116-119 Cembrano Et Al ISAG2008

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The interplay between crustal tectonics and volcanism in the Central and
Southern Volcanic zones of the Chilean Andes

Conference Paper · September 2008


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9 authors, including:

Jose Cembrano Perasso Gabriel González

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile)


Luis Lara Eduardo Medina

El Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile)


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7th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2008, Nice), Extended Abstracts: 116-119

The interplay between crustal tectonics and volcanism in the

Central and Southern volcanic zones of the Chilean Andes
J. Cembrano1,5, G. González1, L. Lara2, E. Veloso1, E. Medina1, F. Aron1, M. Basso1,3,
V. Ortega1, P. Pérez1, & G. Sielfeld4
Depto. de Cs. Geológicas, Univ. Cat. del Norte, Avda.Angamos 0610, Antofagasta, Chile (jcembrano@ucn.cl)
Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Avda. Santa María 0104, Santiago, Chile (lelara@sernageomin.cl)
Instituto GEA, Univ. de Concepcion, Casilla 160-C Concepción 3, Chile (mabasso@udec.cl)
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Univ. de Concepcion, Chile (gsielfeld@udec.cl)
Central Andes Resources, Callao 3785, Santiago, Chile

KEYWORDS : tectonics, volcanism, strike-slip fault, fold-and-thrust-belt

One fundamental problem in continental margin tectonics is the nature of the interplay between deformation
processes and magma transport through the lithosphere (e.g. Hutton, 1988, Petford et al. 2000). Fault-fracture
networks have been regarded as efficient pathways through which magma can be transported, stored and
eventually erupted to the earth surface (e.g. Hill, 1977; Shaw, 1980; Clemens and Mawer, 1992). Thus, the state
of stress of the lithosphere at the time of magmatism should somehow control the first and second-order spatial
distribution of plutons, dikes swarms and volcanic centers (e.g. Nakamura, 1977; Takada, 1994, Glazner et al.
1999; Acocella et al., 2007). However, crustal deformation not only plays a significant role in magma migration;
it may also exert a fundamental control on magma differentiation processes that, in turn, can determine the
nature and composition of volcanism along and across continental margins (e.g. Cembrano and Moreno, 1994;
McNulty et al. 1998; Ferrari et al. 2000). The Chilean Andes provides a natural laboratory to assess the link
between tectonics and volcanism. Apart from its well- constrained plate kinematic history, there is a marked
latitudinal segmentation in crustal thickness, upper plate deformation and basement nature upon which the
volcanic arc has developed. Thus, the relative importance of present-day kinematics and inherited crustal
composition and structure in the mechanisms of magma transport and in the nature and composition of
volcanism can be successfully examined along the same orogenic belt. In this contribution, we examine the link
between tectonics and volcanism for two contrasting regions of the Central and Southern Volcanic zones. We
hypothesize that one fundamental, usually overlooked factor controlling the wide variety of volcanic forms and
rock compositions present along a single continental magmatic arc, is the contrasting kinematics of the fault-
fracture networks under which they are transported within the same magmatic arc.

Intra-arc tectonics of the Central and Southern Volcanic zones

New field and structural observations in combination with published seismic data allows a complete
reassessment of the complex relationship between intra-arc long-term/short-term tectonics and the
nature/composition of present day volcanism along the Chilean Andes. A thicker crust and prevailing Pliocene-
Pleistocene east-west shortening within the volcanic arc of northern Chile (22-24°S) are spatially and genetically
associated with several major composite andesitic volcanoes and only a few monogenetic basaltic eruptive
centers. Stratovolcanoes do not exhibit flank vents and clusters of minor eruptive centers are uncommon.

7th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2008, Nice), Extended Abstracts: 116-119

Composite volcanoes and minor eruptive centers, such as Lascar and Tilocalar respectively, are spatially and
temporally linked to the development of a Pliocene-Recent north-south-striking system of blind reverse faults
and fault-propagation folds (see Aron et al, this symposium). Evidence for long-term strike-slip deformation is
weak or absent in this part of the Central Andes Volcanic Zone (CVZ), although arc-parallel, dextral strike-slip
crustal seismicity has been documented to the north, between 18 and 21ºS (e.g. David, 2007). In contrast, the
southern Chilean Andes between 38 and 46°S are built on a much thinner crust (30-40km) that has undergone
intra-arc dextral transpressional tectonics for the last 4 Ma (e.g. Cembrano et al. 2002; Rosenau et al. 2006).
Available data of crustal seismicity consistently shows dextral strike-slip focal mechanisms from ~34º to 46ºS
(e.g. Farías, 2007; Lange et al. 2008). In the Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ), a wide variety of volcanic forms
and compositions coexist along and across the same volcanic arc. Volcanic forms range from single
monogenetic cones lying on top of master faults to major composite volcanoes organized into either NE- or NW-
trending chains, oblique to the continental margin. Flank vents are common within individual stratovolcanoes
and as elongated clusters of minor eruptive centers. Compositions range from very primitive basalts, particularly
at minor eruptive centers, to highly evolved magmas, found at both mature stratovolcanoes and only at few
minor eruptive centers.

