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One Past, yet Various Histories: The Controversies and Differences

1. Summarize one (1) learning resource in 03 Readings: The Cavite

- "The Two Faces of the 1872 Cavite Mutiny”
The Cavite Mutiny was a revolt of Filipinos at a Spanish fort in 1872. The
Spanish thought it was a bad and illegal act. They blamed some Filipino
priests who wanted more power. They killed many of the rebels and some
Filipino thinkers and priests. The Spanish were very cruel and made many
Filipinos angry and patriotic. On the other hand, Filipinos thought it was a
good and brave act. They wanted to end the Spanish rule in the Philippines
and be free. They were inspired by some Filipino priests who fought for their
rights in the church. They were killed or punished by the Spanish who were
very cruel and unfair. The Cavite Mutiny was an important event that showed
the Filipino spirit and nationalism.

2. State the viewpoint/s or argument/s in this resource.

- Here are the main viewpoints in this article, also the main topic. Viewed
from the Spanish perspective, the Cavite Mutiny is portrayed as an
ambitious attempt by native Filipinos, often referred to as "Indios," to
overthrow Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines, attributing the uprising
to the abolition of privileges at the Cavite arsenal, external influences like
the Spanish Revolution, and a widespread conspiracy involving various
groups. On the other hand, the Filipino version, as presented by Dr.
Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de Tavera, offers an alternative
interpretation, depicting the mutiny primarily as a result of dissatisfaction
among native Filipino soldiers and workers due to the abolition of their
privileges and emphasizing the exploitation of the mutiny by Spanish friars
and authorities as part of a grand conspiracy. That is the main point.

3. What viewpoint do you believe in that resource? Explain why you

believe in this particular viewpoint
- Filipino Perspective - This perspective argues that the Spanish friars and
authorities used the mutiny to magnify it as part of a grand conspiracy,
intending to maintain their influence and control in the Philippines. The
importance of understanding the historical grievances of the Filipino
population and the external factors that have influenced their actions is
underlined by this Filipino perspective.

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