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Stein’s Gate Episode 1:

- our 3 main characters introduced

- mayori gets a silver dog toy, that costs 10,000 Yen (104$)
- In the middle of class, our MC is taken outside of the classroom by a super hot red haired girl
- She asks him what he wanted to tell her 15 minutes ago
- He says he doesn’t remember, they part ways
- mayori comes back to Okabe and tells him that the dog is worth 10k yen
- Okabe goes looking for it, and finds the Hot Girl’s dead body
- He goes outside, is about to send a message about this to his buddy, and everything freezes
- A Giant space ship is crushing the building they were just in, and everyone vanished
- We go to present time, and they are talking about something (the MCs).
- Okabe has a microwave that does weird stuff to things
- Okabe and his buddy go to class
- Okabe finds out his message was received about a week ago
- They walk into a hallway, and see the Hot Girl

Everytime one goes into the “time-stop” dimension, they get sent to a different reality
My guess is that when Okabe sees the girl in the hallway, he wishes to speak with her, but
doesn’t get to. Then when the class starts, the hot girl gets sent to a different reality without
noticing. (She might have been in the hall ways alone). Then she pulls Okabe outside, and asks
him what he wanted to tell her.
Stein’s Gate Episode 2:
Time Travel Theory:
“First, time isn’t a single line moving from past to future. It’s comprised of infinite parallel lines
called “World Lines” that flow like a river. For example, let’s say a maniac murders you today. If I
go back in time to prevent it, it would create two divergent worlds: one in which you survive, and
one in which you die.”
- Okabe harrasses Makise, telling her that she was murdered
- Makise says that never happened, and they both go to class, where she is giving a lecture
- Makise has a debate with Okabe to prove Time Travel isn’t real, and she wins
- Okabe goes to a traditional japanese house, and watches a fem boy being trained by Mayuri
- The boy is a swordsmen, his sword can look at the power of someone
- The boy is good at exorcizing spirits
- Okabe goes home, and Makise goes to work
- At home, Okabe finds out his landlord gets a new worker who is into new trends
- Okabe finds out this John Titor that was a self proclaimed time traveller in 2000 is back now
- He believes it is a fake, until Titor tells him he never went to 2000, and doesn’t plan to
- Okabe looks for the books he had about Titor, but to no avail
- Okabe goes outside, and finds a girl who takes a picture of him
- The girl says she will delete the picture if Okabe tells her what the computer she had a picture
of was
- Okabe goes to Daru, they are in a cat cafe
- Daru tells him it is an IBN 5100, and it is a super rare computer that went missing
- They order food, and on the food it is written the world is in danger
- They go home, and test the microwave, that use to turn bananas into goo bananas
- This time, they use one banana instead of a bunch
- The microwave teleports the one banana to the stack, but only the one banana was gooey
Stein’s Gate Episode 3:
“SERN maintains a strict monopoly on the time machine market”
“Time is not like a single river flowing from past to future. For example, let’s say I go back in time
and kill someone we call “A.”Doing so will change what is known as the “divergence number”
and the world line will move to a world without A. When a world line moves, people’s memories
are reconstructed. In other words, memories of the world in which A existed are erased and
replaced with memories of a world line where A doesn’t exist. ”

- Makise joins their lab

- The 3 try doing other stuff with the micro wave
- Daru tells Okabe that he had his phone plugged into the microwave when Okabe was at the
“class” when the spaceship fell onto the building
- Okabe plugs his own phone into the microwave and tells Daru to send him a message
- Mayushi does something stupid while the microwave is running and makes it blow up
- Okabe checks his phone’s message history, and the message Daru sent him came a week
- Okabe says it must be time travel and Makise leaves
- Okabe gets more messages from the Retro computer girl
- Okabe and Daru research SERN
- They find out SERN made a particle accelerator
- After more research, they start to believe SERN can make black holes
- The episode ends on an eerie note, with them finding an article in SERN called “Human is

