
of papers.
 Each group will determine the equations given to them. By posting it
either under QE (Quadratic Equation) OR RAE (Rational Algebraic

2 3 x+ 8
x −12 x+36 (2x-1)(x+5)
2 x−9
3 x+ 1 9x
4 x +1 x+5 x +6
(x−1) (x+4)(X-2)
2 x +5
x + 2 x +3
x +2

Quadratic Equation Rational Algebraic Equation
X(2x-1) 3 x+ 1
4 x +1
x =5 x−6
3 x+ 8
(x+4)(x-2) 2 x−9

x (x+1) 9x
x+5 x +6
x −12 x+36
x +5
(2x-1)(x+5) x +2
x + 2 x +3
( x−1)
 The teacher will check their answer and review the differences between
Quadratic Equation and Rational algebraic Equations.
c. Explore:
 (The teacher will give another set of activity to the students)
 Activity 3:
o The students will be re-group into 4, the teacher will give another
set of equations to the students (in the form of quadratic equations).
o The students will write the given equations into standard form.

G1 G2 G3 G4

X ( X −5 )=36 X ( X +5 )=2 2
X =5 X−6 X ( X −10 )=−21

¿ ¿ 2
( x +4 ) (x−5)

¿ ( X + 4 )+ ( X−2 ) 2
(m−4) +( m−7) =15

G1: G2:
1. X 2 −5 X−36=0 1. X 2 +5 X −2=0
2. S2 +12 S +21=0 2
2. x −2 x+1=0
3. 2 t 2−2t +4=0 3. x 2+ 2 x−8=0
G3: G4
1. x 2−5 x +6=0 1. x 2−10 x−21=0
2. x 2+ 8 x+16=0 2. x 2−10 x+ 25=0
3. 2 m2−22 m+50=0 2
3. 4 x −3 x +2=0

d. Explain:
 (After 5 to 10 minutes)
 The teacher will let the students explain to the class how they’ve got their
answers. What are the steps they use to be able to write the following
equations into standard form

e. Elaborate:
 The teacher will check the output of the students and elaborate more about
the topic.

Quadratic Equations That Are Not Written in Standard Form

Example 1: Write x(x– 5) = 36 in Standard form.
This is a quadratic equation that is not written in standard form.
To write the quadratic equation in standard form, simplify the expression x(x – 5).
x(x – 5) = 36 → x 2 – 5x = 36
Write the resulting quadratic equation in standard form.
x2 – 5x = 36 → x 2 – 5x – 36 = 0
Use any of the four methods of solving quadratic equations in finding the solutions
of the equation x 2 – 5x – 36 = 0.
f. Evaluation
Write the following equation in standard form:
1. x (2 x−5 )=0
2. 2 t ( t−8 ) =0
3. x ( x +3 )=28
4. 3 s ( s−2 ) =12 s
5. ( s+6 )2=15
6. ( 3 m+4 ) ( m−5 )=0
7. ( 3 r +1 )2 + ( r +2 )2=65
2 2
8. ( x +5) +( x−2) =37
6 4
9. + =2
x x

2x 5 x
10. + =10
5 4


1. 2 x 2−5 x +0 6. 3 m2−11m−20=0
2. 2 t −16 t+0=0 7. 10 r 2 +10 r−60=0
3. x 2+ 3 x −28=0 8. 2 x 2+6 x−8=0
4. 3 s 2−6 s−12 s=0 9. x 2−11 x +24=0
5. s2 +12 s +21=0 10. 8 x 2+ 25 x −200=0

g. Extend:
o Make your own 5 quadratic equation and transform it into standard form.

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ______
B. No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation: ________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _______
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ________
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _________
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _________
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? _____
H. What innovation or localized material did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? __________

Writer: Elvira V. Espinosa

Dagatkidavao Integrated School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations, inequalities

and functions and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standard: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various

situation, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equation, inequalities
and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency: solves equations transformable to quadratic equations (including rational

algebraic equations). M9AL-Ic-d-1
Quarter: FIRST Week: 4th DAY: 14
At the end of 60 minutes, the students should be able to:
o Solves equations transformable to quadratic equations( including rational
algebraic equations)
o Solve quadratic equation transformable to standard form.
II. Content:
Subject Matter: Equations Transformable into quadratic Equations
Integration: English & Values
Strategies: Group Activities, Collaborative learning
Materials: manila paper, Marker, tape.

III. Learning Tasks:


 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
a. Elicit
oThe students will be given a problems to be solved on the board.
oThe students will post a problem on the board and ask a student randomly to
answer it.

A. x ( x −5 )=36
B. (x +5)2+ ¿
C. ( s+6)2
A. x 2−5 x−36=0
B. 2 x 2+6 x +29=0
C. s2 +12 s +36=0
b. Engage:
o The students will be group into 6. Each Group will be given problems about
“Solving Quadratic Equations that are not written in standard Form”


x ( x −5 )=36
x ( x −5 )=36 _________________
x −5 x−36 ( x ) ( x ) =0
x= x=
2 2
( x +5) +( x−2) =37
2 ❑
x +¿ +25+❑ −4 x + ¿ ¿ =____
2 x +¿ + ¿ 37

❑ + 6 x−¿ 0 ( )( )
x= x=

( s+6)
( )( )=0

x ( x −5 )=36
x ( x −5 )=36 2
x −5 x−36=0
x −5 x−36 ( x−9 )( x +4 )=0
X=9 x = -4

2 2
(x +5) +(x−2) =37
2 2
x + 10 x +25+ x −4 x +4 =37
2 x +6 x +29=37
2 x +6 x−8=0 ( 2x-2 ) (x+4 )
x= 1 x= -4

( s+6)
(s+6 )(s+6)=0
X= -6

c. Explore:
o The students will be given another problems
o The students will be given a problems by group.
o Which they will be going to solve on a Manila Paper.After a few minutes the
students will post their answer on the board.

1. x ( x +3 )=28
2. x =5 x−6
3. x + 12 x=8
2 2
4. (2 r +3) +(r + 4)

3. x 2+ 12 x=8
x −8 x +12=0
1. x ( x +3 )=28 ( x−2 ) ( x−6 )=0
x + 3 x =28 x=2∨x=6
x + 3 x −28=0 r 2
4.4 r +r +12 r +8 r + 9+ 16=10
( x +7 ) ( x−4 )=0 2
5 r +20+25=10
x= -7 & x=4 2
5 r +20+25−10
5 r +20+15=0
2. x 2=5 x−6 ( 5 r +5 ) ( r +3 ) =0
x -5x+6=0 r =−1∨r =−3
( x−2 ) ( x−3 ) =0
x=2 0 r x=3

d. Explain:
o The students will explain their work in front.

1. x ( x +3 )=28
x + 3 x =28
x + 3 x −28=0
( x +7 ) ( x−4 )=0
X= -7 & X=4

2. x 2=5 x−6
x -5x+6=0
( x−2 ) ( x−3 ) =0
X =2 0 r X=3

3. x 2+ 12 x=8
x −8 x +12=0
( x−2 ) ( x−6 )=0
4. (2 r +3)2+(r + 4)2
2 2
4 r +12r + 9+r +8 r +16=10
r 2
4 r +r +12 r +8 r +9+ 16=10
5 r +20+25=10
5 r +20+25−10
5 r +20+15=0
( 5 r +5 ) ( r +3 ) =0
r =−1∨r =−3
e. Elaborate:
o The teacher will check and elaborate more about the topic.
Example 2: Find the roots of the equation (x + 5)2 + (x – 2) = 37.
The given equation is a quadratic equation but it is not written in standard form.
Transform this equation to standard form, then solve it using any of the methods of solving
quadratic equations.
(x + 5)2 + (x – 2)2 = 37 → x2 + 10x + 25 + x2 – 4x + 4 = 37
x2 + x + 10x – 4x + 25 + 4 = 37

2x2 + 6x + 29 = 37
2x2 + 6x – 8 = 0
2x2 + 6x – 8 = 0 → (2x – 2)(x + 4) = 0
2x – 2 = 0 or x + 4 = 0
x = 1 or x = –4
The solutions of the equation are: x = 1 or x = –4. These values of x make the equation
(x + 5)2 + (x – 2)2 = 37

Solve the following: (5PTS EACH)
1. 2x2 – x = 15
2. x2 = 30 + x
3. x(x – 2) = 35

4. 3x2 – 8x + 6 = x + 6

1. 2 x 2−x−15=0
(x= , x=3 ¿
2. x −x−30=0
(x=6 , x=-5)
3. x 2−2 x−35=0
(x=7 , x=-5)
4. 3 x 2−9 x−12=0
(x=-1 , x=4)

V. Extend:

Solve and discover

6 x−3
1. + =2
x 4


1. x 2−11 x +24=0
x=3 , x=8

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ______
B. No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation: ________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _______
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ________
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _________
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _________
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? _____
H. What innovation or localized material did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? __________

Writer: Elvira V. Espinosa

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations, inequalities and
functions and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standard: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various situation,
formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equation, inequalities and functions, and rational
algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency: M9AL-Ic-d-1
Quarter: FIRST Week: 4th DAY: 15
At the end of 60 minutes, the students should be able to:
o Transform/write rational algebraic equation into quadratic equation.
o Solves equations transformable to quadratic equations( including rational
algebraic equations)
II. Content:
Subject Matter: Equations Transformable into quadratic Equations
Integration: English
Strategies: Group Activities, Collaborative learning
Materials: manila paper, Marker, tape.
References: Mathematics 9- LM ;
III. Learning Tasks:

o Prayer
o Greetings
o Classroom Management
o Checking of Attendance

a. Elicit (Pick me if you can)

o Activity 1
o On a box, the students will pick a strip of paper which consists of problems from
Writing & Solving quadratic equations to writing rational algebraic equation into
quadratic equation and answer.

1. x ( x −3 )=36 (write into standard form)

2. (x−6)2 ( solve )
3. ( x +5)2+ ¿ (write into standard form)

4. x 2+ 12=−8 x ( solve )
6 x−3
5. + = 2 (write into standard form)
x Activity
4 1: Answer
1. x 2−3 x−36=0
2. x 2+ 12 x +36=0
3. 2 x +6 x−8=0
4. x 2+ 8 x+12=0
x=−6 , x=2
b. Engage
o The students will be grouped into 6, each group will answer the given activity. (Activity 2)
o The student will transform the following rational algebraic Equation into quadratic equation.
o The student will solve the problem in the right, and choose their answers on the box in the left side.
o The students will write their answer on the box provided.

6 x−3
1. + =2
x 4
8 4x
2. x+ =1+
x−2 x−2
3 4
3. + =2
x x +2
2x 5 x
4. + =10
5 4
1 3
5. 2 − =7
x x
6 5
6. 2 + =9
x x

A x 2−7 x +10=0
B x2-7x
C. 1
D. 7x+10
E.2 x 2−6 x+10=0
f. 4 x 2−10 x +10=0
g.4 x 2−10 x
h. 8 x 2−25 x−200=0


Solution 8 4x
2. x+ =1+
6 x−3 x−2 x−2
1. + =2 2
x 4 x −2 x+ 8 x =x−2+4 x
x −7 x +10=0
( 24 + x 2−3 x=8 x )
x + 24−3 x −8 x=0
x + 24−11 x=0
x −11 x +24=0
3 4 2x 5 x
3. + =2 4. + =10
x x+2 5 4
3 ( x+ 2 )+ 4 x=2( x)(x +2)
( )
2 x 5x
3 x+ 6+ 4 x=2 x (x +2) 20 + =10 20
5 4
3 x+ 6+ 4 x=2 x + 4 x 2
8 x + 25 x =200
−2 x +3+ 4 x−4 x +6=0 2
8 x + 25−200=0
(-2 x 2+3 x +6=0)-1
2 x −3 x −6=0 6 5
1 3 6. + =9
x x
5. 2 − =7
x x 6+5 x=9 x

( 1 3
− =7 x
2 −9 x + 5 x +6=0
x x
2 2
9 x −5 x−6=0
1−3 x=7 x
2 x 2
8. −
(−7 x 2−3 x +1=0 )−1 x+1 x+ 2
7 x + 3 x −1=0 x ( x +2 ) −2(x+ 1)
3 x −6 x + 2 x−2 x +2
7. =x−2 2
x + 2=0
2 2
3 x −6=8 x−x −16+2 x 1 6
c. Explore 9. − =9 x
2 2
3 x + x −8 x −2 x +16−6=¿0 7 x

o The teacher will let the students choose a pair. Each pair will try to solve the
given problems. (Activity 3)

6 x−3
1. + =2
x 4

8 4x
2. x + =1+
x−2 x−2

1. x 2−11 x +24=0
x=3 , x=8
2. x 2−7 x +10=0
x=5 , x=2

e. Elaborate
o The teacher will check the work of the students and elaborate more about the

Solving Rational Algebraic Equations Transformable into Quadratic Equations

6 x−3
Write the rational algebraic equation + =2 into standard form. The given rational
x 4
algebraic equation can be transformed into a quadratic equation. The following procedure can be
a. Multiply both sides of the equation by the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of all
denominators. In the given equation, the LCM is 4x.

6 x−3
=2 4x ( 6x + x−3
4 )
=4 x (2)

24+ x −3 x =8 x
b. Write the resulting quadratic equation in standard form.
2 2
24+ x −3 x =8 x x −11 x +24=0

c. Find the roots of the resulting equation using any of the methods of solving quadratic
equations. Try factoring in finding the roots of the equation.
x −11 x +24=0 ( x−3 )( x−8 )=0
( x−3 )=0∨x −8=0

( x=3 )∨x=8
IV. Evaluation:
o Transform and solve the following equation.

1. x ( x +5¿¿ 2 ) Evaluation: Answer key

2. ( s+6)2=15 1. x 2+ 5 x −2=0
3. (t +2)2 +(t−3)2=9 2. s2 +12 s +21=0
4. (2 r +3)2+(r + 4)2=10 3. 2 t 2−2t +4=0
5.(m−4) +(m−7) =15
2 4. 5 r 2 +20 r +15=0
2 5. 2 m2−22 m+60=0
2x 5 x
6. + =10 6. 8 x 2+ 25 x −200=0
5 4
2 3t 7.3 t 2+14 t−4=0
7. − =7 8. x 2−x−5=0
t 2
3 4 9. s2−6 s−43=0
8. + =x−1 10. 7 r 2−22 r −41=0
x 2x

6 s−5
9. + =3
s +5 2

2 4
10. + =7
r−1 r + 5

V. Extend
Find the solution set.

1. x ( x +3 )=28
2 2
( x +2) (x−2) 16
2. + =
5 3 3

2x 1
3. + =3
x−5 x−3

4. (t +1)2 +¿

s +2 s+ 2 −1
5. − =
2s 4 2

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ______
B. No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation: ________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _______

D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ________

E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _________
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _________
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? _____
H. What innovation or localized material did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? __________

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,

inequalities and functions and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standard: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situation, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equation, inequalities and functions,
and rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency: solves equations transformable to quadratic equations (including
rational algebraic equations). M9AL-Ic-d-1
Quarter: FIRST Week: 4th DAY: 16
At the end of 60 minutes, the students should be able to:

o Answer the given Summative test.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Equations Transformable into quadratic Equations
Materials: Test Paper
References: Mathematics 9
III. Learning Tasks:
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
IV. Evaluation
 The teacher will give the summative Test.



solves equations transformable to quadratic equations (including rational algebraic equations). M9AL-Ic-d-1

S K I L L S Total
Numbe Total 60% Easy 30% Moderate 10% Difficult
No. of
Days Items
R U App An E C

3 6 4 0 0 13
Transform quadratic
equations into standard 1 33 13 (Where to find the item in the test)
1,2,12 3,6,7,8,9,10 11,4,5,27

Solve quadratic equations 1 33 13 10 3 0 0 13


(Where to find the item in the test)

transformable into standard
form 17,18,19,20,2
1,22,23,24,25, 34,35,36,

6 4 4 14
(Where to find the item in the test)
Transform and Solve
rational algebraic equation 1 33 13
13,14,15,16, 37,38,39,40,

Total 3 100 40 3 22 11 0 4 0 40
63% 28% 10% 100%

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Mathematics EPS I


1. Which of these expressions is in standard form of quadratic equations?

a. x +5=0 c. x−5=0

b. x 2−5=0 d. x 3−5=0

2. The following expressions is equivalent to 5−x ( 2 x−3 ) except one, what is this expression?
a . 5−2 x −3 x=13 c .−x ( 2 x−3 )=7
2 2
b . 5−2 x +3 x=12 d .−2 x +3 x=7
3. What is the standard form of the quadratic equation 3( x +2)2=2 x2 +3 x−8 ?
2 2 3
a . 3 x +12 x +12=0 c .3 x +12 x +12=2 x +3 x−8
b. x 2+ 9 x+20=0 2
d . x +5 x +4=0
6 x−3
4. Which of the following is the resulting quadratic equation in standard form of + =2 ?
x 4

2 2
a . x + 11x +24=0 c . x −11 x−24=0
2 2
b . x −11 x+ 24=0 d . x +11 x−24=0
2x 5 X
5. Which of the following is the quadratic equation in standard form of + =10 ?
5 4
2 2
a . 8 x + 25 x−200=0 c . 8 x +25 x=200=0
2 2
b . 8 x −25+200=0 d . 8 x −25−200=0
6-10. Express the following quadratic equation into standard form.

6. x ( x −5 )=36
2 2
a .−x + 5 x −36=0 c . x −5 x−36=0
2 2
b . x −5 x+36=0 d .−x +5 x=36=0
7. x ( x +5 )=2
2 2
a . s +12 s−21=0 c . x −5 x +2=0
2 2
b .−x + 5 x +2=0 d .−x −5 x−2=0
8. (s+6)2=15
2 2
a . s +12 s−21=0 c . s +12 s+21=0
b . s +12 s+ 21=0 d. −s2 +12 s +21=0

9. x ( x −10 )=−21
2 2
a . x −10 x−21=0 c . x +10 x+ 21=0
b . x +10 x−21=0 d. x 2−10 x+ 21=0

10. 3 s ( s−2 ) =12 s

a . 3 s −18 s=0 c. 3 s 2−18
2 2
b .−3 s +18 s=0 d . 3 s +18
11. Which of these following is the standard form of (x +5)2+(x−2)2=37
2 2
a .−2 x +6 x +8=0 c .2 x + 6 x−8=0
2 2
b . 2 x −6 x+ 8=0 d . 2 x −6 x−8=0
12. Which of the following is the standard form of x ( x −10 )=−21 ?
2 2
a .−x + 10 x −21=0 c . x −10 x +21=0
2 2
b .−x −10 x+ 21=0 d . x +10 x−21=0

Jessie and Mark are planning to paint a house together. Jessie thinks that if he works alone, It would
take him 5 hours more than the time Mark takes to paint the entire house. Working together, they can
complete the job in 6 hours.

13. If Mark can finish the job in m hours, how long will it take Jessie to finish the job?

a . m−1 b.m c . m+1 d.
14. How would you represent the amount of work that Mark can finish in 1 hour?

1 2 m
a.m b. c. d.
m m 1
15. How about the amount of work that Jessie can finish in 1 hour?

1 2 m
a.m b. c. d.
m+5 m 1
16. If they work together, what equation would represent the amount of work they can finish in 1 hour?

1 1 1 1 1 1
a. − = c. + =
m m−5 6 m m+ 5 6
m 1 1 −1 1 1
b. − = d. − =
1 m−5 6 m m−5 6
For Numbers 17-26. Matching Type. Match Column A to Column B. Write your answer on the space
provided. Solve the following quadratic equation.

