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Ares(2023)6698008 - 03/10/2023

Tender specifications
Tender specifications


Reference: OC/EFSA/MESE/2023/03
Title: Assistance on R programming, shiny applications, ad-hoc support and statistical
programming trainings to EFSA
Extended title: Assistance to the Methodologic and Scientific Support Unit for the
provision of services to EFSA on R coding, programming, ad-hoc R consultation (bug
fixing, convergence issues faced, code optimization), and the provision of support
managing and maintaining the shinyproxy server in the EFSA cloud infrastructure as well
as other EFSA cloud solution to host shiny applications.
Procurement procedure: Open call (Article 164(1) (a) of the Financial Regulation)
Process code: EPA 05.02-L3

Tender specifications purpose:

1. specify what EFSA will buy under the contract resulting from this procurement
2. announce the criteria which EFSA will use to identify the successful contractor;
3. guide tenderers in the preparation and sending of their offer;
4. form annex 1 of the contract resulting from this procurement procedure and be
binding for contract implementation.

Additional guidance:
Please read the EFSA Guidance for tenderers available on the EFSA website, designed
to assist potential tenderers in their understanding of EFSA procurement procedures.

Provide EFSA with feedback:

If you considered applying to this call for tenders but finally decided not to, please
provide with your feedback on the call and
reasons for not applying. Feedback will be treated confidentially and will only be used for
improving future EFSA procurement calls.
Tender specifications


Milestone Date1 Comments

Date Contract Notice is sent to Official

Launch date 04/10/2023 Journal

Requests for clarification may only be

submitted through the e-Tendering
website as described in the Invitation
01/12/2023 Letter.
Deadline for sending request
at 14:30 (CET)
for clarification to EFSA
EFSA is not obliged to reply to
clarifications received less than 6
working days before the deadline for
submission of offers.
Deadline for EFSA to reply
to clarification questions 05/12/2023

Refer to the Invitation letter and part 3

“Receipt Time Limit” - 11/12/2023
of these tender specifications regarding
Closing date and time for at 14:30 (CET)
how to submit your offer.
receipt of offers

Requests to attend the virtual opening

session must be made not later than 3
Opening session hours in advance of the opening
at 14:30 (CET)
session. Refer to Invitation letter for

The outcome of the procurement

procedure will be communicated to all
Notification of evaluation tenderers exclusively using the e-mail
Estimated FEBRUARY 2024
results address indicated in their offer. Please
check regularly the inbox in question.

Contract signature Estimated MARCH 2024

All times are in the time zone of Italy, the country in which EFSA is based.

Tender specifications


THROUGH THIS PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE? ..................................................................... 4
1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 TASKS, DELIVERABLES, TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS ............................................................. 6
1.4 INFORMATION ON THE CONTRACT ......................................................................................... 10
1.6 PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION AND CONFIDENTIALITY .................................................... 12
1.7 IT SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................................. 13
PART 2 EVALUATION - HOW WILL YOUR OFFER BE ASSESSED? ............................... 14
2.1 OPENING OFFERS ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.2 ORDER OF EVALUATION ............................................................................................................ 14
2.3 GROUNDS FOR EXCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 14
2.4 SELECTION CRITERIA ................................................................................................................ 15
2.6 AWARD CRITERIA ....................................................................................................................... 20
ANNEX 1 - FINANCIAL OFFER TEMPLATE.............................................................................. 30
ANNEX 2 - DRAFT CONTRACT..................................................................................................... 31
ANNEX 3 – TABLE SELECTION CRITERIA .............................................................................. 32
ANNEX 4 - INFORMATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ................................ 34

Tender specifications




EFSA’s role is to assess and communicate on all risks associated with the food chain.
Since EFSA’s advice serves to inform the policies and decisions of risk managers, a large
part of EFSA’s work is undertaken in response to specific requests for scientific advice.
Requests for scientific assessments are received from the European Commission, the
European Parliament and EU Member States. EFSA also undertakes scientific work on its
own initiative, so-called self-tasking.

Through its risk communication activities EFSA seeks to raise awareness and further
explain the implications of its scientific work. EFSA aims to provide appropriate,
consistent, accurate and timely communication on food safety issues to all stakeholders
and the public at large, based on the Authority’s risk assessments and scientific

EFSA, its Scientific Committee and its Panels deliver scientific advice for EU decision-
makers in the areas of food and feed safety, nutrition, animal health and welfare, plant
protection and plant health. Within its remit, EFSA may also assess environmental
safety. A growing part of the Authority’s work relates to the safety assessment of
regulated products, substances and claims submitted for authorisation in the EU, thereby
enabling innovation in the food chain.

The different Panels and units in EFSA provide independent scientific advice on a wide
range of issues related to food and feed safety. This may include, among others, animal
diseases and animal welfare, biological hazards in relation to food safety and food-borne
diseases covering: i) Food-borne zoonoses (animal diseases transmissible to humans);
ii) Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (BSE/TSEs); iii) Food microbiology; iv)
Food hygiene and associated waste management issues, also advice on contaminants in
the food chain and undesirable substances such as natural toxicants, mycotoxins and
residues of unauthorised substances, deals with the collection, collation and analysis of
data on food consumption and chemical occurrence in food and feed for exposure
assessments, advice on the risk posed by plant pests which can cause harm to plants,
plant products or biodiversity in the EU, the safety and/or efficacy of additives and
products or substances used in animal feed, as well with questions related to nutrition
and related subjects, such as novel foods, advice on the safety of: i) Genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) such as plants, animals and micro-organisms; ii) Genetically modified
food and feed and as well on risk assessment of pesticide among the main activities
carried out by the organization.

Within the context of its routine risk assessments, EFSA aims at providing user-friendly
solutions to perform specific statistical analysis in the context of routine risk
assessments developing tailored tools to carry out such risk assessment, which are also
made as well available to external stakeholders. To facilitate the use of such tools by the
external stakeholders, EFSA is successfully running this project already for 8 years now,
where existing tools have been re-engineered into a unique platform in R using
shinyproxy architecture, developing also specific tools linked to guidance documents to
facilitate the users of these guidance the assessment, also guaranteeing harmonization
while performing the assessments, but also on reporting the results. The idea of this
contract is to continue in such endeavour, ensuring fit-for-purpose implementations of

Tender specifications

EFSA’s statistical models and facilitating the usage of our guidance documents,
internally, but also to our external stakeholders

This call is based on EFSA Founding Regulation2 and EFSA’s 2023 Draft Work Programme
for grants and operational procurements as presented in Annex XII of the Programming
Document 2023 – 2025, available on the EFSA’s website3.


