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Art or Prank (ESL BRAINS) + Words to Date: Name:

describe art ANTONYMS B2/C1

1. growth 11.clear

A depreciate B staggering A a splash of colour B staggering

C decay D astounding C bewildering D astonishing

2. appreciate 12.understandable

A depreciate B mock A play a prank on sb B a splash of colour

C incomprehensible D decay C astonishing D incomprehensible

3. ordinary 13.moderately

A play a prank on sb B scandalously A iconic B outrageously

C iconic D depreciate C play a prank on sb D scandalously

4. be serious with sb 14.morally

A stunt B play a prank on sb A brings new tones to... B bewildering

C mock D a splash of colour C incomprehensible D scandalously

5. piece together 15.easy to comprehend

A astounding B shred A mock B unfathomable

C play a prank on sb D iconic C astounding D decay

6. plain 16.expectedly

A staggering B a splash of colour A astonishing B shred

C astounding D decay C shockingly D bewildering

7. normal action 17.absence of color

A stunt B astounding A unfathomable B a splash of colour

C a splash of colour D bewildering C brings new tones to... D staggering

8. praise 18.maintains existing tones in...

A incomprehensible B mock A iconic B a splash of colour

C shockingly D iconic C scandalously D brings new tones to...

9. expected 19.bright colors

A iconic B staggering A shockingly B astonishing

C astonishing D astounding C mock D shades

10. leaving indifferent

A astonishing B astounding

C incomprehensible D mock

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