A. B.

17. x (2 x−5 )=0 a. x=9∧x=−5

18. 2 x ( x−8 )=0 b. x=0∧x=8

2 1
19. 6 x ( 2 x +1 )=0 c. x= ∧x=
3 3
20. ( x +2 ) ( x +2 ) =0 d. x=7∧x=
21. ( x−4 ) ( x−10 )=0 e. x=0∧x=
3 −5
22. 3 x+ 4 ¿ ( x−5 )=0 f. x= ∧x=
2 2
23. x 2−4 x−45=0 g. x=2∧x=−13

24. 2 x 2−7 x−49=0 h. x=4∧x=
25.3 x 2−11 x=4 i. x=4∧h=10

26.4 x 2+ 4 x=15 j. x=1∧x =4


k. x= ∧m=5
l. x=0∧x=
27. Suppose x= , which of these equations below is in its general form?
x+ 2
A. x ( x +2 ) =1 B. x 2+ 2 x−1=0
C. x ( x +1 )=2 D. x 2−2 x+1=0
28. How will you clear the fractions of problem 4?
A. Multiply both sides by x B. Divide both sides by x
C. Multiply both sides by x +2 D. Divide both sides by x + 2
29. Which of the following rational algebraic equations is transformable to a quadratic
w+1 w+ 2 2 q−1 1 3 q
a. − =7 c. + =
2 4 3 2 4
2 3 3 4 7
b. + =5 d. + =
p p +1 m−2 m+ 2 m
6 x−3
30. To solve the rational algebraic equation + =2 , which of the following is the
x 4
(LCM) Least Common Multiple of all denominators?
A. x B. 4 C. 4x D. x + 4
6 x−3
31. Which of the following is the resulting quadratic equation in standard form of + =2?
x 4
A. x 2+ 11 x+24=0 B. x 2−11 x−24=0 C.
2 2
x −11 x +24=0 D. x + 11 x−24=0
6 x−3
32 . One of the roots of + =2 is 3. What is the other root?
x 4
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
33. The roots of a rational algebraic equation transformable into quadratic equation are
5 and 2. Which of the following has these roots?
6 x−3 w+1 w+ 2 8 4x 2 3
A. + =2 B. − =7 C. x + =1+ D. + =5
x 4 2 4 x−2 x−2 p p+1
For Numbers 34-36. Use the problem below to answer the following question.

Mary and Carol are doing a math project. Carol can do the work twice as fast as Mary. If they
work together, they can finish the project in 4 hours. How long does it take Mary working alone to do
the same project?

34. How would you represent the amount of work that Mary can finish in 1 hour?
1 2 x
a. x b. c. d.
x x 1

35. How about the amount of work that Carol can finish in 1 hour?

1 2 x
a. x b. c. d.
x x 1

36. If they work together, what equation would represent the amount of work they can finish in 1 hour?

1 1 2 x
a . x +1 b . +1 c. + d.
x x x 1
For Numbers.37-40. Solve. (4 pts)

s +2 s+ 2 −1
1. − =
2s 4 2

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relation-
ships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving
quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency and Code: Solves Problems involving quadratic equations and rational
algebraic equations (M9AL-le-1)
Quarter: FIRST Week: 5th Day: 17

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. Translate verbal phrases to mathematical expressions.
2. Give the equivalent equations for verbal statements involving quadratic equations.
3. Solve Number Problems involving quadratic equations..

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Solving Problems involving quadratic equations.
(Learning Area):
Strategies: Learning through Discovery, Discussion, Interaction, paper and pencil
Materials: Worksheets, chalk and chalk board, textbook
References: *google: (Problem solving involving quadratic equations)
*Math 9 Learners Material, pp. 174-183
* Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics
Math Ideas and life applications IV , pp. c. 2010
by ABIVA Publishing
* Advanced algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics 2nd Edition,
pp. 195-206
c. 2008 by Fernando Orines, et. Al.
Phoenix Publishing House

III. Learning Tasks:

G. ELICIT: Answer the worksheets in just three (3) minutes.

How does each of the following mathematical expression be read/written in English?

1. X + 3 6. (n-5)2
2. X 2
7. 10- d2
3. 3f2 8. (m + n)2
4. k – d 9. x2+ y2
5. 2(n +6)
10. m2- 9

The teacher let the students give the answer by writing it on the board. Together, the
students would then try to check whether the English phrases / interpretation they give is
correct, letting them give the correct phrase if what they gave is wrong. Guide questions
can be thrown by the teacher in cases the students cannot really give the correct English
ANSWERS (Note, answers may vary, depending on how the sentence is being constructed;
answers here are the nearest possible.)
1. sum of a number and 3.
2. square of a number
3. thrice the square of a number
4. a number decreased by a square of another number
5. twice the sum of the square of a number and six
6. the square of the difference of a number decreased by five
7. ten decreased by a square of a number

Teacher: Ok, this time let’s try it on number problems:
One positive integer is one-half the other and the sum of their squares is
80.What are these integers?
The teacher would then give the students time to solve and then present their
interpretation on the problem given. The students would are then given time to defend,
discuss their answers in front. While the teacher would only listen to the student’s
interaction, trying to take note important points for learning as well as the misconceptions
if there’s anything that would arise.
Let x be the bigger number
x 2 +( )2 = 80
x 2+ = 80
2 2
4 x +x
5 x =320
x =64
X = ±8 ;note that the number we are looking for is a positive number, thus,
we take x = 8.
The smaller number is 8/2 = 4
8 2 +( )2 = 80
2 2
8 + 4 =80

The teacher would then give the important points jotted at the Explore stage, and
let the students raise questions as well as letting the students answer questions/ parallel
situations thrown by the teacher.
The teacher would let the students enumerate the steps (in their own words) they
found out earlier on how to solve Word problems involving quadratic equations,
eventually supplying ideas , may there be cases students could not trace or there are steps
not given/ left out. This list of steps would serve as their guide for the next activity.

The teacher let the students apply what they learned through the following
activity. (Note: this is an Individual activity.)
Solve the following number problems:
1. Find two consecutive positive integers having 145 as the sum of its squares.
2. Find two consecutive even integers whose product is 120.
3. Two Odd integers have 1023 when multiplied. What are these integers?

1. Let x be the first positive number
x + 1 be the second positive number
x2 + (x+1)2 = 145
x2 + x2 +2x +1 = 145
x2 + x2 +2x +1-145 = 0  Checking:
2x2 +2x -144 = 0 82 + 92 = 145
2x2 +2x -144 = 0 64 + 81 = 145
2 145=145
x + x -72 = 0
x-8 =0 ; x + 9 =0
x=8 ; x=-9

Since we are looking for two consecutive positive integer, we can only take
8 as our first number; -9 is the extraneous solution.
x + 1 = 8 + 1 = 9.

2. Let x be the first positive even number

x +2 be the second positive even number
x ( x+2 ) = 120
x2 + 2x = 120  Checking:
x2 + 2x – 120 = 0 x ( x+2 ) = 120
(x +12)(x – 10) = 0 10(12) = 120
x + 12 = 0 ; x – 10 = 0 120 = 120
x = -12 ; x = 10
10 is the first positive even number; -12 is the extraneous solution.
x + 2 = 10 + 2 = 12
12 is the second positive even number

3. Let x be the first odd integer

x +2 be the second odd integer
x ( x+2 ) = 1023
x2 + 2x = 1023  Checking:
x2 + 2x – 1023 = 0 x ( x+2 ) = 120
(x +33)(x – 31) = 0 10(12) = 120
x + 33 = 0 ; x – 31 = 0 120 = 120
x = -33 ; x = 31

31 is the first odd integer; -33 is the extraneous solution.

x + 2 = 31 + 2 = 33
33 is the second odd integer

Evaluation is done by letting the students check their work, discussing the
answers of the problems given. The teacher should be quick in trying to know what
percentage of students got the correct answer/ solved the problem correctly to decide
(Reflection) if re-teaching or giving another topic will be done next meeting.

V. Assignment / Enrichment

1. Find two consecutive numbers whose product is 600.

2. Find two consecutive even numbers whose product is 80.
3. Two consecutive odd integers gives the product 2549 when multiplied.
What are these integers?

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Writer: Lilibel Lumanog Amoy

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relation-
ships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving
quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: Solves Problems involving quadratic equations and rational
algebraic equations (M9AL-le-1)

Quarter: FIRST Week: 5th Day: 18


I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
5. Recall formulas for area.
6. Relate formulas for area and quadratic equations.
7. Solve Number Word Problems involving quadratic equations (area of plane
II. Content:
Subject Matter: Solving Problems involving quadratic equations- AREAS.
(Learning Area):
Strategies: Learning through Discovery, Discussion, Interaction, paper and pencil
Activities, question and answer interaction
Materials: Worksheets, chalk and chalk board, textbook
References: *google: (Problem solving involving quadratic equations)
*Math 9 Learners Material, pp. 174-183
* Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics
Math Ideas and life applications IV , pp. c. 2010
by ABIVA Publishing
* Advanced algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics 2nd Edition,
pp. 195-206
c. 2008 by Fernando Orines, et. Al.
Phoenix Publishing House

III. Learning Tasks:

B. ELICIT: In just three (3) minutes, list down the formulas for the area of plane figures.
The first group to have the most correct formulas will gain 5 points today.

After three minutes, each group would write their formulas on the board. Together,
the students would try to examine if the formulas written by each group are correct.
Class interaction follows.
Possible answers:
d 1
A = s2 , A = lw , A=π r 2 , A=π ( ) , A= bh
2 2
Ask students to Identify what specific plane figures is each of the formula for…
Possible answers:
Area of a square: A = s2 ; s is the measure of the side
Area of a rectangle: A = lw ; l is the length, w is the width
Area of a circle: A=π r 2 ; r is the radius of the circle
A=π ( ) ; d is the diameter of the circle

Area of a triangle: A= bh ; b is the base and h is the height
The teacher asks; >What have you observe about the formulas given?
>What is common among these formulas?
>Can you recall topics we discussed which could be the

same to the format these formulas are have?

What are those?
The teacher lets the students talk and explain what they observed, defend their
answers, etc. while noting important points for the next topic as well as misleading info
that must be corrected later.
Enumerate strong points leading to the topic, and relates Formulas for Area of
plane surface to quadratic equations. Take note of the extraneous solutions.
The teacher would then let the students do the activity strip 1. (By Pair)
Activity Strip 1:
Write the equivalent quadratic equation of the problem below and solve.
Find the dimension of a rectangle with an area equal to 80 cm. if its width is 2 cm less
than its length.
The teacher would then ask for any volunteer to give the step by step arrangement
of solutions based on the steps on how to solve word problems found the previous day.
Let others validate each of the definition of unknowns, etc., until the target
quadratic equation would be formulated. Remind the students the importance of
illustrating the figure which guides the solver what to do next.
Guide questions are to be given until the students are able to realize what specific
solution (Factoring, Extracting the square roots, etc.) is going to be used.

Answer to the Activity Strip 1:

Let l be the length of the rectangle
l – 2cm be the width of the rectangle
lw = 80 cm 2
lw = 80 cm2
l ( l – 2 cm) = 80 cm2 (10cm)(8cm) = 80 cm2
l 2
– 2l cm = 80 cm2 80 cm2 = 80 cm2

L 2
– 2l cm - 80 cm2 =0
( l – 10cm )( l +8cm) = 0
l – 10 cm = 0 ; l + 8 cm = 0
Take note again
l = 10 cm ; of extraneous
l = -8cmsolutions…
Thus, the length of the rectangle is 10 cm, and the width is 8 cm.
-8 cm is the extraneous solution.

Entertain queries from students.

The teacher let the students apply what they learned through the following
activity. (Note: this is an Individual activity.)

TRY THIS: Solve the following number problems:

4. What is the area of the maximum circular skating rink that can be built at the
center of a Mall in which the allotted area is 20m by 20 m?
5. What should be the dimension of a rectangular Olympic pool that will be placed in
the VNHS quadrangle which measures 27 by 68 meters, if it has to be surrounded
by a 2-m pathway?

Answer to the TRY THIS activity:

1. Illustration: 20 m.

20 m.

Utilizing the allotted area, the diameter of the skating rink will be 20 m,
Thus, its radius, r is 10 m.
Solution: Let A be the area of the skating rink.
A=π r
¿ π (10 m)
¿ π (100 m¿¿ 2)¿
A=100 π m ∨ A=314.16 m
note: π=3.1416
2. Illustration:
68 m

27m 2m
64 m

L= 68 m – 4 m = 64 m
W = 27m – 4 m = 23 m

A = lw
= (64m)(23m)
= 1,472 m2

Let the students exchange their activity notebook and check the solution of the
TRY THIS activity. A volunteer will be called from the students to discuss the solution to
the class. Questions should be directly/ promptly dealt with to erase confusion among

IV. Assignment / Enrichment

4. Find two consecutive numbers whose product is 600.

5. Find two consecutive even numbers whose product is 80.
6. Two consecutive odd integers gives the product 2549 when multiplied.
What are these integers?

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Writer: Lilibel Lumanog Amoy

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relation-
ships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving
quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: Solves problems involving quadratic equations and rational
algebraic equations (M9AL-le-1)
Quarter: FIRST Week: 5th Day: 19

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. Solve on Trajectory, Speed, Velocity or Acceleration Problems involving quadratic
equations and functions.
2. Illustrate using the given situation (word problems).

3. Realize the importance of quadratic equations and functions in real life problems...

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Solving Problems involving quadratic equations.
Integration: Free fall
(Learning Area): Science
Strategies: Learning through Discovery, Discussion, Interaction, paper and pencil
Materials: Worksheets, chalk and chalk board, textbook
References: *google: (Problem solving involving quadratic equations)
*Math 9 Learners Material, pp. 88-95
* Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics
Math Ideas and life applications IV , pp. c. 2010
by ABIVA Publishing
* Advanced algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics 2nd Edition,
pp. 195-206
c. 2008 by Fernando Orines, et. Al.
Phoenix Publishing House
III. Learning Tasks:
Which do you think would reach the earth faster when thrown two at a time from
the airplane at the height of 3000 ft- A 1 kilo Nail placed in a bag or a Kilo cotton placed
in the bag of the same size and thickness that of the nails’ bag? Why so?
Class debate follows.
Do you know that: according to Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), all bodies near the
earth fall freely toward the earth with the same acceleration, and that a body in free fall
descends the distance y= ½ (gt2) in the time t, where g is the acceleration of gravity,
approximately equal to 9.8 m/sec2.
So, which lands first into the ground? Answer: The two would reach the ground at
the same time, reason; gravity is constant.
Ok, let us try this problem: (group work) Give the students time to discuss and
solve the following problem.
A ball is thrown from the top of the 7- Storey SHS building 144- ft
high. The ball follows a trajectory. The height, h reached by the ball after t
seconds is given by the quadratic function h(t)= 64t – 16t2.
a. How high did the ball reach?
b. How long did it take to reach that height?
c. Where is the ball after 5 seconds?
d. How long did it take for the ball to hit the ground?
(Problem taken from Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics, 2nd Ed.; p. 201-203)

After 5-8 minutes, discussion/ interaction follows which will start with the
Illustration: maximum height a.) The maximum height is the
ordinate of the
vertex of a parabola.

H(t) = 64t – 16t2

= -16 t2 + 64 t
= -16 (t2 – 4t)
= -16 (t2 – 4t +4) +64
144 ft. = -16 (t – 4)2 +64
The the ordinate of the vertex
k=64. This is the
maximum height the ball reach
From the top of the building,
64 ft.
b.) The time elapsed when the ball reached its maximum height is the abscissa of the
vertex, h of the parabola, which is 2 seconds.
c.) The position of the ball after 3 seconds can be evaluated at t= 5.
Thus, h(5) = 64(5)-16(5)2
= 320- 400
= -80 ;meaning, it is 80 ft below the top of the
building or exactly 64 ft above the ground.
d.) To determine the time it takes the ball to reach the ground,
let h(t) = -144
-144 = 64t – 16t2
16t – 64t -144 = 0
t2 – 4t – 9 = 0
using the quadratic formula,
t = 2 ± √ 13 or approx.. 5.61 sec. before the ball
reach the ground.

The teacher lets the students ask questions about the answers/ solutions given, but
also recognizes students who can also share their ideas about the solution.
The importance of reminding the students the relationship of equation and
function should also be noted, so as not to give them confusion about the two terms.
The teacher gives another problem for the group to work with.
1. A projectile is propelled upward. Its distance, d in ft, after t seconds is
given by the function D(t) = -16t2 + 96t. Find the maximum height
reached by the projectile. After how many seconds did it reached the
maximum height?
The teacher would then give the students time to solve and then present their
interpretation on the problem given. The students are then given time to defend, discuss
their answers in front. While the teacher would only listen to the student’s interaction,
trying to take note important points for learning as well as the misconceptions if there’s
anything that would arise.

Solution: (h,k)

Time , s

D(t) = -16t2 + 96 t
= -16 ( t2 – 6t)

The teacher would then give the important points jotted at the Explore stage,
explain the solution, specially the part wherein, the students find difficulty and let the
students raise questions as well as letting the students answer questions/ parallel
situations thrown by the teacher.
The teacher lets the students apply what they learned through the following
activity. (Note: this is by pair activity.)

6. Two bikers starting at the same corner, one going east, the other going
north. Biker number 1 is travelling at 1 kph faster than the other one. After
an hour, the two bikers are 5 km apart. Find the rate of each.

Answer: 
1. Illustration:
N distance, d after an hour
Biker 1

S Biker 2
Let x = be the rate of the slower bike (Bike 2)
x+1km = be the rate of the faster bike (Bike 1)
D r t
Biker 1 (faster) x + 1 km x + 1 km 1 hr.
Biker 2 (slower) x x 1 hr.
2 2 2
x + (x+1) = (5)
x2 + x2 +2x + 1 = 25
2x2 + 2x + 1 – 25 = 0
2x2 + 2x – 24 = 0
2 2 2
x + x – 12 = 0
(x + 4)(x - 3) = 0
x+4=0 ; x-3=0
x = -4 ; x = 3
Thus, Biker 2 is having a rate of 3 km/hr
While biker 1 is having a rate of 4 km/hr.

Evaluation is done by letting the students check their work, discussing the
answers of the problems given. The teacher should be quick in trying to know what
percentage of students got the correct answer/ solved the problem correctly to decide
(Reflection) if re-teaching or giving another topic will be done next meeting.
IV. Assignment / Enrichment
Other applications of Quadratic functions:
Answer Activity 7, pp. 94-95 of the Learner’s Manual.
A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Writer: Lilibel Lumanog Amoy

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
Performance Standards: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in
various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: solves problems involving quadratic equations and rational
algebraic equations. (M9AL-Ie-1)
Quarter: FIRST Week: 5th Day: 20
I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. Solve problems involving rational algebraic equations.
2. Generalize the solutions on simplifying rational algebraic equations

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Solving Problems Involving Rational Algebraic Equations.
Integration: The concept Solving Problems Involving Rational Algebraic Equations can
best integrate the following:

MAPEH: dancing
SCIENCE: distance problem
ENGLISH: Compose Statements in paragraph form
Strategies: Collaboration
Materials: Music, Metacards and power point presentation
References: Learners’ Module 9 pages 92 & 93.

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: Check the attendance; setting the mode of the classroom:

A. Elicit: (3 mins.)
Example: 2 x+ =38 , identify and review some vocabulary of the words:
rational algebraic equation, numerator, denominator, numerical coefficient,
Rational Algebraic Equation is an equation of the form , where p and q are
any real numbers and q ≠ 0 .

