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School is the most place you might see people who are unlike you.

I have taught English for 6 months. in

my class I have students with different nationalities

One of my core beliefs is that diversity makes us stronger. Whether it's a difference in nationality, race,
religion, or someone's unique abilities, every individual carries a valuable message for humanity. It's
absurd to believe that one person is superior to another based solely on their ethnicity or race, as they
have no control over their origins.

In my community, I observed a distressing form of discrimination against Syrian refugees. Many

individuals lacked accurate information about the immense challenges these Syrians faced, and prejudice
cast them as subhuman simply because they were refugees. This deeply troubled me.

To address this issue, I began raising awareness within my family and among friends about the true plight
of Syrian refugees, emphasizing that they were fleeing death and persecution. I also seized the
opportunity to speak about this during a classroom presentation, shedding light on the growing
animosity toward our Syrian brothers and sisters.

Rather than fixating on our differences, we should shift our focus to the numerous commonalities we
share. The most essential of these is our shared humanity. We all make mistakes, but it's unjust to judge
an entire nation based on the actions of a minority. It is crucial that we promote unity, understanding,
and empathy in our community. At the beginning of my debates, I faced criticism and accusations of
ignorance. Nevertheless, I persistently endeavored to substantiate my perspective. Some individuals
came to accept the idea that spreading hatred and discrimination wouldn't resolve the current situation.
I also succeeded in dissuading others, who remained skeptical, from displaying racist behavior in my
presence. At the end i learned accepted the fact that some humans will always attack those who are
different, it does not matter whether these diffrences cause harm or not, their underlying fear of what
differs from them them is reflected as hatred against those who are different

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