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Environmental Engineering II

Instructor: Madiha Razzaq

Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (IESE)

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (SCEE)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Islamabad, Pakistan
Course Objective

This course provides a wide range of environmental engineering-related

knowledge. It deals with the overall perspective of various
environmental engineering issues both at the domestic as well as at the
community level, and the skills required to evaluate, analyse and solve
the environmental engineering-related problems, by learning the design
skills of water and wastewater treatment units.

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Course Outline
Sr. Theory Topics Sr. Theory Topics
Conventional water and wastewater treatment Secondary treatment of water, concept of biological wastewater
1 processes, criteria for selecting a treatment 5 treatment of wastewater, classification of biological wastewater
process treatment processes, etc.
Fundamentals of water and wastewater
treatment and designing, important design
Determination of bio-kinetic coefficients for biological treatment
2 parameters, mass-loading factor, reaction rates, 6
reactors or treatment units, important design
parameters etc.
Design of an activated sludge process, design of UASB reactor
Designing of pre-requisites units (screening
3 7 (anaerobic digestion). Design of trickling filter (or percolating
chamber, grit chamber, skimming tank etc.)
filter), design of an oxidation ponds (or wastes stabilization ponds)
Primary treatment (sedimentation tank design),
design of rapid-mix basin, design of slow-mix
basin, lime-soda water softening process. Advanced treatment options for water and wastewater, sludge
4 8
treatment and disposal

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List of Experiments
Sr. Practical title Sr. Practical title

1 Determination of pH/ Temperature/Turbidity 8 Determination of Total Hardness by EDTA Method

2 Determination of Chlorides by Argentometric Method 9 Determination of Total Alkalinity

3 Determination of Color, by Colorimeter 10 Determination of Optimum Coagulant Dosage, by Jar Test

4 Determination of TS/TDS/TSS using Gravimetric Method 11 Determination of BOD by Dilution Method

5 Determination of TFS & TVS using Gravimetric Method 12 Determination of COD by Open Reflux Method

6 Determination of Sulfates using Spectrophotometer 13 Determination of Total Coliform by MPN Technique

7 Determination of Nitrates using Spectrophotometer

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Course Layout
Section 1 Wastewater Treatment Section 2 Water Treatment

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Lectures Layout
1. Introduction of wastewater treatment 8. Advanced wastewater treatment options
2. Primary treatment, 9. Sludge treatment and disposal
Screening & Grit chamber 10. Introduction to water treatment &
3. Primary sedimentation tank Sedimentation
4. Secondary treatment, reactors or 11. Coagulation & flocculation
treatment units 12. Filtration
5. Activated sludge process 13. Disinfection
6. Trickling filter
14. Water softening
7. Waste stabilization ponds 15. Ultrafiltration & Reverse Osmosis

Wastewater Treatment Water Treatment

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Reference Books

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Sr. Taxonomy
CLOs Domain PLOs
No. Level
1 Apply personal and technical skills for the environmental engineering, Cognitive 3 3
water and wastewater quality analysis, and treatment.
2 Design various water and wastewater treatment units, based on their Cognitive 3 6
respective quality data analysis and available guidelines.
3 Independently demonstrate the acquired analytical skills in laboratory Psychomotor 3 7
and improving the living standards of public.

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Assessment System
 *Theoretical/Instruction 67%  Quick quizzes at the end of class
- Assignments 10% CLO 1,2
 Quiz after the completion of topic
- Quizzes (4) 15% CLO 1,2
 Class activities as part of assignments
- MSE (50 marks) 25% CLO 1,2
- ESE (100 marks) 50% CLO 1,2  Home tasks as part of assignments

 *Practical Work 33%  Group activities

- Lab Reports 20% CLO 3

- Attendance 10% -
- Rubrics 30% CLO 3
- Viva/Quiz 30% -
*Subject to change as per NUST policy

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Attendance Policy

Attendance will be marked within 10

minutes after the start of the class!!!!!!

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Lecture 1
Learning Outcome

At the end of this lecture students will be able to understand

- Basic concepts of Environmental Engineering

- Importance of water

- Reasons for water pollution

- Necessity of wastewater treatment

- Conventional wastewater treatment mechanism

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Definition of Environmental Engineering?

 The application of science and engineering knowledge and concepts to care for
and/or restore our natural environment and/or solve environmental problems
 Brach of engineering focused on protecting people and environment from adverse
environmental effects

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What do Environmental Engineers do?
Environmental engineers also known as  Title of ‘environmental engineer’ was
sustainability engineers. not used until 1960s.
 Overseeing pollution control and
waste management activities
 Staying up-to-date with water, waste,
and air regulations
 Generating environmental reports

Environmental Engineers use the principles of

engineering to develop solutions to
environmental problems.

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What do Environmental Engineers do?

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Life begins with Water
Water is the most important substance on Earth and enables life to exist.
A vital resource for sustaining our planet.

Water promises to be the 21st century what oil was to the 20th century:
the precious commodity that determines the wealth of nations.”
Fortune magazine, May 2000

When the well’s dry we know the wealth of water

Ben Franklin

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Where is Earth’s Water?

 Water covers 3/4th of the planets surface

 97% is salt water or otherwise undrinkable
 2% is held in ice caps and glaciers
 1% left for human use, such as irrigation,
manufacturing and residential use.

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Water Pollution
 Water Pollution
- the presence of solid, liquid or gaseous contaminants in such concentration that may alter the quality
of water.
- the addition to water of an excess material or heat that is harmful to the living organism or which
impairs the beneficial use of water.
 Water is getting polluted day by day due to excessive and careless use
 The percent of available drinking water is reducing.

