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Face Recognition Attendance System

A software project proposal presented to

Department of Information Technology
Shaikh Zayed University
Computer Science Faculty
In partial fulfillment
Of the requirement for the degree of
Bachelor in Computer Science
Hedayatullah Zahin
Farhad Alias
Under the Supervision of
Mr. Javed Hamdard
Teaching Assistant

Shaikh Zayed University

Khost Afghanistan

This software project proposal titled

Smart Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition

Has been approved

For the Shaikh Zayed University, Computer Science Faculty, 4th Class

Mr. Jawed Hamdard
Teaching Assistant

Title Table of Content


1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Problem Statement: ................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Project Objectives .................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Project Scope and Limitation ................................................................................................. 4
2. Literature Review........................................................................................................................ 4
3. Software Development Life Cycle.............................................................................................. 5
4. Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Design Methodology............................................................................................................. 6
5. Design Requirements .................................................................................................................. 6
5.1 Software Implementation: ..................................................................................................... 6
5.1.1 OpenCV: ......................................................................................................................... 6
5.1.2 Python IDE: .................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Hardware Implementation: ................................................................................................... 6
6. Expected Cost ............................................................................................................................. 7
7. Expertise of the Team Members ................................................................................................. 7
8. References ................................................................................................................................... 8

1. Introduction

1.1 Background
Every organization requires a robust and stable system to record the attendance of their students.
and every organization have their own method to do so, some are taking attendance manually with
a sheet of paper by calling their names during lecture hours and some have adopted biometrics
system such as fingerprint, RFID card reader, Iris system to mark the attendance. The conventional
method of calling the names of students manually is time consuming event. The RFID card system,
each student assigns a card with their corresponding identity but there is chance of card loss or
unauthorized person may misuse the card for fake attendance. While in other biometrics such as
finger print, iris or voice recognition, they all have their own flaws an also they are not 100%
accurate. [1] [4]
Use of face recognition for the purpose of attendance marking is the smart way of attendance
management system.
Face recognition involves two steps, first step involves the detection of faces and second step
consist of identification of those detected face images with the existing database. There are number
of face detection and recognition methods introduced. Face recognition works either in form of
appearance based which covers the features of whole face or feature based which covers the
geometric feature like eyes, nose, eye brows, and cheeks to recognize the face. [3]

1.2 Problem Statement

Traditional student attendance marking technique is often facing a lot of trouble. The face
recognition student attendance system emphasizes its simplicity by eliminating classical student
attendance marking technique such as calling student names or checking respective identification
cards. There are not only disturbing the teaching process but also causes distraction for students
during exam sessions.
Apart from calling names, attendance sheet is passed around the classroom during the lecture
sessions. The lecture class especially the class with a large number of students might find it
difficult to have the attendance sheet being passed around the class. Thus, face recognition
attendance system is proposed in order to replace the manual signing of the presence of students
which are burdensome and causes students get distracted in order to sign for their attendance.
Furthermore, the face recognition based automated student attendance system able to
overcome the problem of fraudulent approach and lecturers does not have to count the number
of students several times to ensure the presence of the students.

1.3 Project Objectives
Attendance is prime important for both the teacher and student of an educational organization. So
it is very important to keep record of the attendance. The problem arises when we think about the
traditional process of taking attendance in class room. Calling name or roll number of the student
for attendance is not only a problem of time consumption but also it needs energy.
So an automatic attendance system can solve all above problems. There are some automatic
attendances making system which are currently used by much institution. One of such system is
biometric technique and RFID system. Although it is automatic and a step ahead of traditional
method it fails to meet the time constraint. The student has to wait in queue for giving attendance,
which is time taking. This project introduces an involuntary attendance marking system, devoid of
any kind of interference with the normal teaching procedure. The system can be also implemented
during exam sessions or in other teaching activities where attendance is highly essential. This
system eliminates classical student identification such as calling name of the student, or checking
respective identification cards of the student, which can not only interfere with the ongoing
teaching process, but also can be stressful for students during examination sessions. In addition,
the students have to register in the database to be recognized. The enrolment can be done on the
spot through the userfriendly interface.

1.4 Project Scope and Limitation

We are setting up to design a system comprising of two modules. The first module (face detector)
is a mobile component, which is basically a camera application that captures student faces and
stores them in a file using computer vision face detection algorithms and face extraction
techniques. The second module is a desktop application that does face recognition of the captured
images (faces) in the file, marks the students register and then stores the results in a database for
future analysis.

2. Literature Review
I read some papers related to this work. The main objective of their work is given bellow:
In recent years, a number of face recognition based attendance management system have
introduced in order to improve the performance of students in different organization. In [5] Jomon
Joseph, K. P. Zacharia proposed a system using image processing, PCA, Eigen faces,
Microcontroller, based on Matlab. Their system works only with front face images and there is
need of a suitable method which works with the orientation of the system. Ajinkya Patil with their
fellows in [6] proposed a face recognition approach for attendance marking using Viola jones
algorithm, Haar cascades are used to detect faces in images and recognition performs through
Eigen face method. Another approach of making attendance system easy and secure, in [7] the
author proposed a system with the help of artificial neural networks, they used PCA to extract face
images and testing and training were achieved by neural networks, their system performs in various
orientation. A 3D face recognition approach for attendance management system was proposed by
MuthuKalyani.K, VeeraMuthu.

