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Science of the Total Environment 720 (2020) 137593

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Low complexity wastewater treatment process in developing countries:

A LCA approach to evaluate environmental gains
Thaís A.S. Lopes b, Luciano M. Queiroz a,b,⁎, Ednildo A. Torres b,c, Asher Kiperstok b
Department of Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Aristides Novis Street 2, 4° floor, Federação, 40210-630, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Energy and Environment Interdisciplinary Center (CIENAM), Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Barão de Jeremoabo Street n/a, Ondina, 40170-115, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Aristides Novis Street 2, 3° floor, Federação, 40210-630 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil


• The construction phase should not be

excluded in LCA of low complexity tech-
• There is a correlation between nutrients
removal efficiency and Global Warming
• There is a trade-off between low opera-
tion consumption and air emissions

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Reliable Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) indicators for wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) construction and op-
Received 28 December 2019 eration phases are still a demand mainly in developing countries. Thus, the purpose of this paper was to present
Received in revised form 10 February 2020 and discuss the environmental performance of a full-scale WWTP installed in a Brazilian city using LCA approach.
Accepted 25 February 2020
The treatment process consists of a UASB reactor followed by constructed wetlands, which makes it particularly
Available online 26 February 2020
attractive to developing countries due to its operational simplicity. The Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) was developed
Editor: Konstantinos G Moustakas from a WWTP design and operation data including those of untreated wastewater and effluent quality. The re-
sults show that the environmental impacts from construction phase should not be neglected in LCA studies of
Keywords: low complexity treatment technologies (e.g. UASB reactor, constructed wetlands and pond systems). There is a
Life cycle assessment trade-off between the use of materials and energy for construction and the low energy and materials consump-
Constructed wetlands tion during the operation phase in these systems. The majority share of hydroelectric generation in the energy
UASB reactor matrix and the combination of anaerobic and natural processes for wastewater treatment have contributed to
Emissions a smaller impact potential for the operation phase. The LCA approach should be associated with plans and actions
Environmental impact

Abbreviations: AC, Acidification; AD, Abiotic depletion; BOD5, Biological oxygen demand; CED, Cumulative energy demand; COD, Chemical oxygen demand; CW, Constructed
wetlands; eq, Equivalent; EU, Eutrophication; FEW, Fresh water ecotoxicity; FU, Functional unit; GW, Global warming; GWP, Global warming potential; HSF, CW Horizontal subsurface
flow constructed wetlands; HT, Human toxicity; IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change; ISO, International Organization for Standardization; kg, Kilogram; kWh, Kilowatt hour;
L, Liter; LCA, Life cycle assessment; LCI, Life cycle inventory; LCIA, Life cycle impact assessment; MAE, Marine aquatic ecotoxicity; OLD, Ozone layer depletion; PE, Equivalent
population; PO, Photochemical oxidation; SDG, Sustainable Development Goals; TE, Terrestrial ecotoxicity; tkm, Ton per kilometer; TKN, Total Kjeldahl nitrogen; TSS, total suspended
solids; UASB, Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor; UNEP, United Nations; WWTP, Wastewater treatment plants.
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Aristides Novis Street 2, 4° floor, Federação, 40210-630 Salvador, Bahia,
E-mail addresses: (L.M. Queiroz), (E.A. Torres).
0048-9697/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 T.A.S. Lopes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 720 (2020) 137593

to face the challenges of providing wastewater treatment in developing countries. Only in this way, compliance
with the eco-efficiency targets and protect public health will be guaranteed.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In the context of developing countries, it is necessary to incorporate