The aim of this procurement procedure is to conclude a framework contract for four
years with one contractor in view of continuing the “R Services for EU projects (R4EU)”.
The framework contract will be implemented through specific contracts/order forms.
Each time the framework contractor responds to a service request under the framework
contract, a specific contract/order form setting out the specific conditions for performing
the individual assignment will be issued and signed.

The objectives of the contract resulting from the present procurement procedure are as

1. Objective 1: Development of Web interfaces in R that will be placed in a

shinyproxy Platform hosting WEB applications or other EFSA platform
(Azure databricks, Azure containerApps, Shiny on databricks) able to
host WEB applications in the AZURE environment: The service shall be able
to communicate with the consumer aligned data product (dama serve 01)
exposing scientific data from DWH in EFSA to launch specific task that could be
run based on stored data or on customised datasets. Applications shall be created
accessible via WEB that facilitates routine analysis and harmonization of
methodology used in specific field, while controlling the process of producing risk
assessment based on sound scientific methodology. The objective is to provide
services to stakeholders within EU, such as: BMD analysis, Monte Carlo
simulations, Epidemiological report of the situation for ASF, and at the same time
the web interfaces should facilitate the risk assessment process. This will facilitate
front-end (programming language) harmonization to create user friendly
interfaces within EFSA. This service would enable to use the same platform to
create all user-friendly interfaces, and at the same time Member States, EU and
International stakeholders could also directly benefit, with immediate impact to
their work. The creation of front ends and backends shiny solutions that might
also be hosted in different environments (e.g. within Azure cloud architecture)
might also be required.

2. Objective 2: To provide 3rd level support in managing and maintaining

(included potential evolutive maintenance, towards PaaS as well) the
shinyproxy server in the EFSA Azure cloud infrastructure given the
challenges that EFSA has to face which are constantly increasing in number and
complexity, and which plays a key role in addressing issues concerning food

Regulation (EC) 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the
general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying
down procedures in matters of food safety, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2019/1381 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on the transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment
in the food chain.

Tender specifications

safety. The system in place should be agile and should be able to accommodate
users demand in term of computational capabilities, which will be managed
internally in EFSA.

3. Objective 3: To foresee potential needs for R knowledge updates (training on R

programming) in house, this will be beneficial to improve internal R programming
skills, as well as efficiency in our working environment.

4. Objective 4: Ad-hoc consultancy: To offer a service for R and Phyton

programming consulting, as well as a service desk environment when dealing
with R and Phyton programming in our work that could be very useful when
immediate answers on R and Phyton programming/bug fixing/handling complex
programming are needed and/or limited resources within the organization (EFSA)
are available to accommodate the workload.

The contractor should be able to provide the services envisaged above, which will allow
EFSA to benefit from the collaboration with highly qualified experts in the field of R and
Phyton programming, increasing the quality of its scientific opinions and facing the more
and more challenging timelines.

The frequency and duration of the services asked will be based on the upcoming needs
and may range from one request per year to one or several requests per month.


Objective Tasks Deliverables Deadline

Task 1 - Development of Web

interfaces in R that will be
placed in the dedicated
Deliverable 1a: Prototypes of
environment: Provide support to
the WEB application
EFSA in re-engineering existing tools To be
and their updates, as well as to the defined in
Deliverable 1b: The WEB
Objective 1 creation of new applications each specific
application to be delivered and
facilitating the risk assessment and contract/
tested to check that all features
the usage of recommended order form
are working as they should and
methodology and guidance,
final report describing the work
harmonizing as well the process and
performed and test results.
reporting. The service shall include
maintenance as well as versioning of
source code and bug-fixing.
Task 2 - Support managing and
maintaining the shinyproxy
server: To be
Action plan to manage and maintain defined in
Deliverable 2: Every year a
the shinyproxy server using an each specific
specific contract will be foreseen
infrastructure as code approach, contract/
to deliver this task.
clearly focus on computational order form
capability of the services to support
usage of the hosted WEB apps.
Objective 2 Providing support in case of need to

Tender specifications

EFSA operational team in the

maintenance of the Azure
Kubernetes cluster setup or any
other update of the architecture
used to host the applications
(including the possibility to move to
Azure container Apps PaaS).

To be
defined in
Task 3 - Knowledge Update: Deliverable 3: Training materials each
Objective 3 Deliver knowledge update and as well as the trainings sessions specific
trainings on R programming foreseen by the specific contract. contract/
order form

To be
Deliverable 4: Ad-hoc help on
defined in
Task 4: Ad-hoc Consultancy: Ad- statistical programming (R or
Objective 4 hoc R and Phyton programming Phyton) on demand which will be
consultancy covered by the yearly specific
contract foreseen in task 2
order form
Deliverable 5: The contractor
shall prepare documentation
about the shiny proxy
configuration in place, the
deployed applications and actions
Task 5 - Handover (max needed to mitigate disruption in
duration 2 month) the services.
The contractor shall prepare for and Expected tasks to be delivered:
contribute pro-actively to a
complete, timely and smooth • Prepare meetings with the
handover of the services to another new contractor to successfully
contractor or EFSA, in case of achieve this phase
To be
termination or upon expiry of the
defined in
contract. • A package allowing
reproducing the complete
All developed web tools and development and operational
n/a contract/
infrastructure built/used to host the environments in the environment
order form
web tools which may have been paid of EFSA or of the next contractor,
for by EFSA, shall be handed over by also including:
duration 2
the contractor. This also applies to
all documentation. • A detailed installation manual
During the handover period, the taking into account any already
contractor will fully co-operate with existing version of the software
EFSA or with the next contractor(s) of the application to be
to achieve the continuation of high upgraded, also a full
standard service quality. installation from scratch;

• An up-to-date version of the

full projects documentation
(Requirements, Specifications;
Architecture, Planning; Test Plan,
Operational Manual, Training

Tender specifications

Material, etc).

•Archives and all associated

information according to
specifications defined by EFSA;

•Web applications that have been

managed, further developed or
newly developed under the

•Blueprints and scenarios for the

work processes and quality

•A statement stating that no

malicious code (backdoors, time-
bombs, Trojan horses, worms,
viruses, etc.) has been installed
by any of the contractor’s staff
and that the latter have taken all
the necessary measures to ensure
that no malicious code exists in
the systems left behind and/or
provided to EFSA.

