Q4 English 6 Week8

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Learning Area ENGLISH Grade Level SIX

W8 Quarter FOUR Date

I. LESSON TITLE Composing a Persuasive Essay
Compose a persuasive essay on self-selected topic
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Composing a Persuasive Essay
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 5 minutes)
Before we begin our lesson for the week, let us recall one of the topics last quarter.
Analyze the picture. What would be your stand or opinion about it?
Filipinos must take the opportunity of having a free vaccine against coronavirus.
Your opinion about it: ______________________________________________________
In making a stand, you use your opinion, as well as the evidence that is based on facts,
truths, or valid grounds. In today’s lesson, you will dig deeper in providing your opinion to
Illustrated by: Sarah Bianca V. Sarita
influence and convince your reader through writing.
After going through this lesson, you are expected to compose a persuasive essay on self-selected topic.
D. Development (Time Frame: 5 minutes)
A persuasive essay is a piece of academic writing where you use logic and reason to show that your point of view is more
valid than any other. Knowing how to write persuasively and learning how to recognize persuasive writing are both valuable
skills for learners to have.
In writing a persuasive essay, you express your opinion clearly and strongly, and support it to persuade
or convince others. You will start with a point of view in the introduction, and restate it in the conclusion.
There are a few simple guidelines to follow in order to be able to write a good persuasive essay. Simply follow
the OREO pattern of writing to help you remember the structure of a persuasive essay.
• First Paragraph (Introduction) • How would you feel if…
• Tell the reader what your topic is and why. • I am writing to persuade you to…
• Tell the reader how you feel about the topic. • Surely you must realize…
• Capture the reader’s attention by using a rhetorical
• I strongly believe that…
• Most people would agree that…

Second Paragraph (Body 1) • I believe…
• State your point of view. • To begin with…
• State some reasons that support your opinion. • Firstly, in my opinion…
• Everyone knows that…
Third Paragraph (Body 2) • In addition to…
• Another reason that….
• Others must agree that…
• Give 1-3 examples, with details, that prove why you’re right. • It is clear that…
• I am absolutely certain that…
• We must act now...
• Finally, I strongly believe that…
• Finally, we must realize…
Final Paragraph (Conclusion) • It is easy to see...
• Sum up your opinions and arguments. • In conclusion, I am sure you will understand…
• Restate your opinion in a different way, with feeling! • We’d all be better off if…
• End with a final statement to help convince your reader. • One thing I know for certain is…
• It is clear that…
• In conclusion, we must see that…
• Without a doubt…
E. Engagement (Time Frame: 20 minutes)

Learning Task 1
Directions: Read and analyze the short persuasive essay example below. Answer the questions in your notebook.

Trip Down Memory Lane

Sarah Bianca V. Sarita

How would you feel if you’re a young child again? No pile of homework, problem, and heartache. Everything just
seems bright and perfect. If given a chance, I would go back to my childhood years.
I believe childhood is the best period of life. It is the era of innocence. It is more on happiness instead of sorrow. Do
you still remember when there was always a smile on our faces as the wind brushed through our hair? Or the different kinds
of pain when we fell on our bicycles? The sweet agony, indeed. At least we learned to continue moving forward. Likewise,
the feeling of victory when we finally reached the largest fruit after several attempts of climbing the mango tree. Those
were the days when simplicity brings so much contentment.
I am certain that childhood is the greatest stage of our life because we used to run and play like there’s no tomorrow.
Countless street games surely marked our hearts, not just our knees and elbows. The warmth of the sun could not stop us
from beating our opponents, especially if it was a heated match. But our excitement grew more when raindrops started
to wet the grass. It meant something else; an unexplainable feeling. We just enjoyed every moment of our life. Being a
child also means forgiving and forgetting. We might have fights but we tend to forgive and forget easily.
Without a doubt, childhood will always be the best; so much glee and serenity.


1. What is the sentence that shows how the author feel about the topic?
2. What are the reasons of the author about the topic?
3. What are the sentences that show examples that prove why the author is right?
4. How did the author state the reasons and examples? What are the signal words that were used?
5. How did the author conclude the persuasive essay?