reliable LCA indicators and review previous studies to recognize key les-
Developing countries face major challenges when trying to meet re- sons and gaps. The LCA applied to WWTP needs to improve regarding
quirements, regarding the availability and sustainable management of the description of sources, the technical parameters, and the elaboration
water and sanitation services. Recent data show that b50% of the sanita- of local databases to be added to wider ones. Thus, there is a demand for
tion services are safely managed in these regions (UN, 2018). Therefore, WWT-related LCA in developing countries, in special for a WWTP con-
evaluating and improving the environmental performance of a small struction and operation phases, due to the geographical diversity and
WWTP is a challenge to developing countries that want to meet the specific characteristics of these regions (Guérin-Schneider et al., 2018).
United Nations Sustainable Development goals (SDG) number 6. The UASB reactors followed by a post-treatment play a crucial role in
The main objective of a WWTP is to improve the effluent quality. Ac- developing countries, due to their low operational cost and easy main-
cording to Noyola et al. (2012), in Latin America, 67% of the wastewater tenance (Noyola et al., 2012). Therefore, the aim of this paper was
treatment plants are small (influent flow b25 L.s−1) and very small (in- apply LCA to evaluate the environmental performance for construction
fluent flow b5 L.s−1). However, the potential environmental impacts as- and operation phases of a full-scale WWTP composed of a UASB reactor
sociated with the construction and operation phases of these facilities followed by constructed wetlands. The study included the sewage col-
often are not taken into account. lection and pumping system, pretreatment stage, biological sludge dis-
The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the most used methodology to posal and effluent discharge.
evaluate the environmental impacts of a WWTP (Morera et al., 2017).
The LCA stands out for being able to evaluate a WWTP beyond the 2. Material and methods
trade-off between process efficiency and final effluent quality because
it takes into consideration resource and energy consumption, air emis- The object was a full-scale WWTP (maximum flow rate equal to
sions and waste generation (Foley et al., 2010). The LCA could help in 3.3 L·s−1), located in a small community, in Bahia State, Brazil, which
the selection of wastewater treatment processes, and support the has been operating since 2008 and treating domestic wastewater. The
decision-making regarding environmental impacts, assessing the entire wastewater treatment process is divided into four main steps: prelimi-
life cycle of a WWTP and not just the effect of effluent discharge on nary treatment (grit removal and sand traps), removal of soluble or-
water bodies. ganic matter in the UASB reactors, nutrients removal in the
For practical purposes, a careful study of LCA can help to estimate the constructed wetlands and a disinfection step for pathogens removal.
environmental gains from the use of thermal or electrical energy in an- The UASB reactor (3.8 × 3.8 m × 5.1 m) works as a primary settling
aerobic reactors, or the recovery of nutrients such as struvite, or the en- and a secondary treatment corresponds to a cross-section of 14.4 m2,
vironmental impacts of energy consumption in activated sludge which has an effective volume of 73.6 m3 and a hydraulic retention
processes, for example. time of 8.5 h. The horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands
According to Gallego-Schmid and Tarpani (2019), who analyzed 43 (HSF CW) consist of four parallel beds, each 7 m × 18 m, depth of
studies of LCA applied to wastewater treatment in developing countries, 0.8 m and hydraulic retention time of 46.7 h. The support material
the majority of the papers only evaluated conventional technologies used for the CW beds is crushed gravel. Two cells were planted with
and did not include the construction phase; about 20% included net- Typha sp. and other two were planted with Cyperus alternifolius sp.
work collection; 53% included direct greenhouse gas emissions and The design flow rate is equal to 96 m3 per day. A low-power electrical
only three studies were from Brazil. The lack of specific databases, the pump adds sodium hypochlorite solution (NaClO) for additional patho-
non-transparency of data, the absence of knowledge and interest of gens removal.
the authorities when considering the LCA as a tool, and the non-
improvement of public policies in the sanitation sector contribute to 2.1. Goal and scope
the low representativeness of WWT-related LCA studies in developing
countries. The LCA according to the ISO 14040 (2006) was used to perform this
In most LCA studies, the sewage collection and pumping system, WWTP environmental analysis. The goal of the LCA was to perform an
sludge management and direct greenhouse gas emissions were environmental analysis of a full-scale WWTP, considering the construc-
neglected. Few papers include the construction phase and the ones tion and operation phases. The function of the system is to treat raw
that evaluated both construction and operation phases showed that wastewater in order to reduce pollutants and therefore meet the re-
the operation phase presented a greater impact potential. Furthermore, quired standards of the Brazilian environmental legislation. The func-
about 50% of the papers do not include inventory data at all (Sabeen tional unit was defined as the volume of 1.0 m3 of treated wastewater,
et al., 2018; Gallego-Schmid and Tarpani, 2019). One of the limitations considering that the total volume of wastewater treated in the WWTP
on LCA applied to WWTP is the lack of a detailed Life Cycle Inventory was 700.800 m3 during a lifetime of 20 years. The cubic meter, as a func-
(LCI), which does not allow verifying the correlation of all input and out- tional unit, was used because it comes from real data and agrees with
put flows with a functional unit (FU) and the Life Cycle Impact Assess- several papers that have applied LCA in WWTP (Hernández-Padilla
ment (LCIA) results. et al., 2017; Lorenzo-Toja et al., 2016; Arashiro et al., 2018).
Data collection and the LCI elaboration are the most laborious and The downstream system boundary included the following units: col-
limiting stages of LCA studies. The availability of reliable and represen- lection and pumping of raw wastewater, pretreatment stage, a WWTP
tative data is not always possible, creating the need to make assump- with a disinfection step, sludge disposal and treated effluent discharge
tions and look for literature data, which increases the uncertainty of for construction and operation phases, as shown in Fig. 1. The back-
the final data and results. There is also a lack of certainty in the analysis ground system boundary included data from materials, chemical and
of the inventory data in the LCA studies applied to WWTP in developing energy production from the Ecoinvent® version 3.1 datasets, system
countries (Gallego-Schmid and Tarpani, 2019). model ‘allocation, default’ as a unit process, available in SimaPro 8.1®.
T.A.S. Lopes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 720 (2020) 137593 3

