The Complete Sequence of A Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV) Isolate From West Bengal, India Infecting Papaya and Study of Genetic Variation

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Eur J Plant Pathol (2021) 159:203–210

The complete sequence of a papaya ringspot virus (PRSV)

isolate from West Bengal, India infecting papaya and study
of genetic variation
Siriya Sultana & Buddhadeb Roy & Ang Rinzing Sherpa

Received: 30 March 2020 / Revised: 8 September 2020 / Accepted: 29 September 2020 / Published online: 6 October 2020
# Koninklijke Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging 2020

Abstract Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is one of the Keywords Papaya ringspot virus . Complete genome .
important pathogens responsible for damage of the pa- Phylogeny
paya crop and causes significant yield loss of fruits and
vegetable worldwide and hence a serious threat. In this
study, PRSV-infected plant samples collected from dif-
Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is a definitive member of
ferent locations in North 24 Parganas districts of West
the genus Potyvirus in the family Potyviridae (Van
Bengal, were tested with potyvirus specific ELISA and
Regenmortel et al. 2000). It is one of the most devastat-
further confirmed with potyvirus group specific degen-
ing virus constraints to the papaya industry (Carica
erate primers by RT PCR, TEM and sequence analysis.
papaya L.). PRSV is transmitted to papaya and cucur-
Our result indicates that the disease symptoms occurred
bits through aphids in a non-persistent manner (Purcifull
in 80–100% of the plant in the field surveyed. The
et al. 1984), through seed and mechanical transmission
complete sequence of PRSV isolate WB was deter-
(Gonsalves et al. 2010). The virions of PRSV are flex-
mined from RT-PCR products with specific primer pairs
uous, filamentous rod measuring 760–800 nm × 12 nm
designed covering the whole genome and confirmed by
(Yeh and Gonsalves 1984) consisting ssRNA (+) sense
next-generation sequencing. The whole genome of the
genome of approximately 10,326–10,343 nucleotides.
PRSV was determined and submitted to GenBank as
PRSV has a single large open reading frame that trans-
accession no. LC482263. The sequence of PRSV-WB
lates into a large polypeptide and subsequently cleaved
(10,340 bp) was found to share upto 90% and 93%,
into 10 functionally active proteins (Yeh et al. 1992;
identity with other PRSV isolates at the nucleotide and
Wang and Yeh 1997). The isolates of PRSV are broadly
amino acid levels respectively. Based on phylogenetic
classified into two biotypes, those that infect papaya are
analysis, PRSV- WB was found to be most closely
PRSV-P type and the cucurbit infecting isolates are
related to PRSV-BD2 (MH397222) from papaya in
termed as PRSV-W (Yeh et al. 1984). In India, PRSV
Bangladesh (geographically close).
in papaya was first reported in 1958 from the western
part of India, later it spread over many geographical
regions including Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article ( contains Jharkhand, Delhi, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Maharash-
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. tra (Jain et al. 2004) and Tamil Nadu (Sharma et al.
2005), causing several crop losses of up to 85–90%
S. Sultana : B. Roy : A. R. Sherpa (*) (Lokhande et al. 1992; Hussain and Varma 1994). To
Department of Botany, West Bengal State University, Malikapur,
Berunanpukuria, 24 North Parganas, Barasat, Kolkata, W.B.
develop any virus control strategies, first it is essential to
700126, India understand the genetic variation and structure of the
e-mail: virus population. Most of the genetic variation studies
204 Eur J Plant Pathol (2021) 159:203–210

