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Dimas: Journal of Religious Thought for Empowerment

Vol. X No. X (Month Year)

Increasing Creativity and Entrepreneurial Spirit Through Training on

Making Snack Bouquets for Lempongsari Youth
1 2
Student of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN
Lecturers of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN
Walisongo Semarang,

It is necessary to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit from an
early age considering that at a young age the enthusiasm is still great,
the power of creativity and innovation is very high as is the energy
possessed. Therefore, training was held in Lempongsari Village, namely
making a snack bouquet innovation. With this training, participants gain
useful knowledge and literacy in the training program so that making
snack bouquets is made with creativity and business opportunities for
Lempongsari teenagers. Implementation methods used are extension
methods and practical methods. The counseling method presented is
related to material about business opportunities and how to start
entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, the practical method provided is by
providing training on making snack bouquets where the presenter
provides an explanation regarding the steps for making a snack bouquet
while also directly practicing it with the participants. Overall, the
training program for making snack bouquets received a very positive
response from teenagers from Lempongsari Village and around 95% of
the total training participants were able to make snack bouquets well.

Keywords: creativity, entrepreneurship, snack bouquet

The need to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit from an early age
because at a young age the enthusiasm that is still high, the power of
creativity and innovation is very high as well as the energy that is owned.
Therefore, training was held in the Lempongsari Village , namely create
innovative snack bouquets. With this training participants gain
knowledge and literacy useful in training programs so making a snack
bouquet made with creativity and business opportunities for Lempongsari
youth. Implementation methods used are extension methods and practical
methods. The counseling method presented is related to material about
business opportunities and how to start entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, the
practical method provided is by providing training on making snack
bouquets where the presenter provides an explanation regarding the
steps for making a snack bouquet while also directly practicing it with
the participants. Overall the snack bouquet making training program
received a very positive response from the youth of Lempongsari Village
and around 95% of the total training participants were able to make
snack bouquets properly.
Keywords: Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Snack bouquet

Creativity does not only belong to artists, but all aspects of life
will require creative abilities to overcome problems and get ideas that can
improve their career, business and life. The handicraft business
opportunity is also quite promising to generate profits. In Indonesia, there
are many handicrafts that are quite well-known to other countries. With
the creativity possessed by someone, an object that previously had no
selling value becomes beautiful and can even have a high selling value.
Entrepreneurship is a mental attitude and spirit that is always
active or creative, empowered, creative, initiative and modest in trying to
increase income in its business activities. Entrepreneurial skills are one of
the supports that can help the community's economy, especially
teenagers, Lempongsari Village is one of the villages in Gajahmungkur
District, Semarang City.
Creativity is closely related to entrepreneurship, considering the
reality that all things and results start from one idea that requires
creativity, it makes sense that business or entrepreneurship should also
reward creativity. One way to increase the number of businesses is to
scale up entrepreneurship sector, so that potential new entrepreneurs
emerge and reliable. Entrepreneurship is a creative act of exploiting
opportunities to initiate and carry out a certain activity with the aim of
providing best service to customers and other parties.
Craft products that utilize waste around us with creativity, for
example snack bouquets, are one of the creative industries that are
featured in creative economic development in 2025 by the Indonesian
Ministry of Trade. Then this snack bouquet is one of the entrepreneurial
sectors that has a positive impact because it can attract consumers and can
contribute to the socio-economic sector. The snack bouquet business is a
creative economy that produces gifts that are well-known among
millennial children today as souvenirs or gifts in the form of bouquets.
The basic foundation of this creative economy concept is where science
and technology is input in driving economic development and create good
economic growth. You can get a bouquet of snacks open up new
profitable business opportunities can increase creative innovation in
business, it becomes a business opportunity promising for someone who
wants to have additional income including for teenagers. A bouquet is an
example of a gift or memento given to friends, family, relatives as a sign
of happiness, for example graduations, birthdays, etc.
It is necessary to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit from an early
age because at a young age the enthusiasm is still great, the power of
creativity and innovation is very high as is the energy possessed. In order
to support this, these prospective young entrepreneurs must be equipped
with the skills to develop and shape the characteristics of young
entrepreneurs who are strong and ready to compete as well as compete in
producing a product or service. During training in Lempongsari Village
create a moderate snack bouquet innovation trend so that public interest is
growing. Snack bouquet training in Lempongsari Village can open up
business opportunities. With this training, residents who Come and get
knowledge and literacy useful in training programs so making a snack
bouquet made with Lempongsari youth creativity.
On this occasion, MIT 16 KKN UIN Walisongo students in
Lempongsari Village conducted entrepreneurship training. Training is a
process of systematically changing the behavior of business actors to
achieve goals related to skills and abilities. The purpose of implementing
this training is to be able to increase the level of creativity and
entrepreneurial spirit in the community, especially among teenagers in
Lempongsari Village, Gajahmungkur District, Semarang City regarding
the importance of advancing an MSME. The problems that are often
faced when teenagers try to start a business include a lack of motivation
from the surrounding environment, themselves and fear of failure.

