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1- The most common systemic complications following local anaesthesia is:

a- Hyperventilation syndrome
b- Toxicity
c- Vasovagal collapse
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
2- tractional forces are useful for:
a- bone socket expansin.
b- delivering the tooth from the socket
c- make the center of rotation more apically.
d- All of the above.
e- None of the above
3- apical pressure assist in:
a- fracturing of buccal plate.
b- delivering the tooth from the socket.
c- make the center of rotation more apically.
d- make the center of rotation more coronal.
e- All of the above.
4- When insertion of the beaks down into the periodontal ligament space of the tooth:
a- the apical pressure of the forceps on the tooth causes bony expansion.
b- the tooth moves in an apical direction minimally
c- the center of rotation of the tooth is displaced apically.
d- All of the above.
e- None of the above.
5- In an anaphylactic shock the patient does not look …………………
a- pink but pale
b- pale but pink
c- black but yellow
d- all of the above
e- none of the above
6- the most common root fracture when extracting teeth in adults occurs with…………………
a- upper lateral incisor
b- upper first premolar
c- upper canine
d- lower first molar
e- all of the above
7- After the canine has been well luxated, it is delivered from the socket in:
a- a labial–incisal direction with palatal tractional forces
b- a palatal–incisal direction with labial tractional forces
c- a labial–incisal direction with labial tractional forces
d- all of the above
e- none of the above
8- in upper first premolar, Palatal movements are made with small amounts of force to:
a- prevent fracture of the buccal root tip
b- prevent fracture of the palatal root tip
c- prevent fracture of the both buccal and palatal root tip
d- all of the above
e- none of the above

9- in general for maxillary teeth extraction is:

