06 - Journal - 01 Tolentino - BE301P

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Daniel George T.

Tolentino BE301P 10/29/2023


Top Three (3) Entrepreneurial habits I practiced this week.

-Put first things first

-Seek first to understand, then to be understood

-Using Fears and Anxiety as Fuels

One (1) major challenge I encountered while practicing the habit - Using Fears and Anxiety as Fuels

-It's not always simple to turn anxiety into excitement. It is really difficult to control my nervous energy
and use it for good.

One (1) thing I’ve learned from my challenge

- This challenge teaches emotional intelligence and self-regulation. Practice mindfulness and self-
awareness to recognize when anxiety is holding me back. Learn to reframe it as a source of motivation
and energy. Over time, this can become a powerful tool for personal growth and achievement.

Two (2) habits I plan to practice next week:

1. Turn obstacles into assets.

2. Using fears and anxieties as fuel.

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