Dismantling has been excluded of the analysis due to the lack of data Table 1
and because the WWTP is still in operation. Some authors assumed that Wastewater physicochemical characteristics.

the dismantling impact would be small when compared to the construc- Parameters Unit Inlet Outlet Removal
tion and operation phases (Foley et al., 2010; Garfí et al., 2017; Larrey- BOD5 concentration mg O2 L−1 321.5 21.3 93%
Lassalle et al., 2017). The allocation has not been used since the studied COD concentration mg O2 L−1 767.8 95.5 88%
WWTP does not have co-functions. TSS concentration mg TSS L−1 278.0 18.0 94%
Ammonia mg N-NH3 L−1 41.3 39.5 4%
Total Kjeldahl nitrogen mg TKN L−1 46.2 45.7 1%
2.2. Data quality requirements Total phosphorous mg TP L−1 7.3 7.9
Nitrate mg N-NO− 3 L
Chlorine mg Cl2 L−1 0.8
According to the ISO 14040 (2006), data quality requirements are
necessary to demonstrate the reliability of the study results, and to
allow LCA interpretation to be performed properly. The data represents
The equations provided by the Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change
the actual scale of the system construction and operation, collected from
Report were used (IPCC, 2013).
the WWTP project. The laboratory analyses of the raw wastewater and
The general equation for estimating the CH4 emissions from CW for
effluent contributed to the representativeness, consistency and com-
domestic wastewater treatment is given by Eq. (1).
pleteness of the study.
The Standard Deviation values for the downstream system flows X   X  
were taken under basic uncertainty and pedigree matrix with the avail- CH4 emissions ¼ j TOW j  EF j þ j TOW j  EF j ð1Þ
able uncertainty factors in Simapro® 8.1, which considers the lognormal
probability distribution function by default. where:
CH4 emissions expressed in kg CH4 per year
TOWj = total organic load in domestic wastewater expressed in kg
2.3. Life cycle inventory
BOD or COD per year
EFj = emission factor, kg CH4 per kg BOD (for domestic wastewater)
The LCI included the following treatment steps: the analysis of
j = type of CW
the construction's material, the construction and operation of the
The CH4 emission factor for constructed wetlands is shown in
pretreatment stage, WWTP with a disinfection step (e.g. building
Eq. (2).
materials, air emissions, chemicals and energy use), the biological
sludge disposal and the treated effluent discharge. The LCI of the con-
EFj ¼ Bo  MCFj ð2Þ
struction phase used data collected from the WWTP project,
websites of manufacturers and construction materials. The LCI oper-
ation phase used: the flow rate, physicochemical characteristics of
Bo = maximum CH4 producing capacity, kg CH4 per kg BOD or COD
the effluent, chemical and, energy consumed and air emissions. The
MCF = methane correction factor (fraction)
physicochemical parameters were biological oxygen demand
j = type of CW
(BOD 5 ), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids
According to IPCC (2013), the default Bo value for domestic waste-
(TSS), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), ammonia, nitrate, total phos-
water is 0.6 kg CH4 per kg BOD. The methane correction factors (MCF)
phorus and chlorine (Table 1).
for HSF CW is equal to 0.1.
The biological sludge is discarded from the UASB reactors,
The general equation for estimating the N2O emissions from CW for
dewatered in geotextile bags for 21 days and sent for final disposal in
domestic wastewater treatment is given by Eq. (3).
a municipal landfill 22 (twenty-two) kilometers away from the WWTP.
The operation phase included the electricity and chemicals con- X  
sumed, the air and water emissions, and the transport of residues (bio- N2 O emissions ¼ j N j  EF j  44=28 ð3Þ
logical sludge, solid residues, sand and greases) to the landfill. The air
emissions, sludge generation and methane dissolved from the UASB re- where:
actor were calculated by the mass balance of the fractions of COD pro- N2O emission = kg N2O per year
posed by Lobato et al. (2012). The COD fractions load is shown in Nj = total nitrogen load in domestic wastewater (kg N per year)
Table 2. Nj = total nitrogen in industrial wastewater (kg N per year)
It was used an emission factor for kg CH4 per kg BOD and kg N2O-N EFj = emission factor, kg N2O-N/kg N
per kg N (for domestic wastewater) to calculate the methane (CH4) and j = type of CW
nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from the constructed wetlands (CW). The factor 44/28 is the conversion of kg N2O-N into kg N2O.

