Zuch II - ZA3 - 2022

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oO Oddziat ! Nr dziennika! Kod szkoty O00 ® @® ®@ KLASA3 oO ANGIELSKI @o }®@@OOO ® © Konkurs LUC ” ee, ® 5 5 S000 we edycja roczna 2022 i % ® ® ® 1 ° ° ° Ge OUOOOOOOOOOOOOG 8 é 8 00 (00000 HUUUUOUUOUUOUUOUUOUUD 6 | 86 66000 UWAGAI Zamalij Koleczka przy swoich odpowiedziach. Poprewny sposab zaznaczeria: @) 1. Popatrz na obrazek. Zamaluj kéteczka przy 2. Odgadnij jakie to wyrazy. prawdziwych zdaniach ‘a) crayons b) pencil case c) school bag d) ruler O We gota yellow tummy. It is a small bag for your @ ®@OO®@ pens and pencils © Wwe got abiue tooth You use it when you want @ ) io draw a straight line ®OO®@ O We gota pink eye You use them when you OOa« O Wve got orange toes wanttocoourapicure. §=9§@) © © @ ‘ itis a large bag for your > O lve got purple legs | books and notebooks. @® 3, Co Kate moze kupié? 4, Odgadnij. Zaznacz prawidtowa odpowied2. You have a shower there. © bedroom © teallet © bathroom That. Kate “sevtitivee soli. eee Kate can buy: Oabat Oacar Oakite Oacamera Kate can't buy: Oscissors Qatain Qabag 5. Preyporzadkuj wyrazy do grup. 6. Wybierz prawidiowe wyrazy, ST eT aT There is sink fridge in the kitchen, ee : oO 0 You put it on the floor. O mirror O carpet O picture You have a rest and watch TV there. © bathroom © kitchen O iving room You hang your clothes there. Qacamera © bookcase © wardrobe © waste bin Schoolobjects: @ © © © Frei sea spare eteen te aie iS People at schoo: @ © © © © O eo Draw a rectangle / triangle! Oo oO ° O wavy hair | Q wind 1 O house 5O curyhair OQ stom — | O__bilock of fats Praces at schoo © © © O@ OE 7. Wybierz prawidiowa forme gramatyezna. Kate and Mike © is © are happy. Sue likes O read © painting, © These © This books are mine Aan © can © cans play basketball © Copyright by CES, www.ces.ecu.pl meketheved @ © do the washing-up @) @) ‘comb her hair a) books Orc ladciwe wyrazy. ames. ase 16. Popatrz na obrazek i zamaluj kéteczka przy prawdziwych zdaniacl © There is no elephant There is a snake on the tree. O° © There is a monkey Oo on the tree. There is a giraffe next to the lion, pr poszezegéinych zwierzat. 20. Dopasuj zegary do godzin. ®OoO quarter pastfve @ © © b) half past six midnight ®@OO© xg twelve o'clock @ © © How many birds are there? How many children are in the water?) three play 5 b) games Bear read Cera tery tama well’ ©) notice © a restaurant Howin OQ agarage © ahotel © anospit Thedoghas gota © feal © puppy. Thehenhas gota ©. chick ©) duckling, Thecathas gota © kien © chick Thehorsehas gota © calf © foal Teo abegs wa ope ura waterthe plans © © © " Ges b) O00 D9 @®@OO O inthe mountains © tour © four 3. Wskad wyraz, ktéry nie pasuje do pozostalych. O football © handball ©) skiing © basketball | Osun O spring OQ winter © summer Ovivr Olake Osea jzupeinij zdania wyrazami z ramki feed the cat do exercise © atthe seaside © three O water wymom @ © © @ atschoo! she @ © © @ woatewo she @ © © © breakfast at 7:00. She ® © © @ home ata:30, ‘7. Popatrz na obrazek i zamaluj kéteczka przy prawdziwych zdaniach. Ws autumn, It's summer. Ws raining. The trees are orange OCO00O0 The girl is wearing a pink jumper. Kirt and ‘Sue g Can she play vo he guitar? ©) Yesishecan. ©) No, she can't Can she sing? ©) Yes, she can. C) No, she cant. Can she skate? ©) Yes, she can. (©) No, she can't Gain sh dé" Yes. she can So, she can't Can sh O Yes, she can. ©) No, she can't i bexyparaxal rang do grap sate © OOOO countrys © © © © @ ae O20 OO®@ © Copyright by CES, www.ces.ecu.pl

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