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REF. NO. 02-278 Belgrade, 05.02.2021. Article 2.

Based on the article 21. paragraph 2 item 4. Of the Statute of “SAVA
NEŽIVOTNOG OSIGURANJE”, akcionarskog društva za osiguranje, Beograd, (1) The contract about the collective insurance of employees for the case
The excutive Board of “SAVA NEŽIVOTNOG OSIGURANJA” a.d.o. Beograd of professional illnesses is signed based on the previous offer for signing
(In further text: The Insurer, The company) on the date of 05.02.2021 has such a contract of the collective insurance of the employees for the case
decided on: of professional illnesses, which the insurer gives to the person who wants
to sign such an insurance contract, and based on the Questionnaire
signed by the authorized person on the side of the insurance contractor.
The offer contains important data about the contracting parties, i.e.
Article 1. the policy holders of the collective insurance of employees for the
I. THE INTRODUCTORY cases of professional illnesses, the starting date, as w ell as the date of
the termination of the insurance the premium amount and payment
(1) These conditions of the collective insurance of the employees for
deadlines, the insured amount according to the risk coverage and other
the case of proefessional illnessesi (in further text Conditions)are the
important elements for making the insurance contract.
integral part of the contract about the collective insurance of the
employees in the case of proefessional illnesses (in further text the (2) The insurance contract is considered to be signed when the insurance
Insurance contract) Which the insurance contractor signs / agrees on contractor and the insurer sign the insurance policy. By signing the
with the Insurer. insurance contract the insurance contractor is obliged to pay the insurer
(2) Certai terms are used in the Conditins and have the following meaning: the insurance premium, and the insurer is obliged if the insured case arises
1) THE INSURER - the insurance provider i.e. The Insurance company pay the insurance beneficiary the agreed insured amount or its part.
- Sava neživotno osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd (Sava Non-life insurance (3) The insurance contract is signed for all the persons which are employed
ltd, Belgrade); with the insurance contractor either as temporary or permanent
2) THE INSURANCE CONTRACTOR – the legal entity which signs the employment. The insurance may include persons who are employed with
contract of the collective insurance of the employees for the case of the insurance contractor as those doing the additional work if it is agreed
profesional illnesses; and specified in the insurance contract.
3) THE INSURED PERSON – the person employed with the Insurance (4) The insurance contract can be signed with the stated or not stated name
contractor which is insured for the case of the professional illness; and family name of the insured person / policy holder.
4) THE INSURANCE BENEFICIARY – the person to the benefit of who 1) If the insurance is signed with the specified name, then this insurance
the insurance contract is signed; is valid only for those persons which are on the list which is an inte-
5) THE INSURED CASE – the event based on which the insurance is gral part of the insurance.
signed and which must be the future, unpredictable and independent
2) If the insurance is signed without the specified name and family name
event outside of the will of the insurance contractor, i.e. the insured
of the insured person, the insurance includes all the employees who
6) THE INSURED AMOUNT / SUM – the maximum obligation of the are on the company`s list of employees with the contract insurer at
Insurer to pay as the compensation of the damage; the time when the insured case occurs.
7) THE INSURANCE PERMIUM – the amount of money which the (5) The insurance contractor is obliged, at signing the insurance contract
insurance contractor pays based on the insurance contract; and before the beginning of every following year during the duration of
8) The OFFER – the written proposal of the Insurer for signing the the contract, report to the insurer the number of employees on the job
insurance contract positions with the increased risk and the number of employees on the
9) THE INSURANCE POLICY – the document about the signed contract job posts without the increased risk up to five days the latest before the
about the collective insurance of the employees for the case of the beginning of the following year of insurance. The application is carried
professional illnesses ; out based on the act of risk estimation which is made by the insurance
10) THE WORKING / JOB POSITION WITH THE HIGHER RISK – the job contractor in compliance with the positive legal framework of the
position with for which by the act of the risk estimation of insurance Republic of Serbia.
contractor it is determined that despite all the completely applied (6) The insurance contractor is obliged to report to the insurer all the
measures in line with the positive regulation framework of the circumstances which are significant for the risk estimation, and which he
Republic of Serbia, there are circumstances which can jeopardize the is familiar with and which cannot remain unknown to him at the moment
health and safety of the employee; of signing the contract.
