Zuch II Za2 2022

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Oddziat | Nr dziennika! Kod szkoty | | WIM | KLASA 2 ¢ 0000 ANGIELSKI @@ ® © © Konkurs LUC ” eoulaey, we edycja roczna 2022 £ * a © Quggooooooo0000 «8 é 00 Ooguoooooooo000000000 00 00000 UWAGAI Zamalij Koleczka przy swoich odpowiedziach. Poprewny sposab zaznaczeria: @) 1. Przestaw litery i napisz czeSci ciala. Dopasuj je do| 2. Popatrz na obrazek. Zamaluj kéleczka przy ryaunkew. prawezhwych adaniech, er Oy OY 9g | © tre gota yellow tummy. Nek —___ _- @ © © © O te gota biue tooth, MTKOU___— @ © © © —|O Negotapink eye. > OaO Ie got orange toes LIAN @OQ OO | O Neswtorang O We got grey legs. potgez z rozwiazani SDL 14, Praeczytaj tekst i uzupeinij brakujace litery. Litery utworza hasto. Td My _rother's name is Peter _nd my sister's name 1) 2) is Ewa, Peter is e_even years 0_d. : 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) | Hastem jest stowo oznaczajace przedmiot: Go Kato mode kupié? Kate (seventy-three) eed wom Kate can buy: Cabal Oacar Oakite Oacamera Kate can’t buy: You use them to see. You use them to hear. You use them to walk. You use it to smell flowers. 7. Wybierz odpowi 0 (Stopping zy O (ame er] O [3 Saal : lemon | fish *" |yellow pepper i | redperrer | | ears | temons © straight hair | carr | | “Temons || cart | © curly hair | fish} L_pepper L ch © Copyright by CES, www.ces.ecu.pl 9, Uzupetnij kartki z kalendarza angielskimi nazwami dni tygodnia. 1, Thursday 2. Wednesday 5 Tuesday QPOOQ. COHO®D. CO9O® 46. Dopasuipory roku do obraskéw ®®O@ ®OO®@ ®®O@ 4, Sunday Mounran = @ Seng rend Dre enc LAKE © © SEASIDE ® © © counrrysis @ © =©O06! 13. Przeanalizuj tabele Ars ov Oo © Yes, she can. Can she play the guitar? Can she sing? C) Yes, she ean. O No, she can't] © No, she can't Gan she skate?) Yes, she-can. C) No, she ca. Gain she ride" "Yes, she can. ©) No, she can't Dopasuj umiejgtnodel do zwierzat. 15 Dolaidegowyreieia dopa ysunek. A ®OOGE PENT | water the plants @ © © Dues zg ®® AeaCy feedthecaa @ © © a B © TE coxriee «=@ © © Ww 16. Uzupetnij zdania. 17. Wybierz prawidlowe wyrazy. | eidert like bylke There is a carpet on / above the floor. 1 @ © _ basketball. tis not for me @® © gymnastics. | can do it every day. @® © football. itis boring. 18. Wybierz prawidiowa forme gramatyczna. 8. Uzupeinij zdania wyrazami 2 ramki ‘The eggs are in/on the basket. ras Kate and Mike © is © are happy, | Mymom @) ©) © @ atschoo. PER - eh Dogs like © jump © jumping. ‘She @® © © @ wpateoo. © These © This books are mine. Alan © can © cans play basketball 20. Do wyrazéw dobierz odpowiednie rysunki. * a) ®Oo0 nee ®© © © breakfast at 7:00. © Where are the kids? © atthe seaside bunny ®O®O@O®O 5 2S 8 inthe mountains ribbon ORONOMO) reindeer © © @ © BQ ,, How many reds arethere? ©. wwoe O tow e Ww il lollipop ®©®O@E ©) Bp! How many cnneren © three © tour © Copyright by CES, www.ces.edu.pl

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