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Positive Relationships Review

Answer the following questions related to PEP and the Positive Relationships domain of wellbeing. You are
welcome to look back over content from previous lessons or research to help find the answers.

1. The Positive Education Program follows the PERMAH model of wellbeing. List what each letter in
‘PERMAH’ represents.

Positive emotions






2. Describe the importance of the Positive Relationships domain on a student at QASMT’s wellbeing.

It will boost your wellbeing, motivate students to show positive behaviour to students around the
school and it will help you pursue or sustain your academic growth as well.

3. List five (5) benefits of friendship.

 Reduces stress and increases happiness.

 Improves self confidence
 Reduces loneliness and feeling of isolation from others and gives you a sense of belonging
 Helps you overcome challenges
 Helps with personal development and strong and positive friendships will help you maintain
healthier habits

4. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the words ‘sympathy’, ‘empathy’ and
‘compassion’. This response will be quite long and will require you to define the words as well as
provide examples of each.

5. Ameerah is in Year 7 and really enjoys English. She puts a lot of effort into her short story assessment
and hands in her draft. Unfortunately, Ameerah has misinterpreted the task, and the teacher explains
she has done the task completely wrong and will need to start again. Ameerah tries to hold it together,
but after class gets extremely upset and starts crying. She feels like she tried so hard and put in so
much work in but it was all for nothing. Ameerah is friends with you and tells you about this experience.
Provide an example of the three types of responses you could give in this scenario:

a) Sympathetic response

I feel so sorry for you.

b) Empathetic response

I can definitely imagine how you are feeling right now.

c) Compassionate response
Here, I will give you some pointers to get you started.
6. Design your own school-based scenario in which a student goes through a distressing situation (similar
to question 5). It could even be something that has happened to you. After writing the scenario, provide
an example of the three types of responses you could give in this scenario.

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