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I. Garis bawahi struktur paralel dalam setiap kalimat dan berikan pola yang
digunakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam contoh.

1. The old man is extremely kind and generous.  (adjective + and + adjective)
2. He received a pocket calculator and a wool sweater for his birthday.  (noun + and
+ noun)
3. he spoke angrily and bitterly about the war. 
4. I looked for my book but couldn't find it. 
5. I hope to go to that university and study under Dr. Leo. 
6. In my spare time I enjoy reading novels or watching television. 
7. He will leave at eight and arrive at nine. 
8. He should have broken his engagement to Diana and married Anna instead. 

II. Tambahkan is atau are pada setiap kalimat.

1. Both the teacher and the student are here.

2. Neither the teacher nor the student ___ here.
3. Not only the teacher but also the student ____here.
4. Not only the teacher but also the students ____ here.
5. Either the students or the teacher ______planning to come.
6. Either the teacher or the students _____ planning to come.
7. Both the students and the teachers _____ planning to come.
8. Both the students and the teacher _____ planning to come.

III. What is wrong with these sentences? Cari kesalahan pada kalimat ini lalu

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