Chapter 2 - Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

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8/12/23, 7:44 PM Chapter 2: Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

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Written Aug 12, 2023 6:36 PM - Aug 12, 2023 6:42 PMAttempt 1 of Unlimited
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Attempt Score 80 %
Overall Grade (Highest Attempt) 80 %

Question 1 1 / 1 point

You are working in your organization's security office. You receive a call from a user who has tried to log in to the
network several times with the correct credentials, with no success. This is an example of a(n)_______. (D2, L2.1.1)

A) Emergency

B) Event

C) Policy

D) Disaster

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Correct. The user has reported that something measurable has occurred; at this point, we are not sure what it
might be (if it is a normal occurrence, or something that poses adverse impact), so the best description is "event."… 1/9
8/12/23, 7:44 PM Chapter 2: Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

Question 2 1 / 1 point

You are working in your organization's security office. You receive a call from a user who has tried to log in to the
network several times with the correct credentials, with no success. After a brief investigation, you determine that
the user's account has been compromised. This is an example of a(n)_______. (D2, L2.1.1)

A) Risk management

B) Incident detection

C) Malware

D) Disaster

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Correct. The user's report and the subsequent identification of the problem constitute incident detection.

Question 3 1 / 1 point

An external entity has tried to gain access to your organization's IT environment without proper authorization.
This is an example of a(n) _________. (D2, L2.1.1)… 2/9
8/12/23, 7:44 PM Chapter 2: Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

A) Exploit

B) Intrusion

C) Event

D) Malware

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Correct. An intrusion is an attempt, successful or otherwise, to gain unauthorized access.

Question 4 1 / 1 point

When responding to a security incident, your team determines that the vulnerability that was exploited was not
widely known to the security community, and that there are no currently known definitions/listings in common
vulnerability databases or collections. This vulnerability and exploit might be called ______. (D2, L 2.1.1)… 3/9
8/12/23, 7:44 PM Chapter 2: Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

A) Malware

B) Critical

C) Fractal

D) Zero-day

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Correct. A zero-day exploit is an attack using a vulnerability that is not widely known in the industry at the time
of discovery.

Question 5 0 / 1 point

True or False? The IT department is responsible for creating the organization's business continuity plan. (D2,


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8/12/23, 7:44 PM Chapter 2: Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

Incorrect. Members from across the organization, not just IT, should participate in creating the BCP to ensure that
all systems, processes and operations are accounted for in the plan.

Question 6 1 / 1 point

The Business Continuity effort for an organization is a way to ensure critical ______ functions are maintained
during a disaster, emergency, or interruption to the production environment. (D2, L 2.2.1)

A) Business

B) Technical


D) Financial

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Correct. The Business Continuity effort is designed to ensure critical business functions continue during periods
of potential interruption.

Question 7 0 / 1 point

Which of the following is very likely to be used in a disaster recovery (DR) effort? (D2, L 2.3.1)… 5/9
8/12/23, 7:44 PM Chapter 2: Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

A) Guard dogs

B) Data backups

C) Contract personnel

D) Anti-malware solutions

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Incorrect. Some organizations might use contractors for DR efforts, but some might not. This will be completely
dependent on the organization's business needs.

Question 8 1 / 1 point

Which of the following is often associated with DR planning? (D2, L 2.3.1)… 6/9
8/12/23, 7:44 PM Chapter 2: Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

A) Checklists

B) Firewalls

C) Motion detectors

D) Non-repudiation

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Correct. Both BC and DR activities typically include checklists for the people participating in the effort.

Question 9 1 / 1 point

Which of these activities is often associated with DR efforts? (D2, L2.3.1)… 7/9
8/12/23, 7:44 PM Chapter 2: Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

A) Employees returning to the primary production location

B) Running anti-malware solutions

C) Scanning the IT environment for vulnerabilities

D) Zero-day exploits

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Correct. DR efforts are about restoring full normal operations, and this usually includes having employees return
to the primary production location.

Question 10 1 / 1 point

Which of these components is very likely to be instrumental to any disaster recovery (DR) effort? (D2, L2.3.1)… 8/9
8/12/23, 7:44 PM Chapter 2: Incident Response, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Concepts Quiz

A) Routers

B) Laptops

C) Firewalls

D) Backups

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Correct. Backups are often crucial in DR efforts, so that the normal production environment can be restored.… 9/9

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