a- buccal pressures should be greater than palatal pressures
b- buccal pressures should be less than palatal pressures
c- buccal pressures should be equal to palatal pressures
d- there is no pressure on both side
e- none of the above
10- the second mandibular molar can be removed more easily with stronger……………….
a- buccal pressures should be greater than lingual pressures
b- lingual pressures should be greater than buccal pressures
c- buccal pressures should be equal to lingual pressures
d- no pressure on both sides
e- none of the above
11- Moist heat sterilization is more efficient than dry heat for sterilization because:
a- it is effective at much more temperatures and requires less time.
b- it is effective at much lower temperatures and requires less time.
c- Less cost than dry heat
d- Require more time
e- All of the above
12- If the temperature of dry heat 150 c the time need for sterilization is:
a- 3 hr
b- 6 hr
c- 2 hr
d- 2 and half hr
e- None of the above
13- If the temperature of steam heat 118 c the time need for sterilization is:
a- 2 hr
b- 1 hr
c- 36 min
d- 44 min
e- None of the above
14- If the temperature of steam heat 132 c the time need for sterilization is:
a- 1hr
b- 8 min
c- 6 min
d- 4 min
e- 2 min
15- about moist heat sterilization , time necessary to achieve sterilization is:
a- Long
b- Short
c- More than dry heat
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
16- If the temperature of dry heat 121c the time need for sterilization is:
a- 3 hr
b- 5 hr
c- 2 hr
d- 2 and half hr
e- None of the above
17- If the temperature of dry heat 170 c the time need for sterilization is:
a- 3 hr
b- 5 hr
c- 2 hr
d- 1 hr
e- None of the above
18- Which of these teeth considered more simple in extraction:
a- Upper wisdom tooth
b- Lower second molar
c- Upper second molar
d- Upper first molar
e- upper first central
19- which of these teeth considered more difficult in extraction:
a- lower impacted third molar
b- Lower second molar
c- Lower first molar
d- Upper lateral incisor
e- upper first central incisor
20- 20 years old patient came to your clinic to extract submerge primary molar this case suspected
to be;
a- ankylosis
b- hypercementosis.
c- curvature of root.
d- the root close to mental foramen.
e- All of the above
21- The patient suffering from vasovagal collapse :
a- Looks pale
b- Perspires
c- may lose consciousness
d- sometimes clonic cramps occur which resemble an epileptic convulsion
e- all of the above
22- Hyperventilation syndrome means:
a- Increase toxic dose of solution
b- loss consciousness
c- Fear of injection of a local anaesthetic can also serve as a trigger for abnormally fast and deep
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
23- A delayed hypersensitivity reaction is dependent on sensibilised:
a- T-lymphocytes
b- IgE-antibodies
c- Mast clls
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
24- According to An anaphylactic shock:
a- Is not a life-threatening situation
b- Associated with hypertension
c- Associated with tachycardia
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
25- According to Treatment of an anaphylactic reaction:
a- Terminate dental treatment
b- Place the patient in the Trendelenburg position (head lower than legs)
c- Administer oxygen (approximately 5 litres/minute)
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
26- According to Mental nerve block:
a- Area anesthetized: buccal mucous membrane anterior to the mental foramen, Lower lip and chin.
b- Lower anterior teeth can be anesthetized by this procedure.
c- It was frequently used.
d- All of the above.
e- None of the above
27- The handles of forceps have a serrated surface to:
a- Prevent slippage
b- Avoid fracture of forceps
c- Increase the time of extraction
d- Easily sterilized
e- None of the above
28- only a single molar forceps are necessary for the both sides in the mandible because:
a- mandibular teeth mostly single root
b- the bifurcation is on the buccal and the lingual sides
c- have a long root
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
29- more vital structure related to upper second molar is:
a- mental nerve
b- maxillary sinus
c- maxillary tuberosity
d- lingual nerve
e- all of the above
30- According to the cowhorn forceps:
a- These instruments are designed with two pointed
b- heavy beaks that enter the bifurcation of lower molars
c- the tooth is actually elevated by squeezing the handles of the forceps together tightly.
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
31- Closed mouth anesthetic technique for lower teeth is called:
a- Varizani-Akinosi
c- Gow-Gates
d- All of above
e- none of the above.
32- hematoma may occur directly under the eyelid after:
a- Posterior superior alveolar nerve block (PSA).
b- Nasopalatine N. Block
c- Anterior Superior Alveolar N. Block.
d- Greater Palatine N. Block.
e- All of above.
33- To extract multiple mandibular teeth in one quadrant we need to use:
a- inferior alveolar nerve block
b- Gow Gates
c- Vazirani Akinosi
d- all of other
e- non of above
34- Edema caused by:
a- Trauma
b- Infection
c- Hemorrhage
d- Angioedema
e- All of the others
35- Arterial or venous disruption may lead to:
a- Pain on injection
b- Hematoma
c- Epithelial Desquamation
d- All of the others
e- None of the others
36- High-tuberosity approach considered one method for anesthesia of:
a- Facial nerve
b- Mandibular nerve
c- Maxillary nerve
d- Trigeminal nerve
e- All of the others
37- Disadvantages of this posterior superior alveolar technique is:
a- Positive aspiration: 6%
b- Single bony landmarks
c- Risk of parathesia
d- Second injection may be required
e- All of the above
38- To correct the early touch of needle in inferior alveolar block
technique :
a- We must bring the barrel toward molar teeth
b- We must bring the barrel toward incisor teeth
c- We must bring the barrel toward upper teeth
d- All of the above
e- None of the above.
39- When giving palatal infilteration for all upper teeth we must deposit
the solution in the distal aspect of the tooth except for:
a- Canine
b- 2nd premolar
c- 1st molar
d- 2nd molar
e- 3rd molar
40- It is commonly stated that the significantly higher failure rate of
buccal infilteration for mandibular anesthesia is related to:
a- the thickness of the cortical plate of bone in the adult mandible.
b- the thickness of the cortical plate of bone in the child mandible.
c- the more perforation of the cortical plate of bone in the adult mandible.
d- the height of bone in the adult mandible.
e- None of the others.
41- Advance needle toward foramen in nasopalatine nerve block is:
a- 10mm
b- 9mm
c- 7mm
d- 5mm
e- All of the others
42- In Greater Palatine N. Block we must do the following:
a- Extended neck
b- Open the patient mouth wide
c- Find the depression (distal to the 2nd molar )
d- All of the others
e- None of the others.
43- Depth of the needle in Greater Palatine N. Block is about:
a- 2mm
b- 5mm
c- 10mm
d- 20 mm
e- None of the others
44- Depth of the needle in Greater palatine canal approach for maxillary
n. block is about:
a- 10mm
b- 20mm
c- 30mm
d- 40mm
e- None of the others.
45- a supraperiosteal injection (infiltration) may be needed in the lower
incisor region in addition to inferior alveolar block to:
a- correct partial anesthesia caused by the overlap of sensory fibers from the
ipsilateral side .
b- correct partial anesthesia caused by the overlap of sensory fibers from the
contralateral side .
c- correct partial anesthesia caused by the overlap of sensory fibers from the
upper side .
d- All of the others
e- None of the others
46- One of the contraindication of inferior alveolar block is:
a- Many teeth in one side of mandible need to be treated.
b- There was an infection in the premolar area.
c- Patients who are more likely to bite their lip or tongue.
d- Single lower molar tooth to be treated.
e- None of the others.
47- Disadvantage of inferior alveolar block is:
a- Wide area of anesthesia (not indicated for localized procedures)
b- Rate of inadequate anesthesia (15%)
c- Intraoral landmarks not consistently reliable
d- Positive aspiration (10% to 15%, highest of all intraoral injection techniques)
e- All of the others.
48- One of the most important landmark of inferior alveolar block is:
a- Maxillary tuberosity.
b- Alveolar .
c- Pterygomandibular raphe
d- All of the others.
e- None of the others.
49- In Gow-Gates Block the bone contact is made with the:
a- medioventral side of the coronoid.
b- medioventral side of the condyle.
c- medioventral side of the ramus
d- medioventral side of the angle of the mandible.
e- All of the others.
50- In Gow-Gates Block is necessary to aspirate to avoid:
a- penetration of maxillary artery.
b- penetration of external carotid artery.
c- masseteric muscle .
d- Temporalis muscle.
e- Buccinators muscle.