Fig. 1. System boundaries.

4 T.A.S. Lopes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 720 (2020) 137593

Table 2 3. Results and discussion

COD fractions result from mass balance.

COD fractions Contribution Load 3.1. Impact assessment of the construction and operation phases
Influent COD 100% 3.07 kg h−1
Effluent COD 30% 0.92 kg h−1 The Fig. 2 shows the impact potential of each wastewater treatment
Biogas 42.5% 1.31 kg h−1 step by using the CML method.
Methane (CH4) Dissolved 7.9% 0.24 kg h−1 The result shows that impacts that are more relevant are the WWTP
Waste gas 2.2% 0.07 kg h−1
construction and operation phases. The WWTP_Co shows the greatest
Sulfate reduction 2.4% 0.07 kg h−1
Biological Sludge 14.9% 0.46 kg h−1 impact potential for Abiotic depletion, Ozone layer depletion, all toxicity
categories and Acidification, mainly, due to the use of reinforcing steel
during concrete production. Although several LCA studies in WWTP
point out that the operation phase has an impact potential greater
The N2O emission factor for HSF CW is 0.0079 kg N2O-N per kg N than the construction phase (Renou et al., 2008; Foley et al., 2010;
(IPCC, 2013). Lopsik, 2013; Limphitakphong et al., 2016).
GHG emissions are important sustainable development indica- The result shows that the WWTP_Co phase is responsible for a sig-
tors for wastewater treatment plants. However, according to nificant potential impact, mainly recognizing that this configuration
Gallego-Schmid and Tarpani (2019), only half of the analyzed stud- (UASB + CW) is a low operational complexity WWTP. Cornejo et al.
ies in developing countries included direct GHG emissions and 30% (2013) analyzing a system composed by a UASB reactor and maturation
estimated any N2O emissions. The direct CH4 emissions from UASB ponds, concluded that the construction phase has a greater impact than
reactors are difficult to estimate because of their measurements, the operation phase for embodied energy due to the low electricity and
and due to the influence of specific site conditions, such as climate material consumption needed to operate and maintain this system.
and organic matter load. The direct CH4 emissions from the UASB re- Lutterbeck et al. (2017) noted that 67% of the environmental impacts
actor were based on mass balance, which was based on specific were related to the construction phase of the WWTP, composed by a
Brazilian conditions, therefore increasing the representativeness of UASB reactor combined with an anaerobic filter, subsurface constructed
the data. However, the same could not be done for the GHG emis- wetlands, and disinfection with ultraviolet radiation.
sions from the CW, which were based on emission factors found Although low complexity treatment technologies require less en-
only in the literature (IPCC, 2013). Despite the GHG emissions from ergy, they occupy large areas and much raw material for their construc-
the CW being influenced by soil, climate and plants management tion. Despite UASB reactors followed by post-treatment not being
(Mander et al., 2014), it was used the emissions factor from the liter- common in Europe and developed countries, some authors highlight
ature. Although with some uncertainty, it is better to use data from the importance of evaluating the construction phase of CW (Dixon
the literature than to exclude these direct emissions. et al., 2003; Lopsik, 2013). The construction phase should not be ex-
One of the premises of the CML method is that the carbon dioxide cluded in LCA studies of low complexity wastewater treatment technol-
produced by the degradation of organic matter present in wastewa- ogies (e.g. UASB reactor, anaerobic filters, constructed wetlands and
ter is biogenic. Therefore, according to this method, this amount of stabilization pond systems). In such cases, there is a trade-off between
