i7J8mpFxS9uyfJqRcXvbrw C1W3 Practice Challenge

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Excel Skills for Data Analytics and Visualization

Course 1 — Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis

Week 3 Practice Challenge

All the following instructions are to be carried out in the HR Analytics sheet. For keyboard shortcuts and help click on the Tips and Hints to the right.

1a) Use the Name Box to change the name of cell G2 to Overtime.
b) In G5 calculate the overtime rate by multiplying the Hourly Rate by Overtime. Copy the formula down.

2) Use Create from Selection to name each of the columns of employee data. Tip

3) In J2 calculate the total number of Days Sick (try typing the name rather than selecting the data).

4a) Open the Name Manager and create a new constant called Leave_Allowance with the value 20.
b) In J5 calculate how much leave is still available by subtracting Leave Taken from Leave Allowance. Copy Down.

5 Use Create from Selection to name the list of departments in column M.

6a) Go to the Name Box and select Department to highlight the staff department data.
b) Apply Data Validation to the column so that each cell gets a drop down list of valid departments. (Make sure to use Departments not Department) Tip

7) In N5 calculate the total leave available in the Accounting department. Copy Down. Hint

8) In O5 calculate the average Hourly Rate for staff who are Part Time and in the Accounting Department (i.e. 2 criteria M5 and O4). Hint
Apply appropriate cell referencing to M5 and O4 so that the formula can be dragged down and then across.

Below is a snapshot of the answers you should get in the first 10 rows:
ZenCo Staff Analytics
Overtime: 1,5 Total Sick Days:
Total Leave Average Rate
Emp ID Status Full Name Email Department Hourly Rate Overtime Rate Days Sick Leave Taken Leave Available Departments Available Part Time Full Time
F1180 Full Time Stevie Bacata sbacata@zenco.com Sales $92,50 3 16 Accounting
F1110 Full Time Adam Barry abarry@zenco.com Customer Service $75,90 8 15 Customer Service
F1232 Full Time Connor Betts cbetts@zenco.com Sales $146,50 1 17 Executive
P1243 Part Time Fred Binga fbinga@zenco.com Resources $63,20 0 12 Human Resources
P1248 Part Time Yvette Biti ybiti@zenco.com Sales $121,50 3 15 IT
P1227 Part Time Jim Boller jboller@zenco.com Accounting $96,40 15 7 Sales
P1230 Part Time Charlie Bui cbui@zenco.com Sales $185,20 3 12
F1162 Full Time Barbara Carlton bcarlton@zenco.com Sales $186,40 6 20
P1001 Part Time Joe Carol jcarol@zenco.com Executive $113,40 2 9
F1224 Full Time Jim Chaffee jchaffee@zenco.com Resources $53,50 4 6
P1203 Part Time Samantha Chairs schairs@zenco.com Sales $158,70 1 20
P1211 Part Time Uma Chaudri uchaudri@zenco.com Resources $128,10 7 18
P1198 Part Time Elizabeth Chu echu@zenco.com IT $99,30 5 17
F1003 Full Time Eric Chung echung@zenco.com IT $104,80 2 17
F1235 Full Time Anna Clark aclark@zenco.com Accounting $153,10 2 12
P1253 Part Time Elizabeth Clark eclark@zenco.com Customer Service $67,20 1 5
P1221 Part Time Sabrina Cole scole@zenco.com Customer Service $76,60 0 3
F1186 Full Time Janet Comuntzis jcomuntzis@zenco.com Customer Service $92,60 1 14
P1218 Part Time Bob Decker bdecker@zenco.com IT $95,00 5 18
F1215 Full Time Tina Desiato tdesiato@zenco.com IT $88,40 5 18
P1241 Part Time Alexandra Donnell adonnell@zenco.com Accounting $64,30 3 9
F1246 Full Time Mark Ellis mellis@zenco.com IT $81,20 1 13
F1172 Full Time Nicholas Fernandesnfernandes@zenco.com Accounting $119,00 5 18
F1134 Full Time Mary Ferris mferris@zenco.com Sales $73,00 3 19
F1150 Full Time Susan Filosa sfilosa@zenco.com Customer Service $62,50 0 15
P1004 Part Time Daniel Flanders dflanders@zenco.com Sales $157,00 4 14
F1239 Full Time Leighton Forrest lforrest@zenco.com Sales $140,50 2 16
F1250 Full Time Phoebe Gour pgour@zenco.com Sales $145,90 12 9
P1192 Part Time Mihael Khan mkhan@zenco.com Sales $156,00 8 4
P1249 Part Time Sean Sanders ssanders@zenco.com Resources $63,60 1 2
P1245 Part Time Preston Senome psenome@zenco.com Sales $89,90 3 1
P1207 Part Time Natasha Song nsong@zenco.com Sales $73,70 4 15
P1244 Part Time Radhya Staples rstaples@zenco.com Sales $126,00 2 8
F1252 Full Time Mei Wang mwang@zenco.com Executive $178,80 3 1
F1237 Full Time Aanya Zhang azhang@zenco.com Sales $105,70 2 4

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