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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, research procedure, subject of the

study, the sampling techniques, research instruments used in the study.

Research Design

The study will utilize the descriptive method of the materials with the

questionnaire checklist as the instrument in gathering data. Descriptive method is

used because the main purpose of this study is to determine the factors and the

relationship between the learner’s performance (comprehension and academic

performance) and the factors affecting the performance of grade six learners with a

focused on supplementary reading materials among pupils of Santo Angel Central

Elementary School in the District of Santa Cruz, Laguna.

Employing this research method, the researcher needs to look the intense

accuracy of the supplement materials and then described precisely what the

researcher sees. The method of research used is called “descriptive survey research

method”. Although this article sets more on practical, it does not understand the

importance of theoretical approach in understanding of research. Though this, we

can outline the basic structure of the descriptive survey as a research method as

well as its characteristics shown below:

 The descriptive survey method deals with a situation that demands the

technique of observation as the principle means collecting the data.

 The number of respondents of the research must be carefully chosen, clearly

defined, and specifically delimited in order to set precise parameters for

ensuring discreteness to the population.

 Data in descriptive research are particularly susceptible to distortions

through introduction of bias into the research design. Particularly attention

should be given to defense the data from the influence of bias.

 Although the descriptive survey method relies upon observation for the

acquisition of its data. The said data must then be organized and presented

systematically so that the valid and accurate conclusions may be drawn from


Respondents of the Study

The research was conducted in Santo Angel Central Elementary School in

Santa Cruz Laguna District. The respondents of the study were 96 Grade six

students from six (6) sections enrolled for the current school year 2023-2024 and five

Grade 6 teachers.

Table 1. The distributions of respondents are as follows:

Sections Number of Participants

Rizal 32

Bonifacio 32

Del Pillar 30

Mabini 32

Advisers/Subject Teachers 6

Total 102
The table depicts the number of students and teachers used as respondents

of the study to measure the relationship of comprehension level and academic

performance of students through the used of supplementary reading materials.

Thirty-two (32) students from section Rizal, Thirty-two (32) students from Bonifacio,

Thirty (30) students from Del Pillar, Thirty-two (32) students from Mabini and six (6)

teacher including subject teachers were the participants of the study. A total of one

hundred one (101) respondents were used in the study.

Sampling Technique

In this study the researcher utilized the stratified random sampling technique

in determining the Grade six pupils who would be the actual respondents of the


Research Instrument

Researcher utilized a questionnaire which is written in English and conducted

an interview that serves as the instrument to gather data and used in this study. The

instrument consists of demographic profile of the respondents which included the

age, gender, parents, academic performance in English subject, Highest Educational

attainment, years in teaching (teacher only), and socio – economic status. The

instrument measured different variables included in the study.

The questionnaire shows the effect of supplemental materials to

comprehension and academic performance of the students. The possible responses

used by the respondents with the corresponding scale value are as follows:

5 – Very High Strongly Agree

4 – High Agree
3 – Moderate Slight Agree
2 – Low Disagree
1 – Very Low Strongly Disagree
The basic statistical tool used in the study is the descriptive statistics
particularly weighted mean and percentage. Interpretation of the computed means
were based using the Likert Scale below.

Scale Indices
VE 4.50 – 5.00 Very High
V 3.50 – 4.49 High
M 2.50 – 3.49 Moderate
L 1.50 – 2.49 Low
VL 0 – 1.49 Very Low

The researcher have consulted his adviser with regard to the questionnaire

used to conduct the survey.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the distribution of the questionnaire to the selected Grade five pupils

and Grade 5 teacher respondents. The researcher has followed the procedure in

administering the survey questionnaire in order to ensure a systematic flow in

gathering the data. The researcher wrote a letter of request address to the Schools

Division Superintendent of Division of Laguna seeking permission to conduct the


The researcher has also conducted an unstructured interview on items that

were not expounded in the questionnaire.

Descriptive statistics was used to interpret the data gathered. Descriptive

statistics such as frequency, percentage counts, means and standard deviations

were used to describe the profile variables of the respondents.

The items in the questionnaire were adapted from different resources. For the

validation, it was referred to the adviser of language department for comment and
approval. After the recommendations and suggestions, improvements were

incorporated; the questionnaires undergone grammar and editing before they were

given to the sample members.

A trial run was done from five (5) Grade five (5) pupils who were not part of

the final respondents of the study. The respondents were asked to answer the

survey questionnaire in their most convenient time without limited hours.

Upon approving the instrument, the researcher was then conducted the survey

and distributed the questionnaire in Google form to the said respondents of the area.

The researcher encoded the necessary information needed and they had interpreted

the data they have gathered.

Finally, the collection, scoring and tabulating of the data of accomplished

questionnaire will be conducted.

The interim above served as the basis of the interpretation of the results of the

study which was formulated and adopted from the concept of the range of numbers,

were data presented is a systematic presentation of data for analysis.

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