CO 2 is part of the natural carbon cycle and should not be counted the use of materials and energy for the construction and the low energy
as a pollutant in emissions to air (Renou et al., 2008; FOLEY et al., and materials consumption during the operation phase.
2010). It is noteworthy that the CO2 produced in the UASB reactor The WWTP_Op phase is responsible for a great impact potential for
and constructed wetlands was considered biogenic and the quantity Global warming (96%) and for Photochemical oxidation (94%) due to
is negligible when included in the natural carbon cycle on a plane- methane (CH4) and dinitrogen monoxide (N2O) direct air emissions
tary scale. It is necessary to replace the support material (gravel) of (Fig. 2). One of the main characteristics of anaerobic reactors is the bio-
each CW bed every five years due to clogging. That has been taken gas generation, mainly composed of CH4. The biogas generation in UASB
into account in the LCI and the contaminated gravel removed was reactors plays an important role, since it can be positive, if this biogas is
considered as waste (Table 3). recovered, or negative if this biogas is sent directly to the atmosphere.
A detailed LCA is critical to the interpretation of results in the face of Unfortunately, in most WWTPs built in developing countries, biogas is
material and energy flows, since the LCA intends to identify the impact sent to the atmosphere without treatment. Therefore, the search for
chain from extraction to final disposal. Therefore, it is necessary to know eco-efficiency in these WWTP needs to consider this aspect and seek
which inputs, background processes and outputs are related to the po- technological solutions for the use of biogas. However, one of the
tential impacts shown in the results. main challenges in implementing the principles of circular economy in
small WWTP is how to take advantage of the biogas energy in small
WWTP without raising operating costs.
2.4. Life cycle impact assessment The impacts from Sewer system_Co and Sludge disposal_Op are neg-
ligible mainly due to low material and energy consumption. The studied
The Impact Assessment was carried out using the CML 2 baseline WWTP can be considered small and decentralized which means that the
2000 and Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) assessment method pro- sewer collection is provided by a free flow system without pumping, the
vided in SimaPro® 8.1, which has been frequently used for midpoint im- extension of the sewage collection network is approximately equal to
pact categories. Gallego-Schmid and Tarpani (2019) conducted an 1.1 km it is not a significant source of CH4 emission as can be seen in
extensive literature review and demonstrated that the CML impact as- Fig. 2.
sessment method is one of the well-established methods for perfor-
mance tracking and the most applied in LCA related to WWTP in 3.2. Energy consumption for the WWTP
developing countries. The contribution analysis was used for the inter-
pretation of the impact assessment results. The midpoint impact catego- The electricity consumption at the WWTP for the operation phase
ries included in our study were: abiotic depletion (AD), global warming was 0.18 kWh m−3, whereas for all WWT systems it was 0.30 kWh
(GW), ozone layer depletion (OLD), human toxicity (HT), fresh water m −3 . This result is below average for non-extensive treatments,
ecotoxicity (FWE), marine aquatic ecotoxicity (MAE), terrestrial which explains the low impact potential of the operation phase for
ecotoxicity (TE) photochemical oxidation (PO), Acidification (AC), eu- some impact categories. When comparing the studies conducted in
trophication (EU). Europe to the ones conducted in countries with an electricity mix
T.A.S. Lopes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 720 (2020) 137593 5