Numerator is the expression or numbers above the line in common fraction

showing how many of the parts indicted by the denominator are taken for
example, 2 in 2/.
Denominator is the expressions or the number below the line in common
fraction; a divisor
Numerical Coefficient is the number or constant quantity placed before and
multiplying the variable in algebraic expressions. (e.g. 4 in 4x2 )

Variables are being represented by any letters of the alphabet in the given
algebraic expressions in which during the calculations is assumed to vary or be
capable of varying in value.
B. Engage: (5 mins)
Let us play: Find your X game
Everyone will be given metacards. The printed reds are quadratic equations while the
printed black are values of x that will satisfy the equation.
All will be dancing with the music, while finding the equation that matches the values of
x. As the music stop, they will stop for checking purposes. If the match is not correct,
then they will seat down. The game continues up to 3 minutes for them to find the correct
match values of x to the quadratic equation.

x 4
1. +1= ANSWERS:
3 3x
1. x = -4 & x=1
2. x= 5 & x=1
3. x = -1/2 & x=4
4. x = 16 & x = -4
5. x= -6 & x=1

2 x−5 15
2. =
x −5 x−5
7x x +4
3. =
2 x−1 2
16 x
4. =
x+ 4 x +4
x+5 3
5. =
8 4x

C. Explore: (10 mins)

With the prior activity, those students who seated down, will verify and compute again
into their chairs to solve the correct answer and present the solution in front.
Also with the students who got the correct answer will explain solutions in front.
D. Explain: (15 mins)
Verify the explanation of the students.
What about this:

Two hikers, Michael and Bongbong started from the same place at the same time
towards Musuan Peak which is 90 kilometers away from their place. Bongbong traveled
1 kilometer per hour faster than Michael and reached Musuan Peak 1 hour before him.
Find the rate of each hiker.

This is a distance problem and therefore, e re going to use the concept:
Distance (d) = rate (r ) x time (t) or d = rt.
Let x = the rate of Michael in kph
x + 1 = the rate of Bongbong in kph
Representing this on the table, we have
r t D
Michael x 90 90
Bongbong x+1 90 90
The working equation is
90 90
− =1 (The difference between their time traveled is 1 hour)
x x+1
Manipulating the equation, we have
90 90 2
− =x + x
x x+1
x + x−90=0
( x +10 ) ( x−9 )=0
x +10=0 x−9=0
x=−10 or x=9
We take only the positive value of x. Therefore, the rate of Michael is 9 kph and Bongbong rate
is 10 kph.

E. Elaborate: (17 mins)

How did you find our lesson today?
The lesson today is about solving problems involving rational algebraic expressions;
we need to be extra careful with factoring to simplify RAE.

Which mathematical concept you find hard in simplifying rational algebraic equations?
The skills on factoring to simplify rational algebraic equations must be developed.

Let us generalized our lesson today through completing the statements below;

The lesson for today is about __________________________________. I learned that

__________________________________. In simplifying rational algebraic equations we
will ______________________________________________________.

The lesson for today is about solving problems involving rational algebraic
expressions. I learned that the skills on factoring to simplify rational algebraic
equations must be developed. In simplifying rational algebraic equations we will be
extra careful with factoring.

F. Evaluate: (8 mins)
In ½ crosswise, answer the problem below and write into paragraph form your steps in
solving the problem.

Jane and Mari can clean the house in 8 hours if they work together. The time that
Jane takes in cleaning the house alone is 4 hours more than the time Mari takes
in cleaning the same house. How long does it take Jane to clean the house alone?
How about Mari?

A Taxi is rented by a group of x people for Php 1000.00 and the cost is shared
equally. If there is one less person in the group then each of the remaining
people has to pay Php 50.00 more. What is x?
G. Extend: (2 mins)

Try this during your vacant time. Explain and write your output in your notebook

Eline and Gigi can finish cleaning the house in 2 hours. If it takes Eline working alone
hours longer than it takes Gigi working alone, how many hours will each girl finish the
work alone?

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___

F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Writer: Agnes V. Calfoforo

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relation-
ships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving
quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency and Code: Solves Problems involving quadratic equations and rational
algebraic equations (M9AL-le-1)

Quarter: FIRST Week: 6th Day: 21

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to answer a 35-item test.

II. Content:
Summative Test No. 5
Please see the summative attached.
III. Tasks:
H. Setting of Standards: At least 85% of the students must get at least 75% of the total score.
I. Preliminaries
J. Reading of Instructions: (See instructions stated on the test material.)
A. Supervising learners in answering the summative test: As soon as the test starts. nobody
is allowed to talk. Questions or clarifications can only be told to the teacher.
B. Checking of papers: (The teacher will be the one to check the paper)
Answer Key for Math 9, Summative no. 5:
I- 1.A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C
11. a 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. A
21. c 22. C 23.a 24.d 25. B 26.c 27.a 28.c 29. C 30. A
II- 1. The Value of k, from the vertex (h,k) of the equation. Since the vertex serves as the
maximum pt. in the situation and k is represents the maximum height reached by
the ball.
2. Disagree. There are those that are only linear and there are those that are of the higher
III- 1. 12 and 11 2. 144ft. 3. Sean: 10 km/hr; John 9 km./hr

IV. Recording of test results

Test results will be recorded right after checking.

V. Reflection
A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___

Writer: Lilibel Lumanog Amoy

Valencia National High School

LlEARNING COMPETENCY AND COMPETENCY CODE: Solves Problems involving quadratic equations and
rational algebraic equations (M9AL-le-1)

Total No. 60% Easy 30% Moderate 10% Difficult Total
OBJECTIVES of Days of Items
R U App An E C
2 1 1 1 0 0
1. Translate verbal phrases
to mathematical expressions. 4 (Where to find the item in the test) 5
I-1,I-2 I-15 I-28
2. Give the equivalent 0 2 2 0 0 0
equations for verbal statements 1 25 4 (Where to find the item in the test) 4
involving quadratic equations. I-16, I-17 I-29, I-30
0 0 0 4 0 0
3. Solve Number Problems
involving quadratic equations.. 4 (Where to find the item in the test) 4
2 2 0 0 0 0
4. Recall formulas for area. 1 25 4 (Where to find the item in the test) 4

I-3, I-4 I-18, I-19

0 4 0 0 0 0
(Where to find the item in the test)
5. Relate formulas for area and
quadratic equations. 4 I-20, I- 4
21, I-22,
4 0 0 0 0
6. Solve Word Problems
(Where to find the item in the test)
involving quadratic equations 4 I-5, I-6, 4
(area of plane surfaces).
7. Solve on trajectory, speed, 0 0 2 2 0 0
velocity or acceleration problems
involving quadratic equations and 4 (Where to find the item in the test)
functions. II-1 III-2
3 0 0 0 0 0
8. Illustrate using the given (Where to find the item in the test)
situation (Word Problems)
1 25 3 I-9 , I- 3
10, I-
2 1 0 0 0 0
9. Realize the importance of
(Where to find the item in the test)
quadratic equations and 3 I-12, I- 3
functions in real life problems. I-24
0 0 2 0 0 3
10. Solve problems involving
rational algebraic equations 5 (Where to find the item in the test) 5
II-1 III-3

11. Generalize the solutions on 1 25 1 3 0 0 2 0

(Where to find the item in the test)
simplifying rational algebraic 6
I-25, I-
equations. I-14 III-3
26, I-27
Total 2 50 45 14 13 6 7 2 3 45
60% 29% 11%
Prepared by: Checked by:


Secondary School Teacher EPS in MATHEMATICS


Name: Section: Score:

I- Encircle the letter of the correct answer:

1. The English phrase, “a square of a number increased by 8” can be expressed through the
mathematical expression:

a. X2 + 8 b. 8-x2 c. (x + 8)2 d. x + 82
2. “The square of the sum of a number and 3” can be represented by the mathematical expression:

a. X2 + 3 b. 2(x+3) c. (x+3)2 d. x+32

3. If we are going to solve for the area of a rectangular Olympic pool, what formula are we going to

a. A= s2 b. A= lxw c. A=π r 2 d. A= bh

4. An engineer wants to find out the maximum area of a skating rink he can build in a square shaped
area measuring 20mx20m at the center of the mall. What formula is he going to use?

a. A= s2 b. A= lxw c. A=π r 2 d. A= bh
5. What is the area occupied by a box of which the width of bottom measures 6 in. and the bottom’s
length measures 10 in.?
a. 60 in b. 42 sq. in c. 42 in d. 60 sq. in.
6. What would be the radius of the circular park that will occupy a square lot with an area of 10000
sq. meters?
a. 10 m. b. 20 m. c. 50 m. d. 100 m
7. How long is the molding needed to enclose a square tarpaulin having an area of 81 sq. in.?
a. 9 in b. 36 in c. 81 in d. 324 in.
8. Consider the figure below:

x + 3 in
If the area of the figure is 40 sq. inches, what is the value of x?
a. -5 in b. -8 in c.5 in d. 8 in

9. Which illustration is best described as “The length of the rectangular area is 4 m. more than twice
its width.”
2(W + 2W + 4m

a. 4m) c.
w w

W 2
+ 4m W +

b. d. 2(4m)
10. Which of the following situations illustrate quadratic equation?
a. Edna paid at least ₱ 1, 200 for a pair of pants and a blouse. The cost of the
pair of pants is ₱ 600 more than the cost of the blouse.
b. A realty developer sells residential lots for Php 4, 000 per square meter plus a processing
fee of ₱ 25, 000. One of the lots the realty developer is selling costs ₱ 625, 000.
c. The length of a swimming pool is 8m longer than its width and the area is 105 m2 .
d. Riza was 25 years old when her first son was born. Today, the sum of their ages is 105. How
old are Riza and her son now?
11. The situation cited by the Problem: “The First car drove towards the west at the rate 2 km. faster
than the second car that drove towards the south. How far did each car travelled if after 1 hr. they
are 9 km apart?” can be illustrated as:
a. c.
r + 2 r

r r + 2

b. d.
r r + 2
r + 2 r

12. In real life, the knowledge of Quadratic equation is important in what situation?
a. We want to determine the area of our land.
b. We want to solve for the distance we travel from one place to another.
c. We want to determine the difference of the rate of two moving objects, moving in a single
d. We want to determine our time spent travelling at a given speed.
13. If you want to make a circular cylinder out of a rectangular cardboard with an open top and you
wanted to maximize the use of the material available, what should be done first?
a. cut the circular base first
b. cut the rectangular material intended for the sides
c. measure the area of the available cardboard first before deciding what will be the size
of cylinder.
d. decide how big is the cylinder to be made first.
14. In solving problems involving rational algebraic expressions, which skills should be used first?
a. the skills on factoring to simplify rational algebraic equations.
b. the skills on illustrating the given situation.
c. the skills on transforming English statements to mathematical equations.
d. the skills in graphing.
15. The situation cited by the Problem: “Two bikers travelled in different directions. If biker number
1 who is driving towards the North at the rate 1 km. faster than the biker number 2 who is driving
towards the west, how far did each bike travelled if after 1 hr. they are 5 km apart?” Which can
best represent biker number 1?
a. b +1 km b. b- 1km c. b(1km) d. b/1km
16. Which best defines the problem in number 15?
a. Let b be the rate of bike 1 and b+1km be the rate of bike 2
b. Let b be the rate of biker 2 and b + 1 be the rate of biker 1
c. Let b be the rate of bike 1 and b(1km) be the rate of bike 2
d. Let b be the rate of bike 2 and b(1km) be the rate of bike 2
17. What equation can best represent the situation in problem no. 15?
a. b2 + (b+ 1km)2 = (5 km)2 c. b= b(+1km)(5 km)
b. b(b+1km) = 5 km d. b+1km = b(5km)
18. If a rectangular area which measures 600 sq. m. and its width is 10 m less than its length, is to be
maximized for a rectangular swimming pool surrounded by a 1 meter pathway, How do we
represent the Swimming pool itself?
a. A= (l-2 m)(l-10 m) c. A= (l-2 m)(l-12 m)
b. A= (l-10 m)2 d. A= (l-2 m)(l-12 m)
19. How do we solve for the area of a right triangle whose height is 2 more than its base?
a. A= (b+2)(b) c. A= (b-2)(b)
b. A= (l+2)2 d. A= (b)(b+2)
20. In Problem number 18, what is the quadratic equation representing the area intended for the
swimming pool?

1 2
a. l2 -10l = 600 c. (l +10l) = 600
b. l -10l 2= 600 d. (l +10l 2) = 600
21. Which quadratic equation best represents The Word Problem in number 19?
b +2 b
a. = 2A c.b2 +2b = 2A
b. (b2+2) = 2A d. b2 + 2b +2=A

22. A 3 cm by 3 cm square piece of cardboard was cut from a bigger square cardboard.
The area of the remaining cardboard was 40 cm 2. If s represents the length of the bigger
cardboard, which of the following expressions give the area of the remaining piece?
a. s – 9 b. s2+ 9 c. s2- 9 d. s2+ 40
23. The length of a garden is 2 m more than twice its width and its area is 24 m2. Which
of the following equations represents the given situation?
a. x2 + x = 12 b. x2 + 2x = 12 c. x2 + x = 24 d. x2 + 2x = 24
24. What must be used when your family wants to purchase a farm in which 2 opposite
boundaries are equal- the eastern boundary is wider than its the southern boundary-
and you wanted to determine the exact area in order to know how much will be paid?
a. formula for area of a square c. formula for the area of circle
b. formula for the area of a triangle d. formula for the area of a rectangle
25. Which of the following rational algebraic equations is transformable to a
quadratic equation?
w+1 w+ 2 2 3 2 q−1 1 3 q 3 4 7
a. − =7 b. + =5 c. + = d. + =
2 4 p p+1 3 2 4 m−2 m+2 m
For number 26, 27 and 28:
In solving problems involving rational algebraic expressions. What should be the
exact order of the steps given below?
i. Factor the quadratic equation
ii. Define the variables representing the given facts
iii. Take note of what was given
iv. Determine what is asked
v. Transform the rational algebraic equation into a quadratic equation
26. What step comesEquate the each factor to zero and apply the addition/subtraction property of
a. i an equation
b. ii to getc.the
iiivalues of thed.unknown
vii. Check the answer by substituting it to the equation
27.What is the third step?
viii. Write the rational algebraic equation
a. ii b. iii c. iv d. v
28.What is the final step?
a. v b. vi c. vii d. viii
29. The roots of a rational algebraic equation transformable into quadratic equation are
5 and 2. Which of the following has these roots?
6 x−3 w+1 w+ 2 8 4x 2 3
a. + =2 b. − =7 c. x + =1+ Dd. + =5
x 4 2 4 x−2 x−2 p p+1
30. The length of a garden is 2 m more than twice its width and its area is 24 m2. Which
of the following equations represents the given situation?
a. x + x = 12 b. x2 + 2x = 12 c. x2 + x = 24 d. x2 + 2x = 24

II- Controlled essay: For the following situations, answer what is asked. Limit your explanation/ reason
on the space provided for your answer :
1. The ball is thrown from the top of the building. If you are asked, what is the maximum
height reached by the ball, what should you give as the answer? Why? (2pts.)

2. All Rational Algebraic equations are transformable to Quadratic equations. Do you agree
or disagree? Justify. (2 pts)

III- Problem solving:
1. The sum of the squares of two consecutive numbers is 265. Find the numbers.
(4 pts)
2. A projectile is propelled upward. Its distance, d in ft after t seconds is given by the
function d(t)= -16t2 +96t. What is the maximum height in ft. reached by the
projectile?(2 pts)
3. Two hikers, John and Sean started from the same place at the same time towards Mt.
Hibok-hibok which is 90 kilometers away from their place. Sean traveled 1 kilometer
per hour faster than Michael and reached Musuan Peak 1 hour before him. Find the
rate of each hiker. (5 pts)

Prepared by:


Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:

Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,

inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards:

Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various

situations, formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them
using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency and Code: Illustrates quadratic inequalities (M9AL-If-1)

Quarter: First Week: __6th Day: 22

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 80% of the learners are expected to:
4. describe quadratic inequalities;
5. illustrate quadratic inequalities;
6. appreciate real-life situation involving quadratic inequalities

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Quadratic inequalities
Integration: English (Reading Comprehension)
Strategies: Drill, Cooperative Learning
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Cardboard, chalk
References: Grade 9 – Mathematics Learning Material pages 96- 98.

III. Learning Tasks: (Depends on the Strategy used)

Preliminary Activities (3 minutes)

 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Establish classroom orderliness

K. Elicit

 Through a drill the students will be given a series of mathematical sentences in which
they are going to find the solution/s of each.
 The students will be grouped by 5.
 Each group will be given a cardboard and a piece of chalk.
 The teacher will instruct the students the following:
1. Write the final answer in the cardboard given.
2. All items are good only for 40 seconds.
3. No changing of answer once the cardboard is already raised.

What Makes Me True?

1. x+5>8
2. r – 3 < 10
3. 2s + 7 > 21
4. 12-5m > -8
5. x2 + 5x - 6 = 0
6. r2 + 7r =18
7. 9s2 =4


4. x + 5 > 8 1. x2 + 5x - 6 =0

Solution: Solution:
x + 5 -5 > 8 – 5 x2 + 5x - 6 =0
x >3 (x + 6) (x -1) =0
5. r -3 < 10 x + 6 =0
Solution: x= -6
r-3 +3 < 10 – 3 x – 1= 0
r<7 x=1
6. 2s + 7 > 21 2. r2 + 7r =18

L. Engage
 In the same grouping, the teacher will assign a guide question for each group
regarding the previous activity that they had.

Group I.
How did you find the solution/s of each mathematical sentence?
Group II and III.
What mathematical concepts or principles did you apply to come up with
the solution/s?
Group IV.
Which mathematical sentence has only one solution? More than one
Group V.
Describe the mathematical sentences.

M. Explore

 The students will be given a mathematical sentences and guide questions for them to

Mathematical Sentences

1. x2 + 9x + 20 = 0 5. 2t2 < 21 -9t

2. r2 + 10r < -16 6. 3w2 + 12w > 0
3. 2s2 + 7s + 5 > 0 7. 4x2 – 25 = 0

4. 15-6h2 =10 8. m2 = 6m – 7

Guide Questions

A. Which of the given mathematical sentences are quadratic equations?

B. How do you describe quadratic equations?
C. Which of the given mathematical sentences are not quadratic equations? Why?
D. How do you describe those mathematical sentences which are not quadratic
How are they different from those equations which are quadratic?


A. Numbers 1, 4, 7, and 8
B. An equation of degree 2
C. 2, 3, 5, 7, All these mathematical sentences do not use equality
D. Quadratic inequality,
It uses inequality symbol

N. Explain
A quadratic inequality is an inequality that contains a polynomial of degree 2 and can be
written in any of the following forms.
ax2 + bx + c > 0
ax2 + bx + c ≥ 0
ax2 + bx + c < 0
ax2 + bx + c ≤ 0 where a, b, and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.

Examples: 1. 2x2 + 5x + 1 > 0 3. 3r2 + r – 5 ≥ 0

2. s2 – 9 < 2s 4. t2 + 4t ≤ 10

O. Elaborate

 Let the student do this activity individually in their activity notebook:

Determine whether each mathematical sentence is a quadratic inequality or not.

1. x2 + 9x + 14 > 0
2. 3s2 – 5s = 1
3. 4t2 – 7t + 2 ≤ 0
4. (2r – 5)(r + 4) > 0
5. 15 – 2x = 3x2

 Call two students to discuss the following in front of the class:

1. How do you describe quadratic inequalities?

2. How are quadratic inequalities different from linear inequalities?

P. Evaluate

Let the students answer the following:

A. Tell whether the following mathematical sentences are quadratic inequality or


1. x2 < 10x – 3 3. (4h2 – 9) + (2h + 3) ≥ 0

2. 12 – 5x + x2 = 0 4. 15 – 2x = 3x2
5. x2 – 1 < x + 1
B. Give at least three examples of quadratic inequalities.

