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“Wh-”Question Words

We use the “wh-” question words to form questions when we want to get information
about someone or something. The questions beginning with ‘wh-’ words are called
open questions because usually there are many possible answers to these questions.

(1) When(about time or period)

e.g. (i) When did you get your first degree?
I got my first degree in 2005.
(ii) When does Many go to school every day?
She goes to school at seven o’clock every day.

(2) Where (about a place or location)

e.g. (i) Where do you live?
I live in Wong Tai Sin.
(ii) Where was Julia yesterday?
She went to the library yesterday.

(3) Why (about the reasons of something)

e.g. (i) Why do you study architecture?
I study architecture because I want to design my own building.
(ii) Why was Alan absent from school yesterday?
It was because he was sick.

(4) Who (about the identity of a person / a group of people)

e.g. (i) Who wrote the Harry Potter series?
J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series.
(ii) Who is your school principal?
My school principal is Mr. Wong.

(5) Whose (about the possession of something)

e.g. (i) This class is very noisy. Whose class is it?
It is Miss Johnson’s class.
(ii) Whose school bag is this?
It is my school bag.
(6) What (the information about somebody or something among limited options)
e.g. (i) What sort of lesson does Nancy have on Fridays?
She has a piano lesson.
(ii) What will your brother do after graduation?
He will become a doctor.

(7) Which
e.g. (i) Which book do you want to borrow?
I want to borrow the blue one. It is more interesting.
(ii) Which subject of your curriculum do you like?
I like Mathematics. It is interesting.

Note that we use ‘which’ when we have a general idea of what the answer will
be. We use ‘what’ when we expect any possible answers.
e.g. Which club did you join, the Chess Club or the Art Club?
What club did you join?
Fill in the blank of each question with the correct ‘wh-’ question word 9when, where,
why, who, whose, what and which). Then from the 13 sentences (A-M) below, choose
the most appropriate answer to each question and write the letter in the space

Question Answer
1. The wall is damaged. ______ did it? ______
2. These two dictionaries are very useful. ______ one should I buy? ______
3. ______ did you do during the summer holiday? ______
4. ______ is that class so noisy? ______
5. ______ did the class start? I didn’t realize I was late. ______
6. Excuse me, ______ is the staff room? I want to speak to Miss Chu. ______
7. ______ test paper is it? There’s no name on it. ______
8. ______ locker is yours? There’re three beside the window. ______
9. ______ is Miss Cheung so happy today? ______
10. ______ is your favorite teacher? ______
11. ______ do you want to go when you leave school? ______
12. ______ do you want to go for the school picnic? ______
13. ______ will the graduation ceremony held? ______

A. I want to become a musician.

B. They are celebrating their form teacher’s birthday.
C. Miss Cheung. I think she’s very patient and understanding.
D. It will be held on 7th July.
E. The one with the Hello Kitty stickers is mine.
F. It usually starts at 10:00 a.m. but it started at 9:30a.m. today.
G. The smaller one is better because you can bring it to school every day.
H. Let’s go to Ngong Ping Village this time.
I. It must be Frank’s. We’ve got ours already.
J. I don’t know. t might have been one of the students from 5C.
K. It’s on the 4th floor, at the end of the corridor.
L. I joined a study tour to Australia.
M. Her class did very well in the examinations.
1. Who J
2. Which G
3. What L
4. Why B
5. When F
6. where K
7. Whose I
8. Which E
9. Why M
10. Who C
11. What A
12. Where H
13. When D

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