Apart from those deliverables,

the contractor shall destroy
any security critical
information and piece of
software that was provided by
the contracting authority for
the purpose of accessing
servers during the execution
of the contract. This may
include sensitive information,
passwords, encryption keys,
personal data of people
involved in the project,
firewall and router
configuration files, etc.

Task 6 - Takeover (max duration Deliverable 6: The contractor

2 month) shall make sure that all To be
The contractor shall ensure smooth documentation about the shiny defined in
transition during the takeover period proxy configuration in place, the each
and pro-actively communicate with deployed applications and actions specific
n/a the previous contractor to master needed to mitigate disruption in contract/
the configuration in place ensuring the services are mastered and order form
that all documentation provided manage to ensure the (max
during the handover period is continuation of the service. duration 2
understood and the work could be All expected tasks to be delivered months)
carried on further. by Deliverable 5 should be well

Tender specifications

understood and ensure that in the

future they could be carried out
ensuring continuation of the
environment and work needed

Subcontracting is allowed for all tasks.

Deadline for
No. Meetings
FWC Kick-off meeting, after FWC signature

A first kick off meeting (teleconference) must be held within 1

month after the entry into force of the FWC. The aim of this Within 1 month after entry
meeting is to have a first discussion between the contractor and into force of FWC
EFSA for a clear understanding of the objectives of the project, the
0 tasks to be performed, the deliverables, timeframe, scope, etc. In
addition, administrative and financial matters related to contract
implementation will also be discussed. The minutes of the kick off
meeting shall be taken and provided to EFSA by the contractor at
the latest 2 weeks after the meeting.
Expenses linked to this kick off meeting will be borne by the

Kick-off meeting (for order forms/specific contracts):

physical meeting in Parma – one day4 / teleconference To be defined in each
During this meeting, in addition to operational implementation the specific contract/order form
1 administrative and financial matters related to contract
implementation will be discussed.
Minutes will have to be drafted by the contractor.

Interim meeting:
physical meeting in Parma - half day5 / teleconference To be defined in each
To discuss the progress and agree on solutions for any problems specific contract/order form
that occurred during the implementation of the project. The
number of interim meetings varies according to the specific needs
defined in the specific contracts/order form.
Minutes will have to be drafted by the contractor.

Final meeting:
physical meeting in Parma –half day6 / teleconference To be defined in each
3 To present f the results and/or delivery of training (where relevant) specific contract/order form
Minutes will have to be drafted by the contractor.

Linked to EFSA approval

No. Payments
of deliverable No.

The payment modalities applicable to each specific contract / order Will be defined in the
form are detailed in the draft framework contract. context of each specific
contract/ order form

The working language for contract implementation including execution of tasks,

meetings and deliverables shall be English. Any written deliverables must be to a high
standard of English which does not require proof reading.

One day = 8 hours, half day = 4 hours
One day = 8 hours, half day = 4 hours
One day = 8 hours, half day = 4 hours

Tender specifications


Tenderers should note that the draft contract is published with the call for tenders. In
the event that any tenderer should have specific comments on the provisions of the draft
contract, these must be raised in a clarification, prior to the deadline for receipt of
tenders so that a clear and transparent reply may be published for the benefit and
information of all tenderers.

Nature of expense services

Type of contract framework (FWC)

Type of FWC single FWC

Place of performance: contractor’s premises

Duration of FWC
One year + automatic renewal up to 3 times for an overall maximum duration of four
consecutive years.

Budget information

The financial ceiling available for specific contracts/order forms under the framework
contract during an overall maximum period of 4 consecutive years is € 1.650.000,00. A
contingency of 10% and possible price indexations are already included in this ceiling.

Possible increase of FWC envelope

In accordance with Annex I, Section 2, article 11.1 e) of the Financial Regulation, EFSA
reserves the right to launch a future negotiated procedure with the contractor chosen as
a result of this call for tender, for new services consisting in the repetition of similar
services during the three years following the signature of the original framework
contract. The increase will not go beyond 50% of the original envelope of 1.650.000 €.

Price indexation
The mechanism for the indexation of prices is set out in the draft framework contract.

Framework contract implementation modalities

The framework contract will be implemented using Specific Contracts / Order Forms.

Specific contracts shall be established on the basis of the unit prices indicated in the
financial offer (Annex 1).

However, EFSA may request the contractor to propose supplementary services of the
same type as those listed in the financial offer (Annex 1). The supplementary elements
may not depart from the essential terms fixed in the framework contract and may be
requested only if they are absolutely necessary for the execution of the contract.
Supplementary elements will be ordered on the basis of a quote provided by the
contractor which shall require prior approval by EFSA.

This framework contract will be implemented in the following manner:

Fixed Price specific contracts and/or orders forms:

Tender specifications

Informatics Services shall be provided at a fixed price when the Parties agree in the
Specific Contract that an overall sum, which must be justified using the agreed daily
rates in the Framework contract, is to be paid following express acceptance of the
deliverables by EFSA. The work shall be undertaken by the Contractor in accordance with
the specifications set out in the Specific Contract/order form. The specifications shall
comprise in particular a description of the work, the timetable, reports, standards,
reference manuals and details of the results and deliverables required. Each result and
deliverable shall be subject to acceptance by EFSA.

Details on the approval periods and payments are included in the draft framework
contract found in Annex 2.

Service Order Process:

1) Simple Orders process: Each time the need arises, EFSA will send a specific
contract or order form to the Contractor with the assignment specifications,
including the type of services requested (e.g., the profile requested), the
deliverables, the delivery dates and any other important information. If,
accepted by the Contractor, within 5 working days of a specific contract/order
form being sent by EFSA to the Contractor, EFSA shall receive it back, duly
signed and dated.

The cost of the assignment shall be calculated on the basis of the daily
rates/profiles specified in the Framework Contract (in other words, this shall
be based on the financial offer the tenderer will provide in the context of the
present tendering procedure).


As regards any product or delivery commissioned by EFSA and developed by the

contractor in the context of the contract resulting from this call for tenders, as well as
source codes of IT applications and models developed for EFSA, the intellectual property
rights will be owned by EFSA only in its capacity as financial source of the contract. The
contractor cannot file a trademark, patent, copyright or other IPR protection scheme in
relation to any of the results or rights obtained by EFSA in performance of the contract,
unless the contractor requests EFSA ex-ante authorisation and obtains from EFSA a
written consent in this regard.