Q. Extend

Let the students read and analyze the situation below and let them answer the questions
that follow.

The floor of a conference hall can be covered completely with tiles. Its length is 36 ft.
longer than its width. The area of the floor is less than 2040 square feet.

1. How would you represent the width of the floor? How about its length?
2. What mathematical sentence would represent the given situation?


1. Let w be the width of the floor

and l = 36 + w be the length of the floor
2. w(36 + w) < 2040
A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations, formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them
using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency and Code: Solves quadratic inequalities. (M9AL-If-2)

Quarter: FIRST Week: 6th Day: 23

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 80% of the learners are expected to:
1. apply the steps given in finding the solution set of quadratic inequalities;

2. solve quadratic inequalities.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Solving quadratic inequalities in one variable
MAPEH (Drawing, Illustration)
Strategies: Think pair and Share
Materials: Power Point Presentation, Meter Stick
References: Grade 9 – Mathematics Learning Material pages 98-102.

III. Learning Tasks: (Depends on the Strategy used)

Preliminary Activities (3 minutes)

 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Establish classroom orderliness

A. Elicit

 The teacher will review to the class the previous topic by giving mathematical
sentences in which the students will identify if it is quadratic inequality or not.

1. x2 + 5x + 4= 0 5. 2t2 < 23 -11t

2. r2 + 8r < -18 6. 3w2 + 12w > 0
3. s2 + 7s + 10 > 0 7. 4x2 – 25 = 0
4. -15 + h2 =10 8. m2 = 6m – 7
1. Not 5. Quadratic inequality
2. Quadratic inequality 6. Quadratic Inequality
B. Engage3. Quadratic inequality 7. Not
4. Not 8. Not they will share ideas and help their
 The learners will work as a pair. In the activity,
 Each pair of students will find the solution set of the quadratic inequalities:
x2 + 7x + 12 > 0 and follow the steps below.
1. Find the roots of the equality.
2. Plot the roots of the equality on the number line.
3. Separate the line into two or three intervals.

Answer Key
x2 + 7x + 12 > 0
1. x2 + 7x + 12 = 0 x + 3 = 0, x + 4 = 0
(x + 3) (x + 4) = 0 x = -3 , x = -4
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. The three intervals are : - ∞ < x < -4, -4 < x < -3, -3 < x < ∞

C. Explore

 After the last steps in the previous activity, let the students continue it by testing a
number from each interval against the equality.
Let the students find the solution set of the equality by analyzing each interval.
Note: An interval is part of the solution of the inequality if a number in that interval
makes the inequality true.

Answer Key

For -∞ < x < -4,

For -4 < x < -3
Let x = -7
Let x = -3.6
x2 + 7x + 12 > 0
x2 + 7x + 12 > 0
(-7)2 + 7(-7) + 12 > 0
(-3.6)2 + 7(-3.6) +12 >0
49- 49 + 12 > 0
-0.24 > 0 (False)
12 > 0 (True)

For -3 < x < ∞,

Let x = 0
X2 + 7x + 12 > 0
(0)2 + 7(0) + 12 > 0
0 + 0 +12 > 0
12 > 10 (True)

We also test whether the points x = -3 and x = -4 satisfy the inequality.

x2 + 7x + 12 > 0 x2 + 7x + 12 > 0
(-3)2 + 7(-3) +12 > 0 (-4)2 + 7(-4) + 12 > 0
9-21 + 12 > 0 16 -28 + 12 > 0
0 > 0(False) 0 > 0 ( False)

 Explain to the students: The three intervals are: –∞ < x < –4, –4 < x < –3, and –3 < x
< ∞. Test a number from each interval against the inequality.
 Let them discover that: the inequality is true for any value of x in the interval –∞ < x
< –4 or –3 < x < ∞, and these intervals exclude –3 and –4. The solution set of the
inequality is {x : x < –4 or x > –3} and its graph is shown below.

D. Explain

To solve a quadratic inequality, find the roots of its corresponding equality. The
point corresponding to the roots of the equality, when plotted on the number line,
separates the line into two or three intervals. An interval is part of the solution of the
inequality if a number in that interval makes the inequality true.

E. Elaborate

Let the student do this activity:

Graph the solution of the given inequality in the number line.

1. x2 + 3x + 2 < 0


x + 3x + 2 =0
(x + 2) (x + 1) = 0
x + 2 = 0, x + 1 = 0
x = -2 , x = -1

The three intervals are : - ∞ < x < -2, -2 < x < -1, -1 < x < ∞

For -∞ < x < -2, For -2 < x < -1, For -1 < x < ∞
Let x = -7 Let x = -1.5 Let x = 0
x2 + 3x + 2 < 0 (-1.5)2 + 3(-1.5) + 2 < 0 (0)2 + 3(0) + 2 < 0
(-7)2 + 3(-7) + 2 < 0 2.25 – 4.5 + 2 < 0 2 < 0 False
49 – 21 + 2 < 0 -.25 < 0 (True)
30 < 0 (False)

For x = -2 For x = -1
x2 + 3x + 2 < 0 x2 + 3x + 2 < 0
(-2)2 + 3(-2) + 2 < 0 (-1)2 + 3(-1) + 2 < 0
4 -6 + 2 < 0 1–3+2<0
0 < 0 (True) 0 < 0 (True)

Therefore, the solution set of the inequality is {x: -2 < x < -1} and its graph is

F. Evaluate

Find the solution set of the quadratic inequalities then graph.


1. x2 + 9x + 14 > 0

The solution set is { x: x < -7}

G. Extend

Let the students answer this activity at home.

Find the solution set and graph the quadratic inequality r2 -10r + 16 < 0


The solution set of the inequality is {x: 2 < x < 8}


A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations, formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them
using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency and Code: Solves quadratic inequalities. (M9AL-If-2)

Quarter: FIRST Week: 6th Day: 24

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. determine if a certain point is a solution of the given quadratic inequality;
2. find the solutions of the quadratic inequalities in two variables;
3. graph the solution of the quadratic inequalities in two variables.

II. Content:

Subject Matter: Solving quadratic inequalities in two variable

English (Vocabulary building)
Strategies: Group Activity
Materials: Power Point Presentation, Meter Stick, graphing paper, graphing board.
References: Grade 9 – Mathematics Learning Material pages 105-110.

III. Learning Tasks: (Depends on the Strategy used)

Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Establish classroom orderliness

A. Elicit
 The students will be grouped by 5
 Each group of students will be given a graphing paper
 In the graphing paper, they are going to plot the following points:

1. A (-1, 6) 6. F (2,9)
2. B (1, 8) 7. G (-6,-2)
3. C (-5,10) 8. H (1,-4)
4. D (3, 6) 9. I (0,0)
5. E (-3,4) 10. J (-6,7)

B. Engage
 The group will be given an inequality in two variables in which they are going to
check if the points given in the previous activity are solution of the quadratic

Determine if the following points are solution to the quadratic inequality

y < 2x2 + 3x -5

1. A (-1, 6) 6. F (2,9)
2. B (1, 8) 7. G (-6,-2)
3. C (-5,10) 8. H (1,-4)
4. D (3, 6) 9. I (0,0)
5. E (-3,4) 10. J (-6,7)

For the solutions please follow the steps in number 1.

1. A (-1, 6)
y < 2x2 + 3x -5
6 < 2(-1)2 + 3(-1) -5
6 < 2 -3 – 5
6 < -6 (False)
Therefore, Point A is not a solution of the quadratic inequality.
2. B (1, 8) – Not a solution
3. C (-5,10) – Solution
4. D (3, 6) – Solution
5. E (-3,4) – Not a solution
6. F (2,9) – Not a solution
7. G (-6,-2) – Solution
8. H (1,-4) - Solution
9. I (0,0) - Not a solution
C. Explain
10. J (-6,7) - Solution
 The group of students will be given the quadratic inequality y < x2 + 3x + 2.
Let the students follow the following instructions:
1. Write the inequality to its corresponding equation.
2. Construct table of values for x and y.
3. Use the points in the table of values to graph a parabola.
4. Find the solution set of the quadratic inequality in two variables by
shading the graph.
y < x + 3x + 2
1. Write the inequality to its corresponding equation.
y = x2 + 3x + 2
2. Construct table of values for x and y.
x -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
y 12 6 2 0 0 2 6 12
3. Use the points in the table of values to graph a parabola.

4. Find the solution set of the quadratic inequality in two variables by shading the

D. Explain

By the activity given let the students explain how to find the solution set of the
quadratic inequality in two variables.

E. Elaborate

 Let the students select from the list of mathematical sentences on the right side the
inequality that is described by the graph.
 Let them answer the questions below

a. How did you determine the quadratic inequality that is described by a given graph? b.
In each graph, what does the shaded region represent?
c. How do the points in the shaded region of each graph facilitate in determining the
inequality that defines it?
d. How would you describe the graphs of quadratic inequalities in two variables
involving “less than”? “greater than”? “less than or equal to”? “greater than or equal to”?

F. Evaluate

A. Determine whether or not each of the following point is a solution of the

Inequality y > 2x2 - 3x + 5.

1. A (3, 10)
2. D (6, 6)
3. B (0, 6)
4. E (0, 1)
5. C (–4, 6)

B. Find the solutions of the quadratic inequality y > 2x2 - 3x + 5 by showing it in its

G. Extend
Select from the list of mathematical sentences on the right side the inequality that is
described by the graph

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Valencia National High School
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical
relationships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving
quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: The learner solves problems involving quadratic inequalities.
Quarter: First Week: 7th Day: 25

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the learners should be able to:
a. Solve problems involving quadratic inequalities
b. Appreciate the application of quadratic inequalities in real-life situation
II. Content:
Topic: Quadratic Equations and Inequalities
Sub-topic: Quadratic Inequalities
Materials: Activity Sheets, cartolina, laptop and monitor
References: Grade 9 Teacher‟s Guide pp. 58 – 65
Grade 9 Learner‟s Material pp. 96 – 113

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary (3 minutes)
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
A. Elicit (5 minutes)

Given the condition below:

“A rectangular box is completely filled with dice. Each die has a volume of 1cubic
centimeter. The length of the box is 3cm greater than its width and its height is 5cm
suppose the box holds at most 140 dice, what are the possible dimensions of the box?

B. Engagement ( 5 minutes)
Activity I.
1. Engage students in a discussion about the rectangular box filled with dice. Allow
them to discuss with one another.
2. Ask your students what are the possible dimensions of the box given the
3. Relate their answers to inequalities. Allow them to write it in inequality form.
4. Let them explain how they come up on that dimension using inequalities symbols.

Possible Answers
1. The students discuss their answer.
2. Possible dimensions: width = 4 cm, length = 7 cm, and height = 5 cm
width = 3 cm, length = 6 cm, and height = 5 cm
4. The students will explain their answer.

C. Exploration (10 minutes)

Activity II.
Group the students with 5 members in each group. Assign a leader, secretary, and
a reporter. Each group will answer the given problem below. The group will
receive points according to the criteria:

Delivery 5 points
Creativity 10points
Correctness 15 points
20 points

Mr. Jerry has a vacant lot in his backyard in Tongantongan, Valencia City. He
wants to make as many rectangular plots as possible for his botanical garden

business such that the length of each plot is 2m longer than its width. He also wants
plots of the garden to have smallest area of 3m2.

a. What are the dimensions of the different plots that Mr. Jerry wants to make?
b. What is the area of each plot in item 1?
c. What is the area of the smallest plot that Mr. Jerry can make? How about the area
of the largest plot? Explain your answer.

Possible Answer
a. 2m by 4m or 1.5m by 3.5m
b. Area of the first plot: (2m)(4m) = 8m2 1. Area of the second plot:
(1.5m)(3.5m) = 5.25m
c. The area of the smallest plot is 3m2.This occurs when the length is
3m and the width is 1m. There is no theoretical limit to the largest plot.
It can be as large as what can fit in Mr. Jerry’s vacant lot.

The teacher will ask the following questions.

1. What general mathematical sentence would represent the possible areas of the
2. Using the mathematical sentence formulated, do you think you can find other
possible dimensions of the plots that Mr. Jerry wants to make? If YES, how? If
NOT, explain.

Possible Answer
1. w(w + 2) ≥ 3 , where w is the width of each
2. Yes. If we look for values of w that would
make the mathematical sentence true.

D. Explanation (20 minutes)

The teacher then will recall and explain the concepts of mathematical inequalities.

A statement that one mathematical expression is greater than, greater than or

equal to, less than or less than or equal another is called an inequality. A quadratic

inequality is an inequality that contains a polynomial of degree 2 and can be written

in any of the following forms. a x 2 + bx + c > 0, a x 2 + bx + c < 0, a x 2 + bx + c ≥ 0, a
2 2
x + bx + c ≤ 0, a x + bx + c ≠ 0 where a, b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
For the given activity these are the answers. The teacher will explain it.

a. 2m by 4m or 1.5m by 3.5m
b. Area of the first plot: (2m)(4m) = 8m2 1. Area of the second plot: (1.5m)
(3.5m) = 5.25m
c. The area of the smallest plot is 3 m2.This occurs when the length is 3m
and the width is 1m. There is no theoretical limit to the largest plot. It
can be as large as what can fit in Mr. Jerry’s vacant lot.

E. Elaboration (5 minutes)

Suppose the length of each plot that Mr. Jerry wants to make is 3m longer
than its width and the area of the smaller plot is 10 m2, what general mathematical
sentence would represent the possible areas of the plots? How are you going to solve
the mathematical sentence formulated? Find at least 3 possible solutions of the
mathematical sentence.

w ( w+3 ) ≥ 10 where w is the width of each plot.

Possible solutions: w = 2, l = 5; w = 3, l = 6; w = 3.5, l = 6.5

F. Evaluation (10 minutes)
The floor of the Valencia City Gymnasium and Cultural Center can be covered
completely with tiles. It has length that is 36ft longer than its width. The area of the
floor is less than 2,040 square feet.
a. How would you represent the width of the floor? How about its length?
b. What mathematical sentence would represent the given situation?
c. What are possible dimensions of the floor?
d. Would it be realistic for the floor to have an area of 144 square feet?
Explain your answer

a. Width = x and Length = x + 36
b. x ( x +36 )< 2040 or x 2+ 36 x< 2040
c. Possible Answer: w=15 ft∧l=51 ft a=765 ft 2
w=22 ft ∧l=58 ft a=1276 ft
w=30 ft∧l=66 ft a=1980 ft
d. No, it is not realistic to have a conference hall whose
width is too narrow.

G. Enrichment (2 minutes)
Journal writing.
1. Explain how can quadratic inequality be used to solve real-life problems?

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ______
B. No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation: ________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _______
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ________
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _________
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _________
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? _____
H. What innovation or localized material did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? __________

Writer: Soraya L. Redoble

Tongantongan National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical
relationships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of
Learning Competency and Code: The learner solves problems involving quadratic inequalities.
Quarter: First Week: 7th Day: 26

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the learners should be able to:
A. Appreciate the application of quadratic inequalities in real-life situation
II. Content:
Topic: Quadratic Equations and Inequalities
Sub-topic: Quadratic Inequalities
Materials: Activity Sheets, cartolina, laptop and monitor
References: Grade 9 Teacher‟s Guide pp. 58 – 65
Grade 9 Learner‟s Material pp. 96 – 113

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary (3 minutes)
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
H. Elicit (5 minutes)

Activity I.
5. Group students into three members and let them share what they have written in
their journal note book.
6. Ask them to summarize what they have learned out from one another.
I. Engagement ( 5 minutes)
o A problem will be presented in the class.

Do you agree that the solution set of y < x 2 + x−20∧ y> x2 + x−20 are all
set of points on a plane? Justify your answer by graphing the solution set
of each on a coordinate plane.

No. All coordinates of points on the broken
line are not part of the solution set of both

J. Exploration (20 minutes)

Activity II.
Group the students with 6 members in each group. Let them choose their leader,
secretary, and a reporter. Their task is to go outside the classroom and make
sketch their own plant box. In their sketch, they have to indicate their
measurement using mathematic inequality expressions. They will be graded
according to the following criteria:

Sketch 20 points
Creativity 15points
Correctness 15 points
50 points
The teacher will then ask the following questions:

a. How did you come up with that measurement?

b. What if you’ll make a bigger one, what dimension will you adjust?

K. Explanation (10 minutes)

o Let them explain on the board their outcome.
L. Elaboration (5 minutes)
The teacher then will recall and explain the concepts of mathematical inequalities.

A statement that one mathematical expression is greater than, greater than or

equal to, less than or less than or equal another is called an inequality. A quadratic
inequality is an inequality that contains a polynomial of degree 2 and can be written
in any of the following forms. a x 2 + bx + c > 0, a x 2 + bx + c < 0, a x 2 + bx + c ≥ 0, a
2 2
x + bx + c ≤ 0, a x + bx + c ≠ 0 where a, b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.

M. Evaluation (10 minutes)

Perform the activity below:
Find the dimensions of the floors of the three rooms in your school. Indicate the
measures obtained in the table below.

Rooms Length Width

N. Enrichment (2 minutes)
Determine the measures and costs of different tiles that are available in the
nearest hardware store or advertised in any printed materials or in the internet. Write
these in the table below.
Tiles Length Width Cost

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ______
B. No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation: ________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _______
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ________
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _________
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _________
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? _____
H. What innovation or localized material did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? __________

Writer: Soraya L. Redoble

Tongantongan National High School


Illustrates quadratic inequalities (M9AL-Ia-1)
Solves quadratic inequalities. (M9AL-If-2)
Solve Problems Involving quadratic Inequalities

60% Easy 30% Moderate
Number Total No. Difficult
SKILLS/ of Days
of Items

5 5 0 0 0 0
1. Illustrates (Where to find the item in the test)
quadratic 1 25 10 10
inequalities 1,2,4,5,

7 7 2 2 2 0
(Where to find the item in the test)
2. Solves quadratic
2 50 20 3,6,7, 20
8,25, 28,29,30,31.32,33,34 35, 36 37, 38 39, 40

3. Solve Problems 0 0 4 4 2 0
Involving quadratic 1 25 10 (Where to find the item in the test) 10
Inequalities 15,16, 17, 18 19, 20, 21, 22 23, 24

Total 4 100 40 12 12 6 6 4 0 40
60% 30% 10%

Prepared by:
Secondary School Teacher

Checked by:
Mathematics EPS I

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations, inequalities
and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various situations,
formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities and
functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of
Learning Competency and Code:
Quarter: FIRST Week: 7Th Day: _27_
I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to answer a 20-item test correctly.

