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The Great Depression

We should start understanding why the Topic is so important?

It is not so easy to get out of an economic crisis in your home or

due to some debt that you have had for months that you have to
pay in a hurry. Now imagining an even greater crisis that affects a
country nationally is even more catastrophic.

Hook Opinion
The crack of 29, was the largest ever known crisis that erupted on
24 October 1929 that affected a lot of people. I am going to
present you the history of this crisis to inform everyone what
brought about such an economic tragedy

Thesis Statement
As a result of monetary policy, especially of the Federal Reserve,
the money supply fell, which did not favor the economy

At the same time, some specialists have pointed out that there was
a deflation that increased the real value of the debt, which,
ultimately, meant that those who had obtained a loan or credit
owed, in real terms, more than they what did you recieve
Body Paragraph 1
Shortly before it all happened, investors thought that they were in
their golden age, so the economist Irving Fisher came to affirm
the following:

“Stock prices have reached what appears to be a permanent high


Body Paragraph 2
The week before Black Tuesday, indications of everything that was
going to arrive had begun to be given. This ended the euphoria at
the time causing investors to withdraw from the market.

On Monday, October 28, the Dow Jones lost 13%. On Tuesday 29,
the volume of transactions was 16.4 million shares, as a result of
the brutal fall in prices. Dow Jones, added to the fall of the
previous day, a new fall of 12%, which meant that the stock market
lost around 14,000 million dollars

Body paragraph 3
The economic balance is one of the most important points for a
country if not the most important. Markets that offer food,
services that homes offer, companies that give advantages to
everyday life depend on that economic balance to exist. If that
economic balance were there, there would be chaos in the debts
that would end all businesses.
In conclusion, Millions of people lost their jobs, companies in
various fields went bankrupt and some committed suicide because
they could not withstand this hard blow.
Importance of sleeping well

Sleeping well is getting enough sleep for one to be good and healthy.
How long is enough depends on the person, though as we all know the
current estimate of sleep hours needed is from seven to nine.

If you wake up and not feel refreshed or still feel tired likely means you
need more sleep, of course, there’s times where we have no choice
and have to get up early to deal with our responsibilities.

The reason why sleeping well is so important, is because it improves

your brain’s performance and helps you above various diseases such

Type two diabetes which symptoms are excessive thirst and tiredness.
It can also increase your risk of getting serious problems with your
eyes, heart and nerves. Not sleeping well also causes obesity and the
other way around sleeping well helps you stay in shape, as obesity or
sleep deprivation itself can cause heart diseases.

It’s not only cardiovascular diseases sleep deprivation causes, there’s

also a bunch of mental diseases caused by not sleeping well such as:

Depression, if you’re having problems sleeping, you’re more likely to

feel anxious and have suicidal thoughts even. It can cause Dementia, a
term used for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other
thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life.
Now, the benefits of sleeping well:

It is stated that you’re likely to get along with people better, your
immune system improves, you will have a better mood, sleeping
increases productivity and it improves memory.

Sleeping well is factually stated a good thing and although we won't

always sleep well, it is important to keep this in mind and try to improve
our sleep schedule since sleeping well really is important.

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