In addition, the contractor selected as a result of the present procurement procedure

shall be solely responsible and liable for the following:

- To ensure that terms and conditions asserted by any copyright holder of

publications or information referred to in the final deliverable for EFSA are
fully satisfied.
- To make the necessary arrangements enabling EFSA to reproduce and make
non-commercial use of publications and information referred to in the final
deliverable it commissioned. As needed, the contractor shall consult with
copyright licensing authorities (i.e., at national level) for guidance on
purchasing copyright licenses to reproduce any publications provided to EFSA.
The contractor remains solely responsible and liable for obtaining all
necessary authorizations and rights to use, reproduce and share the
publications provided to EFSA.

Tender specifications

EFSA does not acquire ownership, or any license of pre-existing rights not incorporated
in the deliverables. The full ownership is limited to the deliverables, which might include
licensed pre-existing rights on excerpts, parts, texts etc., if fully or partially incorporated
in the final deliverables.

The draft contract in Annex 2 contains further provisions on ownership of intellectual

property rights. All quotations or information the tenderer provides in the technical and
financial offer for EFSA which originates from other sources to which third parties may
claim rights, have to be clearly marked in the offer in a way allowing easy identification
(source publications, including date & place, creator, number, full title etc.). The
tenderer shall take account of the above specification on ownership and copyrights in
their technical and financial offer.

Use of results
EFSA is committed to the publication of contract deliverables - such as supporting
evidence in the form of datasets, raw data, protocols etc. in the Knowledge Junction in
order to improve transparency, reproducibility and evidence reuse. The Knowledge
Junction7 repository of EFSA runs on the EU-funded Zenodo research-sharing platform
where uploaded items receive a unique Digital Object Identifier to make them citable.
Any part of the output resulting from this contract may be published (at EFSA’s
discretion) on the Knowledge Junction repository, with attribution to the contractor, and
several deliverables can be cross-linked among them and to the published final Report
on Wiley Online Library.


Processing of personal data in the context of this contract shall comply with Regulation
(EU) 2018/1725 (‘the EUDPR’)8. The EUDPR constitutes the specific data protection legal
framework applicable to EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, including EFSA and
is aligned with the rules and principles under the General Data Protection Regulation
(EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), applicable in the European Union.
In terms of the EUDPR, EFSA acts as the controller for processing of personal data under
the contract and the selected contractor, any consortium partner and subcontractor, as
the processor or sub-processor.

Processing of personal data by EFSA as contracting authority (controller)

Information on the processing of personal data by EFSA as contracting authority in
charge of the present procurement procedure is available in the Privacy Statement on
the EFSA website as well as in Article II.9.1 of the draft contract in Annex 2.

Please note that your personal data as a tenderer or selected contractor may be
registered in the Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES) if you are in one of the
situations mentioned in Article 136 of the Financial Regulation. The relevant Privacy
Statement is available on the European Commission’s website, here:

Processing of personal data by the selected contractor (processor/sub-processor)

The sole personal data at stake are the authentication data and sign-in activities of users
of the online tool, to be managed by EFSA itself by means of its Active Directory
established in Microsoft Azure. The scientific datasets exposed to the online tool shall as
a rule not comprise any personal data. Anyhow, should the tasks and activities under

7 and

Tender specifications

this call relate to the processing of personal data, Article II.9.2 of the draft contract in
Annex 2 shall be observed. For further information on data protection, please refer to
the EFSA guidance for tenderers on the EFSA website, page 13.

Tender bids will be treated confidentially in accordance with the case law of the
European Courts, which confirms the existence of a presumption of non-disclosure in
case of a request for public access to documents in accordance with Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001. This does not prevent that specific parts of the submitted tender may be
subject to disclosure when applicable law so requires. Unless there is an overriding
public interest in disclosure, EFSA will refuse full access to the submitted tender,
redacting the parts that contain confidential information, the disclosure of which would
undermine the protection of commercial interests and intellectual property of the
Accordingly, EFSA will disregard general statements that the whole tender or substantial
parts thereof are confidential information. Tenderers need to mark clearly the specific
parts of their tender bid they consider confidential providing an explanation why the
information should not be disclosed, which may be subject to EFSA’s further assessment
in accordance with applicable law.


The objective of this procurement procedure is to further develop an IT system for use
by EFSA (e.g. R4EU). The awarded contractor shall provide EFSA with all necessary
system documentation (e.g. business requirements documents, architecture and design
documents, Operations and Maintenance Manual, Version Description Document, etc)
and implement any security measures deemed necessary by EFSA (see particularly, but
not only Article 39g of Regulation (EU) 1381/2019 and EFSA “WIN/SOP52/02 on Security
by Design”9, Annex 5). Necessary security measures will be communicated by EFSA after
analysis of the provided system documentation.

Work Instruction «WIN/SOP52/02 – Security by Design» indicates EFSA standard security activities and
security measures for each phase of the software development life-cycle (SDLC). Deviations from the WIN
need to be agreed by EFSA.

Tender specifications


In case you apply as a group of economic operators in a joint offer or if your offer
envisages the use of subcontractors, please refer to the EFSA Guidance for tenderers.

Please note that information contained in hyperlinks incorporated in your offer and
leading to parts of your technical and /or financial offer will not be considered for the
evaluation. Hyperlinks incorporated in your offer and leading to selection criteria
evidence (e.g. links to scientific publications or certificates) will be considered for the


The aim of the public opening session is to check whether the offer received was
dispatched by the deadline for tender receipt and that the tenders are electronically
protected until the official opening.


The content of the offers will be assessed against the following criteria: Exclusion criteria
(Access to EU Market; Declaration on Honour, section A); Compliance with tender
specifications; Selection criteria (Economic and financial capacity-Declaration on Honour,
section B; Technical & Professional capacity); Award Criteria (Quality and Price).

EFSA will evaluate the abovementioned elements in the order that it considers to be the
most appropriate.

If a technical and/or financial offer is incomplete or missing, EFSA reserves the right to
reject the tenderer at any stage.

During evaluation, some additional documents may be requested in order to assess the
following : Selection criteria (Professional Conflict of Interest – Institutional and
Individual Declarations of Interest); Exclusion criteria (); Selection criteria (Economic
and financial capacity).