II. Content:
Summative Test No. _____

Direction: Read and analyze each item carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Is an equality that contains a polynomial of degree 2.

a. Quadratic equation c. Quadratic function
b. Quadratic inequality d. Cubic inequality
2. Which of the following mathematical statements is a quadratic inequality?
a. 2r2 – 3r -5 = 0 c. 3t2 + 7t -2 > 0
b. 7h + 12 < 0 d. s2 + 8s + 15 = 0
3. Which of the following coordinates of points belong to the solution set of the inequality y <
2x2 + 5x -1?
a. (-3, 2) c. (1,6)
b. (-2, 9) d. (3,1)
4. The length of a wall is 12 m more than its width. If the area of the wall is less than 50 m 2,
which of the following could be its length?

a. 3 m c. 15 m
b. 4 m d. 16 m
5. Which of the following mathematical statements is a quadratic inequality?
a. x2 + 9x + 20 = 0 c. m2 = 6m – 7
b. r2 + 10r < -16 d. 4x2 – 25 = 0
6. Which of the following coordinates of points belong to the solution set of the inequality
y < 2x2 + 3x -5?
a. (1, 8) c. (-5,10)
b. (-3,4) d. (2,9)

7. Which inequality best describe the graph?

a. y > x2 – 2x + 8
b. y < 2x2 + 7x + 5
c. y > x2 – 2x + 8
d. y < 2x2 + 7x + 5
8. Which of the following coordinates of points belong to the solution set of the inequality
y < 2x2 + 3x -5?
a. (-6,7) c. (2,9)
b. (0,0) d. (-3,4)
9. Which of the following mathematical statements is not a quadratic inequality?
a. x2 + 9x + 20 > 0 c. m2 = 6m – 7
b. r + 10r < -16 d. 4x2 – 25 < 0
10. Find the solution of the mathematical sentence, r -3 < 10.
a. r < 13 c. r =13
b. r < 7 d. r = 7
11. Find the solution of the mathematical sentence, 12 -5m > -8.
a. m > 4 c. m < 4
b. m = 4 d. m > 4

12. Which of the following mathematical statements is not a quadratic inequality?

a. 2t2 < 21 – 9t c. m2 = 6m -7
b. r2 + 10r < -16 d. 4x2 – 25 < 0
13. Which of the following mathematical statements is a quadratic inequality?
a. 2s2 + 7s + 5 > 0 c. 4x2 -25 = 0
b. x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 d. r2 + 7r = 18
14. Which of the following is a quadratic inequality in two variables?
a. 2s2 + 7s + 5 > 0 c. 4x2 -25 = 0
b. x + 5x + 6 < y d. r2 + 7r = 18
15. A rectangular box is completely filled with dice. Each die has a volume of 1 cm3 . The length
of the box is 3 cm greater than its width and its height is 5 cm. Suppose the box holds at
most 140 dice. What is the possible dimensions of the box?

a . w=2 cm ,l=3 cm, h=4 cm c . w=5 cm, l=5 cm , h=6 cm

b . w=4 cm ,l=6 cm ,h=5 cm d . w=7 cm ,l=2cm , h=6 cm

For Numbers.16-20. Use the problem below to answer the following questions.

A company decided to increase the size of the box for packaging of their canned sardines. The
length of the original packaging box was 40 cm longer than its width, the height was 12cm, and
the volume was at most 4800 cm3 .

16. How would you represent the width and the length of the original packaging box?
a . w=w∧l=w−40 c . w=w∧l=w+ 40
b . w=w−40∧l=w d . w=40∧l=w

17. What mathematical expression would represent the volume of the original packaging?
2 2
a . w + 480 c . 480−w
2 2
b . 12 w + 480≤ 4800 d . 4800 ≥ w + 480
18. What could be the greatest possible dimensions of the box if each dimension is in whole
a . w=12 cm ,l=12 cm , h=48 cm c . w=8 cm, l=48 cm∧h=12 cm
b . w=48 cm, l=8 cm∧h=10 cm d . w=48 cm , l=8 cm∧h=12 cm
19. Suppose the length of the new packaging box is still 40 cm longer than its width and the
height is 12 cm. What mathematical sentence would represent the volume of the new packaging
2 2
a . 12 w + 480 w> 4800 c . w +480 w> 4800
2 2
b . 2 w + 480 w> 4800 d . 12 w +80 w> 4800
20. An open box is to be formed out of a rectangular piece of cardboard whose length is 16 cm
longer than its width. To form the box, a square of side 5 cm will be removed from each corner of
the cardboard. Then the edges of the remaining cardboard will be turned up. If the box is to hold
at most 2,100 cm3, what mathematical statement would represent the given situation?
a. w2 + 4w ≤ 480 b. w2 - 4w ≤ 420 c. w2 + 4w ≥ 420 d. w2 - 4w ≤ 480

For Numbers 21- 24. Use the problem below to answer the following questions.
The floor of a conference hall can be covered completely with tiles. Its length is 38ft. longer than
its width. The area of the floor is less than 2040 square feet.
21. What are the given in the problem?
a. length=38∧ Area=2040

b. length=width+ 38∧ Area> 2040

c. length=width+ 38∧ Area< 2040

d. length=width+ 38∧ Area≥ 2040

22. What mathematical sentence would represent the given situation?


a. w (w +38)≥ 2040
b. w (w +38)< 2040
c. w (w +38)≤ 2040
d. w (w +38)> 2040

23. How would you represent the length of the floor?

a. l=w+38 b. l=w(38)

c. l=w−38 d. l=
24. What are the possible dimensions of the floor?
a. width=30∧length=68 b. width=28∧length=66

c. width=40∧length=51 d. width=40∧length=78
For numbers 25-34, Determine whether or not each of the following points is a solution
of the inequality y < x2 + 9x + 4.
25. A (-1, 5) 30. F (3,8)
26. B (2, 7) 31. G (-5,-1)
27. C (-4, 9) 32. H (2, -5)
28. D (2, 7) 33. I (0,0)
29. E (-2, 5) 34. J (-6, 7)

35- 38. Find the solution/s set of the quadratic inequalities x2 + 9x + 14 > 0

39-40. How would you describe the graphs of quadratic inequalities in two variables involving
“less than”? “less than or equal to”? “greater than or equal to”?

III. Tasks:

R. Setting of Standards
S. Reading of Instructions
T. Supervising learners in answering the summative test
U. Checking of papers

IV. Recording of test results

V. Reflection

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___


Valencia National High School/ Lourdes Integrated HS

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical

relationships in various situations, formulate real-life problems
involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational
algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency and Code: The learner models real-life situations using quadratic
functions. M9AL-Ig-2
Quarter: First Week: 7th Day: 28

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the learners should be able to:
a. Model real-life situations using quadratic functions.
b. Appreciate the application of quadratic function in real-life situations.
II. Content:
Topic: Quadratic Functions
Sub-topic: Introduction to Quadratic Functions
Integration: Values
Materials: Activity Sheets, pictures, laptop and monitor
References: Grade 9 Teacher‟s Guide pp. 85 – 96
Grade 9 Learner‟s Material pp. 125 – 126
BEAM Fourth Year, Module
High School Mathematics Concepts and Operations 3 pp. 89 – 96

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary (3 minutes)
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
A. Elicit (5 minutes)
The teacher will ask the following questions to the entire class.

a. What is your favorite team in PBA? NBA? How about your idol/favorite
player in basketball?
b. Have you ever asked yourself why PBA/NBA star players are good in free
c. How do angry bird expert players hit their targets? Do you know the secret
key in playing this game?
d. What is the maximum height reached by an object thrown vertically upward
given a particular condition?

Possible Answers:
b. Yes, through practicing…
c. aiming their shot to the target.
d. 0

B. Engage ( 10 minutes)
Activity I.
7. Students will be grouped into 5 with 8 members in each group. Each group will
assign their leader, a secretary and a reporter. They will be performing a task
given by the teacher.

Task: The leader will cut the whole pizza into 8 pieces. The challenge for the
group is to slice it evenly into 8 parts.
8. The teacher will ask them how they manage to cut it evenly.
9. The reporter will report their answer briefly.

C. Explore (15 minutes)

Activity II.
Within the same group, the teacher gives another task in continuation to
their pizza cutting activity. The group will come up with a mathematical equation
on how they cut their pizza evenly. If needed the students will anchor their
mathematical equation to certain theorems.

The teacher will then ask the following questions:

a. How did you come up with that equation?

b. Given a different size and no. of slices, is your equation still

Possible Answers
a. y = 2x
b. yes

D. Explain (5 minutes)
The teacher then will explain the concepts of quadratic functions.

The equation is a quadratic equation in two variables; represents the

dependent variable and the independent variable. The polynomial in x 2+ x+1=2 has
degree 2, meaning the highest exponent of is 2. Such equation describes a quadratic

 The teacher will give another activity to the students.(by pair)

Activity III. Identify Me!
State whether each of the following equations represents a quadratic function or not.

1.y = x2 + 2
2.y = 2x – 10
3.y = 9 – 2x2
4.y = 2x + 2
5.y = 3x2 + x3 + 2
6.y = 2x +3x + 2
7.y = 2x2
8.y = (x – 2)(x + 4)
9.0= (x – 3)(x + 3) + x2 – y
10.3x3 + y – 2x = 0

1. Quadratic Function 2. Not Quadratic Function
3. Quadratic Function 4. Not Quadratic Function
5. Not Quadratic Function 6. Not Quadratic Function
7. Quadratic Function 8. Quadratic Function
9. Quadratic Function 10. Not Quadratic Function

 The teacher will check their answer and explain more about the topic.

The quadratic equation is an equation of the second degree, meaning it

contains at least one term that is squared. The standard form is ax 2 +bx +c=0 with a,b,
and c being constants, or numerical coefficients, and x is an unknown variable. One
absolute rule is that the first constant “a” cannot be zero.
E. Elaborate (10 minutes)
 The teacher will give an activity to the students.(By Pair)

When pizza is served to a customer, it is already divided into 8 pieces, if it is

regular size or into 12 pieces if it is family size. Observe the 8 pieces result from 4
straight cuts; the 12-piece from 6 straight cuts. Reasoning tells us that 3 straight cuts
would result to 6 pieces and 5 straight cuts to 10 pieces. In other words, pizza-cutting
this way can be described by the linear function
y=2 x
Given the table below where x is the number of straight cuts and find the number
of pieces results.

x 0 1 2 3 4
x 0 1 2 3 4
y 0 2 4 6 8

Suppose what we want is the greatest number of pieces for the number of
straight cuts we make. Drawing diagrams to find out, the results are shown below.

You will observe that the corresponding table of values will differ from that
of the equation.
y=2 x
x 0 1 2 3 4
y 1 2 4 7 11
equation is a quadratic equation in two variables; represents the dependent variable
and the independent variable. The polynomial in x 2+ x+1=2 has degree 2, meaning
the highest exponent of is 2. Such equation describes a quadratic function. The
second situation of pizza-cutting is an example of a physical situation that is
mathematically translated to a quadratic function.

F. Evaluate (10 minutes)

Perform the activity below:
The diagram shows the growth of a staircase of squares.

a. Get a piece of paper. Draw staircase number 5 and number 6 following the pattern.
b. Enter the pair of values, staircase number and total number of squares in the
staircase, in a table
No. staircase, x
No. of squares, y

No. staircase, x 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of squares, 21
1 3 6 10 15

G. Extend (2 minutes)
Journal Writing
1. Write how important quadratic functions in solving real-life problems.
2. Give one example of real-life problems involving quadratic functions.

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ______
B. No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation: ________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? _______
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ________
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: _________
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _________
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? _____
H. What innovation or localized material did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? __________

Writer: Soraya L. Redoble

Tongantongan National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:
Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations ,
inequalities and functions , and rational algebraic equations
Performance Standards:
Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations , formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic and solve them using a
variety of strategies
Learning Competency and Code:
The learner represents a quadratic function using: (a) table of values;
(b) graph; and (c) equation. (M9Al-Ig-3)
Quarter: FIRST Week: 8th Day: 29

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. Represent and identify the quadratic function using tables and graphs
2. draw graphs for the given quadratic function.
3. show appreciation on the graphs of quadratic function.
II. Content:
Subject Matter: Representations of Quadratic Function Using Table of Values and
Values Education: The value of patience, accuracy and cooperation
Strategies: Cooperative learning,
Materials: Laptop, projector, papers and hand-outs
References: Mathematics 9 Teacher’s Guide ,
Mathematics 9 Teacher’s Learner’s Module

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: ( 3 minutes )
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Setting the mode of the classroom
H. Elicit: (4 mins.)
Let the students do the activity to recall the concepts of domain and range of relations
and functions.
Match the item in column A with that of column B that is related to it. Is the
relation between the two items a function? Explain.
a student in a class Square of that number

a barcode in a store a price

a real number a date of birth

A student in a class is related to his or her birthday. This relationship is a
function since to each students in a class , there corresponds a date of birth.
A barcode in a store is related to a price. This also shows a function since to
each barcode there corresponds a price.
A real number is related to a square of that number. This is also a function
since no real number can have two or more different squares.

I. ENGAGE: (6 mins)
Students will be grouped by 5
A. Let the students observe the pattern and draw the 4th and 5th figures:

? ?
1 23 4 5

? ?

1 23 4 5
B. 1Use
2 the
3 table to illustrate
4 5
the relation of the figure number to the number of
Figure Number ( x) 1 2 3 4 5
Number of blocks ( y ) 1 4 7
x 0 1 2 3 4 5
y 0 3 8 15
1. Write the pattern you observed in table a and table b.
2. What equations describes the patterns?

A. a. B. a.

Equation / Pattern :
Y=3( x- 1) + 1 →y = 3x -2
b. Equation / Pattern :
Y=( x+1)2 - 1 →y = x2 + 2x

J. EXPLORE: (15 mins)

a. Complete the following table of values using the indicated function.

f(x) = 4x + 4
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

g(x) = x2 + 4x – 4
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

b. What kind of function is f(x) ? g(x) ?

c. List the following:
for f(x) = 4x +4
Set of ordered pairs:_______________________
Domain:____________ Range:______________

for g(x) = x2 + 4x – 4
Set of ordered pairs:_______________________
Domain:____________ Range:______________

c. Graph the f(x) and g(x) in the Cartesian plane.

d. Connect and explain the formation of the points.

f(x) = 4x + 4
a. X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16

g(x) = x2 + 4x – 4
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y -7 -8 -7 -4 1 8 17

b. f(x) = 4x + 4 linear function

g(x) = x2 + 4x – 4 quadratic function

f(x) = 4x + 4 {(-3,-8), (-2,-4), (-1,0),(0,4),(1,8),(2,12),(3,16)}

Domain { -3 ,-2 ,-1 ,0 , 1 ,2 , 3}
Range {-8 ,-4 ,0 , 4 ,8 , 12 , 16}
g(x) = x2 + 4x – 4 {(-3,-7), (-2,-8), (-1,7),(0,-4),(1,1),(2,8),(3,17)}

Domain { -3 ,-2 ,-1 ,0 , 1 ,2 , 3}

Range {-7 ,-8 ,7 , -4 , 1 , 8 , 17}

K. EXPLAIN: ( 8 mins)
The teacher will select students to explain their answers.
After their presentation the teacher then will emphasize all about function, how to
write the domain and range of a relation and to determine whether the
correspondence is a function or not. Let them differentiate quadratic equation
from function. Write a quadratic function in the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c , where a
, b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.

L. ELABORATE: (10mins)
The graph of a quadratic function is parabola
Make a table and graph of the following quadratic functions:
a. y = x2
b. y = x2 + 2x
c. y = x2 + 2x + 1


a. y = x2
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
b. y = x2 + 2x
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y 3 0 -1 0 3 8 15

c. y = x2 + 2x + 1
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y 4 1 0 1 4 9 16


a. b. c.
M. EVALUATE: (12 mins)
Make a a) table b) set of ordered pairs and then c) graph the following
a. f(x) = x2 – 2x
b. g(x) = x2 – 2x -1


a. f(x) = x2 – 2x
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 15 8 3 0 -1 0 3
Set of ordered pairs:
{(-3 , 15),(-2, 8),(-1, 3) , (0,0), (1 , -1),(2,0), (3, 3)}

b. f(x) = x2 – 2x - 1
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 14 7 2 -1 -2 -1 2
Set of ordered pairs:
{(-3 , 14),(-2, 7),(-1, 2) , (0,-1), (1 , -2),(2,-1), (3, 2)}

G. EXTEND: (3 mins)
In their activity notebook, students will answer Activity 4: Compare Me!
No. 7 and 8 only Page 127

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___

G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? __

Writer: Melmark S. Rondaris

Catumbalon National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in
various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations
and solve them using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency and Code: the learner represents a quadratic function using: (a) table
of values; (b) graph; and (c) equation. (M9AL-Ig-3)

Quarter: First Week: 8th Day: 30

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. Give word/s that describes the quadratic function.
2. Identify equations that represent quadratic function.
3. Share ideas on what makes function quadratic.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Representing quadratic function using Equation
Integration: The concept of representing quadratic function using Equation can best
integrate the following:

MAPEH: drawing; dancing

ENGLISH: Give word/s and construct sentence/s about quadratic function.
Strategies: Collaboration
Materials: Music, Metacards, worksheets and power point presentation
References: Learners’ Module 9 pages 125 - 129.

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: Check the attendance; setting the mode of the classroom:

A. Elicit: (3 mins.)
The class will be divided into three groups.
Each group will list down 5 word/s they learned about quadratic function and
explain, act or represent their knowledge about those words.

Possible Answers:
 Graph (The graph of quadratic function is parabola.)
 Table of values (The second differences of the y values is constant)
 Second Degree (The highest exponent of quadratic function is 2.)
 The students may draw graphs of quadratic function on the board.

B. Engage: (5 mins)
Procedure is patterned to Pera o Bayong
Do the stop dancing with metacards to be alligned as liner function, quadratic
function or not liner nor quadratic as the music stop. Up to 3 trials only to finalized the
answers on the worksheet provided.

Put the letter of the given equations in the diagram below where you think it belongs.

Quadratic Function Not Linear nor Quadratic Linear Function

Group One:
a. y = 22-x d. y = x2+4
b. y = x + 5 e. x2 + 2x + 1 = y

c. 2x3+2x+1 = y
Group Two:
1. y = x2 + 2
2. y = 2x – 10
3. y = 9 – 2x2
4. y = 2x + 2
5. y = 3x2 + x3 + 2
Group Three:
6. y = 2x + 3x + 2
7. y = 2x2
8. y = (x-2)(x+4)
9. 0 = (x-3)(x+3) + x2 – y
10. 3x3 + y – 2x = 0

Quadratic Function Not Linear nor Quadratic Linear Function

d, e c a, b
1, 3 4, 5 2
7, 8, 9 6, 10

C. Explore: (10 mins)

After the 3 trials of dancing with the music, the first group will check the worksheet of
group 3, second group will check the worksheet of group 1 and third group will check the
worksheet of group 2. They will be working together to verify the worksheets of the other
groups and prepare explanations for their works after then.

They will give:

10 points if the output is all correct

8 points if there are 1 or 2 errors
6 points if there are 3 or 4 errors
4 points if all answers are not correct.
D. Explain: (15 mins)
Verify the explanation of the students to answer the questions below.

Why did you give 10 points to the other group?

How did you say that the given equations are quadratic functions?

E. Elaborate: (17 mins)

Soliciting ideas from the students…

What do you think is our lesson today?

Our lesson today is all about representing quadratic function using equation.

Were you able to identify the equations of quadratic functions?


Yes, the quadratic function in the form f(x) = ax 2+bx+c can also be written in
the form y = ax2+bx+c, where a, b and c are real numbers and a is not equal to
f ( x )=3 x +2 x−4 (Quadratic function)
y=3 x +2 x−4 (Quadratic Function)

What similarities do you see in quadratic functions? In linear functions?

The equations of quadratic function has the highest degree of 2.
The equations of linear function has 1 as the highest degree.

How do a quadratic function and a linear function differ?

The quadratic function has the highest degree of 2 in the form y=a x2 +bx +c .
The linear function has 1 as the highest degree in the form y=ax+ b
Where a, b, and c are any real numbers and a ≠ 0.

What makes a function quadratic?

The function is quadratic if it has the highest degree of 2 in the form
y=a x +bx +c or f ( x )=a x +bx + c.

where a, b, and c are any real numbers and a ≠ 0.

F. Evaluate: (8 mins)

In ½ crosswise, write into paragraph form your insights of the lessons for today then
answer the given activities below.

