Ucsp Reviewer 1ST Quarter

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 Understanding, Culture, Society, and Politics (UCSP) is a multidisciplinary course that integrates and combines the
contents, methods, and theories of Anthropology, Political Science and Sociology.
 Norms refers to the culturally defined standards by which people assess desirability, goodness, and beauty and that serve
as broad guidelines for social living.
 Participant Observation is a method used in studying anthropology wherein researchers immerse themselves in the
culture of their subject in a long period of time.
 The following are significance of studying society:
 It acknowledges that social institutions shape and affect how we live our life.
 It broadens our perspectives on how we value our own and others’ culture.
 It gives us a full understanding of how social groups affect our thinking and behavior.
 As a Cultural Being we carry our ancestors’ tradition and beliefs, speak the language of our parents, practice faith and the
distinct way of life of our community, create and showcase the arts and heritage of our people and transmit some, if not
all, of these to the next generation.
 The term culture was first used by the English anthropologist Edward B. Taylor in his book, Primitive Culture.
 “Sabong” is a vice which Lolo Imbo has been indulged with until this year. This kind of gambling was being brought in the
Philippines during the Spanish colonization. This only proves that culture is shared.
 A 18-year-old Filipina girl had been nominated to be an exchange student in Australia during winter season. In her
preparation of things, she excluded her shorts and sleeveless and start pulling out her jackets and boots on her cabinet,
while her Australian exchange student began to take in her shirts and shorts on her personal baggage bag. This only
shows that culture is adaptive.
 The birth of Sociology gave rise to the scientific and rational understanding of the society. Erving Goffman theorized on
the dramaturgical approach in analyzing social interactions and relationships.
 Political Science is an important discipline that deals with laws, governmental processes, and state formulation. The
primary concern of this field is in Government and Business, Political Dynamics and Public Administration.
 Sociologists like Comte, Durkheim, and Weber gave their own views about society. According to a sociological
perspective, it is the people interacting with one another to create a culture, it is the group of people working on attaining
one's personal desires and it is the shared beliefs and values of residents in a certain territory.
 Complex whole according to Edward B. Tylor means What does this means Culture is comprised of all the facets and
work of humankind.
 As a student studying this discipline, what is the most beneficial reason of having knowledge on the study of culture,
society, and politics is to prepare people for active and responsible civic engagement.
 Anthropology means scientific study of man or human beings.
 Cultural Relativism is an attempt to judge behavior according to its own cultural context.
 Cultural Relativism contends that judging a culture should be based on our own standards of what is right or wrong,
strange, or normal and understands cultural practices of other groups in its own cultural context.
 Cultural relativism teaches us that, marriage patterns are Socio-cultural option and not objective truth.
 Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar are said to be illegal immigrants and described as the “world’s most persecuted people”.
Ethnic minority inequality, because their civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights are violated due to
discrimination based on their ethnicity.
 Norms are the standard an expected behavior within a society.
 Understanding female circumcision as a significant rite of passage for women as opposed to a kind of mutilation is an
example of Ethnocentrism.
 In New Zealand, broadcasters refuse to stop using Mauri language despite complaints from English speakers. Respecting
the language of others is the most significant because it is attached to the people’s historical and cultural roots which
served as their identity as members of society.
 Learning to take the role of the other person gives one the ability to see the perspective of the other before articulating or
giving judgement. To do this, it is most important to study the cultural context where the action occurs, look into the
reasoning behind any cultural element and determine the circumstances of place, time, and condition surrounding it.
 The feeling of stress and anxiety that most people experience when encountering a culture different from their own is
referred to as culture shock.
 William Sumner coined the term ethnocentrism which served as the foundation in social analysis of every culture?
 Nature of politics refers to a theoretical foundation of contemporary anthropology.
 Sociological theory attempts to explain how the social world operates.
 Theoretical perspective is used to analyze and explain objects of social study and facilitate organizing sociological
 Conflict perspective sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the distribution of resources, power, and inequality.
 Activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or
parties having or hoping to achieve power is politics.
 Family is considered as a primary group and a basic unit in a society.
 The cognitive development refers to a socialization that may occur between infancy to adolescence.
 Deviance pertains to violation of society’s norm.
 Social Control means and practices used to maintain society’s norms, rules, and laws; regulate conflict; and discourage
deviant behavior. Being socialite is a deviant behavior.
 Agents of socialization efers to persons, groups, and institutions that interact with individuals to participate in the society.
1. Which of the following is a false statement pertaining to socialization?
A. Socialization may happen in organizations that maintain social control.
B. Socialization happens when existing social roles are changed.
C. In socialization processes, it’s very difficult to establish our own identities.
D. Learning new norms and values may occur later in life.
2. Which situation is an example of ritualism?
A. A student drops out of school to establish his/her own business.
B. A student submits a requirement but does not care about its grade.
C. A student copied the answers of a classmate to pass an examination.
D. A student works hard to ensure the quality of his/her requirements and to submit them on time.
3. Which situation below shows an example of formal deviance?
A. Not offering a seat to an old lady.
B. Criticizing the government on social media.
C. Using a spoon and fork to eat at a Japanese restaurant.
D. Asking favors from a company in exchange for a contract with the government.
4. Which of the following is NOT true about deviance?
A. It challenges society and it bring about change.
B. It reveals who calls the shots or has power in a group.
C. It only refers to the violation of formally enacted rules or norms.
D. A behavior acceptable to one group may be regarded as deviant by another.
5. Which scenario shows an exercise of a civil right?
A. Running for a public office.
B. Membership in a labor group.
C. Women joining military service.
D. Preservation of indigenous people’s culture.
6. An investigation proved that Toni cheated in her exams. Her parents reprimanded her out of disappointment, and she was
asked by the school to render community service. What informal sanction was imposed on Toni?
A. Reprimand B. Investigation C. Disappointment D. Community Service
7. Which of the following situations is an example of innovation according to Merton’s typology of deviance?
A. Antonio strictly follows the public health protocols against Covid 19.
B. To submit his requirements on time, Cholo asks his sister to answer the exercises in his other modules.
C. Disillusioned by allegations of corruption in the government, George decides not to reactivate his voter
D. Believing that she cannot become a doctor because of poverty, Ivana does not pursue schooling and becomes a
member of a gang instead.

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