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ROADMAP™A2+ Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)

Listening Grammar
1 Recording 1 Listen to Pete discuss some new 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the
habits. Tick () the correct answers, a or b. box
1 When did Pete decide to get healthy?
already for just since (x2) yet
a one year ago b when he was a child
2 How often does he go to the gym? 1 He hasn’t gone back there for several
a twice a week b three times a week years.
3 When did he begin learning to cook? 2 Ella’s known Joe ________ she was a child.
a eight months ago b eighteen months ago 3 It hasn’t started ________ , but it will begin soon.
4 Where does he like taking photos? 4 I’ve ________ met an old friend on the bus.
a in a park b by a river
5 Wow! We’ve ________ been married for six years.
5 Who does he take yoga classes with?
6 She’s lived in the same house ________ 2011.
a his brother b a friend
6 What does he want to do next year?
a start running b run a marathon 5 Complete the sentences with could / couldn’t
and a verb from the box.
2 Recording 2 Listen to the interview. Match each cook celebrate read ski speak swim
person to one hobby.
1 Oscar lives in the mountains. He could ski
Anders Julia Marta Rob Sadie Sam when he was three.
2 Sarah _________ my birthday because she was ill.
1 Running outdoors ________
3 He _________ well a few years ago, but he’s very
2 Learning history ________
good in the kitchen now.
3 Reading books ________
4 Jack’s family moved to France ten years ago. He
4 Swimming Sam _________ French fluently when he was four.
5 Taking photographs ________ 5 My brother _________ when he was a child but
6 Watching films ________ now it’s his favourite sport.
/5 6 Monica’s really clever. She _________ and write
3 Listen to Recording 2 again. Match each when she was just four years old.
person to one more hobby or hobbies. There is /5
one extra answer.
6 Choose the correct alternatives.
hill climbing cooking doing yoga 1 They spend / spent a lot of money last week.
gardening listening to music 2 Su has had / is having problems at work recently.
playing video games shopping
3 We move / ’re moving to a new city next month.
Sadie 1 gardening 2____________
4 Are they going to / will go on holiday soon?
Julia 3____________
5 Jelena stays / was staying in Berlin when she met
Rob 4____________ a colleague from work.
Anders 5____________ 6 She worked / ’s working as a chef at a restaurant in
the city right now.
Marta 6____________

/5 7 I’m sure she won’t get / isn’t getting angry when

you tell her the bad news.
8 They wake up / waking up early every morning.
9 Max asked / was asked a question by his teacher.
10 I visited / ’ve visited Dublin a few months ago.
11 If Luis wants the book, I lend / ’ll lend it to him.

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ROADMAP™A2+ Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)
Vocabulary A: If you 9do badly / pass your exam, what’ll you do?
7 Choose the correct alternatives. B: I think I’ll 10keep in touch / meet up with friends to
1 I lend / borrowed £20 from Dave, but I’ll pay him
back soon. /9

2 My friend said this TV show was exciting / long, but Function

I found it boring. 10 Complete the sentences with the words in
3 It’s too expensive, but if I save / spend some brackets in the correct order.
money for a few weeks, I can buy it. A: 1Do you know how much this costs?
4 I didn’t go to work yesterday during / until 11a.m. (do / how / know / much / you)

5 Jay loves her job, but unfortunately, she doesn’t B: Yes, it’s £9.95.
earn / waste as much money as she needs. A: Can I get to Broadstairs Avenue if I go this way?
6 The final part of the drama was so popular / sad B: 2______________________________ . I don’t
that it made me cry. live here. (afraid / don’t / I / I’m / know).
A: 3______________________________ when it
8 Complete the sentences with the words in the begins? (could / me / tell / you)
B: 4______________________________ . It starts
be disagree do get learn pay study in five minutes. (course / of / yes,)

1 When he’s not busy, what does he do for fun? A: 5______________________________ this train
goes to Bristol? (know / do / if / you)
2 We like Tania, but we often ________ with her.
B: 6______________________________ . Maybe
3 Ed used the internet to ________ about the history
ask at the information office. (sure / not / I’m)
of Poland.
4 I’ll use my credit card to ________ for these shoes. A: Excuse me, but where can I get some water?

5 He had to ________ for six weeks to pass his exam. B: 7______________________________ .

(don’t / I / I’m / know / sorry,)
6 I still see lots of old friends from school because
we still ________ on really well. A: Is this the bus to Oxford?
7 If he wants to ________ part of the team, he B: 8______________________________ that
should listen to the other players. woman over there. (ask / have / to / you’ll)
/6 A: I want to return these shoes. They don’t fit well.
9 Choose the correct alternatives. B: Sorry, I’ll 9______________________________ .
A: This TV programme is so 1boring / interesting! (help / that / with / you).
B: True. Do you want to watch something else? /8
A: No. We always watch TV. Let’s 2give up / 11 Complete the sentences with the phrases in
try something new. the box. Use each phrase only once.

