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King Fahd University Of Petroleum & Minerals Department of Electrical Engineering EE562-Digital Signal Processing I 2011-2012 First Semester

(111) Comp. Assign. 1 Ser Name Due Date: September 27, 2011 ID# SEC#

Generate one cycle (period) of the following sinusoidal signal and store the results in a table:
x (n ) sin 2 n (k / N ) + 2 q / N ) (

where the phase shift is given by: = 2 q / N and N = 17. Use Matlab to generate the above signal for the different parameters in 1-5. Then, put the results in a word table and try to plot (plot for continuous but stem for discrete) them also using Matlab to note the difference. The parameters are the following: 1. k = 1 and q = 1; (This is your reference values) 2. k = 2 and q = 1; 3. k = 3 and q = 1; 4. k = 1 and q = 2; 5. k = 1 and q = 3; a. How can you relate the results obtained in part 2 and part 3 with the reference results. Note that these values have the same phase but different frequencies. How can you relate the results obtained in part 4 and part 5 with the reference results. Note that these values have the same frequency but different phase. How can you find the results for k = 5 and q = 4 from only the reference values in part 1. In general, how can you find the results for a frequency of k/N from only the reference values in part 1. In general, how can you find the results for a phase of = 2 q / N from only the reference values in part 1. Comments on how powerful digital signal processing in finding different values from originally stored values without resorting to the original discrete or continuous signal.


c. d.



A discrete time signal x (n ) is shown below.





1 1/2
3 4

Sketch and label carefully each of the following signals both by hand and using Matlab. (a) x (n 2) (b) x (4 n ) (c) x (2n ) (d) x (n )u (2 n ) (e) x (n 1) (n 3)

Show that any signal can be decomposed into an even and an odd component. Is this decomposition unique? Illustrate your arguments by hand calculation and Matlab using the signal

x (n ) = {2,3, 4,5, 6}

An LTI system has impulse response h (n ) = u (n ) . (a) Determine, analytically, the response, y(n), of this system to the input x (n ) given by: n <0 0, N an , 0 n N1 1 x (n ) = 0, N1 < n < N 2 n N 2 N a , N 2 n N1 +N 2 1 n > N1 +N 2 0, Where 0 < a < 1 (b) Using MATLAB obtain the system response y(n) to the input signal x(n) shown in part (a) for the interval n =[ 0, 40]. Parameters N1=10, N2= 20, and a=0.85. (c) From part (a) or (b) are x(n) and y(n) bounded. (d) Is this system stable? Justify your answer.


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