Criterion Requirements and requested evidence

No. 2.3

1 Eligibility – access to EU Market


Only offers from tenderers established in eligible countries will be allowed to

the next step of the evaluation. Please refer to the EFSA Guidance for
tenderers for further details10.

Please note that Procurement procedures of EFSA are not covered by the WTO Multilateral Government
Procurement Agreement (GPA).

Tender specifications

By submitting an offer, tenderers (including partners and/or subcontractors)

confirm that they are not subject to EU restrictive measures adopted under
Article 29 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) or Article 215 of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU)11. EFSA reserves the right to refer
to publicly available information to check whether an organization is subject
to EU restrictive measure. The prohibition of being subject to EU restrictive
measures applies throughout the whole performance of the contract.

Following the Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/250612, as of 16th

December 2022, no legal commitments can be signed with Hungarian public
interest trusts established under Hungarian Act IX of 2021 or any entity they
maintain. This applies to all contractual level commitments, including

Requested evidence:

Administrative data forms (including LEF and BAF): available here

Criterion Requirements and requested evidence

No. 2.3

2 Exclusion


Tenderers must not be in one of the exclusion situations listed in article 136
of the Financial Regulation, explained in the EFSA Guidance for tenderers.

Requested evidence:

Declaration on Honour (section A): Tenderers must declare that they are
not in one of the exclusion situations by providing a signed and dated
Declaration on Honour, available here. In case of a joint offer from a group
of economic operators, such declaration should be submitted for each
member of the group.

Further evidence in support of this declaration may be requested during



A) Economic and financial capacity

The EU Official Journal contains the list of entities subject to restrictive measures and is regularly updated.

Tender specifications

Criterion Requirements and requested evidence


1 Minimum economic and financial capacity


The tenderer must have generated an overall annual turnover of at least

250.000,00 € in each of the last 3 closed financial years (2022, 2021 and

Requested evidence:

Declaration on Honour (economic and financial capacity section B):

Tenderers must declare they fulfil the economic and financial capacity by
providing a signed and dated Declaration on Honour, available here. In
case of a joint offer from a group of economic operators, such declaration
should be completed by the leading partner only.

In addition to the evidence requested above, EFSA has the right, during the evaluation
process, to request further evidence on the tenderer’s compliance with the economic,
financial, technical and professional capacity requirements.

In particular, EFSA may request proof of annual turnover This evidence will be evaluated
on a consolidated basis.

In the event of partners in a joint offer or subcontractors providing the financial capacity,
if during contract implementation, there is a request to change a subcontractor or to
assign the contract to a new legal entity, the economic and financial capacity will be
checked for the last 3 most recent closed financial years and not necessarily the financial
years published with the call.

B) Professional and Technical professional capacity

Criterion Requirements and requested evidence


1 Professional capacity: overall at organisational level


a) The tenderer must have extensive and demonstrable experience in R

programming, implementing web-based interface, re-engineering existing
tools, and project management, as well as proven knowledge of the
shinyproxy server technology;

Requested evidence:

• A list of at least five major projects or publications related to the subject

matter of this contract, carried out in the course of the past 5 years;

Tender specifications

2 Professional capacity: Ability to provide a team of experts compliant

with these specific expertise requirements


▪ The tenderer must be composed of a multidisciplinary team made up

of at least 5 people (one person can cover more than one profile

a. one project manager with a minimum of five years of experience

in the coordination of projects
b. one team leader with a PhD in computer science, mathematics,
statistics or similar numeric field and a minimum of five years of
experience in leading projects involving R programming as main
c. one senior team member with a minimum of five years of
experience in providing R knowledge updates/trainings
d. one senior team member with a minimum of five years of
experience in R and similar software programming (e.g.
Phyton or equivalent)
e. one junior team member with a minimum of one year of
experience in R and similar software programming (e.g.
Phyton or equivalent)
f. one senior team member with a minimum of five years of
experience in shinyproxy
g. one senior team member with a minimum of five years of
experience in web-based interface development
h. one junior team member with a minimum of one year of
experience in web-based interface development
i. one senior team member with a minimum of five years of
experience in IT security architecture (including for instance
OWASP Top Ten13or Secure Code Reviews14 and specifically R-
specific security concerns15)
j. one junior team member with a minimum of one year of
experience in IT security architecture

Requested evidence:

• Detailed CVs of the Project team members proposed for the assignment.
EFSA strongly recommends submitting the CVs in the EU CV format which
can be accessed here.
• Tenderers should also provide a one-page summary of the names of the
individual Project team members and the profiles covered. The one-page
summary should follow the template provided by EFSA in Annex 3.

3 Professional capacity: English language capacity of the project

See as example
See as examples and

Tender specifications

manager and team leader


a) The project manager and team leader must have an excellent level of
spoken and written standard UK English. For non-native speakers, this
should be demonstrated by an Official certificate of English proving a C1
level OR at least 3 years of work in an English-speaking environment OR
having studied in an English-speaking environment, OR having at least 3
publications in English;

Requested evidence:

• Detailed CVs of the Project team members proposed for the assignment.
EFSA strongly recommends submitting the CVs in the EU CV format which
can be accessed here.
• Official certificate of English proving a C1 level where applicable
• Tenderers should also provide details of how the criterion is met by
project manager and team leader in the one-page summary, following the
template provided by EFSA in Annex 3.

4 Technical capacity: overall at organisational level


▪ The tenderer must have access to R and other software (e.g. Phyton or
equivalent) for the service framework contract execution. EFSA currently
uses R version 4.3.0 or above, and programming standard should be
complaint with Standardised statistical programming practices 16

Requested evidence:

• For non open source software: A Statement confirming that the tenderer
will have access to relevant software for the framework service contract

5 Declaration on Honour


a) Signed declaration on honour.

Requested evidence:

• Declaration on Honour (Professional and Technical capacity-

section B), available here. To be completed by the tenderer (in case of
joint offer by the leading partner only);

6 Confirmatory statement of resources

Schmidtke, J., Schmidt, K.; Standardised statistical programming practices for R and SAS. Supporting
Publications 2013:EN-390. [39 pp.]. Available online:

Tender specifications


a) Signed declaration on honour

Requested evidence:

• Declaration on Honour (section C), available here. To be completed

by the leading partner, any other partners and/or subcontractors (only
applicable for joint offers or offers with subcontracting)

8 Environmental management


Environmental protection is an integral part of EFSA's governance. EFSA has

established, implemented and maintains a certified environmental
management system in accordance with the international standard ISO
14001 and the European EMAS regulation. Environmental impacts of EFSA's
activities are identified, managed and monitored in order to improve
environmental performance. This commitment to environmental sustainability
requires us to consider a life-cycle perspective when purchasing our services.
For this reason we are asking you some information on the environmental
management of your activities, to be provided filling in Annex 4 (Information
on environmental management).