15-20 years old patient came to your clinic to extract submerge primary molar this case suspected to
A. ankylosis
B. hypercementosis.
C. the root close to mental foramen.
D. all of above .
E. non of above

15- Malposed or malpositioned teeth consider as :

A. indication for extraction

B. Relative local Contraindications.
C. relative systemic contraindication.
D. absolute contraindication.
E. Non of above.

53- Acute pericoronitis consider as:

A. indication for extraction

B. Relative local Contraindications.
C. relative systemic contraindication.
D. absolute contraindication.
E. Non of above.

54- Extraction of teeth in previously irradiated jaw consider as:

A. indication for extraction

B. Relative local Contraindications.
C. relative systemic contraindication.
D. absolute contraindication.
E. Non of above.

55- patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus need for extraction this case consider:

A. indication for extraction

B. Relative local Contraindications.
C. relative systemic contraindication.
D. absolute contraindication.
E. Non of above.

56- patients with bleeding disorder need to extract this case consider as:

A. indication for extraction

B. Relative local Contraindications.
C. relative systemic contraindication.
D. absolute contraindication.
E. Non of above
57-Fever of unexplained origin consider as:

A. indication for extraction

B. Relative local Contraindications.
C. relative systemic contraindication.
D. absolute contraindication.
E. Non of above

58- Teeth involved in arterio-venous malformations consider as:

A. indication for extraction

B. Relative local Contraindications.
C. relative systemic contraindication.
D. absolute contraindication.
E. Non of above.

59- Teeth in the line of a jaw fracture consider as:

A. indication for extraction

B. Relative local Contraindications.
C. relative systemic contraindication.
D. absolute contraindication.
E. Non of above.

60-diabetic patient came to the clinic with fracture non-restorable upper first molar during history he
told you that he was take radiotherapy before one week, his random blood sugar was130 this case :

A. indication for extraction

B. Relative local Contraindications.
C. relative systemic contraindication.
D. absolute contraindication.
E. Non of above.

61-25 years old patient came to clinic to extract upper first molar ,during extraction there was
abnormal resistance your treatment plan:

A. continue and increase the force.

B. stop and change to open extraction.
C. take x -ray
D. use elevator only.
E. Non of above.

62-patient came to the clinic with sever pain of lower third molar associate with trismus ,swelling, in
radiograph there was condensing osteitis your treatment plan:
A. removal of the tooth by forceps and elevator.
B. antibiotic and open extraction in same vist.
C. antibiotic and give him appointment for close extraction.
D. antibiotic and give him appointment for open extraction
E. non of above .

