Assignment 3 CIV E 205 Spring 2023

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University of Waterloo

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civ E 205 Solid Mechanics
Assignment 3
Failure and Buckling

1. The state of plane stress shown occurs in a machine component made of a

steel with σY = 30 ksi. Using the maximum-distortion-energy criterion (Von
Mises theory), determine whether yield will occur when (a) τxy = 6 ksi, (b)
τxy = 12 ksi, (c) τxy = 14 ksi. If yield does not occur, determine the
corresponding factor of safety.
2. If the steel pipe shown in the figure has an outer and inner diameter of 30
mm and 20 mm, respectively, determine the factor of safety (F.S.) against
yielding of the material at point A according to the a) maximum-distortion-
energy theory, b) maximum shear theory, and c) maximum normal stress
theory. Use 𝜎𝜎𝑦𝑦= 250 MPa
3. The wood column is fixed at its base and can be assumed fixed at its top.
Determine the maximum eccentric load P that can be applied without
causing the column to buckle or yield. Use 𝐸𝐸𝑤𝑤 = 12 𝐺𝐺𝑃𝑃𝑎𝑎, 𝜎𝜎𝑌𝑌 = 56 𝑀𝑀𝑃𝑃a.
(Solve the equation arising after the use of secant formula numerically for
the maximum load P)
5. An axial load P is applied to the 32-mm-square aluminum bar BC as shown.
When P = 24 kN, the horizontal deflection at end C is 4 mm. Using E = 70
GPa, determine (a) the eccentricity e of the load, (b) the maximum stress in
the rod.

6. Knowing that P = 5.2 kN, determine the factor of safety for the structure
shown. Use E = 200 GPa and consider only buckling in the plane of the

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