A: How did you score 91 percent in the maths test? first part got it I don’t I see is that
B: I don’t know really. I just find it 3difficult / easy. that again what you you mean
A: I’d like to be 4good / terrible at it, like you. A: It’s my housewarming at 7p.m. Want to come?
A: Why are you laughing? B: ‘Housewarming’? What do 1 you mean ?
B: I’m watching a really 5funny / serious TV show. Do A: A party to celebrate moving into a new home.
you want to watch it with me? B: Oh, 2____________. That sounds great. Thanks!
A: Thanks, but I need to 6disagree with / text my brother. A: My home is Flat 2, 217 Westvale Road.
A: When can you pay back the money that you B: Can you say 3____________, please?
7borrowed / lent from me?
A: Yeah, it’s 217 Westvale Road, flat 2.
B: Sorry! I’ll give it to you soon, I promise. B: 4____________ road north or south of the river?
A: Really? Because you said the same thing to me A: It’s north of the river.
8nowadays / two days ago.
B: OK. North of the river. I’ve 5____________, thanks.
A: Oh, and it’s a potluck party.

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ROADMAP™A2+ Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)
B: ‘Potluck’? I’m not sure 6____________ mean. Jane Austen will probably stay on the note for
A: Everyone brings some food to share. about 15 years.
B: Sounds great! I’ll I bring some pastéis de nata.
A: Sorry? 7____________ understand. a Two of his famous books include A Christmas
B: They’re a pastry from Portugal made with eggs Carol and Oliver Twist.
and milk. b They are all English and they are all famous for
A: What was the 8____________ again? writing.
c In December 1831, he travelled around the world
B: They’re a kind of pastry. They’re delicious!
for almost five years on the ship HMS Beagle.
/7 d In fact, her parents gave her the same name as the
city where she was born.
Reading e She became famous because she wrote about her
experience as a nurse.
12 Complete the article with sentences a–f.
f Her stories were popular during her life, but less
Florence Nightingale, Charles Dickens, Charles popular than Dickens’ stories.
Darwin and Jane Austen are all well-known /5
historical figures from the UK. These people are all
famous for different things that they did in their 13 Read the text again. Write true (T), false (F)
lives, but they also share one thing in common. or (N) if there is no information given in the
Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Italy.
d . In 1854, she travelled to Turkey with some 1 Nightingale first became a nurse in 1854. N
other nurses. Her job was to train nurses and 2 Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy. ___
organise medical treatment and help for soldiers 3 Nightingale acted like a typical woman. ___
who were fighting a war. 2 .
4 Queen Victoria liked Charles Dickens. ___
Charles Dickens was born in 1812 in England. He
is probably the most well-known writer from the 5 Dickens was younger than Darwin. ___
time when Victoria was the Queen of England. He 6 Darwin was born before Jane Austen. ___
wrote fifteen novels, five short novels and 7 Darwin travelled across the world by train. ___
hundreds of short stories. 3 .During his life,
Dickens was very popular. He is still popular 8 Austen was a better writer than Dickens. ___
nowadays and many of his stories have been made 9 People like both Dickens and
into films or television programmes. Austen today. ___
Charles Darwin was a scientist who was born in 10 Dickens was on the £10 note
1809 in England. 4 .While he was travelling, after Darwin. ___
Darwin studied plants and animals. After he came 11 Austen’s picture is on the £10 note now. ___
back to England, he wrote a book about his ideas
called On the Origin of Species. In the book,
Darwin was the first person to write about
evolution – the idea that all plants and animals,
including humans, have developed from other
plants and animals.
Jane Austen was born in 1775 in England. She was
one of the first women to write novels in English.
She was also one of the first writers – male or
female – to write stories about ordinary people, not
people with a high position in society. 5 .
However, like Dickens, people still read Austen’s
books today, and all six of them have been made
into films or television dramas.
So, what do these four people have in common?
. But there is one more thing that is the same:
all of them have had a picture of themselves on the
British £10 note. A portrait of Florence Nightingale
was on the note from 1975 until 1994. Then it was
Dickens until 2003 and Darwin until early 2018.

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ROADMAP™A2+ Achievement test 5 (Units 9–10)
Writing 15 Think of one or two objects in your home. Say
what the objects are, describe their shape,
14 Read the job advertisement. Then complete size, colour and so on. Also say when and
the email application using five more of the how often you use them and what you use
formal phrases in the box. them for. Write 80–120 words.

Nature Photographer Needed

Do you want to save the environment? The
environment charity GreenTree is looking for
a part-time photographer to take photographs
of nature. These pictures should show how
people can hurt or help our planet.
Interested? Send an email to
jobs@greentree.ok before 25th April. In your
email, you should describe your photography
background, and attach some of your best
nature photos.

Dear Sir or Madam, During this time …

I am writing to apply for the position of …
I look forward to hearing from you.
Please find attached … Yours faithfully,

1 Dear Sir or Madam,

part-time nature photographer.
I have worked as a photographer for eight
______________________________, I
have taken many pictures of nature
because I want to save the planet.
some photos of Scotland that I took last
Marco Romano




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