Feedbacks between tectonics and volcanism in the CVZ and SVZ of the Chilean Andes can be understood as a
complex set of interactions operating at different space and time scales, ranging from long-term regional to
short-term local. Crustal thickness, nature and structure of the lithosphere, presence of compressive/transcurrent
intra-arc fault systems and magma source largely influence first-order, long-term controls. Second-order controls
include the presence of a faulted volcano-sedimentary cover versus a relatively isotropic plutonic basement, the
existence of deep-seated, seismically active or inactive faults cutting through the lithosphere and the balance
between local tectonic rates and magma input rates.
As a first approximation, a thicker crust favors magma differentiation processes whereas a thinner crust tends
to prevent it. Likewise, whereas bulk intra-arc compression (vertical 3) would tend to enhance longer residence
times of magma stored under the volcanic arc of northern Chile (22-24°S), strike-slip deformation (horizontal
3) in central and southern Chile would provide subvertical pathways for magma ascent and shorter residence
times, which in turn prevents advanced magma differentiation (Figure 1). However, looking more closely within
the strike-slip deformation zone encompassing the whole magmatic arc in southern Chile, transtensional and
transpressional domains can coexist in space and time. On one end of the spectrum, a plumbing system
dominated by NNE-striking subvertical strike-slip faults and ENE-striking tension cracks will favor a rapid
ascent of magmas from the asthenospheric wedge with little crustal contamination. On the contrary, a plumbing
system dominated by NW-striking interconnected, second-order reverse faults and subhorizontal cracks will
favor longer residence times and episodic magma fractionation, which in turn allow eruption of evolved
magmas, similar to what is observed in northern Chile. Whereas the transtensional fault-fracture network does
not require magma/fluid overpressures to operate, the compressional/transpressional does. This is consistent with
the abundant presence of volatiles that accompanies magma fractionation and differentiation as documented in
the more felsic rocks from northern Chile volcanoes and the NW-trending volcanic chains of southern Chile.

7th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2008, Nice), Extended Abstracts: 116-119

On the other hand, pre-existing subvertical structures, especially those that cut through the lithosphere, may
serve as channel ways for magma transport regardless of the bulk kinematic regime of the volcanic arc. In
particular, the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ) master faults are likely capable to connect the MASH zone or
even the asthenospheric wedge with the surface, by seismic pumping and concomitant magma production by
decompression (Figure 1). The fact that most, if not all volcanic systems that sit on top of the LOFZ are
monogenetic strongly suggests that they resulted from single, geologically instantaneous events. It is then likely
that the architecture of the overall plumbing system is primarily controlled by the nature of the fault-fracture
mesh as formed from different stress regimes and by the inherited basement structure, but more importantly,
these different architectures exert a first-order control in magma differentiation processes, which in turn account
for different volcanic morphologies and rock types along and across the same magmatic arc. Another second-
order factor controlling along-strike differences in the three dimensional architecture of the plumbing system in
the volcanic arc of central and southern Chile is the presence of a thick pre-Quaternary volcano-sedimentary
cover, especially when this cover is folded and faulted. Where such cover is present, between 33º and 37ºS, NE-
striking tension cracks formed under upper crustal dextral strike-slip deformation, may not reach the surface but
merge upwards with high angle presently inactive reverse faults marking major regional contacts between
Mesozoic and Cenozoic sequences as suggested by Diamante-Maipo and Planchón-Peteroa volcanic complexes.
In contrast, south of 38ºS, where volcanic systems are built directly on top of plutonic rocks, NE-trending
tension cracks may reach the surface and then build either a stratovolcano or an elongated cluster of minor
eruptive centers, depending on other factors such as the balance between magma input and strain rate.



Figure 1. Schematic sections showing the possible geometry and kinematics of upper crustal magma plumbing system for
the Central Volcanic zone at 23ºS (A) and the Southern Volcanic Zone at 40ºS (B). For the CVZ, interconnected arrays of
subhorizontal, sill-like tension fractures and north-south-striking reverse faults may provide channel-ways for magma
ascent and emplacement in the upper crust, favoring longer residence times and magma differentiation. In contrast, for the
SVZ, magma may ascent directly from the asthenosphere along deep-seated structures such as master faults of the LOFZ,
giving rise to primitive monogenetic centers. More commonly, stratovolcanoes and cluster of minor eruptive centers are
probably fed by NE-striking subvertical dikes oriented subparallel to the principal stress axis.

7th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2008, Nice), Extended Abstracts: 116-119

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