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1. Employers and potential employees value communication ability more than any other ability, even
more than specialized technical skills. Discuss critically and give relevant examples. (10mks)

Effective communication is crucial in various professional settings. For instance, in customer service
roles, employees with excellent communication skills can handle customer inquiries, resolve
conflicts, and build strong relationships. Technical skills alone may not guarantee customer

Similarly, in leadership positions, the ability to communicate clearly and inspire others is vital. A
leader who can articulate a vision, delegate tasks, and provide constructive feedback fosters a
productive and motivated team. Technical expertise alone may not translate into effective

Furthermore, effective communication is essential in collaborative work environments. Team

members who can express their ideas, actively listen, and provide feedback contribute to
successful teamwork. Technical skills alone may not facilitate effective collaboration.

Overall, while technical skills are crucial, employers recognize that effective communication is a
fundamental skill that enhances teamwork, customer satisfaction, and leadership abilities. Examples
like customer service, leadership, and teamwork highlight the importance of communication in
various professional contexts.

2. What are the pros and cons of adapting group discussion to solving business problems?

1. Diverse Perspectives: Group discussions bring together individuals with different backgrounds,
experiences, and expertise, allowing for a wide range of perspectives and ideas to be shared.
2. Collaboration and Brainstorming: Group discussions encourage collaboration and brainstorming,
leading to the generation of creative solutions and innovative ideas.
3. Enhanced Decision Making: Through group discussions, multiple viewpoints can be considered,
leading to more informed and well-rounded decision making.
4. Increased Engagement: Group discussions can foster active participation and engagement
among team members, leading to a greater sense of ownership and commitment to the problem-
solving process.
1. Time-consuming: Group discussions can be time-consuming, especially if there are many
participants or if the discussion goes off-topic. This can impact productivity and efficiency.
2. Dominant Voices: In group discussions, certain individuals may dominate the conversation, while
others may hesitate to speak up. This can lead to a lack of equal participation and hinder the
exploration of diverse perspectives.
3. Groupthink: Group discussions run the risk of groupthink, where individuals conform to the
majority opinion rather than critically evaluating alternative viewpoints. This can limit the exploration
of different solutions.
4. Conflict and Disagreement: Group discussions may lead to conflicts and disagreements among
team members, which can hinder progress and create tension within the group.

Overall, adapting group discussions for business problem-solving can be beneficial in terms of
diverse perspectives, collaboration, and enhanced decision making. However, it's important to
manage the cons such as time consumption, dominant voices, groupthink, and potential conflicts.

3. Critically discuss the types of communication technology, cite the advantages and disadvantages
of each. (10mks)

1. Email:
Advantages: Allows for asynchronous communication, easy to document and archive conversations,
can reach multiple recipients simultaneously.
Disadvantages: Lack of immediate response, potential for misinterpretation due to lack of tone or
body language cues, can be overwhelming with high volumes of emails.

2. Video Conferencing:
Advantages: Enables face-to-face communication regardless of geographical distance, visual cues
and body language can be observed, real-time collaboration is possible.
Disadvantages: Dependence on stable internet connection, technical difficulties can arise, potential
for distractions or interruptions.

3. Instant Messaging:
Advantages: Quick and real-time communication, allows for easy sharing of files and media,
facilitates group discussions and collaboration.
Disadvantages: Potential for miscommunication due to lack of non-verbal cues, can be distracting
and lead to reduced productivity, may lack formality for certain professional contexts.
4. Social Media:
Advantages: Wide reach and accessibility, enables networking and building connections, fosters
engagement and interaction with a large audience.
Disadvantages: Privacy concerns and potential for information leakage, difficulty in filtering relevant
information from noise, can be a source of distraction.

5. Phone Calls:
Advantages: Immediate and direct communication, allows for tone and voice cues, enables quick
problem-solving and clarification.
Disadvantages: Limited visual cues, potential for interruptions or background noise, may not be
suitable for lengthy or complex discussions.

It's important to consider the specific needs and context when choosing the appropriate
communication technology. Each has its strengths and limitations, and selecting the right tool can
greatly impact effective communication.

1.Peter Lemaiyan 23/06390- BAC Leader
2.Movin ochieng 23/05859 -BAC secretary
3.Kariuki Gitau 23/01747 -BSD discussed question 1
4.Melanie 23/04939- BBIT discussed question 1
5.Wendy Okoth 23/02887- BAC discussed question 3
6.Brian kamere 23/07888-BSCIT discussed question 2
7. Griffin Musau 23/04791 - BSD discussed question 3
8. Buka jaccob 23/06512- BSD discussed question 3
9. Fredrick Mwangi 23/06234-BSD discussed question 2
10. Lyth Semo 23/06600-BCT discussed question 2

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