were done based on the sequence of coat protein and 3′ world; BLAST, multiple sequence alignment, and phy-
region of PRSV isolates (Silva-Rosales et al. 2000; Jain logenetic trees were constructed both at nucleotide as
et al. 2004; Wei et al. 2007; Kumar et al. 2019) and not well as at amino acid sequence level. The complete
much attention was given to the whole genome se- genome sequences of PRSV isolates were retrieved
quences. This report focus on the disease incidence from the GenBank from different regions (Table 1).
and the determination of the complete genome of PRSV For genetic variability analyses, multiple sequences
isolate from West Bengal. In order to determine the alignment of all complete genomes was done with the
sequence variability of PRSV isolates from different ClustalW algorithm (Larkin et al. 2007) implemented in
geographical locations of world, all complete genome the program MEGA 7.0 (Kumar et al. 2016).
of PRSV isolates including our sequence were analyzed The complete genome sequence of PRSV isolate WB
both at nucleotide and amino acid sequences level. was determined by joining overlapping sequences ob-
During a survey in the year 2016–2018, North 24 tained from RT-PCR products with different sets of
Parganas, West Bengal, leaf samples were collected primer pairs and further confirmed by next-generation
from papaya plants showing typical symptoms of PRSV sequencing (or deep sequencing) and was deposited in
(leaf mosaic, vein clearing, leaf distortion resulting into GenBank as Accession no. LC482263. The genome is
shoe-string, yellow mottling, stunted growth of plant 10, 340 nucleotides long encoding a polyprotein of 3342
and fruit malformation). The collected samples were amino acid residues. BLASTn showed nucleotide iden-
immediately stored in RNA later® solution tities between 81.34 to 90.82% between the PRSV
(Thermofisher) and brought to the plant virology labo- isolate WB and worldwide PRSV isolates whose ge-
ratory for downstream identification and characteriza- nomes were completely sequenced. The highest nucle-
tion. The identity of the virus was confirmed by patho- otide identity (90.82%) was with PRSV isolate BD-2
genicity tests on Carica papaya. For further confirma- from Bangladesh (MH397222) which is geographically
tion of PRSV in papaya, potyvirus group specific close to India (Hamim et al. 2019) and the lowest
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Agdia, nucleotide identity (81.34%) was with PRSV-China
USA), TEM, mechanical transmission study and RT- (KY933061). At amino acid (aa) level (BLASTp),
PCR using universal degenerate primer pair: MJ1 and PRSV-WB exhibited the lowest amino acid identity
MJ2 (Marie-Jeanne et al. 2000) were used. (87%) with PRSV-SK (KY996464) and the highest
In this study occurrence of Papaya ringspot virus like amino acid identity (93.66%) with BD-2 isolate from
disease symptoms is found in 80–100% of the plants Bangladesh (MH397222). The P1 protein was the most
surveyed. Besides C. papaya and Cucurbits, many variable (57.92–83.26%), while 3’-UTR regions of
plants of viz Clitoria ternatea, Coccinia grandis were PRSV are highly conserved.
found to be infected with the PRSV. This finding indi- Pairwise sequence identity analysis was carried out
cates that these plants may acts as reservoir for the using the Sequence Demarcation Tools (SDT) version
PRSV. A detail survey and identification of reservoir 1.2 with default parameters to obtain the colour coded
hosts are essential for the study and management of matrix of the scores. The nucleotide identity of complete
virus diseases. All the 48 collected samples with genome sequence of PRSV-WB was analyzed and com-
PRSV-like symptoms were positive for PRSV by pared with reported complete genome sequences of the
ACP-ELISA and RT-PCR. Total RNA was extracted PRSV isolates from different parts of the world (Fig. 1).
from ELISA positive fresh leaf sample by Trizol (Sig- Nucleotide identity of PRSV with other PRSV isolates
ma, USA) according to manufacturer’s instruction and ranged from 75 to 90%, being the highest nucleotide
used directly as a template for cDNA synthesis. In the identity (90.72) was with PRSV BD-2 isolate from
present investigation different sets of PRSV specific Bangladesh (MH397222) and lowest nucleotide identity
primer pairs (Supplementary Table 1) were designed (75.18%) was with PRSV BD-1 isolate from Bangla-
to amplify the whole genome of PRSV isolate WB. desh (MH444652).
Sequence was further confirmed by next-generation The phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2) was based on nucleo-
sequencing (NGS) analysis of the infected plant on tide sequences of the PRSV- WB isolate and other
Illumina platform. PRSV isolates reported worldwide and available in
To check the identity and variability of the PRSV GenBank. The PRSV isolates were found to be clustered
isolates from India and other geographical regions of the into three major clades or groups, Clade I, Clade II and
Eur J Plant Pathol (2021) 159:203–210 205

Table 1 Origins, hosts, and accession numbers of Papaya ringspot virus isolates/strains whose complete genome sequences were used in
this study