3. Software Development Life Cycle

Figure 3.1.1 Project Outline

4. Methodology
Haar Cascade Haar Cascade is a machine learning object detection algorithm proposed by Paul
Viola and Michael Jones in their paper “Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of
Simple Features” in 2001. It is a machine learning based approach where a cascade function is
trained from a lot of positive and negative images. It is then used to detect objects in other images.
Luckily, OpenCV offers pre-trained Haar cascade algorithms, organized into categories,
depending on the images they have been trained on. Now let’s see how this algorithm concretely
works. The idea of Haar cascade is extracting features from images using a kind of ‘filter’, similar
to the concept of the convolutional kernel. OpenCV provides two applications to train cascade
classifier opencv_haar training and opencv train cascade. These two applications store the
classifier in the different file format. For training, we need a set of samples. There are two types

of samples: o Negative sample: It is related to non-object images. o Positive samples: It is a related
image with detect objects.

4.1 Design Methodology

As we mentioned before in (Figure 3.1.1). The project process is:
 A camera will take continuous stream.
 In LABVIEW, IMAQ library for vision will be used.
 Convert the RGB image to grayscale image.
 Then perform Machine Vision Algorithm and match with patterns stored in our database.
 If pattern matches based on the score of how successful, decide to mark attendance or not.
 Update the marked attendance in a measurement file.

5. Design Requirements
We used some tools to build the system. Without the help of these tools it would not be possible
to make it done. Here we will discuss about the most important one.

5.1 Software Implementation:

5.1.1 OpenCV-PYTHON: We used OpenCV-Python 3 dependency for python 3. OpenCV-
Python is library where there are lots of image processing functions are available. This is very
useful library for image processing. Even one can get expected outcome without writing a
single code. The library is cross-platform and free for use under the open-source BSD license.

5.1.2 Python IDE: There are lots of IDEs for python. Some of them are PyCharm, Thonny,
Ninja, Spyder etc. We used PyCharm, because it is very Simple.

5.2 Hardware Implementation:


CPU Quad-core ARM A57 @ 1.43 GHz

Memory 2 GB 64-bit LPDDR4 25.6 GB/s

Storage HDD (hard desk)

Camera Computer have own camera and we can also use external

6. Expected Cost
There is no a separate cost for doing this project>
For example, one computer budget like (10000 Afg – 30000 Afg)
We used Pc camera if someone want extra Camera, the cost will be (1000 Afg – 10000 Afg).

7. Expertise of the Team Members

we all team members are friends, which study courses together and always help together. In the
part of programming our experiences are almost same, and Anshah Allah all be always help with

In this approach, a face recognition based automated student attendance system is thoroughly
described. The proposed approach provides a method to identify the individuals by comparing
their input image obtained from recording video frame with respect to train image during the
respective semester registration process. This proposed approach is able to detect and localize
faces from an input facial images present in the database, which is obtained from the recording
video frame. Besides, it provides a method in pre-processing stage to reduce the illumination
effect and enhance the image contrast. From the challenges we faced, it can be concluded that the
use of ordinary generic cameras for video replay attacks in a non- intrusive technique may lead
us to some cost-effective face anti-spoofing systems. There is a need for designing, developing
and deploying non-intrusive methods without using extra devices. As a conclusion, this proposed
system replaces the manual system with an automated system which is fast, efficient, cost and
time saving as it replaces the stationary material such as bulky registers and the paper work.

8. References
1. [1] Kar, Nirmalya, et al. "Study of implementing automated attendance system using face recognition
technique." International Journal of computer and communication engineering 1.2 (2012): 100.
2. [2] RoshanTharanga, J. G., et al. "Smart attendance using real time face recognition (smart-fr)."
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
(SLIIT), Malabe, Sri Lanka (2013)
3. [3] Selvi, K. Senthamil, P. Chitrakala, and A. Antony Jenitha. "Face recognition based attendance
marking system." Corresponding Author: S. Rajkumar*, Email: rajkumarsrajkumar@ (2014).
4. [4] Mehta, Preeti, and Pankaj Tomar. "An Efficient Attendance Management System based on Face
Recognition using Matlab and Raspberry Pi 2." International Journal of Engineering Technology Science
and Research IJETSR 3.5 (2016): 71-78.
5. Joseph, Jomon, and K. P. Zacharia. "Automatic attendance management system using face recognition."
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 2.11 (2013): 327330.

6. Arsenovic, Marko, et al. "FaceTime—Deep learning based face recognition attendance system." 2017
IEEE 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY). IEEE, 2017.
7. [5] Joseph, Jomon, and K. P. Zacharia. "Automatic attendance management system using face
recognition." International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 2.11 (2013): 327- 330.
8. [6] Patil, Ajinkya, and Mrudang Shukla. "Implementation of classroom attendance system based on face
recognition in class." International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology 7.3 (2014): 974.
9. [7] Kanti, Jyotshana, and Shubha Sharm. "Automated Attendance using Face Recognition based on PCA
with Artificial Neural Network." International journal of science and research IJSR(2012).

10. Kanti, Jyotshana, and Shubha Sharm. "Automated Attendance using Face Recognition based
on PCA with Artificial Neural Network." International journal of science and research IJSR(2012).


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