11) PROFESSIONAL ILLNESS / DISEASE –the illness for which it is pro- Article 3.
ved that is the consequence of the harmful dealings / impact in the
process or connected to the work process and / or working environ-
ment, and the intensity of the harmfulness is on the level for which it (1) According to these conditions the persons employed with the insurance
is known to cause the health damage. The professional illness must be contractor can be insured, on the condition that at the moment of
diagnosed by the referent medical institutions whose main activity is signing the contract the procedure for establishing and reporting the
the prevention, establishing / determining and treating the professio- professional illness has not begun, i.e. that the professional illness has
nal illnesses on the territory of the Republic of Serbia; not been identified.
12) THE COMPENSATION FORM THE INSURANCE – the money (2) By this insurance persons under 15 and over 65 years of age cannot be
compensation obtained by the right to the collective insurance of insured.
the employees for the cases of professional illnesses / diseases; the (3) These conditions are applied on the insurance of all the employees of
amount is paid by the Insurer based on the insurance contract. the insurance contractor, under the condition that the minimum of (5).

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 1
Article 4. Article 6.
(1) According to these conditions, the insured case is considered to be: (1) The obligations of the insurer are defined and are established based on
1) Establishing the diagnosis of the professional illness of the insured the policy which was valid on the day of the occurrence of the insured
case. If the insured case occurs, the Insurer is obliged to pay the amount
individual / policy holder by the qualified medical institution, where
as defined in the insurance contract in the following manner:
date of establishing the diagnosis will be considered as the date of
1) The insured amount which was agreed in the insurance policy for the
starting the insured case.
establishing of the diagnosis of the professional illness of the insured
2) The organic and /or physical impairment as the consequence of the person;
professional illness. 2) The percent of the insured amount for the case of body and / or
(2) Under the professional illness it is considered to be the illness diagnosed organic damage due to the professional illness, according to the Table
by the qualified medical institution, during the duration of the insurance for determining the percent of the body and / or organic damage of
contract, and which was caused by a longer, immediate impact of the the insured person due to the professional illness which is the integral
process and working conditions on job posts,. I.e. by the work which the part of these Conditions.
insured individual carried out, and which is on the list of professional (2) The insurer determines the percent of the body and / or organic damage
illnesses which are the integral part of these conditions. of the insured person due to the professional illness, according to the
(3) Under the qualified medical institutions are considered to be the table of the body and / or organic damage due to the professional
referent medical institutions the main aim of which is the prevention, illness, after the ending of the treatment. The stated percent is applied
establishing and professional illnesses on the territory of the Republic of on the insured amount for the body and / or organic damage due to the
Serbia. professional illness.
(4) The insured case of the organ and / or physical impairment of (3) The payment of the insured amount for the diagnosed professional
professional illness represent establishing the percent of the organ illness does not reduce the payment of the percent of the insured
and / or physical impairment as the consequence of the professional amount for body and / or organic damage due to the professional illness.
illness. The precondition for establishing the organ and / or physical (4) The maximum obligation of the insurer based on the occurrence of
the body and / or organic damage during the duration of the insurance
impairment is the previous diagnosis, i.e. the medically confirmed
contract is 100 % of the insured amount for the body and / or organic
existence of the professional illness. The percent for the organ and / or damage due to the professional illness.
physical impairment caused by the professional illness is defined by the (5) If due to one professional illness there came about several organic and
table for determining percent of the organ and / or physical impairment / or body damages, the total percent of damage is determined in such
of the insured individual due to the professional illness which is the a way that for the biggest damage the percent is taken as determined
integral part of these Conditions. in the table of the body and / or organic damage; from the next biggest
Article 5. damage one half of percentage is taken as prescribed in the table of the
THE DURATION OF THE INSURANCE CONTRACT AND THE INSURANCE body and/or organic damage due to professional illness and so on 1/4,
1/8 etc. The payment of the insurer cannot be bigger than 100% Of the
COVERAGEE insured sum as agreed and defined by the insurance contract for the
(1) The insurance contract can be signed: body and / or organic damage due to the professional illness.