Origin Isolates/strains Host Accession number

China(9) XM, Hn, PRSV-SD Carica papaya, Cucurbita pepo, KT895257, KT633943, KF734962,
HN-DF HAINAN Pumpkin HQ424465, KF791028,
MF085000, MF074214,
KY933061, EF183499
India (12) P, HYD, PM-H, PM-I, PRSVR3, Vasconcellea cauliflora, LC482263, MF356497,
Pune (Aundh) VC,W, Carica papaya MH311882, EF017707,
PS3-H, PS3-I KP743981, MF405295,
MF405296, KJ755852,
EU475877, MF405299,
MF405297, MF405298
East Timor (4) SK, W Cucurbits KX655874, KX655865,
KX655864, KX655863
Australia (13) W Curcurbits KX998708, KX998707,
KX655866, KX655867,
KX655868, KX655869,
KX655871, KX655861,
KX655860, KX655862,
KX655872, KX655873
USA (3) W, PG, PRSV-ptx Curcurbit, Gourd, Carica papaya KY271954, EU126128, KY039583
Brazil (3) W Cucurbita pepo, Fevillea cordifolia DQ374153, DQ374152,
Taiwan (13) W, P, PRSV-SMN, Luffa cylindrica, Carica papaya NC_001785, X97251, AY027810,
PRSV-DF, HA JX448372, JX448369,
JX448370, JX448373,
JX448371, DQ340769,
DQ340770, DQ340771, X67673,
Thailand (2) W Not mention AY010722, AY162218
France (1) E2 Cucurbita pepo KC345609
Mexico (1) Mex-VrPO Not mention AY231130
South Korea (2) Watermelon strain Cucumber, Cucurbita pepo KY996464, AB369277
Colombia (2) P Carica papaya Maradol KT275938, KT275937
Bangladesh (2) BD-1, BD-2 Papaya MH397222, MH444652

Clade III. PRSV-WB was in Clade II, with all Indian Only those events recognized by at least three different
PRSV isolates and Bangladesh PRSV isolates algorithms were admitted as evidence for recombina-
(MH397222). All Australian and American PRSV iso- tion. Twenty-four recombination break point events
lates formed a distinct cluster (Clade III). PRSV-WB were detected in 22 PRSV genomes at multiple regions
formed a minor group with PRSV-Bangladesh when all the complete genome of the PRSV isolates
(MH397222) and PRSV- Meghalaya (MF356497) and were analyzed. Recombination events in Indian, Chi-
PRSV- Pune (MH311882). nese, and American isolates were identified, when the
Recombination Detection Program RDP4 version p values obtained were less than 1 × 10−6 for at least
Beta 80 was used to detect and analyze the recombina- three out of seven approaches (Fig. 3, Supplementary
tion events between the PRSV isolates (Martin et al. Table 2). According to previous studies, it appears that
2015) using seven methods, include RDP, recombination occurs repeatedly in the Potyvirus genus.
GENECONV, BootScan, MaxChi, Chimaera, SiScan, Thus, recombination is one of the most important factors
and 3Seq with their default parameters to find out the that allowed potyviruses to adapt to various hosts and
recombinant isolates and a P value threshold of 0.05. different environments in order to survive and spread
206 Eur J Plant Pathol (2021) 159:203–210

Fig. 1 Pairwise nucleotide sequence identity matrix colour plot of the 66 PRSV isolates/strains from the GenBank based on the complete
genome using SDT v1.2software

(Zhou et al. 2014). Our data showed that PRSV isolates sequences of PRSV are available (up to November,
from Asian countries especially India and China show 2019). The nature of PRSV population is highly diverse
more recombinants than other countries. One of the making significant constraint to papaya disease manage-
major mechanisms in the evolution of PRSV is recom- ment (Jain et al. 2004). Coat Protein-Mediated Resis-
bination, which may have a role in maintaining the tance (CPMR) has been successfully used to confer
effectiveness of purifying selection by preventing the resistance to a wide range of viruses including PRSV
accumulation of deleterious mutations. Recombination (Lomonossoff 1995; Gonsalves 1998). The CP mediat-
has been associated with the expansion of host range, ed PRSV-resistant transgenic papaya cultivars, the Sun-
the modification of transmission vector specificity, the Up and Rainbow has been commercially grown in Ha-
evolution of new viruses, increase in virulence and waii since 1998, authorized for marketing and have
pathogenesis and the evasion of host immunity (Noa- played the most major role in saving the papaya industry
Carrazana et al. 2007). from economic demise.
According to NCBI database, more than 66 complete In the current study, genetic variability and phyloge-
genome sequences and approximately 2635 partial ge- netic relationship of all PRSV isolates based on the
nome sequence of PRSV isolates are available from complete genomes was determined. Phylogenetic anal-
different parts of the globe. From India, until now, 11 ysis of the whole genome sequences of the PRSV-WB
complete genome sequences and 313 partial gene isolates from this study with other PRSV isolates from
Eur J Plant Pathol (2021) 159:203–210 207