The answers will not be considered under any criteria, neither

selection nor award criteria.

Requested evidence:

• Annex 4 – Information on environmental management

C) Professional conflicting interest

In accordance with article 167(1)(c) of the Financial Regulation and paragraph 104 of
the recitals, if EFSA, based on the assessment of the technical and professional capacity
evidence, concludes that the tenderer has a professional conflicting interest and
therefore does not possess the professional capacity to perform the contract to an
appropriate quality standard, the tenderer may be rejected.

Evidence requested:
The following evidence will be requested, prior to and as a condition of contract
Institutional declaration of interests available here In case of a group of
economic operators and/or in case of subcontracting, such declaration will need to
be completed separately and submitted for each partner and for each identified
subcontractor and;
Individual declarations of interests available here may be requested for
members of the project team having influence and/or control over scientific

Tender specifications

Institutional and Individual DoIs do not need to be provided with your offer. The
Institutional and Individual DoIs will have to be provided and assessed by the EFSA
Authorising Officer before and as a condition of contract signature. Please refer to
EFSA’s policy on independence and the Decision of the Executive Director on
Competing Interest Management for detailed information.

With the exception of declarations of interest, evidence must be included in the offer for
partners in a joint offer and/or subcontractors only if the capacity of those entities is
necessary to satisfy the minimum economic, financial, technical and professional
capacity requirements.

If any of the declarations or information provided proves to be false, EFSA may impose
administrative sanctions (exclusion or financial penalties) on the entity providing the
false declarations/information.

For the purposes of the evaluation related to exclusion and selection criteria EFSA may
also refer to publicly available information, in particular evidence that it can access on a
national database free of charge.



Your offer will be assessed for compliance with the tender specifications before its
assessment against the award criteria.

Tenders do not comply with the tender specifications and will be rejected if they:

 do not comply with minimum requirements laid down in the tender specifications;
 propose a solution different from the one imposed;
 propose a price above the fixed maximum set in the specifications;
 propose contractual terms or conditions which deviate from what is provided in the
draft contract (Annex 2)
 are submitted as variants, when the specifications do not authorise them;
 do not comply with applicable obligations under environmental, social and labour
law established by Union law, national law and collective agreements or by the
international environmental, social and labour law provisions listed in Annex 4 to
Directive 2014/24/EU17 and compliance with data protection obligations resulting
from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Regulation (EU) 2018/172518.

The grounds for rejection is not linked to the award criteria so there is no evaluation.
The tenderer will be informed of the grounds for rejection without being given feedback
on the content of the tender other than on the non-compliant elements.


Tenders will be evaluated against the below award criteria. The award criteria serve to
identify the most economically advantageous offer.

OJ L 94 of 28.03.2014, p. 65
Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the
protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices
and agencies and on the free movement of such data and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision
No 1247/2002/EC, OJ L 295/39 21.11.2018,

Tender specifications


The technical offers will be evaluated on the basis of the 2 case studies defined below.
Please read carefully the assignment.

• The case studies 1 and 2 proposed below will only be used for the
evaluation of the offers and intend to mimic realistic requirements
although they cannot, in any way, be considered exhaustive or
• These case studies relate to the quality award criteria ONLY, i.e. they are
completely dissociated from the financial offer evaluation, i.e. the financial
offer to be proposed using annex 2 shall not be based on these case
studies. For more details see Annex 2.

Case Study 1
EFSA has been using spatial temporal analysis of animal health outbreak data, and
specifically the leaflet R package has been used to produce mapping results. For this
specific case study, the idea would be to create a shiny app that provides the user with a
mapping tool in which the outbreaks are presented. The WEB app should provide several
options to map the outbreaks, showing a yearly outbreak map in which, the previous
outbreaks are presented (somehow grey out, as background information), while the ones
for the year of interest are highlighted. Another option should be to allow the user to
select the period of interest to show the outbreak evolution and a dynamic presentation
of the outbreaks should be presented for the period of interest. The application should
provide filtering options in term of the countries that should be considered as well as the
years to be plotted in the map. For the purpose of evaluating this case study, you shall
submit a detailed project plan including timelines and type of expertise to develop a GUI
application/package in R (containing all commented source codes to develop the GUI
following EFSA’s programming guidelines19) that provides detail on the steps needed to
produce such application, as well as the possibility to download snapshot of the maps
built in the application and the creation of a report, documenting all options provided by
the user as well as the possibility to include commenting features in the application that
helps building the full report.
Case Study 2
EFSA has contacted you to provide a WEB app that can be used to optimize the number
of visits that are needed to monitor 6 different pests that can affect citrus plants in
specific area. The 6 pests can be detected based on sampling shoots, fruits (called
sampling matrices) or both in specifics time window during the year. The number of
trees that needs to be inspected, from which the specific sampling matrix needs to be
examined is also given. The capacity to collect the specific sampling matrix to assess the
6 pests’ status in citrus is also limited. A detailed table with the 6 pests and details about
when and what to sample in each tree as well as the number of trees to sample is given

Pests Sampling Matrix Starting Month Ending Month Sample Size

Pest 1 Shoots March June 330
Pest 2 Shoots April August 419
Pest 3 Fruits April August 970
October December

Schmidtke, J., Schmidt, K.; Standardised statistical programming practices for R and SAS. Supporting
Publications 2013:EN-390.

Tender specifications

Pest 4 Shoots and Fruits September December 330

Pest 5 Shoots and Fruits April June 1496
Pest 6 Shoots and Fruits January August 450

The capacity per month is given below:

Month Capacity (Number of trees that can be sampled)

January 150
February 250
March 400
April 700
May 600
June 200
July 50
August 0
September 150
October 200
November 150
December 50

You shall submit a detailed project plan including timelines and type of expertise needed,
as well as the generic solution for such task using R, commented scripts should be
provided, as well as a testing environment in which the solution provided can be tested.