Table 3
Life cycle inventory (LCI) of wastewater treatment system.

Inputs SDc Source

Sewer system_Co
Cement, Portland {RoW} 0.013 kg m−3 1.13 WWTP Project
Sand {GLO} 0.040 kg m−3 1.13
Gravel, crushed {GLO} 0.040 kg m−3 1.13
Tap water {RoW} 0.008 kg m−3 1.13
Extrusion, plastic pipes {GLO} 0.005 kg m−3 1.13

Pre treatment_Coa
Reinforcing steel {GLO} 0.002 kg m−3 1.13 WWTP Project
Cement, Portland {RoW} 0.007 kg m−3 1.13
Sand {GLO} 0.325 kg m−3 1.13
Gravel, crushed {GLO} 0.022 kg m−3 1.13
Tap water {RoW} 0.005 kg m−3 1.13
Extrusion, plastic pipes {GLO} 0.001 kg m−3 1.13
Sawnwood, hardwood, raw, kiln dried {RoW} 0.001 m3 m−3 1.13
Electricity, medium voltage {BR} 0.001 kWh m−3 1.13
Transport, freight, lorry N32 metric ton, {RoW} 0.003 tkm m−3 2.02

Pre treatment_Opb
Electricity, medium voltage {BR} 0.114 kWh m−3 1.13 WWTP Project
Transport, freight, lorry N32 metric ton, {RoW} 0.001 tkm m−3 2.34

Reinforcing steel {GLO} 0.055 kg m−3 1.13 WWTP Project
Cement, Portland {RoW} 0.078 kg m−3 1.13
Sand {GLO} 0.704 kg m−3 1.13
Gravel, crushed {GLO} 1.479 kg m−3 1.13
Tap water {RoW} 0.053 kg m−3 1.13
Extrusion, plastic pipes {GLO} 0.002 kg m−3 1.13
Sawnwood, hardwood, raw, kiln dried {RoW} 0.001 m3 m−3 1.13
Brick {GLO} 0.003 kg m−3 1.13
Glass fibre {GLO} 0.001 kg m−3 2.07
Electricity, medium voltage {BR} 0.001 kWh m−3 1.13
Transport, freight, lorry N32 metric ton, {RoW} 0.010 tkm m−3 2.34

Electricity, medium voltage {BR} 0.180 kWh m−3 1.06 WWTP Project
Gravel, crushed {GLO} 0.925 kg m−3 1.13
Sodium hypochlorite, without water, in 15% solution{GLO} 0.030 kg m−3 1.22

Air emissions
Methane, biogenic 0.351 kg m−3 1.32 Lobato et al., 2012
Dinitrogen monoxide 0.001 kg m−3 1.49 IPCC, 2013
Final waste
Waste, final, inert 0.925 kg m−3 1.63 Operation report
Sludge Disposal_Op
Sludge 0.115 kg m−3 1.52 Operation report
Transport, freight, lorry N32 metric ton, {RoW} 0.003 tkm m−3 2.34

Water emissions
Solids, inorganic 0.005 kg m−3 1.63 Lima et al., 2018
Nitrogen 0.001 kg m−3 1.63
Phosphorus 0.001 kg m−3 1.63
Potassium 0.001 kg m−3 1.63

Effluent Discharge_Coa
Cast iron {GLO} 0.003 kg m−3 1.13 WWTP Project
Effluent Discharge_Op
Electricity, medium voltage {BR} 0.137 kWh m−3 1.13 WWTP Project