Let us generalized our lesson today through completing the statements below;

The lesson for today is about __________________________________. I learned that

__________________________________. The function is said to be quadratic if
Put the letter of the given equation in the diagram below where you think it belongs.
a. y = x2-1 f. y = x3+1
b. y = x g. 22 + x = y
c. 2x2+2x+1 = y h. y = 3x + 2x
d. 3x – 1 + y = 0 i. 3x + x2 = y
e. y = (2x+3) (x-1) j. 2x (x-3) – y = 0

Quadratic Function Not Linear nor Quadratic Linear Function

Possible Answers:
The lesson for today is about representing quadratic function using equation. I learned that the
quadratic function in the form f(x) = ax2+bx+c will be written in the equation form y = ax 2+bx+c,
where a, b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0. Example of quadratic function is f(x)=3x2 + 2x - 4 and
y =3x2 + 2x - 4 is a Quadratic equation. The function is said to be quadratic if it has the highest degree
of 2 and in the form y=a x2 +bx +c or f ( x )=a x2 +bx + c, where a, b, and c are any real numbers and
a ≠ 0.
Quadratic Not Linear nor

G. Extend: (2 mins)

Try this during your vacant time. Explain and write your output in your notebook

The students will make a reflection about what they have learned in representing a
quadratic function using: (a) table of values; (b) graph; and (c) equation.

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Writer: Agnes V. Calfoforo

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,

inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in
various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: the learner represents a quadratic function using: (a) table
of values; (b) graph; and (c) equation. (M9AL-Ig-3)

Quarter: First Week: 8th Day: 31

I. Objectives:

At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:

1. Represents quadratic function using: (a) table of values; (b) graph; and (c)
2. Share ideas on what makes function quadratic.
3. Describe the ways of recognizing a quadratic function

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Representing quadratic function using Table of Values, Graphs and
Integration: The concept of representing quadratic function using Equation can best
integrate the following:

ENGLISH: Construct sentence/s about quadratic function and justify the reasons.
Strategies: Collaboration
Materials: Metacards, worksheets and power point presentation
References: Learners’ Module 9 pages 125 - 129.
Mathematics 9 Teacher’s Guide. (2015). Department of Education-
Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS. Pasig City,
Mathematics 9 Teacher’s Learner’s Module. (2015). Department of
Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS. Pasig
City, Philippines

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: Check the attendance; setting the mode of the classroom:

A. Elicit: (5 mins.)
Identify the following if it is a quadratic function or not.
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 The table of value is a
1. quadratic function because
y 1 3 6 10 15 21
the second differences of y
2 3 4 5 6
values are constant.
1 1 1 1

2. The graph is a parabola. It is

the graph of quadratic function.

3. y = x2 + 6x + 9 4. 0 = 2x2 + 8 5. y = 3x3 + 2x2

quadratic function. quadratic equation. Not quadratic function.

B. Engage: (5 mins)
The teacher will play a video presentation for quadratic functions and parabolas

in the real world.

C. Explore: (10 mins)

The class will be divided into 5 groups. Per group will be assigned to one number to explore
as specified in the directions below:
The students will make
a) table of values
b) Graph for the following quadratic functions:
a. y = x2 + 2
b. y = 2x2 + 4x
c. y = 2x2 + 4x + 2

II. Make an equation from the given table and graph.

x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 8 3 0 -1 0 3 8


(-2,4) (2,4)

(-1,1) (1,1)

D. Explain: (15 mins)

Each group will present their answers in front
They will be evaluated with the following rubrics:

Accuracy 10 points
Confidence 10 points
Creativity 10 points
30 points
They will receive:

10 points if the output is all correct / fluently delivered the presentation

8 points if there are 1 or 2 errors / minor errors noted in the presentation
6 points if there are 3 or 4 errors / many errors noted in the presentation
4 points if more than 5 answers are not correct/ no presentation delivered

E. Elaborate: (17 mins)

The teacher will correct some errors in the presentation and will stress out
mathematical concepts and principles behind the topic.

Soliciting ideas from the students…

What is a quadratic function?

The quadratic function is in the form f(x) = ax2+bx+c or will be written in
the equation form y = ax2+bx+c, where a, b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
What similarities do you see in quadratic functions? In linear functions?
The equations of quadratic function have the highest degree of 2.
The equation of linear function has 1 as the highest degree.

How do a quadratic function and a linear function differ in terms of the table of values?
In the table of values of quadratic function, the second differences of the y values is
constant while, in the linear function the first differences of the y values is constant.

What is the graph of a quadratic function and a linear function differs?

The graph of a quadratic function is parabola.
The graph of a linear function is straight line.

What makes a function quadratic?


The function is quadratic if it has the highest degree of 2 in the form

y=a x +bx +c or f ( x )=a x +bx + c.

where a, b, and c are any real numbers and a ≠ 0.

F. Evaluate: (8 mins)
In the oval callout, describe the ways of recognizing a quadratic function.



G. Extend: (2 mins)
Consider the set of figures below. Study the relationship between the term number and
the number of unit triangles formed. What is the pattern? Describe the patterns through
table of values, graph, and equation. How many triangles re there in the 25th term?

Term 1 2 3

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Writers: Melmark S. Rondaris/ Agnes V. Calfoforo

Catumbalon NHS/ Valencia NHS

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,

inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standard: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in

various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency and code: the learner represents a quadratic function using: (a) table
of values; (b) graph; and (c) equation. (M9AL-Ig-3)
Quarter: First Week: 8th Day: 32

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to answer a 20-item test

1. Model real-life situations using quadratic functions.


2. Identify the quadratic function using tables, graphs and equation

3. Represent the quadratic function using tables, graphs and equation
4. Draw graphs of the given quadratic function

II. Content:
Summative Test No. 6

III. Tasks:

H. Setting of Standards
I. Reading of Instructions
J. Supervising learners in answering the summative test
K. Checking of papers

IV. Recording of test results

V. Reflection

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___



the learner TEST NO. 6 a quadratic function using: (a) table of values;
(b) graph; and (c) equation. (M9AL-Ig-3)

Total 60% Easy 30% Moderate 10% Difficult
Proportion No. of Total
Items R U App An E C

12 2
1. Model real-life situations
using quadratic functions (Where to find the item in the test)
2.5 63 30 3,6, 11-
1,2 30
2. Identify the quadratic function
using tables, graphs and
6 10

(Where to find the item in the test)

equation 4,5,7,8,9,1

10 5
3. Represent the quadratic function 1 25 15 (Where to find the item in the test) 15
using tables, graphs and equation
31-40 45-50
4. Draw graphs of the given
quadratic function. 0.5 13 5 (Where to find the item in the test) 5

Total 4 100 50 12 18 10 5 5 0 50
60% 30% 10% 100%

Checked by:
Prepared by:


Secondary School Teacher III MATHEMATICS EPS


NAME: ____________________ SECTION: ___________ SCORE: _________

I- MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of your best

For numbers 1-6

The figure 1 shows a sequence of diagram formed by dots. The number of dots
in the nth diagram is given by .

1st diagram 2nd diagram 3rd diagram 4th diagram

Figure 1

1. If the figure of sequence continues, which diagram has 210 dots?

A. 20th diagram B. 25th diagram C. 30th diagram D. 40th diagram

2. How many dots are formed in the 30th diagram?

A. 420 dots B. 465 dots C. 520 dots D. 565 dots

3. Which of the following illustrates set of ordered pairs of the given diagram?
A. { ( 1 , 1 ) ,(2 ,3) ,(3 , 5),(4 , 7), (5 , 9 ) , ( 6 , 11) } B.
{ ( 1 , 1 ) ,(2 ,3) ,(3 , 7), (4 ,10), (5 , 16 ) , ( 6 , 20 ) }
C. { ( 1 , 1 ) ,(2 ,3) ,(3 , 7), (4 ,10), (5 , 12 ) , ( 6 ,16 ) } D.
{ ( 1 , 1 ) ,(2 ,3) ,(3 , 6),(4 ,10), (5 ,15 ) , ( 6 , 21 ) }
4. Which of the following table of values represents figure 1?

X 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 1 2 3 4 5 6
A. Y 1 3 6 10 1 21 B. Y 1 3 7 10 12 16
C. X 1 2 3 4 5 6 D. X 1 2 3 4 5 6
Y 1 3 7 10 1 20 Y 1 3 5 7 9 11
5. If the values will be plot in Cartesian plane, what will
be the form of the graph in the given figure 1?
A. Straight line B. Parabolic graph
C. Hyperbolic graph D. intersecting lines

6. Which of the following is the independent variable of the given figure 1?

A. the number of diagram B. the number of dots
C. D. the sequence

7. Which of the following represents the graph of quadratic functions?

a. b. c. d.

8. How will you identify that the table below is a quadratic function?

x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 2 -1 -2 -1 2 7 14

A. The first differences between each adjacent y- values are equal.

B. The second differences between each adjacent y- values are equal
C. The third differences between each adjacent y- values are equal.
D. The fourth differences between each adjacent y- values are equal

9. Which of the following table of values represent a quadratic function?


X -2 B.
-1 0 1 2 3 x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y 9 4 1 1 1 4
X -2 -1 0 1 2 3 X -2 -1 0 1 2 3
D. Y 2 -1 -2 -1 2 7
Y -2 -1 0 1 2 3
10. Which of the mathematical sentences below represent quadratic function?
A. f (x)=2 x 3−12 x+ 22 B. 0=2 x 2−12 x +10
C. f (x)=12 x +22 D. f (x)=2 x 2−12 x−10


A. For the quadratic functions:

a. f(x) = 2x2 – 5x + 3 b. g(x) = -3x 2 + 4x - 1

11-20) List the following: ( 5 points each)

Set of ordered pairs:_______________________
Domain:____________ Range:______________

21-30) Make a table of values: ( 5 points each)

31-40) Sketch the graph( 5 points each)

B. Make an equation from the given table and graph. ( 5 points each)

a. (numbers 41-45: Make a Graph)

X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y 44 29 18 11 8 8 14

b. (numbers 46-50: Make an equation)


(-1,-1) (1,-1)


Writer: Agnes V. Calfoforo

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,

inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standard: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in
various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and code: Transforms the quadratic function defined by
y = ax2 + bx + c into the form y = a(x - h)2 + k . (M9AL-Ih-1)

Quarter: First Quarter Week: 9th Day: 33

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. Describe the ways of recognizing a quadratic function.
2. Transform the general form of quadratic Function f(x) = ax2+bx+c into the
standard form or vertex form f(x)= a(x-h)2+k
3. Solve examples of transforming the general form into standard or vertex form.
II. Content:
Subject Matter: Transform Quadratic Function into Standard/Vertex Form

Integration: The concept Transforming Quadratic Function into Standard/Vertex

Form can best integrate on:
ENGLISH: Reasoning and justification
Strategies: Deductive Method, Collaboration
Materials: Music, Metacards, Colored Chalk, Eraser, Pen & Paper and power
point presentation
References: TG pages 12-15 & LM pages 90

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: Check the attendance; setting the mode of the classroom:
L. Elicit: (3 mins.)
Describe the ways of recognizing a quadratic function.

the second differences of
the y values is constant
General form
f(x) = ax2+bx+c

Possible answers

M. Engage: (5 mins)
Let the students work by group:

Using completing the squares, how do we transform the general form of quadratic
2 2
b 4 a c−b
Function y = ax2+bx+c into y=a(x + ) + ?
2a 4a

N. Explore: (10 mins)

Each group will present their answers in front

O. Explain: (15 mins)

Show a video on how to transform quadratic equation into vertex form by completing
the square.

Show to them:

P. Elaborate: (17 mins)


1. Transform the equation into the vertex form y = a(x - h)2 + k.


write first the term take half of 6 and square and add it to each side.

Factor: f(x)= and combine we have,

so, this is now the vertex form. h=3 and k=16.
And we have the vertex (3,-16).

2. Express y = 3x2 – 4x + 1 in the form y = a(x - h)2 + k form and give the values of h
and k.

Group together the terms containing x

Factor out a. Here a = 3

Complete the expression in

parenthesis to make it a perfect
square trinomial by adding the


and subtracting the

same value from the constant term.

Simplify and express the perfect square

trinomial as square of binomial.

this is now the vertex form

Hence, can be expressed as , and in

this case and we have the vertex .

Q. Evaluate: (8 mins)
Work in pair. Transform the following quadratic function to vertex form, y = a(x - h)2 + k
using completing the square. Identify the value of the vertex (h,k).
1. f (x) = x2 – 4x – 10

R. Extend: (2 mins)
Complete the table below from the quadratic function: f(x)= 3x2 – 12x + 16
1. Group the terms containing x
2. From step 1, bring out a
3. Complete the expression in parenthesis
to make it a perfect square trinomial.

4. Express the perfect square trinomial as

square of a binomial
5. Give the value of h.
6. Give the value of k.
VI. Reflection:
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
D. No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Writers: Agnes V. Calfoforo/ Liezel M. Revil

Valencia NHS / Lilingayon NHS

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,

inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standard: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in
various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and code: Transforms the quadratic function defined by
y = ax2 + bx + c into the form y = a(x – h)2 + k. (M9AL-Ih-1)

Quarter: First Quarter Week: 9th Day: 34

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. Complete the steps on transforming the general form of quadratic function
f(x) = ax2+bx+c into the standard form or vertex form f(x)= a(x-h)2+k
2. Identify the vertex of the quadratic function.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Transform Quadratic Function into Standard/Vertex Form
Integration: The concept Transforming Quadratic Function into Standard/Vertex
Form can best integrate on:

SCIENCE: Scientific Method

ENGLISH: Reasoning and justification
Strategies: Deductive Method, Collaboration
Materials: Music, Metacards, Colored Chalk, Eraser, Pen & Paper and power
point presentation
References: TG pages 12-15 & LM pages 90

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: Check the attendance; setting the mode of the classroom:
A. Elicit: (3 mins.)
By group

Let the student arrange the jumbled letters to form mathematical words and concepts.


ASORDFR DAMTN = + bx f(x) ax2 +c a(x-h)2 f(x) + k =

−b 4 ac−b
TEXEVR h=¿ ¿k
2a 4a


STANDARD FORM f(x) = ax2+bx+c f(x) = a(x-h)2+ k

−b 4 ac−b
VERTEX h= k=
2a 4a

B. Engage: (5 mins)
Solicit ideas from the students:
Complete the table below from the quadratic function: f(x)= 3x2 – 12x + 16
1. Group the terms containing x
2. From step 1, bring out a
3. Complete the expression in parenthesis
to make it a perfect square trinomial.

4. Express the perfect square trinomial as

square of a binomial
5. Give the value of h.
6. Give the value of k.

Complete the table below from the quadratic function: f(x)= 3x2 – 12x + 16

1. Group the terms containing x y=( 3 x 2−12 x ) +16

2. Factor out a y=3 ( x 2−4 x ) +16
3. Complete the expression in parenthesis
to make it a perfect square trinomial.
y=3 ( x 2−4 x +4 ) +16−12
4. Express the perfect square trinomial as
square of a binomial y=3 ¿
5. Give the value of h. h=2
6. Give the value of k. k=4

C. Explore: (10 mins)

Each group will present their answers in front

D. Explain: (15 mins)

Check students output…
Validate their works…

E. Elaborate: (17 mins)

Try this one:

Transform the following quadratic function to vertex form, y = a(x - h)2 + k using
completing the square. Identify the value of the vertex (h,k).

1. y = 3x2 – 4x + 1
2. y = x2 – 4x = 1

F. Evaluate: (8 mins)
Work in pair. Find the values of h and k using the formula and obtain the vertex form, y
= a(x - h)2 + k from the following quadratic function.
1. y = 2x – 4x +4

2. y = x2- 2x – 15
3. f(x)=-2x2 + 12x -17

G. Extend: (2 mins)
Try this one in your vacant time:

1. Express f ( x )=−2 ( 3 x−1 )2 +5 x in the general form f(x) = ax2+bx+c

VI. Reflection:
I. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

J. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
K. Did the remedial lessons work?
L. No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
M. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
N. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
O. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
P. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Writer: Agnes V. Calfoforo

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,

inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standard: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in
various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and code: Transforms the quadratic function defined by
y = ax2 + bx + c into the form y = a(x – h)2 + k. (M9AL-Ih-1)

Quarter: First Quarter Week: 9th Day: 35

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
5. Identify the vertex of the quadratic function.
6. Complete the steps on transforming the standard form or vertex form f(x)= a(x-h)2+k
into the general form of quadratic function f(x) = ax2+bx+c
7. Transform the standard or vertex form of quadratic function into its general form.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Transform Standard/Vertex Form into general form of Quadratic

Integration: The concept Transforming Quadratic Function into Standard/Vertex Form

can best integrate on:
SCIENCE: Scientific Method
ENGLISH: Reasoning and justification
Strategies: Deductive Method, Collaboration
Materials: Music, Metacards, Colored Chalk, Eraser, Pen & Paper and power point
References: TG pages 12-15 & LM pages 90

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities: Check the attendance; setting the mode of the classroom:

A. Elicit: (3 mins.)

Match the vertex into its equivalent
quadratic function in standard form.

B. Engage:

Rewrite the standard form or vertex form y = 2 (x-1)2 + 3 into the general form of
quadratic function f(x) = ax2+bx+c by the given steps.
1. Expand (x−1)
2. Multiply the perfect square trinomial by 2
3. Simplify
4. Add 3
5. Result

C. Explore: (10 mins)

Each group will present their answers in front

D. Explain: (15 mins)

Check students output…
Validate their works…

E. Elaborate: (17 mins)

Directions: Write the indicted letter of the quadratic function in the form y = a(x - h) + k

into the box that corresponds to its equivalent general form y = ax + bx +c.

F. Evaluate: (8 mins)
Explain how the quadratic function in the form y = a(x - h) + k can be transformed into

the form y = ax + bx +c.


G. Extend: (2 mins)
Direction: Work in Pairs. Solve this problem and show your solution.
Problem: An antenna is 5m high and 150 meters from the firing place. Suppose the
path of the bullet shot from the firing place is determined by the equation
1 2 2
¿− x + x , where x is the distance (in meters) of the bullet from the firing
1500 15
place and y is its height. Will the bullet go over the antenna? If yes/ no, show your
VI. Reflection:
Q. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
R. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
S. Did the remedial lessons work?
T. No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
U. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
V. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
W. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
X. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Writer: Agnes V. Calfoforo

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,

inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standard: is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in

various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.

Learning Competency and code: Transforms the quadratic function defined by

y = ax2 + bx + c into the form y = a(x – h)2 + k. (M9AL-Ih-1)
Quarter: First Week: 9th Day: 36

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to answer a 20-item test

8. Describe the ways of recognizing a quadratic function.

9. Transform the general form of quadratic Function f(x) = ax2+bx+c into the standard form
or vertex form f(x) = a(x-h)2+k and vice versa.
10. Complete the steps on transforming the general form of quadratic function f(x)
2 2
= ax +bx+c into the standard form or vertex form f(x)= a(x-h) +k and vice versa.

II. Content:
Summative Test No. 7

III. Tasks:

S. Setting of Standards
T. Reading of Instructions
U. Supervising learners in answering the summative test
V. Checking of papers

IV. Recording of test results

V. Reflection

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___

function defined by y = ax2 + bx + c into the form y = a(x – h)2 + k. (M9AL-Ih-1)

Total 60% Easy 30% Moderate 10% Difficult
SKILLS/ Number
Proportion No. of Total
Items R U App An E C
1. Describe the
2 2
ways of 1 25 12 12
recognizing a (Where to find the item in the test)

3,4 1,2

3 3 2
2. Identify the
vertex of the (Where to find the item in the test)
quadratic function
11,12,13 5,14,15 36,37

2. Transform the
general form of 5 6 11 2
quadratic function (Where to find the item in the test)
f(x) = ax2+bx+c
into the standard 2.5 63 24
form or vertex form 6,7,8,9,10 8,19,20, 21-31 44,45
f(x) = a(x-h)2+k and 43
vice versa.
3. Complete the
steps on
2 4 1 2
transforming the (Where to find the item in the test)
general form of
quadratic function
f(x) = ax2+bx+c 0.5 13 9 9
into the standard 34,35,4
32,33 39 38, 40
form or vertex form
f(x)= a(x-h)2+k and
vice versa.