The method of implementing the snack bouquet training is
carried out by holding counseling and practice at the Lempongsari
Village Hall, Gajahmungkur District, Semarang City. On Sunday, 08
August 2023 from 10.00 WIB to 12.30 WIB with the number of training
participants, namely 20 teenagers from Lempongsari Village, to increase
the level of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit in the community,
especially among teenagers from Lempongsari Village, Gajahmungkur
District, Semarang City regarding the importance of advancing an
The implementation method used in this training is using
counseling methods and practical methods. The counseling method
delivered is carried out by the presenter who is a member of the MIT 16
UIN Walisongo KKN students regarding material about business
opportunities and how to start entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, the practical
method provided is by providing training on making snack bouquets
where the presenter provides an explanation regarding the steps for
making a snack bouquet while also directly practicing it with the
The procedures carried out in the snack bouquet making training
for teenagers in Lempongsari Village are in the form of:
1. Observations or direct observations were carried out by the MIT 16
UIN Walisongo KKN team, Lempongsari Village, which aimed to
find out the conditions of the targets and participants who would do
the training and want to follow program for making a snack
bouquet, by observing the conditions and activities carried out by
the youth of Lempongsari Village. By observing, the committee is
targeting 30 participants who can take part in the training so that
the tools and materials will be prepared by the committee to be
given to the participants.
2. Interviews were conducted to find out more detailed factual
conditions such as the number of teenagers, activities that teenagers
often hold, age and gender of teenagers, and so on by talking with
Lempongsari sub-district employees and several RT and RW heads
of Lempongsari sub-district.
3. Planning, after conducting observations and interviews, the entire
MIT 16 KKN team at UIN Walisongo, Lempongsari Village,
discussed the preparation of events in the implementation of
training activities for making snacks, adjusting event schedules, the
arrangement of activities and also strengthening the material to be
delivered. Apart from that, the implementing team also analyzed all
the needs needed, such as materials and tools needed for research,
who will be the training presenters and technical implementation of
the training, as well as training all members of the MIT 16 UIN
Walisongo KKN team, Lempongsari District to serve as
companions in the training or practice later directly.
4. Counseling methods and practices , the extension methods used are
in the form of explanations related to material about business
opportunities, and how to start entrepreneurship. Then the practical
method is in the form of training on making a snack bouquet with
materials such as cellopen paper, snacks, ribbons, solation,
skewers, sterofoam, hot glue, candles, cardboard, and so on. The
program of activities is in the form of training and direct practical
assistance so that participants understand the training material that
has been presented before. The material is prepared in advance by
taking into account the appropriateness of the information. The
presenter can perform a demonstration of making a snack bouquet
in a coherent manner so that participants can follow the steps for
making it carefully.
5. Evaluation and assessment was carried out through the results of
making a snack bouquet, the activeness of the youth during the
activity, and a question and answer quiz conducted by the youth in
the Lempongsari Village.