Water emissions
BOD5, biological oxygen demand 0.021 kg m−3 1.5 Laboratory analysis
COD, chemical oxygen demand 0.096 kg m−3 1.5
TSS, suspended solids, unspecified 0.018 kg m−3 1.5
Nitrogen, total (TKN) 0.046 kg m−3 1.5
Nitrate 0.002 kg m−3 1.5
Phosphorus, total 0.008 kg m−3 1.5
Chlorine free 0.001 kg m−3 1.5 Operation report
Methane dissolved 0.136 kg m−3 1.5 Lobato et al., 2012

GLO means global and represents activities, which are considered to be an average valid for all countries in the world.
RoW represents the Rest-of-the-World. in Ecoinvent® database.
BR (Brazil) – geographic location.
Co = construction.
Op = Operation.
SD = Standard Deviation.
6 T.A.S. Lopes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 720 (2020) 137593

3.3. The contribution of air emissions and nutrient removal

The emissions from WWTP_Op, including direct and indirect emis-

sions, were 8.01 kg CO2-eq m−3 (Fig. 4), which is much higher than
the ones found in the literature. Cornejo et al. (2013) found 2.0 kg
CO2-eq m−3 of direct emissions when analyzing a WWTP composed
by a UASB reactor followed by a stabilization pond; the authors did
not include the N2O emissions. Nevertheless, Fuchs et al. (2011) com-
pared the vertical and horizontal flow constructed wetlands including
the CH4 e N2O emissions, and have shown that there was a huge influ-
ence on climate change when including the N2O emissions during the
operation phase.
It is worth mentioning that the CH4 production on the anaerobic
process depends primarily on the quantity of degradable organic matter
in the wastewater inflow, and on the temperature (between or higher
than 24-32 °C at local WWTP/Northeast of Brazil), and that the temper-
Fig. 2. Description of the WWTP impacts with the CML impact assessment method.
Legend: Co – Construction phase; Op – Operation phase.
ature increases the CH4 production (IPCC, 2019). The UASB reactors are
the largest contributors to CH4 emissions if they are not recovered or
flared. According to Bressani-Ribeiro et al. (2019), the use of thermal en-
based on renewable energy, it could be seen that the energy con- ergy for biogas recovery has proven to be a good alternative to mitigate
sumption may not have a great potential impact during the WWTP environmental impacts resulting from the use of UASB reactors and
life cycle. According to Gallego-Schmid and Tarpani (2019), in the re- small scale WWTP (2000 ≥ PE b 10,000 inhabitants). Furthermore, the
view of a LCA applied to wastewater treatment, in developing coun- use of a UASB reactor as a pre-treatment for CW could prevent gravel
tries the average electricity consumption for domestic wastewater bed clogging and consequently reduce the formation of GHG in this sys-
treatments was 0.42 kWh m −3, while in developed countries this tem. Since CH4 emissions are the most important air emissions, it is sug-
value was 0.50 kWh m−3. gested that a UASB reactor with CW could reduce the impacts of Global
The Brazilian electricity mix and its wastewater treatment technolo- warming and Photochemical oxidation.
gies of low operational complexity, which does not present high energy The results point out the trade-off between the low operation con-
and materials consumption, contribute to a reduction of the impact po- sumption and the air emissions from a UASB reactor as a pretreatment
tential for some categories. Otherwise, these technologies would pro- of CW. Greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. CH4 and N2O) have a significant
duce treated effluents with a slightly higher content of organic matter impact on WWTP_Op. Therefore, wastewater treatment experts should
and nutrients, which would compromise other impact categories, such not neglect the air emissions in the assessment of the impacts from
as Eutrophication. WWTP, especially those that apply anaerobic route to some of the pro-
Moreover, the results shows the WWTP_Co phase had a signifi- cess steps, such as sludge digestion, emphasizing the need to mitigate
cantly contribution to the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) than the GHG direct emissions.
the operation phase (Fig. 3). The construction materials consump- The results obtained from laboratory analysis on aliquots collected in
tion shows a significant impact potential because of the use of rein- the studied WWTP showed that UASB reactors followed by HSF CW was
forcing steel, the cement Portland, and in less extension, the gravel. not effective in removing nitrogen and phosphorus. These macronutri-
The reinforcing steel has a greater impact potential because of the ents present in a treated effluent were responsible for the Discharge_Op
production process, which includes the mining and the manufactur- impacts (98%) in the Eutrophication category as can be seen in Fig. 2.
ing of the steel. Igos et al. (2014) show that the useful life of rein- The eutrophication potential was 0.046 kgPO4eq m−3 by treated waste-
forced concrete and steel used in the infrastructure is an water. This result is similar to the ones Cornejo et al. (2013) found for
important parameter since the infrastructure impact is amortized the stabilization pond system (0.034 kgPO4eq m−3) and the UASB
over its lifetime. Therefore, the results highlight the importance of followed by a stabilization pond (0.051 kgPO4eq m−3). Eutrophication
including infrastructure in LCA related to WWTP in a transparent is considered as a key category in LCA studies of WWTP because its re-
and consistent manner, specifying what materials are included sults define the trade-off between process efficiency and effluent
and lifetime. quality.

