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In total the Prophet’s (‫ )صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬paternal aunties were Umm Hakim Al-Beyda bint ʿAbd

al-Muṭṭalib, Umayma bint Al-Beyda bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib, Arwā bint Al-Beyda bint ʿAbd al-

Muṭṭalib, Attika bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib, Barra bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib, Safiya bint Abd al-Muttalib

Among the blessed Prophet’s paternal aunts, only Safiya embraced Islam although some say that

Arwa and Attika also converted.

Umm Hakim bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib

Umm Hakim Al-Beyda bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib: ‫ )أم حكيم البيضاء بنت عبد المطلب‬was an aunt of Muhammad.

She was born in Mecca around 546, the daughter of Abd al-Muttalib and Fatima bint Amr She

was the twin sister of Abdullah, the father of Muhammad Umm Hakim was known as Al-

Beyda ("the White One") because she was Abd al-Muttalib’s only fair-skinned daughter. She

married Kurayz ibn Rabi'a from the Abd Shams clan of the Quraysh. Their children were

Amir, Arwa (the mother of the future Caliph Uthman), Talha and Umm Talha Umm Hakim died

before 610.

Umayma bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib

Umayma bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib: ‫ )أميمة بنت عبد المطلب‬was a paternal aunt of Muhammad.

It is not recorded that Umayma ever became a Muslim, and she did not accompany her children

on their Hijra to Medina in 622. She was alive in 628, when Muhammad gave her an annual

allowance of 40 wasq (A measure of weight; 1 wasq is equal to 60sa'. According to Hanafites, it

is equivalent to 195.69kg or 201.72litres, while other jurists consider it equivalent to 130.32kg

or 164.88 litres.) of dates from Khaybar

Arwā bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib

She was born in Mecca around 560, the daughter of Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim and Fatima bint

Amr, Her first husband was Umair ibn Wahab, by whom she had a son, Tulayb. Her second

husband was Arta ibn Sharahbil ibn Hashim, by whom she had a daughter, Fatima Her son

Tulayb became a Muslim . Arwa approved of his support for his cousin Muhammad, saying that if

only she were a man, she would take up arms to protect her nephew. Tulayb then asked what

prevented her from becoming a Muslim. Arwa made the declaration of faith and spoke out in

support of Muhammad in Mecca Her brother Abu Lahab called on her, saying he was astonished

that she had abandoned their father's religion. Arwa replied that she was a Muslim and that she

advised Abu Lahab to support their nephew, for even if Muhammad's mission failed, Abu Lahab

would have the excuse that he was only protecting a family member Arwa joined the

general emigration to Medina in 622.

Attika bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib

Attika bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib: ‫ )عاتكة بنت عبد المطلب‬was an aunt of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Attika became a Muslim in Mecca and joined the general emigration to Medina (Not


Barra bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib

Barra bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib: ‫ )برة بنت عبد المطلب‬was an aunt of Muhammad,. She was born in Mecca,

the daughter of Abd al-Muttalib and Fatima bint Amr She was married twice. Her first husband

was Abd al-Assad ibn Hilal, a member of the Makhzum clan of the Quraysh tribe. Their sons were

named Abd Allah (later known as Abu Salama), Sufyan, and Aswad. Abu Salama and Sufyan

became Muslims while Aswad did not. Aswad was later killed in the Battle of Badr.

Her second husband was Abu Ruhm ibn Abd al-Uzza from the Amir ibn Luayy clan of the

Quraysh. Their son was named Abu Sabra. Her husband went on to marry Maymunah bint al-

Harith, who later married Muhammad.

Safiya bint Abd al-Muttalib

Safiya bint Abd al-Muttalib: ‫صفية بنت عبدالمطلب‬, CE. 567 0r 569–640; was a companion and aunt of

the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Safiya was the daughter of Abd al-Muttalib ibn

Hashim and Hallah bint Wuhayb , hence the full sister of Hamza and an aunt

of Muhammad and Ali. She was also the maternal aunt of Uthman's mother Arwa bint Kurayz.

She was about ten years old when her father died,

She was first married to Harris ibn Harb, and their son was Safi ibn Harris. They were apparently

divorced by 593.Her second husband was Awam ibn Khuwaylid, a brother of Khadija, who lived

next door to them. Safiya and Awam had three sons: Al-Zubayr, Al-Sahib and Abd al-Ka'ba Awam

died while their children were young. Safiya used to beat her son Zubayr severely. The neighbours

remonstrated about this. "You have killed him! You have wrenched his heart. Will you destroy the

boy?" Safiya replied, "I beat him so that he will be intelligent and will be bold in the battle When

Muhammad began preaching in public, he gave a special warning to the members of his immediate

family. "O Quraysh people! Buy yourselves! I cannot save you from Allah. O Abbas ibn Abd al-
Muttalib! I cannot save you from Allah. O Safiya bint Abd al-Muttalib! I cannot save you from

Allah. O Fatima bint Muhammad! Ask what you wish from my property, but I cannot save you

from Allah." Safiya became a Muslim and took the oath of loyalty to Muhammad. She joined the

general emigration to Medina in 622.When the Muslims fled from Uhud in 625, Safiya met them

with a spear in her hand, condemning them of deserting their prophet. Her son Al-Zubayr warned

her, "Mother, keep back!" She approached and looked at what her son had tried to hide from her:

the mutilated corpse of her brother Hamza. During the Battle of the Trench in 627, Safiya was

among the Muslim women who were placed for safety in Fari, the fortress of Hassan ibn Thabit.

Safiya noticed a Jew in the grounds of the fortress and "feared that he would discover our

weakness and inform the Jews who were in our rear while the apostle and his companions were

too occupied to help us. She told Hassan to go down and kill him. When Hassan hesitated, she

went down "stealthily", opened the door "little by little” until she could steal up behind the spy,

then hit him with a club and killed him. She then told Hassan to strip the corpse, but Hassan still

refused to act Safiya was among the women who went to Khaybar as battle-auxiliaries in 628.

She witnessed the duel between her son Al-Zubayr and the Jewish warrior Yasir and saw that her

son was victorious. In the distribution, Muhammad assigned Safiya an income of 40 wisps (A

measure of weight; 1 wasq is equal to 60sa'. According to Hanafites, it is equivalent to

195.69kg or 201.72litres, while other jurists consider it equivalent to 130.32kg or 164.88

litres.) of grain and dates from Khaybar She also gave birth to al-Sa’ib who was martyred at

Yamama. Safiya died during the caliphate of Umar (634–644) and was buried in Al-Baqi' "in the

courtyard of the house of al-Mughira ibn Shuba at the wudu place.

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