Fig. 2 Phylogenetic tree

generated from maximum
likelihood analysis using a
GTR + G model of nucleotide
substitution (−lnL =
−(−120,323.15)) based on
complete genome of 66 PRSV at
nucleotide level using MEGA 7
software. Onion yellow dwarf
virus (OYDV) (Accession no.
AB219834) sequence was used as
Out group, marked with black
square and our sequence
(Accession no. LC482263)
marked with red triangle. No.
below the branches indicates
bootstrap value percentages from
1000 replications, but bootstrap
support values above 50% are

different parts of the world shows three distinct clusters. resistance (Moreno et al. 1998). In India, the occurrence
According to the International Committee on Taxono- of PRSV has been relatively new in comparison to other
my of Viruses (ICTV), the species demarcation criteria countries and coincides with the sudden increase in
for complete open reading frame (ORF) different spe- papaya cultivation and the introduction of new varieties
cies within the genus Potyvirus requires nucleotide se- from different geographical regions, which may exert
quence identity to be <76% and the amino acid se- different levels of selection pressure on the virus. Since,
quence identity <82% for species to be distinct selection of transgenes is crucial for development of
(Adams et al. 2005). virus resistance transgenic papaya in India, availability
It is suggested that while designing transgenes for of more complete genome sequences of PRSV from the
potyvirus resistance, it is essential to select regions of at Indian sub-continent will help a better assessment of the
least 90% identity between isolates to obtain a wide sequence divergence within the PRSV population. The
208 Eur J Plant Pathol (2021) 159:203–210

Fig. 3 Regions of recombination events in the PRSV populations based on the complete genome by using RDP 4 version Beta 80 software
Eur J Plant Pathol (2021) 159:203–210 209

present study supports the previous reports that PRSV ringspot virus isolates from papaya in Bangladesh: Detection,
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shows frequent recombination and high genetic varia-
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utes to population variation, and also discussed that Phytopathological Research, 7, 77–78.
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populations of the PRSV-P biotype have evolved on
A. S., Verma, A. K., & Varma, A. (2004). Variability in the
several occasions from PRSV-W populations. They also coat protein gene of Papaya ringspot virus isolates from
suggested that even where divergence in PRSV-P is multiple locations in India. Archives of Virology, 149,
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Kumar, S., Stecher, G., & Tamura, K. (2016). MEGA7: Molecular
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India. Europian Journal of Plant Pathology, 155, 369.
Acknowledgements Authors would like to thank Department of Larkin, M. A., Blackshields, G., Brown, N. P., & Chenna, R.
Science and Technology, New Delhi for SERB Project Grant No. ( 2 0 0 7 ) . C l u s t a l W a n d C l u s t a l X v e r si o n 2 . 0 .
SR/FT/LS-165/2012 and financial assistant from University Bioinformatics, 23, 2947–2948.
Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi to Miss Siriya Sultana, Lokhande, N. M., Moghe, P. G., Matte, A. D., & Hiware, B. J.
Senior Research Fellow (Maulana Azad National Fellowship) in (1992). Occurrence of papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) in
the form of fellowship is greatly acknowledged. Authors also Virdharbha region of Maharastra. Journal of Soils crops, 2,
acknowledge the WB DST supported FIST and Boost program 36–39.
for the facilities to carry out the experiments. Lomonossoff, G. P. (1995). Pathogen derived resistance to plant
viruses. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 33, 323–343.
Funding The work of S.S. was supported by University Grants Marie-Jeanne, V., Ioos, R., Peyre, J., Alliot, B., & Signoret, P.
Commission (UGC), New Delhi as Senior Research Fellowship (2000). Differentiation of Poaceae potyviruses by reverse
under Maulana Azad National Fellowship, and the work from transcription–polymerase chain reaction and restriction anal-
A.R.S was funded by Department of Science and Technology, ysis. Journal of Phytopathology, 148, 141–151.
New Delhi for SERB Project Grant No. SR/FT/LS-165/2012. Martin, D. P., Murrell, B., Golden, M., Khoosal, A., & Muhire, B.
(2015). RDP4: Detection and analysis of recombination pat-
Compliance with ethical standards terns in virus genomes. Virus Evolution, 1(1), vev003.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no con- Moreno, M., Bernal, J. J., Jimenez, I., & Rodriguez-Cerezo, E.
flict of interest. (1998). Resistance in plants transformed with the P1 or P3
gene of tobacco vein mottling potyvirus. Journal of General
Virology, 79, 2819–2827.
Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with Noa-Carrazana, J. C., Gozalez-de-Leon, D., & Silva-Rosales, L.
human participants or animals performed by any of the authors (2007). Molecular characterization of a severe isolates of
Papaya ringspot virus in Mexico and its relationship with
other isolates. Virus Genes, 35, 109–117.
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