63- to removal apical third root fracture we use apexo elevator with:

A. wedge force
B. lever force
C. wheel and axle
D. all of above.
E. Non of above.

64-Clinical assessment for dental extraction include:

A. Access to the tooth

B. Mobility of the tooth
C. Condition of the crown
D. All of above
E. Non of above .

65- Radiographic assessment for dental extraction include:

A. Access to the tooth

B. Mobility of the tooth
C. Configuration of roots
D. All of above.
E. Non of above.

66- Radiographic assessment for dental extraction include:

A. Relationship to vital Structures.

B. condition of surrounding Bone.
C. Configuration of roots.
D. All of above.
E. Non of above.

67-Clinical assessment for dental extraction include:

A. Relationship to vital Structures.

B. condition of surrounding Bone.
C. Configuration of roots.
D. All of above.
E. Non of above.
68-When performing extractions of the maxillary molars, it is essential to be aware of the proximity of
the roots of the molars to the:

A. Maxillary sinus
B. Mental nerve
C. Inferior alveolar nerve
D. Long buccal nerve.
E. Non of above.

69- When performing extractions of the mandibular third molars, it is essential to be aware of the
proximity of the roots of the molars to the:

A. Maxillary sinus
B. Mental nerve
C. Inferior alveolar nerve
D. Long buccal nerve.
E. Non of above.

70- When performing extractions of the mandibular first premolar, it is essential to be aware of the
proximity of the root of the premolar to the:

A. Maxillary sinus.
B. Mental nerve.
C. Inferior alveolar nerve.
D. Long buccal nerve.
E. Non of above.

71- Indications of exodontia are:

A. Severe non-restorable carious lesion.

B. Extraction of teeth in previously irradiated jaw.
C. Presence of oral infection like Vincent's Angina.
D. All of the above.
E. Non of above.

72- tractional forces are useful for:

a. bone socket expansin.

b. delivering the tooth from the socket
c. make the center of rotation more apically.
d. All of the above.
e. Non of above

73- When insertion of the beaks down into the periodontal ligament space of the tooth:
a. the apical pressure of the forceps on the tooth causes bony expansion.
b. the tooth moves in an apical direction minimally
c. the center of rotation of the tooth is displaced apically.
d. All of the above.
e. Non of above.

74-for extraction lower second molar tooth you must give anesthesia to:
a- long buccal nerve
b- lingual nerve
c- inferior alveolar nerve
d- all of the above.
e- Non of above.
75- Edema can be caused by:
a- Trauma
b- Hemorrhage
c- infection
d- all of the above.
e- Non of above.
76- For a maxillary extraction, the chair should be:
A. The height of the chair should be such that the patient’s mouth is at or slightly below the
operator’s elbow level.
B. The height of the chair should be such that the patient’s mouth is at or slightly above the
operator’s elbow level.
C. The height of the chair should be such that the patient’s mouth is extremely below the
operator’s elbow level.
D. the patient should be positioned in a more upright position
E. None of the above.

77-For extraction of teeth in the maxillary anterior portion of the arch:

a- the patient should be looking toward the operator.
b- the patient should be looking toward opposite side of operator.
c- the patient should be looking straight ahead.
d- the patient should be positioned in a more upright position
e- None of the above.
78- for extraction of mandibular teeth:
a- the occlusal plane is with 60 degree angle with floor.
b- the occlusal plane is parallel to the floor.
c- the occlusal plane is with 40 degree angle with the floor
d- the occlusal plane is with 30 degree angle with the floor
e- non of above .

79- for extraction of maxillary teeth:

a- the occlusal plane is with 60 degree angle with floor.
b- the occlusal plane is parallel to the floor.
c- the occlusal plane is with 40 degree angle with the floor
d- the occlusal plane is with 30 degree angle with the floor
e- non of above .

