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Unidad Educativa Municipal

Fernández Madrid

English Proyect

The windmill was invented around 1180 D.C, when was borning the santo Pedro Gonzales
The pedestal mill developed in the XII century, while it was making the first wine factories.
In the XV century, the hollow mill appeared while Christopher Columbus' expedition to
America was taking place.
In the XVII century they were of great importance in the economic development of Europe
while Vienna was battling against the Ottomans.
the tower mill was not used until the XIX century while Napoleon was proclaiming himself
Emperor of France.

Zero Conditional
1.- If the wind will doesn´t exist there isn´t wind energy.
2.- If the wind will doesn´t exist there isn´t source of clean
3.- If there isn´t wind that moves the propellers of the mil, it
doesn´t transmit energy.

First Conditional
1.- If the mill exist, we will have unlimited energy.
2.- If we take care of the mills, will hare an average life of
more than 25 years.
3.- If wind energy reduces the use of fussil fuels, it will
extend the live of the planet

Second Conditional
1.- If the mill was bad, it would harm the planet.
2.- If there wasn´t wind on the planet the mill would
not work.
3.- If the energy the mill transmitted wasn´t renewable,
if would harm the planet.

Third Conditional
1.- If the mill had not existed, there would be more
use of fossil fuels.
2.- If the mill had not existed it would not have
lowered carbon dioxide emissions.
3.- If the mill had not existed there would be no harm
to the animals where the wind forms are instailed.
4.- If there had not been wind energy there would be
less light pullution on the planet.
5.- If Herón hadn´t created the mill or we had as
much facility as we do now.

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