Fig. 3. Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) for the total WWT system. Legend: Co – Fig. 4. Global warming (GWP100a) for the total WWT system. Legend: Co – Construction
Construction phase; Op – Operation phase. phase; Op – Operation phase.
T.A.S. Lopes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 720 (2020) 137593 7

The HSF CW are primarily designed to remove organics and - The construction phase should not be excluded in LCA of low com-
suspended solids and do not promote significant nutrient removal. plexity operational wastewater treatment technologies. The use of
Proper management of macrophytes in CW beds contributes to better materials and energy for construction is high when compared with
nutrient removal. Considering the results, which have shown high the low energy and materials consumption during the operation
GWP for WWTP_Op, it is evident that there is a straight correlation be- phase. Furthermore, energy mix based on hydropower contributes
tween the nutrients removal efficiency and the Global warming poten- to the small impact potential of this phase.
tial. Saeed and Sun (2017) carried out a broad review of the literature on - Air emissions from the UASB reactor have a great potential impact
nutrient removal in HSF CW. These authors concluded that the removal on global warming, indicating the need to mitigate GHG direct emis-
of phosphorus was only possible with the insertion of P-adsorbing ma- sions. There is a correlation between nutrients removal efficiency
terials in the bed filter. Phosphorus is the limiting nutrient for the occur- and Global warming potential. Therefore, WWTP operation prob-
rence of eutrophication in aquatic environments; what explains the lems influence the results of the impact assessment. LCA studies
high impact potential for Discharge_Op. should discuss if the WWT process is operating properly. The results
The LCA considers impacts in the local context to be as important as show a correlation between operation – GHG emissions – eutrophi-
those that occur far away and later on (Gallego-Schimid and Tarpani, cation.
2019). The results are consistently by pointing out the potential envi- - One of the main challenges for LCA studies to be used for wastewater
ronmental impacts that play a role locally and globally for wastewater stakeholders in developing countries is to improve data quality.
treatment process studied. Furthermore, it stands out the relationship
between the potential impacts pointed out in the LCA study and the
planet's boundaries that already been transgressed, going therefore Declaration of competing interest
against the safety of humanity. Some of those aspects are the climate
change, and nitrogen and phosphorus flows, which emphasize the im- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
portance of evaluating and improving the environmental performance interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
of WWTP (Steffen et al., 2015). ence the work reported in this paper.
The LCA does not prioritize any impact category for WWT, since it
would require knowledge of local specificities to determine priority ac- Acknowledgments
tions for improving the environmental performance of the WWTP
(Rodriguez-Garcia et al., 2014). However, it is clear that the layout and “This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de
design of a wastewater treatment plant must be aligned with the con- Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance
cepts of resource recovery. Moreover, the environmental laws and reg- Code 001”.
ulations established in developing countries need to integrate the life
cycle assessment, including not only discharge restrictions but also Appendix A. Supplementary data
how to stimulate the reduction of energy and water consumption, and
waste generation, besides enabling the recycling of nutrients, biogas re- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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