Total 4 100 45 12 15 14 0 4 0 45
60% 31% 9% 100%

Prepared by: Checked by:


Secondary School Teacher III MATHEMATICS EPS

NAME: __________________________ SECTION: ___________ SCORE: _________

I- MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of your best

1. How will you recognized that the table of values is a quadratic function?
C. The first differences between each adjacent y- values are equal.
B. The second differences between each adjacent y- values are equal
C. The third differences between each adjacent y- values are equal.
D. The fourth differences between each adjacent y- values are equal

2. What will be the form of the graph in the given table of values below?

X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y 2 -1 -2 -1 2 7 14
A. Straight line B. Parabolic graph
C. Hyperbolic graph D. intersecting lines

3. Which of the following table of values represent a quadratic function?

X -2 B.
-1 0 1 2 3 x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y 9 4 1 1 1 4
X -2 -1 0 1 2 3 X -2 -1 0 1 2 3
D. Y 2 -1 -2 -1 2 7
4. Y -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Which of the
mathematical sentences below represent the quadratic function?
A. f (x)=2 x 3−12 x+ 22 B. 0=2 x 2−12 x +10
C. f (x)=12 x +22 D. f (x)=2 x 2−12 x−10
5. What is the vertex of the quadratic equation f(x) = ( x + 1 ) 2 – 2?
A. (1, -2) B. (-1, 2 ) C. ( 1, -2 ) D. ( -1, -2 )
6. Which of the mathematical sentences below is in the vertex form of the quadratic
A. f (x)=12 x +22 B. 0=2 x 2−12 x +10
C. f ( x )= ( x −3 )2+ 20 D. f (x)=2 x 2−12 x−10
7. What is f(x) = 2( x - 3 )2 + 4 when written in the general form f ( x)=a x 2+ bx+ c?
A. f ( x )=2 x 2−12 x+ 22 B . f ( x )=2 x 2−12 x +10
C. f ( x)=2 x 2 +12 x +22 D . f ( x )=2 x 2−12 x−10

8. What is y = 3 x 2−4 x +1 when written in the standard form y = a ( x−h )2+ k ?

( ) ( )
2 2
2 1 2 1
A. y=3 x+ + B. y=3 x− +
3 3 3 3

( ) ( )
2 2
2 1 2 1
C. y=3 x+ − D. y=3 x− −
3 3 3 3

9. Which of the following is the standard form of the quadratic function f(x) = -7( x - 2 )2 + 1?
A. f ( x )=−7 x2−28 x +27 B . f ( x )=−7 x 2+ 28 x −27
C. f ( x )=7 x 2 +28 x−27 D . f ( x )=7 x 2−28 x+ 27
10. What is y = x 2−4 x+10 when written in the standard form y = a ( x−h )2+ k ?
A. y= ( x −2 )2+ 6 B. y= ( x +2 )2−6
C. y= ( x +2 )2 +6 D. y= ( x −2 )2−6

II- MATCHING TYPE: (10 items)

A. Match the vertex into its equivalent quadratic function in standard form




B. Match the given quadratic function y = ax2 + bx + c to its equivalent standard form





III- WHO WAS HE? (11 items)

The First Man to Orbit the Earth

In 1961, this Russian cosmonaut orbited the earth in a spaceship. Who was he?Spell out the
name of the russian cosmonaut by indicating the number of the quadratic function in the form y
= a(x - h) + k into its equivalent general form y = ax + bx +c.
2 2

21. y=−2¿ I. y=3 x −4 x +1
22. y=3 ¿ N. 2
y=−2 x +4 x +3
23. y=( x−2)2−14 O. 2
y=x −2 x +8
24. y=3 ¿ U. 2
y=3 x −12 x+ 16
25. y=¿ R. y=−2 x +8 x−5
26. y=¿ K. y=−4 x +24 x−31
27. y=−4 ¿ R. 2
y=x −4 x−10
28. y=¿ A. y=x +2 x−1

29. y=−2¿ G. y=x −4 x +4
30. y=¿ Y. y=−18 x +12 x +3
31. y=−2¿ S. y=9 x −6 x +6

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 29 24 31


Complete the table below from the quadratic function: f(x)= -2x2 – 16x -16
Group the terms containing x
32. From step 1, bring out a
33. Complete the expression in parenthesis to
34. make it a perfect square trinomial.

Express the perfect square trinomial as

35. square of a binomial
Give the value of h.
Give the value of k.
Rewrite the standard form or vertex form y = 4 (x-1)2 + 5 into the general form of
quadratic function f(x) = ax2+bx+c by the given steps.
38. Expand (x−1)2
39. Multiply the perfect square trinomial by 4
40. Simplify
41. Add 5
42. Result


Concepts Illustrative Mathematical

Transforming a quadratic function in

the form y = ax2 + bx+ c into the

Transforming a quadratic function in

the form y = a (x-h)2 + k into the form
y = ax2 + bx+ c .

Writer: Agnes V. Calfoforo

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relation-
ships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving
quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: Graphs a quadratic function; a.) domain b.) range
c.) intercepts d.) axis of symmetry e.) vertex f.) direction of the
opening of the parabola. (M9AL-lh-i-1)
Quarter: FIRST Week: 10th Day: 37

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
7. plot points on the Cartesian plane;

8. identify quadratic functions;

9. construct a table representing the given quadratic equations and functions;
10. sketch the graph of the given function.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Graphing Quadratic functions.
Integration: Values (Neatness of Work)
(Learning Area): Science
Strategies: Learning through Discovery, Discussion, Interaction, paper and pencil
Materials: Worksheets, chalk and chalk board, textbook
References: *Math 9 Learners Material, pp. 140-141
* Advanced algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics 2nd Edition,
pp. 148-160
c. 2008 by Fernando Orines, et. Al.
Phoenix Publishing House
III. Learning Tasks:
Group Work (7 in a group-Adjustment may be made depending of the number of
students in the classroom). Plot the given points on the Cartesian plane. Then sketch the
graph. (The following set of points will be given through the powerpoint, or anything
Group 1:(-4,5), (-3,4), (-2,3), (-1,2), (0,3), (1,4),(2,5)
Group 2: (1,-6), (1,-4), (1,-2), (1,0), (1,2), (1, 4), (1,6)
Group 3: (-3,-6), (-2,-4), (-1,-2), (0,0), (1,-2), (2,-4), (3,-6)
Group 4: (0,3), (1,2), (2,1), (3,0),(2,-1), (1,-2),(0,-3)
Group 5: (-3,18), (-2,8), (-1,2), (0,0), (1,2), (2,8), (3,18) (This may be given to a
group where majority has a higher performance in the previous topic)
Group 6: (-4,8), (-3,9/2), (-2,2), (-1,1/2), (0,0), (1,1/2), (2,2)
Group 7: (-3, -5/2), (-2,0), (-1,3/2), (0,2), (1,3/2), (2,0), (3, -5/2)(This may be given to
a group where majority has a higher performance in the previous topic)
Ask the to present their finished graph on the board and together, checking will be
Corrections should be done by the students, with the guidance of the teacher as
Expected output. Expected output.
Group 1: y Group 2: y
5 6
4 5
3 4
2 3
1 2
x 1
-4 -3 -2 -1-1 1 2 x
-2 -1-1 1 2

Expected output.
Group 3: y

1 Expected output.
x Group 4: y
-3 -2 -1-1 1 2 3 3
-2 2
-3 1 x
-4 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3
-5 -1
-6 -2

Expected output. Expected output.

Group 5: y Group 6: y
20 13
18 12
16 11
14 10
12 9
10 8
8 7
6 6
4 5
2 4
-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 x 3
-1 2
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 x

Expected output.
Group 7: y

-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 x




The teacher asks:
*With the graphs presented above, which are functions and which are not?
*Which are quadratic functions and which are not? Why?
*How do we call those which are not quadratic functions presented then?
*What must be noted when identifying quadratic functions?

The teacher then explains/ processes the answers in the explore time. Noting the
important points to remember on identifying whether a given quadratic relation is a
function or not. Taking an important point: in a quadratic function or in any function per
see, there should be no two values of the abscissa that repeats…. There should only be
one abscissa for one or two coordinates. This can also be determined by using a vertical
line test in a graph of quadratic relation. If a vertical line passes through the graph once,
then the quadratic relation represented by the said graph is a function. Otherwise, it is
only a relation and not a function.
Teacher to the students: Do you know that there are other ways of presenting the
set of points. Take for example the set given to group number 1, this can be
presented/organized through the table.
(-4,8), (-3,9/2), (-2,2), (-1,1/2), (0,0), (1,1/2), (2,2)
x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
y 8 9/2 2 1/2 0 1/2 2
The table is actually from the function given by:
try to observe when we replace x by the value on the table for x, we can
(−4) 16
get the value of y; e.g. f(-4)= = =8
2 2
You may try another value for x, and find out what comes as the value of

A: For the following quadratic relations, indicate if it is just a relation or a function,
construct a table of values for each and sketch its graph.
1. f(x) = x2 – 3
2. g(x) = x2 - 2x – 3
3. y = 5-x2
B: Explain in your own words. When can we say that a given relation is only a
relation or a function.
IV. Assignment / Enrichment:
Other applications of Quadratic functions:
Answer Activity Number 5 of page 146-147 of the Learners Manual.
A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Writer: Lilibel Lumanog Amoy

Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relation-
ships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving
quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: Graphs a quadratic function; a.) domain b.) range
c.) intercepts d.) axis of symmetry e.) vertex f.) direction of the
opening of the parabola. (M9AL-lh-i-1)
Quarter: FIRST Week: 10th Day: 38

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:
1. give the domain and the range of a given quadratic function;
2. identify the intercepts of the given function;
3. determine the vertex of a given quadratic function;
4. indicate the axis of symmetry of a given quadratic function;
5. describe the direction of the opening of the parabola representing the given quadratic
II. Content:

Subject Matter: The Quadratic Functions.

(Learning Area):
Strategies: Learning through Discovery, Discussion, Interaction, paper and pencil
Materials: Worksheets, chalk and chalk board, textbook
References: *Math 9 Learners Material, pp. 141-147
* Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics
Math Ideas and life applications IV, pp. c. 2010
by ABIVA Publishing
* Advanced algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics 2nd Edition,
pp. 195-206
c. 2008 by Fernando Orines, et. Al.
Phoenix Publishing House
III. Learning Tasks:
The teacher asks: What are the important points you can recall regarding our
lesson yesterday?
(It is expected that the students would enumerate what they remember about the
lesson the previous day.) The teacher would then take into account every point given by
the student and generalizing, the teacher would then relate to the lesson for the day.

Sketch the graph of the following functions: (Group Work)
1. f(x)= x2 4. d(x)=-3x2
2. h(x)=-x 5. b(x)=x2 + 3
3. p(x)=3x2 6. g(x)=x2 - 3


f(x)= x2
b(x)=x2 + 3 8


g(x)=x - 3 2

-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13




-5 d(x)=-3x2
h(x)= -x2

The teacher asks: Is there any problem with how you are going to graph the given
quadratic function?
Try to look the graph of the quadratic function number 1.
What are the values of x? what are the Values of y? Is it possible to go lesser than the
least value of x on the table? why? How about going beyond the largest value on the
table? Why?
What is/are its x- intercepts/ y Intercepts?
How about the vertex, (h,k)? If we will draw a vertical line passing through h,
what happens to the graphical representation of the function?
The set of the values of x is the DOMAIN of the function. Since it is
possible to go lower or higher, then we include the lesser values and the higher
values, thud the domain for the quadratic function number 1 is the set of all the
real numbers, in mathematical symbol, domain D = x/xεR read as set of all the
values of x such that x is an element of a Real number R, or x is a real number.
The RANGE is the set of all the values of y, obtained by replacing x with
the values in the real number line. Thus, in the quadratic function number 1, the
Range, R= y/y≥0 read as the set of all the values of y such that y is equal or
greater than zero (0).You may just trace where the arrow goes.

The vertex, (h,k) on the other hand is the turning point of the graph. In the
table it is the point where the value of y that follows is equal to the value of y before
that certain point. For Q.F. number 1, the turning point is at (0,0).
If we draw a vertical line intersecting h=0, then this vertical line divides the
graph into two equal points, or it may serve as the mirror. This vertical point is what
we call the axis of symmetry.

Compare f(x) and h(x), what can you say about the function? How about its
graphical representation?
The positive f(x) implies that a=1, while negative h(x) implies that a=-1.
Take note that a is the numerical coefficient of x2 , when a is positive the direction
of the graph is upwards. When a is negative, the direction of the graph is
ACTIVITY: (By Partner) For the rest of the functions given, do the following:
1. give the domain and the range of a given quadratic function;
2. identify the intercepts of the given function;
3. determine the vertex of a given quadratic function;
4. indicate the axis of symmetry of a given quadratic function;
5. describe the direction of the opening of the parabola representing the given quadratic


Evaluation is done by letting the students check their work, discussing the
answers of the problems given. The teacher should be quick in trying to know what
percentage of students got the correct answer/ solved the problem correctly to decide
(Reflection) if re-teaching or giving another topic will be done next meeting.

Tell the students to prepare for the summative the next day.

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___

Writer: Lilibel Lumanog Amoy

Valencia National High School
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards:

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic


Performance Standards:

is able to investigate thoroughly the mathematical relationship in various

situations, formulate real life problems involving quadratic functions and
solve them using a variety of strategies

Learning Competency and Code: analyzes the effects of changing the values of a, h and k in
y=a( x−h )2 +k
the equation of the quadratic function on its
graph (M9AL-Ii-2)

Quarter: FIRST Week: 10th Day: 39

I. Objectives:

At the end of 60 minutes, 85% of the learners are expected to:

11. compare the graph of quadratic function based on the values of a, h, k;

12. describe the relationship of quantities in the given situations and pictures.

II. Content:


Integration: The concept Graphs of Quadratic Function can best integrate the following:
Values Education: The value of patience, perseverance and cooperation
Araling Panlipunan: World History (Famous Arches in the World)
English: Vocabulary
Strategies: Collaboration,
Materials: Pictures, power point presentation,
References: Learners’ Module 9

III. Learning Tasks:

Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Establish classroom orderliness

Let the students discuss in their own understanding the meaning of the following terms:

a. Curve

b. Opening

c. Graph

d. Movement

e. Horizontal

f. Vertical

g. Narrow

Learners will be grouped into 5. Each group will be given 2 pictures. The group
will identify what they have seen in the pictures and differentiate the given pictures.
Sample Pictures:

The learners will observe the given graphs and answer the questions that
(1) What does the pictures below tells us?
1. 2.


Each group will answer the following questions.

1. Find the values of “a’ in the first figure. What have you observed?
2. Find the values of “h” in the second figure. What have you observed?
3. Find the values of “k” in the third figure. What have you observed?

1. a = 4, 1, ¼ The greater the value of “a “, the narrow is the
opening of its graph.

2. h = 0, 2 The graph has a vertex (h, k) and its axis of symmetry

is the line x = h

3. k = 1, -2, -4 The lesser the value of k, the wider is the opening of

the graph

* Let the students discuss their observations in the figures given and answer the
questions below.
1. How would you describe the opening of the graphs in the first figure?
2. In the second figure, how would you compare the movement of the vertex?

3. Compare the movements of the vertices in figure 3.

1. The opening of the graphs in the first figure becomes
narrower and narrower as its value of “a” increases.
2. The movement of the vertices slide horizontally.
3. The movement of the vertices slide vertically

The teacher will give guide question to the students to answer.
1. How do the value of “a” affects the opening of the graph?
2. How do the value of “h” affects the graph of a quadratic function?
3. How do the value of “k” affects the graph of a quadratic function?

f ( x )=2 x 2
The graph of is shown below. Based on this graph, sketch the graphs of the
following quadratic functions in the same coordinate system and answer the questions
that follow.
f ( x )=2 x 2
A. +3
f ( x )=2( x−3 )2 −1
f ( x )=2( x +2)2

1. How did you find the activity?

2. Described the movement of the graph for each quadratic function.


Tell something what you have learned.


A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ___
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other
teacher? ___


Valencia National High School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner is demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical

relationships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving
quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic
equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: The learner determines the equation of a quadratic function
given: (a) a table of values; (b) graph; (c) zeros. (M9AL-Ij-1 )
Quarter: FIRST Week: 10th Day: 40

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the learners are expected to:
1. Determine the equation of a quadratic function through a table of values.


Integration: English
Learning Area: Mathematics 9
Materials: pentelpens, cartolina, and laptop

References: Mathematics Learner’s Material 9, Mathematics Teacher’s Guide, and Mathematics

9 Worksheet x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Time y Allotment: 1
• Collaborative Learning
• Problem-Based Learning

III. Learning Tasks:

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance

A. Elicit

The teacher will group the students into six groups and give activity as a review.

DIRECTIONS: Given the quadratic function, substitute the given values for x and solve for the
corresponding values of y and represent the values using a graph.
y = x2 + 2x-1


x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

y 4 0 -2 -2 0 4 10

(The teacher will facilitate the work of each group. After facilitating, the teacher will show a
complete table of values on the screen.)

b. Engage
The teacher will ask the following questions:

 Is there any possible way to determine the equation of Quadratic function?


 Do you know how to determine the equation of a quadratic function given the
table of values?

c. Explore
The teacher will give two different problems. Students will be working by pair.

Problem 1: Determine the equation of the quadratic function represented by the table of values

x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

y 0 -1 -2 -3 -2 -1 0

r1 = -2 r2 = 4
f(x) = a(x – r1)(x – r2)
f(x) = a(x-(-2))(x-4)
f(x) = a(x+2)(x-4)
f(x) = ax 2−4 x +2 x −8)
f(x)=ax 2−2 x−8

Problem 2: Determine the equation of the quadratic function represented by the table of
values below.

x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 24 16 10 6 4 4 6


Notice that you can’t find any zeroes from the given table of values. In this case, take
any three ordered pairs from the table, and use these as the values of x and y in the
equation y = ax2 + bx + c. Let’s say
using point (1, 4)
4 = a (1)2 + b(1) + c
4 = a + b + c ---------------> equation 1
using point (-1, 10)
10 = a(-1)2 + b(-1) + c
10 = a – b + c ----------------> equation 2
using point ( 2, 4 )
4 = a(2)2 + b(2) + c
4 = 4a + 2b + c -------------> equation 3
We obtain a system of 3 equations in a, b, and c.

1. Add corresponding terms in eq.1 and eq. 2 to eliminate b

eq. 1 + eq. 2 4=a+b+c

4. Substitute the value of c in equation 4 and solve for a.

14 = 2a + 2 (6)
14 = 2a + 12
2a = 14 – 12
5. Substitute the value of c and a in equation 1 and solve for b.
b = -3
Thus, a = 1, b = -3, and c = 6. Substitute these in f(x) = ax2 + bx + c; the quadratic
function is f(x) = x2 – 3x + 6.

(The teacher will acknowledge the output of each group.)

d. Explain
 The teacher will let the students discuss their answer and ask the following
 How did you find your answer?
 What are the steps on solving that given problem?

e. Elaborate

The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola.

A parabola can cross the x-axis once, twice, or never.
The x-coordinates of these points of intersection
are called x-intercepts. Let us consider the graph
of the quadratic function y = x2 – x – 6. It shows
that the curve crosses the x-axis at 3 and -2.
These are the x-intercepts of the graph of the
function. Similarly, 3 and -2 are the zeros of the
function since these are the values of x when y

equals 0. These zeros of the function can be

determined by setting y to 0 and solving the
resulting equation through different algebraic

Example 1: Determine the equation of the quadratic function represented by the table of
values below.
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y 4 0 -2 -2 0 4 10

Step 1: Determine the zeros of the function.