80- In the correct position for the extraction of maxillary left or anterior teeth, …………………….of the surgeon
should reflect the lip and cheek tissues(for right hand surgeon).
a- the right index finger
b- the right thumb finger
c- the left index finger
d- the left thumb finger
e- non of above.
81-) In Pregnancy Extraction can be done in:

a. First trimester.
b. Second trimester.
c. Third trimester.
d. Non of above.
e. All of above.
82-) greater palatine nerve give motor innervation to:
A. Lingual soft tissue of molars and premolars
B. maxillary anterior teeth
C. buccal soft tissue of maxillary teeth
D. maxillary posterior teeth.
E. None of the above.
83-) Medial pterygoid muscle is supplied by:
A- Optic nerve
B- Maxillary nerve
C- Mandibular nerve
D- Cervical marginal nerve
E- Non of above.
84-) straight elevator, used as ……………… to displace tooth root from its socket

a- Lever
b- Wedge
c- Wheel and axle
d- All of above
e- Non of above

85-) Triangular elevator in the role of …………….. used to retrieve the root from the socket.
a- Lever
b- Wedge
c- Wheel and axle
d- All of above
e- Non of above.
86-) The advantages of use elevator before extraction are:
A. used to luxate (loosen) teeth from surrounding bone.
B. facilitates the removal of a broken root.
C. elevators are used to remove broken or surgically sectioned roots from their sockets.
D. All of above.
E. Non of above.

a- Straight elevator
b- Triangular elevator
c- Apexo elevator
d- Chisel
e- Non of above
88-) ……………….use to remove small amount of bone to create point of application(purchase point) on
the tooth or root to be extract.

a- Straight elevator
b- Triangular elevator
c- Apexo elevator
d- Chisel
e- Non of above .
89-)…………………..used when a broken root remains in the tooth socket and the adjacent socket is empty.
a- Straight elevator
b- Triangular elevator
c- Apexo elevator
d- Chisel
e- Non of above.
90-)this forceps used to extract:
a- Maxillary anterior teeth
b- Mandibular anterior teeth
c- Mandibular posterior teeth.
d- Maxillary posterior teeth.
e- Maxillary premolar teeth.
91-) this forceps used to extract:

a- Maxillary anterior teeth

b- Mandibular anterior teeth
c- Mandibular posterior teeth.
d- Maxillary posterior teeth.
e- Maxillary premolar teeth.
92-) this forceps used to extract:

a- Maxillary anterior teeth

b- Mandibular anterior teeth
c- Mandibular posterior teeth.
d- Maxillary premolar teeth.
e- Non of above .
93-) fracture mandible may occur in all case below except:

A. Extraction of isolated lower 2nd & 3rd molars in edentulous mandible

B. Weakening of the bone , due to the maxillary sinus pneumatizing into the alveolar process
C. Pathological cyst or tumor
D. Presence of multiple impacted teeth at the same site.
E. Removal of impacted lower third molar

94-) The bleeder point is burnished with the blunt side of the currete use to control;

a. bleeding duo to damage of the soft tissue.

b. bleeding duo to presence of granulation tissue
c. bleeding is coming from the bone
d. non of above.
e. All of above .
95-) The causes of trismus are:

a. trauma of the surgical field.

b. Inflammation of the wound with postoperative edema and swelling.
c. Trauma to muscle of mastication.
d. all of above.
e. non of above.

96-) Treatment of patient have injury to the temporomandibular joint include

A. adequately supported during the extraction

B. avoid opening their mouth excessively during suregery
C. moist heat and soft diet
D. all of above
E. non of above

97-) Prevention of surgical complications is best accomplished by:

a- preoperative assessment
b- comprehensive treatment plan
c- careful execution of the surgical procedure
d- all of above
e- non of above.

98-) The most likely places for bone fractures during extraction are:

a- buccal cortical plate over the maxillary canine.

b- buccal cortical plate over maxillary molars
c- maxillary tuberosity
d- labial bone over mandibular incisors.
e- All of above.

99-)………………… occur when correct procedure to stop bleeding are not happen :



Edema .

All of above

Non of above

100)……………………….occur when there is damage to lymphatic vessel:

A. Trismus
B. Hematoma
C. Edema .
D. All of above
E. Non of above.

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