Learning Task 2
Directions: Arrange the following parts by writing the correct sequence of a persuasive essay to complete the OREO chart. Do
this in your notebook.
Yuletide Magic
Sarah Bianca V. Sarita

In conclusion, I am sure you

In addition, during the Christmas
To begin with, the spirit of Christmas understand now why I love Christmas;
season, families are closer. It doesn’t
brings a different feeling to everyone; the overflowing love of the Lord
matter how extravagant the festivity
young or old, rich or poor. The manifests within our actions.
is or how much food is on someone’s
excitement that sparkles in the
plate, what matters the most is the
children’s eyes upon receiving the “It is the season to be jolly!” This might
presence of our loved ones. Knowing
long-awaited gift from have been a buzzword but I strongly
that this season can bring people
their ninang and ninong is truly believe that Christmas is the finest
together is one of the biggest
something remarkable. celebration there is. It is the season of
blessings we could ever receive.




Learning Task 3
Directions: Write a persuasive essay using the question below. Your audience is also your classmates, and your purpose is to
convince readers to agree with your opinion. Use the prepared writing prompts to write your answers. Do this in your
Topic: Which is better―distance learning or face-to-face class?

I strongly believe that

Firstly, in my opinion
Another reason that
In conclusion, we must see that

Learning Task 4
Directions: Select a topic from the box that you want to tackle on the persuasion map below. Fill out the needed information
to complete the graphic organizer. Do this in your notebook.

• If you could have any pet, what would it be? Why?

• Should students have 3-day weekends? Why or why
• You can choose one superhero power to help
others: fly or stop time. Which one do you choose?

Learning Task 5
Directions: Make a request letter to your parents convincing them to give you extra playtime because you have a performance
task in Physical Education subject about invasion games. Remember the text structure of a persuasive essay and
the writing prompts that can be used so that your letter will be effectively convincing. The rubric below will be used
in grading your work. Do this in your notebook.

Rubric in Writing a Paragraph

1 2 3 4
Features Rating
Poor Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent
Content The paragraph is extremely The paragraph is limited in The paragraph The paragraph
(Similarities limited in communicating the communicating the similarities communicates the comprehensively and clearly
and similarities and differences, and differences. Length is not similarities and communicates the similarities
Differences) with no central theme. adequate for development. differences. and differences.
Mechanics Spelling, punctuation, and The paragraph has a number of The paragraph has few The paragraph is free from
grammatical errors create errors in spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, distracting spelling,
distraction, making it difficult and grammar. The text is still and grammatical errors punctuation, and
to read. quite understandable. allowing the reader to grammatical errors.
clearly follow the ideas.
Source: PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G6
A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 5 minutes)

Now try to recall the important concepts you learned today.

A persuasive essay is a piece of academic writing where you use _______________ and _______________ to show that your

point of view is more _______________ than any other.

In writing a persuasive essay, you express your _______________ clearly and strongly, and support it to _______________ or

_______________ others. You will start with a _______________ in the introduction, and restate it in the _______________.
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 10 minutes)

Directions: Compose a persuasive essay on a self-selected topic by sharing your opinion and convincing your readers about
your preferred theme on the choices below. Review the persuasive essay’s text structures and don’t forget to use
the signal phrases for a more comprehensive output. The rubric below will be used in grading your work. Do this in
your notebook.

• Which is safer―cooking at home or buying cooked meals in the store? Why?

• Which is tastier―Jollibee’s fries or McDonald’s fries? Why?
• Which social media application is the best―Facebook, Twitter, or Tiktok? Why?
• Which is better―shopping online or in physical stores?
• Should public places have free Wi-Fi? Why or why not?
• Others of your interest

Rubric in Writing a Paragraph

1 2 3 4
Features Rating
Poor Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent
Content The paragraph is extremely The paragraph is limited in The paragraph The paragraph
(Similarities limited in communicating the communicating the similarities communicates the comprehensively and clearly
and similarities and differences, and differences. Length is not similarities and communicates the similarities
Differences) with no central theme. adequate for development. differences. and differences.
Mechanics Spelling, punctuation, and The paragraph has a number of The paragraph has few The paragraph is free from
grammatical errors create errors in spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, distracting spelling,
distraction, making it difficult and grammar. The text is still and grammatical errors punctuation, and
to read. quite understandable. allowing the reader to grammatical errors.
clearly follow the ideas.
Source: PIVOT 4A CALABARZON English G6

VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 5 minutes)

• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Assessment
Number 2 Number 4 Assimilation

VII. REFERENCES Angeles, E., Galapon, A., & Relente, C. (2016). Joy in Learning English 6. Vibal Group, Inc.
Natalie (2020). The Must-Have Persuasive Teaching Resource|Persuasive Writing Examples for
Kids. teacherstarter. Retrieved from: March 27, https://www.teachstarter.com/us/blog/the-
Nieto, M. H. (2019). Argumentative Essay. DepEd Learning Resource Portal. Retrieved from:
March 27, https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/detail/15695.

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