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Dubai Carmel School

Year 10 Word Classes

Q: Complete the chart. You can get help from the dictionary.

accept acceptance acceptable
2 achieve achievement Achievable Achievable
3 act Act active actively
4 act activity active actively
5 Activity Activeness Active actively
6 add Addition additional Additionally
7 adjust Adjustment adjustable Adjustably
8 Admire Admiration admirable Admirably
9 advise Advice Advisable Advisably
10 amass Mass massive massively
11 amazed amazement amazing Amazingly
12 amuse Amuses amusing Amusingly
13 annoy Annoyance annoying Annoyingly
14 Approach Approach approachable Approach-ably
15 attend Attention Attentive Attentively
16 attract Attraction attractive Attractively
17 avoid Avoidance Avoidable Avoidably
18 believe Believe believable Believably
19 Black Blackness black Blackly
20 bleed Blood Bleeding Bleeding

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