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1 Warm up

Look at the four pictures and add a phrase from the box below to the speech bubbles.

Thank you / I’m sorry / Excuse me / You’re welcome / Please

picture A

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picture B

picture C

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picture D

2 Focus on vocabulary
Look at the following pictures and match them to the words below.

pass show teach tell

1. 2. 3. 4.

3 Listening comprehension
Part A: Listen to the requests and put the pictures in the order you hear them. What are they each

a. b. c. d.

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Part B: Listen again and fill in the gaps with a word or phrase from the box. Then, practise the
conversations with your partner.

could great I’m sorry

of course please teaching
tell thanks would

Narrator: One
Speaker A: you pass me a pen, please?

Speaker B: Sure, here you go.

Speaker A: .

Narrator: Two
Speaker C: you mind showing me where the bank is,
Speaker D: , it is down the road, on the left, opposite the
Speaker C: Thank you.

Narrator: Three
Speaker A: Could you me the time, please?

Speaker B: Yes, it’s 4.15 pm.

Speaker A: , thank you.

Narrator: Four
Speaker C: Would you mind me how to use the computer
Speaker D: , I can’t. I am not good with technology.

Speaker C: Ok, thank you.

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4 Focus on language: polite requests

Part A: Look at the box below and fill in the gaps with would or could.

• We can use these two expressions to make polite requests.

you + infinitive ...?

you mind + verb+ ing ...?

Part B: Choose the correct expression.

1. Would you mind / Could you say that again, please?

2. Would you mind / Could you buy some milk at the shop, please?

3. Would you mind / Could you turning down the music, please?

4. Would you mind / Could you passing me my phone, please?

5. Would you mind / Could you drive me to school, please?

6. Would you mind / Could you open the window, please?

7. Would you mind / Could you helping me with my homework?

8. Would you mind / Could you bring me the newspaper, please?

Part C: Complete the expressions with the correct form of the verb and discuss the questions.

1. Would you mind (take) me home, please?

2. Could you (pass) my bag, please?

3. Would you mind (make) a cup of tea, please?

4. Could you (close) the door, please?

5. Would you mind (get) me some bread, please?

6. Would you mind (help) me with my car, please?

7. Could you (write) your address, please?

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5 Pronunciation

Listen to the eight requests from the previous activity. Does the intonation rise or fall at the end of
the expression?

• In general, polite requests have a rising intonation.

Would you mind taking me home, please?

Could you close the door, please?

6 Focus on vocabulary: responses

Part A: Match the requests (1-5) with an appropriate response (a-e).

1. Would you mind passing me my bag, please?

2. Could you open the window, please?

3. Could you drive me to the shop, please?

4. Would you mind taking care of my cat, please?

5. Could you buy me a cheese sandwich, please?

a. Sorry, I can’t. I don’t like animals.

b. No sorry, I have to go to work.

c. Certainly, would you like brown or white bread?

d. Yes, of course, it is hot here.

e. Sure, here you go.

Part B: Categorise the responses. Are they positive (+) or negative (-)?

1. Sure.

2. No, sorry.

3. Yes, of course.

4. Sorry, I can’t.

5. Certainly

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7 Speaking practice

In pairs, take turns picking up a card.

• Student A – makes a polite request

• Student B – responds to the request

8 Extension task: extra speaking activity

In pairs, read the prompts and make a polite request.

1) I’m going to the shop. (buy me some milk)

2) I’m going to the bank. (take some money out for me)

3) I’m going to the post office. (get me some stamps)

4) I’m going to a Chinese restaurant. (order me some food)

5) I’m going to the pharmacy. (get me some medicine)

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3. Listening comprehension

Narrator: One

Speaker A: Could you pass me a pen, please?

Speaker B: Sure, here you go.

Speaker A: Thanks.

Narrator: Two

Speaker C: Would you mind showing me where the bank is, please?

Speaker D: Of course, it is down the road, on the left, opposite the library.

Speaker C: Thank you.

Narrator: Three

Speaker A: Could you tell me the time, please?

