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Table-1: Socio-demographic characteristics of the respondants

Socio-demographic characteristics Frequenc Percentage

Age 18 years or below 229 22.5
Between 18-23 years 714 70
Above 23 years 77 7.5
Sex Male 526 51.6
Female 494 48.4
Current Residence Metropolitan 700 68.6
Municipality 200 19.6
Suburb 49 4.8
Rural 71 7
Educational Level Primary 8 0.8
Secondary 130 12.7
Higher Secondary 220 21.6
Undergraduate 621 60.9

Four socio-demographic characteristics, i.e., age, sex, current residence, and educational level of the
respondents were taken into consideration in this study. All of the variables were categorically
coded. The survey had a total of 1020 respondents where 51.6% of them were male and 48.4% were
female. The respondents were categorized into several groups on the basis of their age, with the
majority (70%) belonging to the age group 18-23 years. Most of the respondents (68.6%) reported
themselves to be an inhabitant of a metropolis. The data analysis revealed that most respondent
belonged to the undergraduate level (60.9%). As the survey was conducted online through social
media, the results portrayed that the engagement of the metropolitan youth in online social media
was greater than that of other socio-demographic classes. These results are illustrated in Table 1.

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