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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
ISO 9001:2015
Daraga Campus, Daraga, Albay
TUV Rheinland ID 910863351

Jonathan B. Bigueras BS Social Work 3-C

Activity 6: Analysis Paper

Choose one among the different groups in your community. Make a report on how phases in
group development applies in their group. Draw your conclusions on the findings that you may


KALIPI or Kapisanan ng mga Liping Pilipina is a federation of women's organization
developed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development to the local government units
to support and empower women. Kalipi believes in the sharing of duties, powers, benefits,
privileges, involvement of the socially disadvantaged women in their own development and in all
phase of decision-making. It is primarily committed to respond to the need of organizing the
women which genuinely promotes women’s development and empowerment through
harnessing their strengths and developing their full potentials as human beings As an
organized people organization of women initiated by the DSWD, Kalipi aims to articulate clearly
the aspirations of women to fundamental reforms and changes, and work for the integration of
women in the limelight of development as well as the promotion of women’s rights and equality.
KALIPI municipal chapters was established by MSWDO in order to provide productivity and
employment opportunities to enhance livelihood and skills. While KALIPI chapters in the
barangay level that actively promote women empowerment are responsible for organizing the
women and mothers facilitating the success and sustainability of the trainings.
In this report, I’ll be using Hardford's 5 phases namely: Pre-group phase; Group
Formation phase; Integration phase, Disintegration phase, or Reintegration phase;
Group Functioning and Maintenance phase; and Termination phase.
1. The Pre-Group Phase

 During this phase, the DSWD personnel conceptualize the idea of KALIPI and
consider that group service is related to the agency’s mission.
 The Pre-Group Phase consist of 3 phases; the first 2 phases are Private Pre-
Group Phase and The Public Pre-Group Phase.

Private Pre-Group Phase

 This phase is when the DWSD personnel already established a goal as to how
he/she will approach idea and aligning it to the agency’s mission which is to allow
people’s participation, self-determination, experiential learning, self-reliance and
democratic leadership.
 The personnel working on this will also set the mission and goals that will
answer to the needs or concerns of their clients particularly the women in
different sectors.
 This is then followed by a decision to form a group. After the deliberation, the
agreed decisions will be pitch in to other institution members where the next step
in the pre-group phase will take place.

The Public Pre-Group Phase

 The staff of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office of the
Municipality of Sto. Domingo will start announcing the KALIPI membership
recruitment, especially to the potential members individually or in small groups
who may possibly share the same principles, values, beliefs, and objectives in
 During this phase, the agency will start to state its purpose, time frame of the
group program and the criteria for membership. Aside from that, all of the details
will be communicated to the prospective group members when pre-group and/or
intake interviews are conducted in their time of convenience.
 In the orientation process of the prospective members of KALIPI barangay, the
statement of principles, beliefs, values, goals and objective will be clearly
explained to the participants.

The Convening Phase

 In this phase, the prospective group members of the organization will meet for
the first time where the potential to become a group materialize. The persons
who attended will evaluate on their own if their expectations will be met. In the
Municipal of Sto. Domingo, the MSWDO staffs provided appropriate activities for
participants to connect with and be oriented to each other in order to lead the
group toward group formation.

2. The Group Formation Phase

 This is the phase when KALIPI members started to get organized through
constant meeting, consultations and series of activities. It is also the stage where
they established an organize role system, interaction patterns are apparent and
indicators of cohesion is already evident. The fact that they belong to different
barangays allow them to spread and multiply their members.

3. The Group Integration, Disintegration, or Reintegration Phase

-Integration Phase
In this phase, there is an increase in interpersonal ties of KALIPI Sto. Domingo
members. There are some members who are not be equally participative due to
personal reasons but most of them show a great deal of enthusiasm for their group's
activities. There are also a lot of goal-directed activities which engage the members
and at the same time help them in their personal lives. Most importantly, the group
goals have already been clarified at this point of time.

- Disintegration Phase
During the start of COVID-19 pandemic, some of the members already part their
ways since they are struggling to balance both of their duties in their own household
and in the organization. As we all know that a lot of families faced a great monetary
issue and some of the livelihood projects was put on halt due to internal and external
factors. Most of them are also afraid to get infected with the virus so they decided to
stay at home. Drastic changes were brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and almost
all of us are caught off guard and leave us unable to act properly due to the build-up
anxiety and stress. This led the organization to lose a considerable number of
members which significantly affected the operation of KALIPI Sto.Domingo.
- Reintegration Phase
The Kalipi Sto.Domingo have come to a decision to provide more awareness of the
significance of the group experience and existence, as well as modify their mode of operation,
establish new rules, define or modify norms, and redefine their tasks. They also initiated to bring
conflicts of some members into the open for discussion and resolution.

4. Group Functioning and Maintenance Phase

The group conducts monthly meeting and disseminate timely programs to further
capacitate and empower the members through livelihood and government assistance amidst
pandemic. They also held a short orientation and informed the participants about the changes of
their mode of operation and how to slowly get back on track. Through this monthly meeting, the
group manage to understand the issue more deeply, reduce ambiguity and provide alternatives
which may help to eliminate confusion within the group. The monthly meeting also aims to make
the group dynamic, enjoyable, effective and efficient.

5. Termination Phase
Termination of a project is inevitable in every group, and the profound and long-lasting
impact on the organization, members and society is what really matters. However, the group of
KALIPI Sto.Domingo is still existing up to today. There is no termination phase that take place.

Pre-Termination Phase
- N/A

Termination Phase
- N/A

In conclusion, although KALIPI is already an established organization, I have discovered

that it still encounters some issues within the phases of group development. With the
information that I have gathered I can infer that in Hardford's 5 phases in group development
there are some phases that isn’t executed in the manner that it is supposed to be, due to some
internal and external factors that hinders the development of the group. There are also some
instances wherein a certain phase is not yet applicable. But with the knowledge and information
of group phases it will allow the group worker to recognize, understand, and guide the phases
from the beginning to the end of the group's functioning existence.

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