The microwave sends things back in time. SERN is 100% sure that the human race is about to
be erased.
Stein’s Gate Episode 4:
- They go down to do laundry
- He gets another text from John Titon and John tells him to find an IBN 5100
- Okabe runs into Makise, and drags her to do the laundry
- Okabe tells Makise about the IBN 5100
- We learn Makise’s dad tried to make a time machine and failed
- Okabe finds where an IBN 5100 is
- Makise finds out what Okabe told her about the IBN 5100 isn’t fake
- Makise calls Okabe and they meet up infront of a temple
- The Temple owner and his son tell them that they indeed do have an IBN 5100
- Makise and Okabe learn that the Temple owner was given the IBN 5100 ten years ago by a
random person, who told him that one day, a man who is desperately in need of this computer
will come
- Makise and Okabe drag it back to the lab

Okabe is the person who told the temple owner to keep to IBN 5100.
Stein’s Gate Episode 5:
- Okabe and Makise arrive at the apartment
- The part time girl would be inside the store, playing with a gear toy, she would then go outside
- The part time girl greets them
- She recognizes the IBN 5100
- She would then look at Makise, and realize that she is Makise Kurisu
- The part time girl would then go into a serious mode and hold the stick she was holding like a
katana in a striking pose, as if she wanted to kill Makise
- The PTG would be beconned inside by her boss, therefore letting Makise live
- Makise and Okabe then go upstairs to the lab and show Itaru the IBN 5100
- Itaru gets hyped and tells Okabe to go get parts to hack into it
- Okabe goes to gets the parts, but the PTG finds him
- They have a chat
- The PTG had a friend who was good with IBNs, but he died a few years ago
- Their conversation gets interrupted by a helicopter, which the PTG mistakes as an air raid
- Okabe tells her its just for the fire works
- She gets excited and asks Okabe where its happening, as she never saw fire works before
- Okabe tells her the directions, and they exchange emails
- He goes home and gives Itaru the parts
- Makise and Okabe play a game
- Makise wins and tells him that he can’t see the bigger picture
- Makise reveals that she hasn’t seen her father in 7 years
- They hack into the SERN secret files using the IBN 5100
- They conclude that the IBN 5100 was made to go into SERN private files
- They find out that SERN is using human experiments for time travelling
- The group finds out there are 14 human experiments, (Jelly Man Reports)
- They realize that SERN is using Kerr black holes to send people back in time
- However this is not a good idea, because if the thing that they send back in time does not fit in
the black hole, it will throw out everything that is inside of it to fit in.
- Okabe wants to build a time machine using his microwave before SERN does and the episode

I believe that the reason PTG tried to attack Makise is because she and Okabe perfected time
travel. I believe PTG is one of the human experiments that succeeded and was sent to the past
to stop Makise and Okabe from making the time machine. However, she might know Makise’s
partner as Huouinn, and not Okabe, which is why she didn’t attack him.
Jelly Man Report #7:
Name Michael Lang
Age Unkown
Sex Male
Place Germany
Marital Unknown


z program 4

Outcome of experiment:


It is believed that the subject was unable to withstand the supergravitational-induced infinite
compression or transit through the singularity inside the Kerr black hole.

“May 24th, 1936. Body discovered at the foot of Mount Hiei in Kyoto. ”
Jelly Man Report #8:
Name Linda Hill
Age Unknown
Sex Female
Place England
Marital Unkown

Date: Sun. February 15, 2004

z program 4

Outcome of experiment:


It is believed that the subject was unable to withstand the supergravitational-induced infinite
compression or transit through the singularity inside the Kerr black hole.

“October 2, 1972. The body of a woman was discovered in a gelatinous state on a road in
Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, India. The bottom half is believed to have been destroyed after being
abandoned and hit by a car.”
Jelly Man Report #10:
Name James McCarthy
Age 31
Sex Male
Place USA
Marital Married

Date: Fri. Jan 2005 13:05

z program 4

Outcome of experiment:


It is believed that the subject was unable to withstand the supergravitational-induced infinite
compression or transit through the singularity inside the Kerr black hole.

“”Man in wall” appears!” - New York Times, April 3, 1921

“A man was found dead inside a building wall on 14th Street, in New York. The body of this
unidentified man was squishy and jelly-like . . .”

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