The values of x when y is equal to 0 are -2 and 1. Therefore, -2 and 1 are also the zeros of the
Step 2: If the zeros are r1 and r2, express the equation of the quadratic function using
f(x) = a(x – r1)(x – r2), where a is any non-zero constant.

r1 = -2 r2 = 1
f(x) = a(x – r1)(x – r2)
f(x) = a(x-(-2))(x-1)
f(x) = a(x+2)(x-1)
f(x) = a(x2+x-2)
Therefore, the equation of the quadratic function is f(x) = x2 + x – 2.

Example 2: Determine the equation of the quadratic function represented by the table of values

x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 24 16 10 6 4 4 6

Notice that you can’t find any zeros from the given table of values. In this case, take any three
ordered pairs from the table, and use these as the values of x and y in the equation y = ax2 + bx +
c. Let’s say
using point (1, 4)
4 = a (1)2 + b(1) + c
4 = a + b + c ---------------> equation 1
using point (-1, 10)
10 = a(-1)2 + b(-1) + c
10 = a – b + c ----------------> equation 2
using point ( 2, 4 )
4 = a(2)2 + b(2) + c
4 = 4a + 2b + c -------------> equation 3

We obtain a system of 3 equations in a, b, and c.

1. Add corresponding terms in eq.1 and eq. 2 to eliminate b

eq. 1 + eq. 2 4=a+b+c
10 = a – b + c
We have 14 = 2a + 2c -------------> equation 4

2. Multiply the terms in eq. 2 by 2 and add corresponding terms in eq. 3 to eliminate b
2(eq .2) + eq. 3 20 = 2a – 2b + 2c
4 = 4a + 2b + c
We have 24 = 6a + 3c -------------> equation 5

Notice that equation 4 and equation 5 constitute a system of linear equations in two variables.
3. To solve for c, multiply the terms in equation 4 by 3 and subtract corresponding terms
in equation 5.
3 (eq. 4) – eq. 5 42 = 6a + 6c
24 = 6a +3c
18 = 3c
4. Substitute the value of c in equation 4 and solve for a.
14 = 2a + 2 (6)
14 = 2a + 12
2a = 14 – 12
5. Substitute the value of c and a in equation 1 and solve for b.
b = -3
Thus, a = 1, b = -3, and c = 6. Substitute these in f(x) = ax2 + bx + c; the quadratic function is f(x)
= x2 – 3x + 6.

VI. Evaluation

Directions: Determine the equation of the quadratic function represented by the table of values

X -2 -1 0 1

Y 0 -3 -4 3

r1 = -2 r2 = 2
f(x) = a(x – r1)(x – r2)
f(x) = a(x-(-2))(x-2)
f(x) = a(x+2)(x-2)
f(x) = a(x2-4)
f(x) = (x2-4)

VII. Extend
1. Determine the equation of the quadratic function represented by the table of values below.
x -2 -1 0 1

y 3 5 6 5 3

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _________

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _______

C. Did the remedial lessons work? ________

D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _________

E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ________

F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _____________

G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?


H. What innovations or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share

with other teacher? ________________

Writer: Richly S. Bayson/Elvira V. Espinosa

Concepcion National High School/Dagatkidavao IS

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner is demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical

relationships in various situations, formulate real-life problems
involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational
algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: The learner determines the equation of a quadratic
function given: (a) a table of values; (b) graph; (c) zeros. (M9AL-Ij-1 )

Quarter: FIRST Week: 11th Day:41

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the learners are expected to:
1. Determine the equation of a quadratic function through its graph.


Integration: English
Learning Area: Mathematics 9
Materials: pentelpens, cartolina, and laptop
• Think-Pair Share
• Problem-Based Learning

References: Mathematics Learner’s Material 9, Mathematics Teacher’s Guide, and Mathematics

9 Worksheet
Time Allotment: 1 hour

III. Learning Tasks:

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
A. Elicit
 The teacher will post a problem on the board and select 1 student to answer.

X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Y 4 0 -2 -2 0 4 10

r1 = -2 r2 = 1
f(x) = a(x – r1)(x – r2)
f(x) = a(x-(-2))(x-1)
f(x) = a(x+2)(x-1)
f(x) = a(x2+x-2)
Therefore, the equation of the quadratic function is f(x) = x2 + x – 2.

B. Engage
 The teacher will present a Graph to the students.
 Question related to the graph will be ask.

 Are you familiar with the graph?

 What do you call this Graph?
d. Explore

In this Activity, the teacher will let the students examine the graph. The students will be able
to see the zeroes of the quadratic function using the graph. Students will be working by pair.
Activity 1: What Are My Zeroes? (5 minutes)
Perform this activity and answer the guided questions. Examine the graph of the quadratic
function y = x2 – 2x – 3

The teacher will ask the following questions related in the graph above.

a. How would you describe the graph?

b. Give the vertex of the parabola and its axis of symmetry.
c. At what values of x does the graph intersect the x- axis?
d. What do you call these x-coordinates where the curve crosses the x- axis?
e. What is the value of y at these values of x?

A. The graph is a parabola.
B. The vertex is (1, -4). The axis of symmetry is x = 1.
C. -1 and 3
D. x – intercepts

Teacher: Do you know how to determine the equation of quadratic function given a graph?
e. Elaboration

The teacher will give example and discuss.

When the vertex and any point on the parabola are clearly seen, the equation of the quadratic
function can easily be determined by using the form of a quadratic function y = a(x – h)2 + k.

Vertex: (3, -2) h= 3, k= -2
Points on the graph: (6,1) and (0, 1)
To solve for a substitute the value of h and k to the quadratic function y = a(x – h)2 + k and select
only one point to be use.
y = a(x – h)2 + k
1 = a(6 – 3)2 – 2
1 = a( 3)2 – 2
1 = 9a– 2
3 = 9a
Therefore, the equation of the quadratic function is y = (x – 3)2 – 2.
IV. Evaluation

Determine the equation of the quadratic function given the graph by following the steps below.
Study the graph of the quadratic function below.

1. What is the opening of the parabola? What does it imply regarding the value of a?
2. Identify the coordinates of the vertex.
3. Identify coordinates of any point on the parabola.
4. In the form of quadratic function y = a(x – h)2 + k, substitute the coordinates of the point you
have taken in the variables x and y and the x-coordinates and y-coordinate of the vertex in place
of h and k, respectively.
5. Solve for the value of a.
6. Get the equation of a quadratic in the form y = a(x – h)2 + k by substituting the obtained
value of a and the x and y coordinates of the vertex in h and k respectively.

1. The parabola opens upward a>0
2. The vertex is (-1, 3)
3. Point (0,2) is on the graph
4. y=a(x−1)2−3
5. a=1
6. y=(x−1)2−3

V. Assignment
Derive the equation of the quadratic function presented by the graph.

Y =¿

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _________

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _______

C. Did the remedial lessons work? ________

D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _________

E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ________

F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _____________

G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?


H. What innovations or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with
other teacher? ________________

Writer: Richly S. Bayson/Elvira V. Espinosa

Concepcion National High School/Dagatkidavao Integrated School

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner is demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.

Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical

relationships in various situations, formulate real-life problems
involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational
algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: The learner determines the equation of a quadratic
function given: (a) a table of values; (b) graph; (c) zeros. (M9AL-Ij-1 )
Quarter: FIRST Week: 11th Day: 42

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the learners are expected to:
1. Determine the equation of a quadratic function through its zeros.


Integration: English
Learning Area: Mathematics 9
Materials: pentelpens, cartolina, and laptop
•Collaborative Learning
• Problem-Based Learning

References: Mathematics Learner’s Material 9, Mathematics Teacher’s Guide, and Mathematics

9 Worksheet
Time Allotment: 1 hour
III. Learning Tasks:

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of Attendance
A. Elicit
The teacher will group the students into six groups. After grouping, the teacher will give an
activity to recall on how to find the roots of a quadratic equation. The teacher will let the
students find the roots of the given quadratic equations in 3 methods.

Activity: Give Me My Roots! (5minutes)

Given a quadratic equation x2 – x – 6 =0, find the roots.
• Group 1 and 4 - Factoring
• Group 2 and 5 - Completing the Square
• Group 3 and 6 - Quadratic Formula
(The teacher will assess the result of each group. The teacher will acknowledge the output of
each group.)

x −x−6=0
( x−3 )( x +2 )


x −x−6=0

( ) ( )
2 2
2 −1 −1
x −x + =6+
2 2
2 1 25
x −x + =
4 4
1 25
(x− ) =
2 4
x=3 , x=−2

−b ± √ b2−4 ac
a=1 b=−1 c=−6
−(−1) ± √(−1)2−4 (1)(−6)

b. Engage

The teacher will show another problem on the screen. And ask if they know how to answer
the problem.
Find an equation of a quadratic function whose zeros are -3 and 2.

Since the zeros are r1 = -3 and r2= 2, then
f(x) = a(x – r1) (x – r2)
f(x) = a[x – (-3)](x – 2)
f(x) = a(x + 3)(x – 2 )
f(x) = a(x2+ x – 6) where a is any nonzero constant

c. Explore

The teacher will group the students and give them problem to answer for 5 minutes. After
the 5 minutes the group are going to report what they have discussed within their group. The
teacher will then assess the output of each group.
Find one equation for each of the quadratic function given its zeros.
1. 3, 2

1. r1 = 3 and r2= 2,
f(x) = a(x – r1) (x – r2)
f(x) = a(x – 3)(x – 2)
f(x) = a(x2-2x-3x +6)
f(x) = a(x2-5x+6)

d. Explain
 The teacher will let the students explain their answers. And ask the following
 How did you get the answer?
 What are the steps on solving the given problem?

e. Elaboration

If r1 and r2 are the zeros of a quadratic function then f(x) = a(x – r1) (x – r2) where a is a
nonzero constant that can be determined from other point on the graph.
Example 1: Find an equation of a quadratic function whose zeros are -3 and 2.

Since the zeros are r1 = -3 and r2= 2, then
f(x) = a(x – r1) (x – r2)
f(x) = a[x – (-3)](x – 2)
f(x) = a(x + 3)(x – 2 )
f(x) = a(x2+ x – 6) where a is any nonzero constant.

3± √ 2
Example 2: Find an equation of a quadratic function with zeroes .

A quadratic expression with irrational roots cannot be written as a product of linear factors with
3± √ 2
rational coefficients. In this case, we can use another method. Since the zeroes are then,
3± √ 2
3x = 3 ± √ 2
3x – 3 = ± √ 2
Square both sides of the equation and simplify. We get
9x2 – 18x + 9 = 2
9x2 – 18x + 7 = 0
Thus, an equation of a quadratic function is f(x) = 9x2 -18x +7.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Find one equation for each of the quadratic function given its zeroes.
1. -5, 7

2± √ 3

1. r1 = -5 and r2= 7
f(x) = a(x – r1) (x – r2)
f(x) = a[ r−(−5) ] (x – 7)
f(x) = a(x +5) (x – 7)
f(x) = a( x 2−7 x +5 x−35 ¿
f(x) = a( x 2−2 x−35 ¿
f(x) = ( x 2−2 x−35 ¿

2± √ 3
2. x=

5 x=
2 ± √3
5 )
(5 x=2 ± √ 3)
(5 x−2=± √ 3)
V. Assignment 2
25 x + 4=3
25 x +has
Each quadratic function 4−3=0
a corresponding letter. Similarly, each box with the zeros of the
quadratic function inside has a corresponding blank below. Write the indicated letter of the
quadratic function on the corresponding blank below the box containing the zeros of the function
to get the hidden message.
Y f(x) = 4x2 – 25 R f(x) = x2 – 9
V f(x) = 9x2 – 16 E f(x) = x2 – 5x – 36
G f(x) = x + 6x + 9 L f(x) = x2 – x – 20
U f(x) = x – 4x – 21 D f(x) = 2x2 + x – 3
S f(x) = 6x2 + 5x – 4 O f(x) = 6x2– 7x + 2

{–3, – 3} 2 1 −3
{ , } { , 1}
3 2 2

2 1 4 4 −4 1
{ , } { ,− } {9, – 4} { , }
{5, – 4} 3 2 3 3 3 2

5 5 2 1
{ ,− } { , } {7, – 3}
2 2 3 2


A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _________
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _______
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ________
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _________
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ________
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? _____________
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve?
H. What innovations or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share
with other teacher? ________________

Writer: Richly S. Bayson/Elvira V. Espinosa

Concepcion National High School/Dagatkidavao IS


learner NO. 7
determines the equation of a quadratic function
given: (a) a table of values; (b) graph; (c) zeros. (M9AL-Ij-1 )

Numbe Total 60% Easy 30% Moderate
TOPIC/S SKILLS/ r of Proportion No. of
R U App An E C

Determine quadratic 5 2 2 0 0 0
functions(vertex),(axis of
symmetry)/Write in Standard 1 22 9 (Where to find the item in the test) 9
form 1,5,27,28,
30,31 33,34

5 5 3 0 0 0
(Where to find the item in the test)
Determine the equation of a
quadratic fubction through its graph 1.5 33 13 13
11,12,13,1 6,7,8,9
4,15 ,10

0 0 11 0 6
(Where to find the item in the test)
Determine the equation of quadratic
function through its table of 2 44 18 16,17,18,19,20,
26 40

Total 4.5 100 40 10 7 16 0 0 6 39


43% 40% 15% 98%

Prepared by:
Checked by:
Secondary School Teacher I

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Content Standards: The learner is demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic

equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships
in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities and
functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
Learning Competency and Code: The learner determines the equation of a quadratic function
given: (a) a table of values; (b) graph; (c) zeros. (M9AL-Ij-1 )
Quarter: 1 Week: 10 Day: 4
At the end of 50 minutes, the students should be able to:
o Answer the given Summative test.
II. Content:
Subject Matter: Equations Transformable into quadratic Equations
Materials: Test Paper
References: Mathematics 9
III. Learning Tasks:
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management

 Checking of Attendance
IV. Evaluation
 The teacher will give the summative Test.

1. What is the vertex of the quadratic equation f(x) = ( x + 1 ) 2 – 2?
A. (1, -2) B. (-1, 2 ) C. ( 1, -2 ) D. ( -1, -2 )
2. Which of the following quadratic function shows that the graph of y=−2 x 2 is
translated 3 units left and 3 units upward?
A. f (x)=2¿ B. f (x)=2¿
C. f ( x )=−2¿ D. f ( x )=−2¿
3. Which of the following quadratic function shows that the graph of y=2 x 2 is translated
3 units to the right and 1 unit downward?
A. f (x)=2¿ B. f (x)=2¿
C. f ( x )=−2¿ D. f ( x )=−2¿
4. The graph of f(x) = (x + 1 ) – 2 is obtained by sliding the graph of y = x2

A. 1 unit to the right and 2 units downward B. I unit to the left and 2 units downward
C. 1 unit to the right and 2 units’ upward D. 1 unit to the left and 2 units upward
5. Consider the quadratic function f(x) =(x + 3)2 + 2, what is the axis of symmetry of the
A. x = 3 B. x = -3 C. x = 2 D. x = -2

For Numbers 6-10. Analyze the problem and answer the given questions.

A ball on the playing ground was kicked by Carl Jasper. The parabolic path of the ball is traced by
the graph below. Distance is given in meters.

6. How would you describe the graph?

a. parabola b. line c. symmetric d. vertex

7. What is the initial height of the ball?

a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

8. What is the maximum height reached by the ball?

a. 5 cm b.10 cm c. 15 cm d. 20 cm

9. What is the horizontal distance that corresponds to the maximum distance?

a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7

10. How far does the ball travel horizontally before it hits the ground?

a. 8 m b. 10 m c. 11 m d. 12 m

For numbers.11-15. Give the equation of the quadratic function whose graphs are described below.

Choose your answer from the box. And write it on the space provided.

a. f ( x )=3 x 2−4
b. f ( x )=4 ( x+ 2)2
c. f ( x )=3 ( x−2)2+5
d. f ( x )=−10 ( x +6 )2−2

( )
1 1
e. f ( x )=7 x + +
2 2

_____11. The graph of f ( x )=3 x 2 shifted 4 units downward.

_____12. The graph of f ( x )=4 x 2 shifted 2 units to the left.

_____13. The Graph of f ( x )=3 x 2 shifted 5 units upward and 2 units to the right.

_____14. The graph of f ( x )=−10 x 2 shifted 2 units downward and 6 units to the left.

_____15. The graph of f ( x )=7 x 2 shifted half unit upward and half unit to the left.

For Numbers.16-26. Matching Type. Write the indicated letter of the quadratic function on the
corresponding blank below the box containing the zeros of the function to get the hidden message.
2 2
Y . f ( x )=4 x −25 R . f ( x )=x −9
2 2
V . f ( x )=9 x −16 E . f ( x )=x −5 x−36
2 2
G . f ( x )=x + 6 x + 9 L . f ( x )=x −x−20
2 2
U . f ( x )=x −4 x−21 D . f ( x )=2 x + x−3
2 2
S . f ( x )=6 x + 5 x −4 O . f ( x )=6 x −7 x+ 2

(−3 ,−3)
( 23 , 12 ) ( −3
,1 )

(5 ,−4)
( 23 , 12 ) ( 43 , 43 ) (9,-4)
( −43 , 12 )

( 52 ,− 52 ) ( 23 , 12 ) (7,-3)

27.How will you recognized that the table below side is a quadratic function?
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 2 -1 -2 -1 2 7 14

D. The first differences between each adjacent y- values are equal.

B. The second differences between each adjacent y- values are equal
C. The third differences between each adjacent y- values are equal.
D. The fourth differences between each adjacent y- values are equal
28. Which of the following table of values represent a quadratic function?

x -2 B.
-1 0 1 2 3 x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
y 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y 9 4 1 1 1 4
x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 X -2 -1 0 1 2 3
D. Y 2 -1 -2 -1 2 7
y -2 -1 0 1 2 3
29. . Which of the
mathematical sentences below represent quadratic function?
A. f (x)=2 x 3−12 x+ 22 B. 0=2 x 2−12 x +10
C. f (x)=12 x +22 D. f (x)=2 x 2−12 x−10
30. What is f(x) = 2( x - 3 )2 + 4 when written in the form f (x)=a x + bx+ c?
A. f ( x )=2 x 2−12 x+ 22 B . f ( x )=2 x 2−12 x +10
C. f (x)=2 x 2 +12 x +22 D . f (x )=2 x 2−12 x−10

31. Which of the following is the standard form of the quadratic function f(x) = -7( x - 2 ) 2 + 1?
A. f ( x )=−7 x2−28 x +27 B . f ( x )=−7 x 2+ 28 x −27
C. f ( x )=7 x 2 +28 x−27 D . f ( x )=7 x 2−28 x+ 27
2 2
32. What is y = x −4 x+10 when written in the standard form y = a ( x−h ) + k ?
A. y= ( x −2 )2+ 6 B. y= ( x +2 )2−6
C. y= ( x +2 )2 +6 D. y= ( x −2 )2−6
33. What is the vertex of the quadratic equation f(x) = ( x + 1 ) 2 – 2?
A. (1, -2) B. (-1, 2 ) C. ( 1, -2 ) D. ( -1, -2 )
34. Consider the quadratic function f(x) =(x + 3 ) + 2,what is the axis of symmetry of the
A. x = 3 B. x = -3 C. x = 2 D. x = -2

For Numbers.35-40. Solve the equation for each of the quadratic function given its zeroes. (3pts

3. 1. -5, 7
2± √ 3

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