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Cause of Water Pollution

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Wastewater & its Sources
- Any water that has been negatively affected in quality

Domestic Wastewater Industrial Wastewater

Also known as municipal or sanitary wastewater Wastewaters from large and medium scale
or simply sewage is used water discharged industries are called industrial wastewaters

from the residential, commercial and institutional Agricultural Wastewater

zones of a city or town or community and Agricultural wastewater is effluent from plants

collected through sewerage system. processing crops harvested from the field

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Sources of Wastewater

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Rationale for Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater treatment is to remove as much of the impurities as possible before the remaining
water, called effluent, is discharged back to the environment.

 Health Aspect  Reuse Aspects

- Spread of diseases - Irrigation purposes
• Availability of nutrients
 Disposal Aspects
• Water scarcity
- Depletion of Oxygen (DO >5mg/l)
- Turbidity/ color (aesthetically unacceptable)
- Toxic to aquatic life

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Important Abbreviations
 WW: Wastewater
 WT: Water Treatment
 WWT: Wastewater Treatment
 WTP: Water Treatment Plant
 WWTP: Wastewater Treatment Plant
 WWTPD: Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
 ETP: Effluent Treatment Plant

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Env. Engg. Related Dimensions & Units
Sr. Quantity Definition Unit

1 Velocity Distance per unit time ft/sec, m/sec,

2 Energy British thermal units BTU

A volume of water that has a surface area of one acre and a depth of
3 Volume Acre ft, m3, litres, gallons
one foot
Pollutants which are either dissolved or suspended in water are often
4 Concentration mg/l, g/m3
measured or expressed in terms of “concentration.

cusecs, cumecs, GPM, MGD

5 Flow Volume of water flowing over a point per time interval

6 Loading The total amounts (mass) of a pollutant as measured on a daily basis. lb/day or kg/day.

7 Water Demand Amount water used per person per day gpcd, lpcd

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Wastewater Characterization
 First step in WWTPD
 Crucial to determine
- Type of treatment
- Level of treatment

 24hr composite sample

Wastewater is characterized in terms of its physical, chemical and biological composition

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Physical Characteristics

Temperature Turbidity
Due to more biological Due to suspended solids in
activity, wastewater will have wastewater, wastewater will
a higher temperature. have a higher turbidity, or

Odor Color
Sewage-contaminated Fresh sewage is normally
wastewater typically has brown and yellowish in color
a strong odor. but over time becomes black
in color.

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Chemical Characteristics
Parameter Definition

A measure of organic materials in wastewater in terms of the oxygen required

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
to oxidize the organic materials.

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) TOC is a measure of carbon within organic materials

Total Organic Nitrogen (TON) Organic nitrogen is the amount of nitrogen present in organic compounds

Phosphorous Organic phosphorous (in protein) and inorganic phosphorous (PO4- )

Mercury (Hg), Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu),
Heavy metals
Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr), Silver (Ag)

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Biological Characteristics
Parameter Definition

BOD is the amount of oxygen needed to stabilize organic matter using

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

NOD is the amount of oxygen needed to convert organic and ammonia

Nitrogenous Oxygen Demand (NOD)
nitrogen into nitrates by nitrifying bacteria.

Microbial life Bacteria, Protozoa, Fungi, Viruses, Algae, Rotifers, Nematodes

Oil and grease originate from food waste and petroleum products. The
Oil and Grease
amount of oil and grease in raw wastewater varies from 10 to 109 mg/L.

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National Environmental Quality Standards

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Wastewater Characterization

Characteristics of Domestic wastewater

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Wastewater Characterization

Characteristics of textile wastewater

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Wastewater Flowrate
 Flow rate: amount of wastewater being produced per unit time interval

 Factors affecting WW Flow rate

- Population density

- Water consumption

• Climatic conditions

• Metering

• Source of water

• Working days/time of week,

- Extent of commercial or industrial activity

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Wastewater Flow Variation
Qavg: Qavg is the daily average flow based on yearly data.

Q peak: Peak hourly flow rate of daily average flow (Q

peak = 1.5 x Qmax whereas, Qmax = 1.8 x Qavg).

Qmin: Qmin is Minimum hourly flow of daily average flow

(Qmin = 0.4*Qavg).

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Flow Measurement
 Most important record in WTPs and WWTPs
 Two device are installed
- One at head side
- Second at tail side

 Commonly used devices are

- Parshall flumes (WWTPs)
- Magnetic flowmeters (WTPs) Magnetic flowmeters

- Ultrasonic flowmeters (WTPs)

Ultrasonic flowmeters Parshall Flume

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pH adjustment
 Needed if wastewater has extreme pH
 Mostly needed in industrial wastewater
 Hardly required in domestic wastewater
 Essential to avoid damage to secondary treatment

 For low pH wastewater

- CaO, Ca(OH)2, Na2CO3

 For high pH wastewater

- HCl, H2SO4, HNO3

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Flow equalization
 Equalization basin is employed where wastewater vary in
- Flowrates
- Characteristics

 Equalization basin
- Homogenizes the wastewater
- Provides a fairly constant flowrate to downstream WWTP units
- Optimizes the size of downstream WWTP units
- Minimizes the neutralizing agents

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Wastewater Treatment Process

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Conventional Wastewater Treatment System

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Primary Treatment
 Purpose
- Remove floating matter
- suspended and settleable solids
- Inorganic fractions

 Removal Efficiency
- TSS = 40-70%
- BOD = 25-40%

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Secondary Treatment
 Also known as biological treatment
 Purpose
- Removal of soluble and colloidal organic matter

 Removal Efficiency
- BOD = 70-95%

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Tertiary Treatment
 Purpose
- Removal of nutrients (N & P)
- Other organic and inorganic particles left
from primary and secondary treatment

 Methods used
- Physical, chemical or biological or
combination of these

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