Before carrying out the training on making snack bouquets, a
small discussion was held with the RT/RW regarding this training. The
RT/RW responded and supported it well because so far in Lempongsari
Subdistrict no one has conducted craft training, specifically making
bouquets for teenagers, in previous years. There was training in making
delivery, traditional snacks and sewing. However, this activity was only
intended for PKK women, therefore the RT/RW really supported and
responded well to this training activity. The training activity for making
snack bouquets can be said to have gone well and smoothly where the
participants were quite enthusiastic and tried to make snack bouquets
according to the directions given by the presenter. The number of
participants in the snack bouquet making training activity was 20
participants who were representatives from each RT/RW from
Lempongsati Village with an age range of 13 years to 23 years.
The first activity began with remarks from the village secretary
and chief executive of the activity as well as introductions by the KKN
MIT 16 UIN Walisongo Lempongsari Village team. Then it continues
with an explanation regarding material about business opportunities and
how to start entrepreneurship delivered by speakers from the MIT 16 UIN
Walisongo KKN team, Lempongsari Village. The speaker also conveyed
the potential Activities that are trendy and can be used as a business, one
of which is bouquets snacks. Participants were given an explanation that
the snack bouquet business is a profitable business opportunity and is in
great demand by young people in the millennial era as it is today. Various
special events or moments such as graduations, birthdays, proposals and
other moments are always synonymous with giving gifts. Giving gifts or
gifts among young people has become commonplace, one of which is
giving a bouquet of snacks.
Figure 1. The presenter provides an explanation of business opportunities,
how to start entrepreneurship, and basic theoretical knowledge in making
a snack bouquet.
The advantage of making a snack bouquet is that it is not only
cheap and affordable, but can also bring more benefits because of course
it can be consumed. The snack bouquet is arranged like a flower with
various kinds of snacks that have matching colors to make it look unique
and beautiful. This can happen because of creativity. This snack bouquet
can contain various types of food and can be snacks, instant drinks, and
so on. This business is quite easy because anyone can do it, whether
children, young people or the elderly.
The second activity carried out an introduction regarding the
tools and materials used in making a snack bouquet where the tools and
materials used are quite easy to obtain and the price is quite affordable. It
only requires chellopen paper, snacks, ribbons, solation, skewers,
Styrofoam, burning glue, candles, cardboard, and so on, a bouquet of
snacks is created that can be marketed. The function of chellopen paper in
making snack bouquets is to be used as wrapping for bouquets in various
color choices, so that they can be combined according to your wishes and
used as a beautiful looking bouquet. Furthermore, with making snack
bouquets, the concept is quite easy, that is, after opening a training forum
with counseling, training participants in making snack bouquets who have
been divided into 6 groups, each group consisting of 3-4 participants, can
immediately try to do it themselves by interacting with the training
participants in making snacks. Another snack bouquet guided by the
The steps for making a snack bouquet are:
1. Attach the snack to the skewer using hot glue or solasi.
2. Arrange the skewers that have been attached with snacks to the
styrofoam whose size has been adjusted to fit your hand. The
arrangement of the snacks is adjusted to the color of the snack
packaging or the size of the snacks so that the snack arrangement
looks neat and balanced.
3. Cut the chellopen paper according to the desired pattern.
4. Wrapping chelopen paper with Styrofoam which has snacks
attached according to the creativity of each participant, then
tidying up the wrapping.
5. After the snack bouquet is finished with neat wrapping, the last
step is placing ribbons in the shape of ribbons according to the
creativity and wishes of each participant.
At each stage of making the bouquet, each group was
accompanied by the KKN MIT 16 UIN Walisongo Lempongsari Village
team to help the participants so that the results matched the shape they
wanted. One of the training components that makes it possible to
maintain the quality of training is to build educational interaction and
communication in training, especially interactive communication between
learning resources and learning residents or training participants. To build
educational interaction and communication, in this activity each group
member was involved in the KKN MIT 16 UIN Walisongo Lempongsari
Village team who had been trained beforehand. The involvement of KKN
team members in this training is the implementation of the Peer Assisted
Learning (PAL) learning model used in this training. With the PAL
method, the role of the companion is more dominant than the instructor
(presenter). This makes the knowledge transfer process easier.

Figure 2. The process of making a snack bouquet with assistance from the
MIT 16 KKN Team in Lempongsari Village
Each participant is given the opportunity to make their own work
in accordance with the directions and is equipped with various tools and
materials to make their work. The technique of making a snack bouquet
aims to stimulate the participants to increase their creativity, imagination
and be able to work spontaneously, in accordance with the artistic values
that arise within them. As for the formation of groups in making snack
bouquets, it can also train cooperation and cohesiveness between
participants, practice responsibility and practice socialization skills such
as having to be able to unite opinions, understand the opinions of others,
refrain from imposing their will and dominating others. In addition, it is
hoped that participants will also be able to develop other skills by
innovating in making other bouquets.
The creativity of each participant in making a snack bouquet is
considered important, because creativity is the key to success in business
to win market competition. This trains the entrepreneurial spirit of the
participants later when the participants promote their work. By creating a
new product it will be more value than other products. Entrepreneurs
without creativity then the business will not run well. There is a
difference between talent and creativity, where talent is already within
humans or from birth, whereas creativity can be developed through one's
own abilities. Creativity has to be done well, can't be half-hearted or chit-
chat. Someone if you want to become an entrepreneur, then you must
have the most important key with creative thinking. If there is no
creativity then it is just a dream that can just be wishful thinking. Some of
the benefits of a creative mindset such as finding new ideas, ideas,
opportunities and inspiration, turning a challenge or difficulty and
destruction into a thrilling thought for the next step, finding an innovative
solution, finding a very new problem or an existing problem until it
becomes the latest or newest invention, discovers the transfer of the latest
technology, changes the previous limit to become a uniqueness or an
advantage. Humans are said to be constructive humans, namely humans
who are able to create innovations with high creativity, are able to make
breakthroughs and are able to recognize and take advantage of
opportunities well. For creative people, any material can be used as a
basis for entrepreneurship. As long as you are able to process it into a
contemporary product that suits today's times.
The costs required for the basic ingredients for making a snack
bouquet are very affordable. Analysis of the snack bouquet production
business in the implementation of the KKN MIT 16 UIN Walisongo
Posko 24 work program in Lempongsari Village as follows:

Table 1. Analysis of Snack Bouquet Production Business

No Material Name Units Rp/Unit Total price

1. Skewers 1psc Rp. 10,000 Rp. 10,000

2. Burn Glue 7psc Rp. 1,000 Rp. 7,000

3. Candle 7pcs Rp. 2,000 Rp. 14,000

4. Snacks 70pcs Rp. 1,000 Rp. 70,000

5. Tape 1psc Rp. 8,000 Rp. 8,000

6. Solation 7pcs Rp. 1,000 Rp. 7,000

7. Chellopen Paper 14pcs Rp. 3,500 Rp. 49,000

8. Styrofoam 4pcs Rp. 5,000 Rp. 20,000

Amount Rp. 185,000

The table explains the analysis of the snack bouquet business in

the training on making snack bouquets by KKN MIT 16 UIN Walisongo
Post 24 Lempongsari Village students for teenagers. Basically a snack
bouquet can be sold with a variety of different prices depending on the
number of snacks, the size of the bouquet, the level of complexity, etc.
This analysis is calculated in one production, namely 7 bouquets of
snacks in one day with a minimum selling price of IDR 30,000/pcs or
depending on the model and size.
To start a snack bouquet business, of course, a method or strategy
is needed to market it. Marketing of this snack bouquet can be marketed
directly to consumers, through certain events. In addition, the marketing
of this snack bouquet can be carried out through online media promotions
to expand the market or through exhibitions by installing both sales.
Because the use of social media or online media is familiar to the
millennial generation. With high curiosity, they are always up to date
with what is happening or current trends. However, for beginners the
easiest way to do this is to offer it directly to neighbors, relatives and
people around. Aside from being a business opportunity, making snack
bouquets can also increase creativity for Lempongsari Village youth.
Figure 3. The participants and the MIT 16 KKN Team at UIN Walisongo,
Lempongsari Village, along with a bouquet of snacks made by the
The final activity is evaluation and assessment. This is done by
measuring the results of activities after participating in the training.
Evaluation and assessment are believed to be a means of evaluating the
transfer of training material to actual work practices. At this stage, the
MIT 16 UIN Walisongo Community Service Team Posko 24
Lempongsari Village monitored the results of the training activities.
Based on the information obtained, some of the participants have started a
snack bouquet craft business and quite a few of them are very interested
in trying to start a business selling their handicraft bouquets. Overall the
training program for making a bouquet of snacks received a very positive
response from the youth of the Lempongsari Village, especially the
village administration. About 95% of the total trainees were able to make
a good bouquet of snacks. With this program, participants feel very active
through positive activities and of course can provide additional
knowledge about entrepreneurship. Through this kind of training activity,
youth creativity can increase. Improved skills, knowledge and attitudes
are created by touch non-formal education through training activities. The
aim is to make society more productive and empowered from an
economic perspective the concept of continuing education and life long
Students of MIT 16 KKN UIN Walisongo in Lempongsari
Village carry out entrepreneurship training in the form of training on
making snack bouquets. The purpose of implementing this training is to
be able to increase the level of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit in the
community, especially among teenagers in Lempongsari Village,
Gajahmungkur District, Semarang City regarding the importance of
advancing an MSME. The procedures carried out in the snack bouquet
making training for teenagers in Lempongsari Village were in the form of
observation or direct observation, interviews, planning, counseling and
practice, as well as evaluation and assessment. To build educational
interaction and communication, in this activity each group member was
involved in the KKN MIT 16 UIN Walisongo Lempongsari Village team
who had been trained beforehand. Overall the training program for
making a bouquet of snacks received a very positive response from the
youth of the Lempongsari Village, especially the village administration.
About 95% of the total trainees were able to make a good bouquet of

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