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Choose the correct answer

1-tundra are extremely (hot -wet- cold-humid) areas that are

found in the Artic.
2-he stood on the hill surveying the (feature – landscape- lifestyle
3- the( polar- temperate- landscape – fauna ) weather on the
island was perfect
4- camels and the other desert (fauna – vegetation- flora- tundra)
have learned to adapt to the hot and dry climate
5- the weather was positively ( rainy -tropical – freezing – stormy)
6- its essential to have a healthy ( fauna- temperate- vegetation-
7-the rolling hills were filled with all sorts of(lifestyle-polar-
vegetation- feature)
8-our land is extremely fertile and you can find most of the rare
( fauna- flora- tropical- lifestyle)
All over the world
9- the camera has several (landscape- fauna- feature-
tropical)that make us easy to use
10-very few plants grow in the(tropical-tundra -flora )region
-Read and write the correct word
Rural -textile – nomad -live hood- cultivate
1- Prepare the land and look after plants on it ----------
2- Areas that are in the countryside ---------
3- Cloth like wool ,silk, and cotton are made by hand or
machine --------
4- A person who moves from one place to another -------
5- The way someone makes their money to pay for
food,clothes, and so on --------

Choose the correct answer

1- He lived like a (rural – nomad- merchant- cattle)for a few
years after collage never holding a job in one place for
very long
2- (merchants- rural- cultivate-cattle) travelled 100 miles to
trade in the city
3- My father worked in a (cultivate- dwelling – textile -cattle)
factory and my mother in various clothes shop
4- This area is still very ( harvesting-rural-textile - live hood)
there are no facilities at all
5- They were skilled in the (sewing- weaving – cultivating -
building)of grass basckets
6- They soaked the fabrics in deep blue (water- dye – oil-
coffee)to color them
7- The farmers are out ( eating -harvesting- growing -
watering)the crops they are fully grown
8- Mom( weaved – dyed- cultivated-built) a small garden of
her own
9- My (cattle- stilts – dwelling-dye)was small and I could
hardly entrain an echo in it
10- Fishing is the main source of (harvesting- cultivation-
live hood- textile)for many people in the area
1- Look at the snow ,Its ( sparkling swishing- congratulating-
defending)in the sunshine.
2- The school would like to (astonish- congratulate-
transform- defend)you on your hard work
3- Pots of food were( steaming- defending-glowing-
carving)on the cooker
4- Without any rain ,the green fields has been( transformed -
5- We were ( swished- transformed-astonished- steamed)
when we heard the good news
6- The pencil(glows- fades-carves-defends) ) in the dark
7- I m learning taekwan do so I can ( glow-carve -defend-

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