Speaker B: Yes, it’s 4.15 pm.

Speaker A: Great, thank you.

Narrator: Four

Speaker C: Would you mind teaching me how to use the computer programme?

Speaker D: I’m sorry, I can’t. I am not good with technology.

Speaker C: Ok, thank you.

5. Pronunciation

Speaker: Would you mind taking me home, please?

Speaker: Could you pass me my bag, please?

Speaker: Would you mind making me a cup of tea, please?

Speaker: Could you close the door, please?

Speaker: Would you mind getting me some bread, please?

Speaker: Would you mind helping me with my car, please?

Speaker: Could you write your address, please?

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1. Warm up

5 mins.
This stage is to introduce the topic of being polite. First, the students add a word/phrase to the speech bubbles.
Practise pronunciation. Then, ask them to discuss the two questions in pairs.
Picture A: You’re welcome / Thank you; Picture B: Please
Picture C: Excuse me; Picture D: I’m sorry

2. Focus on vocabulary

5 mins.
This stage is to introduce common verbs that the students will hear in the listening. Ask the students to match
the pictures to the words. Check the meaning and pronunciation during feedback.

1. pass 2. teach 3. show 4. tell

3. Listening comprehension

Part A:
5 mins.
This stage is for the students to hear the language used in context. First, they listen to the conversations and
answer the gist questions. Check the answers.

a. 2 - asking for direction b. 4 - asking for help with the computer

c. 1 - passing a pen d. 3 - asking for the time
Part B:
5 mins.
tell the students they are going to listen again and fill in the gaps with the correct word. Give the students time
to read the dialogue before playing the audio. Get the students to check their answers with their partners before
conducting feedback. Students finish by practising the dialogue together.

1. Could 2. Thanks 3. Would

4. please 5. Of course 6. tell
7. Great 8. teaching 9. I’m sorry

4. Focus on language: polite requests

Part A:
5 mins.
This stage is for students to identify and practise two structures which are used for polite requests. First, they
answer the two questions to identify the different forms.

1. Could
2. Would

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Part B:
5 mins.
Students circle the correct expression taking into consideration the form of the verb. Explain any new vocabulary
that occurs. Monitor and assist as needed. Check the answers and practise pronunciation

1. Could you 2. Could you 3. Would you mind 4. Would you mind
5. Could you 6. Could you 7. Would you mind 8. Could you
Part C:
5 mins.
There is a final speaking task to practise the language. Students read out the sentences, in pairs adding the correct
form of the verb.

1. taking 2. pass 3. making 4. close

5. getting 6. helping 7. write

5. Pronunciation

5 mins.
This stage is for students to recognise the intonation pattern with polite requests. Ask the students to listen to
the eight sentences and decide if the intonation goes up or down. Then review the information box. Practise
intonation with the students and then ask them to practise in pairs.
*We use fall-rise intonation with questions, especially when we request information or invite somebody to do or
to have something. The intonation pattern makes the questions sound more polite. (Cambridge Dictionary)

6. Focus on vocabulary: responses

Part A:
5 mins.
This stage is for students to identify different positive and negative responses. The students first match the request
and response.

1. → e. 2. → d. 3. → b. 4. → a. 5. → c.
Part B:
5 mins.
Students decide if the words or phrases are positive or negative. Point out that if we just use yes, or no, it doesn’t
sound as polite.

1. + 2. - 3. + 4. - 5. +

7. Speaking practice

10 mins.
This stage allows the students to consolidate all the language from the lesson. Give each pair a set of cards (You
can find them on the last page of teacher notes. Student A picks up a card and makes a polite request. Student
B must respond. Encourage the students to use both structures and add more information to the response. Do
a demonstration with two students before starting. The students should swap roles halfway through. Listen out
for any good examples of language or errors while monitoring and provide post-task language feedback.

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8. Extension task: extra speaking activity

10 mins.
This stage is optional. It allows the students to practise the language further. Put the students in pairs. They read
each prompt and then make a polite request. Monitor and pick up on any accuracy errors.


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