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) This study can help to understand how extraversion affects team performance, starting
with the tendency that extroverted leaders like to be driven by change, and how these
characteristics are found to be respectable and motivating to the team. Furthermore, goal
clarity plays a key part in improving team performance. Surprisingly, the results suggest
that the level of goal clarity is low and leads to a higher level in leader work and leader
engagement. Thus, it appears that a low level of goal clarity assists in mediating the
relationship between leaders and members, focusing on the journey and fleshing it out via
the process. With how extroverted leaders can develop into potentially great leaders, their
personality can turn into awe inspiring when handled appropriately, which can improve a
team's performance.

Society repeatedly demonstrates that extroverted leaders are quite effective in their
methods. Such as inspiring a team to accomplish their work effectively. It could also be a
factor since the extroverts' openness causes the team to become transparent and
comfortable asking questions. Despite this, the reality that extroverts are predominantly
preferred in society is unfair. With how extroverts are appreciated for their personalities,
it is easy to overlook the point that not all extroverts are capable of being leaders, and the
same is true for introverts. Furthermore, introverts may possess attributes that extroverts
might learn from.

d‌ .) This study is essential since few studies have looked at the relationship between
leadership personality and members behavior, particularly among introverts. Where the
bias surrounding the two personalities is pervasive due to society ignoring to put much
attention on introverted leaders, as well as there is a prevalent belief that extroverted
leaders are superior due to their personality. Although it is partially true that extroverts
are better conditioned to become leaders, this is very dependent on what kind of members
they have. Furthermore according to Farrell (2017) introversion or extroversion
leadership depends on the need of the characteristic of the need of the employee. Given
that it relies on the characteristics and the effect it has on its members, thus this study
should be conducted to help clear out the discrepancies and assist future researchers.

Introverts and extroverts are diametrically opposed; one is perceived as quiet, while the
other is social. Society has preconceptions, and this is especially noticeable in leadership,
where people have evolved to believe extroverts are superior. Doing that excludes the
potential that other people have and wasting future leaders. It's disheartening to examine
how society promotes such beliefs. It has merely been perpetuated instead of being

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