System requirements to provide the offer in the e-submission platform:

The prototype of the solution for the case study 2 needs to be provided as an R-package
for Windows operating systems (ZIP file) that could be run locally or R script that could
be run from RStudio console. Another alternative would be to provide a docker image
were the working solution is deployed as well as the needed instructions to run the

Please find below the system requirements to upload files on the e-Submission platform:

Tender specifications

The technical offer made using the 2 case studies will be evaluated against the
quality award criteria described below.

Criterion Criteria:
No. 2.6


case study = maximum 120 points in total - minimum threshold 50%)

This is to assess the degree at which the approach proposed in the action plan
shows the capacity to address the case studies in a realistic and well-
structured way:

Conformity of approach with the case studies and convincing justification of

the choice of proposed approach focusing on its advantages (pros and cons
evaluation with alternative solutions will be an asset) as well as a logical and
structured step by step explanation of action plans;60 points per case study

2 PROJECT ORGANISATION (20 points for each case study= maximum

40 points in total – minimum threshold 50%)

a) Who does what and why, including detailed distribution of tasks, roles and
responsibilities. In case of consortium or subcontractor: distribution of
tasks, roles and responsibilities among consortium & subcontractors.
Justify why a specific sub-team / consortium component / subcontractor is
proposed to do that particular task/work-package) and include the
measures to ensure meeting deadlines (including a Gantt chart or other
schematic diagram as detailed as possible); 15 points per case study

Tender specifications

b) Communication. Strategy proposed to ensure an effective flow of

information (within the members of the team proposed by the tenderer and
with EFSA), e.g. document management strategy, source codes
repositories and sharing strategy / tools, etc;¸5 points per case study


each case study= maximum 40 points in total - minimum threshold
This is to assess the quality assurance mechanisms put in place to guarantee
the high quality of deliverables:

a) Identification of potential risks (e.g. technical/science related problems,

internal/external communication strategy issues, staffing issues, security
issues, software vulnerabilities; etc.) that may influence the quality of the
deliverables; 10 points per case study

b) Solution/mitigation measures for each of the identified potential risks that

may influence the quality of the deliverables, including, e.g., code quality
(validation, reproducibility, clear commenting script files, etc.), high
performance computing infrastructure quality, (CPU, RAM, storage), security
activities and measures20; 10 points per case study

The sum of all quality award criteria gives a maximum possible total of 200
points quality points (100 points for case study 1 and 100 points for case study

Tenderers must provide a detailed technical offer addressing all points in the technical
specifications and each of the quality award criteria. Repetition of mandatory
requirements in the technical specifications without providing detail in the technical offer
will only result in a very low score.

Offers must score at least 50% for each criterion, and at least 70 % of maximum
possible total points for each case study against the quality award criteria.

Tenders that do not reach these minimum quality thresholds will be eliminated from
subsequent stages of the evaluation process.

The Quality Award Score is calculated as follows:

E.g. Quality Points Case Study 1=70; Quality Points Case Study 2=80 → Total Quality
Points = 150 → Quality Award Score = 150/200 = 0.75.

EFSA provides a Work Instruction «WIN/SOP52/02 – Security by Design» (Annex 5) which indicates EFSA
recommended activities and security measures for each phase of the software development life-cycle (SDLC). If
the activities and security measures applicable for the relevant SDLC step are not applied as mitigations
measures, the tenderer shall provide an explanation (e.g. because a SAST/DAST tool is not available for the
chosen programming language).

Tender specifications


Tenders which passed the quality thresholds will be further assessed to ensure:

I. the price offer is made within the maximum budget for financial offers indicated
in the tender specifications and;
II. the financial offer satisfies the formal requirements of the tender specifications.


Tenders for which financial offers were made within the maximum budget and satisfied
the formal requirements indicated in the tender specification will be retained for the
identification of the tender with the best price-quality ratio based on the following


30 * Cheapest price offer/price of tender X

70 * Total quality score (out of 100) for all quality award criteria of tender

Tender specifications


You must submit your tender electronically via the e-Submission application available
from the e-Tendering website before the time limit for receipt of tenders.

The e-Submission application allows economic operators to respond to call for tenders by
preparing their tenders electronically in a structured and secured way and submitting
their tenders electronically. The e-Tendering is the starting point for launching the e-
Submission application.

Make sure you submit your tender on time: you are advised to start completing
your tender early. To avoid any complications with regard to late receipt/non-
receipt of tenders within the deadline, please ensure that you submit your
tender several hours before the deadline. It is not possible to submit a tender
through eSubmission after the time-limit for receipt of tenders indicated in the
contract notice and/or the TED eTendering website.

No more than one tender and, in case of lots, no more than one tender per lot, can be
considered per tenderer. If the same tenderer submits more than one tender, neither of
which has been withdrawn as described below, only the latest tender will be considered.
The tenderer may not refer to earlier submitted tenders to complement, clarify or correct
its latest tender.

A natural or legal person cannot participate at the same time and for the same lot (if
applicable) within the same procedure either as member of two or more groups of
economic operators or as a sole tenderer and member of another group of economic
operators. In such case, all tenders in which that person has participated, either as sole
tenderer or as member of a group of economic operators, will be rejected.

Economic operators linked by a relationship of control or of association (e.g. belonging to

the same economic/corporate group) are allowed to submit different and separate
tenders provided that each tenderer is able to demonstrate that its tender was drawn
independently and autonomously.

Registration in the Participant Register

Any economic operator willing to submit a tender must be registered in the Participant
Register - an online register of organisations and natural persons participating in European
Commission's calls for tenders or proposals.

On registering each participant obtains a Participant Identification Code (PIC, 9 - digit

number) which acts as its unique identifier in the Participant Register. A participant needs
to register only once – the information provided can be further updated or re-used by the
participant in other European Commission's calls for tenders or calls for proposals.

At any moment during the procurement procedure the Research Executive Agency
Validation Services (hereafter the EU Validation Services) may contact the participant and
ask for supporting documents on legal existence and status [and financial capacity].

The requests will be made through the register's messaging system to the e-mail address
of the participant's contact person indicated in the register. It is the responsibility of the
participant to provide a valid e-mail address and to check it regularly.

Tender specifications

The documents that may be requested by the EU Validation Services are listed in the EU
Grants and Tenders Rules on Legal Entity Validation, LEAR appointment and Financial
Capacity assessment.

Please note that a request for supporting documents by the EU Validation

Services in no way implies that the tenderer has been successful.

How to Submit your Tender in e-Submission

You can access the e-Submission application via the corresponding call for tender in TED
e-Tendering, as specified in the Invitation Letter.

