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The Automotive Industry in Egypt

February 2011

Table of Contents

Part I The Global Automotive Industry

1.Significance of the Global Automotive Industry 10
2.Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Global Automotive Industry 10
2.1 Automotive Trade 12
2.2 Incentive Programs to Boost the US Automotive Industry 12
2.3 Other Countries Incentive Programs 13
3. Global Automotive Production Trends 14
3.1 Top Automotive Producing Countries 15
3.2 Top Automotive Manufacturers 16
4. Recent Trends in the Global Automotive Industry 17
4.1 Shifting Auto Production Bases 17
4.2 Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) 17
4.3 Alternative Fueled Vehicles 18
4.4 The World's Cheapest Car 19

Part II The Automotive Industry in Egypt

1.Evolution of the Egyptian Automotive Industry 20
2.Economic Significance 25
2.1 Contribution to GDP 25
2.2 Contribution to Employment 25
3. Investment in the Automotive Industry 26

Part III The Egyptian Vehicles Market

1. Market Overview 28
2. Market Segmentation 31
3. Passenger Cars 33
4. Commercial Vehicles 37
4.1 Buses 38
4.2 Trucks 39
5. Vehicle Trade Trends 41
5.1 Vehicle Exports 41
5.2 Bus Exports 42
5.3 Vehicle Imports 43

Part IV The Automotive Feeding Industry

1.Significance and Structure 45
2.The National Suppliers Development Program (NSDP) 48
3.Egypt International Trade in Automotive Components 49

Part V Factors Affecting the Automotive Industry in Egypt

1. Vehicle Assembly Regulations 52
2. The Taxi Replacement Program 53
3. Customs and Taxation 55
3.1 Imported Vehicles 56
3.2 Imported Automotive Components 57
3.3 Taxes and Charges 57
3.4 Tariff Exemptions 58
4. International Trade Agreements 58
5. Automotive Retail Credit 61
5.1 Car Insurance 63
5.2 Car Rental 64
6. Automotive Support Initiatives 64
6.1 Direct Government Support 64
6.2 The Industrial Development Authority 65
6.3 Technical Training Centers 65
6.4 Egypt Automotive Strategy 65
7. SWOT Analysis of the Egyptian Automotive Industry 66
8. Automotive Industry Outlook 66

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