In order to have access to e-Submission, you will need to "Subscribe to call for tenders"
on TED e-Tendering first. To subscribe, you will need to login with your an EU Login21. In
case you don't have an EU Login, you can create an account at any moment. For more
information see the EU login help. After logging in with your EU Login password, the e-
Tendering will then display a button ‘submit your tender’ and you will be able to access
the e-Submission.

The e-Submission quick guide is available after logging in with your EU Login password.

Information to be filled in

In the e-Submission application, fill in and upload all necessary fields and documents as
appropriate. All tenders must be clear, complete and consistent with all the requirements
laid down in the tender specifications, including:

• Signed declaration on Honour on Exclusion criteria (section A) and

Confirmatory statement of resources (section C). All members of a joint
tender, including subcontractors – if applicable – must upload the signed and
dated declaration on honour using the template available here.
• Signed declaration on Honour on Selection criteria (section B). In case
of a joint offer from a group of economic operators, such declaration should be
completed by the leading partner using the template available here.
• Exclusion criteria. If requested in the tender specifications, the tenderer and
all members of a joint tender including subcontractors – if applicable – must
provide the documentary evidence for exclusion criteria.
• Selection criteria. If requested in the tender specifications, the tenderer and
all members of a joint tender including subcontractors – if applicable –, must
provide the documentary evidence for selection criteria.
• Technical tender. It must address all the requirements laid down in the
tender specifications.
• Financial tender The complete financial tender, including the breakdown of
the price as provided in the tender specifications.

For detailed instructions on how to submit your tender, consult the Quick Reference
Guide for Economic Operators where you will find:

• Technical requirements to use e-Submission

• Step-by-step guide to help you submit your tender
• Important advices and information on how to get technical support

Previously called European Commission authentication system (ECAS)

Tender specifications

Please make sure all required documents and evidence are submitted with your

Documents to be signed and dated while creating your Tender

The following documents must be signed and dated during the creation of your tender in

• Declaration on honour. All members of a joint tender, including

subcontractors must complete, sign and date the declaration on honour
(sections A and C). Only the leader in a joint tender must complete, sign and
date the declaration on honour (section B). The declaration on honour must be
converted to PDF format and then signed by the authorised representatives
with advanced electronic signature based on qualified certificates or by hand.

Re-submission of a tender

After submitting a tender, but within the time limit for receipt of tenders, you may still
submit a new version of your tender. If you submit a new Tender you must include
all your Tender documents, including the Qualification and Tender documents.

You must formally notify EFSA that the previous tender is withdrawn. The notification
letter must be signed by the legal representative who signed the original tender stating
the call reference and the Tender ID you wish to withdraw. The notification must be
uploaded in e-submission together with the new version of all tender documents. You are
kindly requested to also e-mail the notification letter to

Withdrawal of tenders

If after submitting a tender, you wish to completely withdraw your tender, you must
formally notify EFSA that you wish to withdraw your submitted Tender(s) as indicated

Deadline for receipt of tenders

The tender (including all documents) must be fully uploaded and received before the
deadline for receipt of tenders indicated in the invitation to tender. It is not possible to
submit a tender through eSubmission after the time-limit for receipt of tenders indicated
in the contract notice and/or the TED eTendering website.

Please note that you are responsible to ensure that your full tender reaches the
destination in due time.

In case of problems with the submission of the electronic tender, we recommend that
you call the helpdesk in reasonable time before the time limit for receipt. The time it
takes to submit the tender and upload all your documents may vary considerably
depending on the number of concurrent submissions by other economic operators, the
size of your tender and the type of internet service you are using. We recommend that
you upload the documents the day before the deadline.

If the contracting authority detects technical faults in the functioning of the electronic
equipment used for submitting and receiving tenders due to which it is impossible to

Tender specifications

electronically submit and receive tenders, you will be informed of the extension of the
time limit by the contracting authority at the e-Tendering link.


• Notifications for re-submission or withdrawal of tenders must be sent to:

When communicating state the reference to the call for tenders and, if applicable,
the Tender ID.

• If you need technical support on e-Submission, you can contact the e-Submission
support team, from 08:00 until 20:00 CET at the following address: ec-funding-

Tender specifications


The template to be used for preparing your financial offer is available as an Excel file and
is uploaded in e-Tendering with all other procurement documents.

Tender specifications


The contract which results from this procurement procedure will be based on the model
annexed to these tender specifications.

Tender specifications


One expert can cover more than one of the profiles below, but the minimum number of team experts is 5.

Profiles referred to in section 2.4.B.2 Name(s) Years of Justification of the experience Justification of English
of the tender specifications experience with specific reference to language requirement
relevant to the employment/projects (criterion 2.4.B.3)
a. one project manager with a
minimum of five years of experience
in the coordination of projects
b. one team leader with a PhD in Relevant PHD to be
computer science, mathematics, mentioned in addition
to years of experience
statistics or similar numeric field and
a minimum of five years of
experience in leading projects
involving R programming as main
c. one senior team member with a n/a
minimum of five years of experience
in providing R knowledge
d. one senior team member with n/a
a minimum of five years of
experience in R and similar software
programming (e.g. Phyton or

e. one junior team member with a n/a

minimum of one year of experience
in R and similar software
programming (e.g. Phyton or
Tender specifications

f. one senior team member with a n/a

minimum of five years of experience
in shinyproxy
g. one senior team member with a n/a
minimum of five years of experience
in web-based interface
h. one junior team member with a n/a
minimum of one year of experience
in web-based interface
i. one senior team member with n/a
a minimum of five years of
experience in IT security
j. one junior team member with a n/a
minimum of one year of experience
in IT security architecture

Tender specifications

Annex 4 - Information on environmental management

Environmental protection is an integral part of EFSA's governance.

EFSA has established, implemented and maintains a certified environmental management system in accordance with the international
standard ISO 14001 and the European EMAS regulation. Environmental impacts of EFSA's activities are identified, managed and
monitored in order to improve environmental performance.

This commitment to environmental sustainability requires us to consider a life-cycle perspective when purchasing our services.

For this reason we are asking you some information on the environmental management of your activities.

The answers will not be considered under any criteria, neither selection nor award criteria.

1. Specify whether you have a certified Yes (indicate certification) / No (please see question 2.)
environmental management system (e.g. ISO
14001, EMAS regulation, others).

Tender specifications

Annex 5 - WIN/SOP52/02 on Security by Design


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