1) For indefinite period of time, which means that the insurance con- (6) In cases when the insured person is diagnosed with several different
tinues year after year until one of the contracting parties cancels professional illnesses during the duration of the insurance contract, the
in writing three months before the end of the insurance. With this insurer is obliged to pay a certain sum for each reported illness for the
diagnosis of the professional illness, whereas the damage presents for
type of insurance, the policy only marks the date of the start of the
each professional illness are added up and the payment of the insurer
insurance; cannot be higher than 100% of the insured amount for the body and / or
2) For the definite period, with the clearly stated start and end date of organic damage due to the professional illness.
the insurance. (7) The obligation of the insurer exists only if the insured case occurred
(2) The insurance starts at 24.00 on the date stated in the policy as during the insured period of insurance.
the beginning of the insurance, unless it is specified otherwise in the
Article 7.
policy, on the condition that the insurance premium has been paid.
The insurance stops by the expiring of 24.00 on the date stated in the
insurance policy expiration. (1) By these conditions all the obligations of the insurer are excluded if the
professional illness occurred:
(3) If the first agreed premium is not paid by day marked in the policy as the
1) Due to the purposeful cause of the professional illness on behalf of
starting date of the insurance it is the obligation of the start at 24.00
the insured person;
on the day when the first agreed premium is paid in full. 2) Due to nonuse of the tools and / or equipment for the personal
(4) The insurer`s obligation to pay the compensation from the insurance protection at work;
begins at 24.00 on the day which is marked in the policy as the starting 3) If the insured person has not applied the prescribed measures of the
day of the insurance contract, but not before 24.00 on the day when employer for the safe and healthy work;
the first premium is paid, unless it is otherwise stated in the policy. The 4) If the employee who works on the job post with higher risk did not
obligation of the insurer stops at 24.00 on the day which was stated on regularly and on time fulfilled his / her obligation of medical check up
the policy as the date of the expiration of the insurance, i.e. when the to which he / she was sent by the employer;
deadline marked in the written cancellation expires. 5) Because the insured person caused the professional illness by acute
(5) The insurance contract expires also if the deadline from Article 8. Of drunkedness, the use of drugs, or the use of psychotropic substances;
these conditions expires, and the premium has not been paid by that 6) Due to sloppy, inadequate or irresponsible behaviour at work;
deadline, and if the insurance contract is terminated in the sense of 7) If the insured person is not professionally trained for doing the work
on his job position.
Article 14. Of these conditions.
(2) The obligation of the insurer is excluded also in the cases:
(6) In any case the obligation of the insurer ceases for each individual
1) If the insured person, i.e. the insurance beneficiary reported a certain
insured person, no matter to which period the insurance duration was
professional illness for which the insurer has already paid the insured
agreed, on the day when:
amount for the professional illness diagnosis, i.e. a part or the com-
1) The death of the insured person occurs – the date of the death; plete insured amount for body and / or organic damage due to the
2) The insured person becomes disabled to work; professional illness during the duration of the insurance contract;
3) The employment of the insured person with the insurance contractor 2) If the insured person, i.e. the insurance beneficiary does not submit
is terminated during the duration of the insurance contract –as of the the documentation issued by a specialist doctor for the work me-
day the termination of the employment. dicine verified by the stamp of the medical institution which mainly
4) The insured person turns 65 years old. deals with prevention, establishing, and treatment of the professional

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 2
illnesses on the territory of the Republic of Serbia from which it can (8) The overdue installment payment is considered to be the first non-paid
be indisputably concluded the existence of the professional illness of installment of the premium, and the insurer has the right to charge
the insured person; the legally allowed interest rate in the name of the due but unpaid
3) If before signing the insurance contract there began the process of installment of the premium during any payment which is the subject of
reporting, i.e. establishing of the professional illness of the employed the insurance contract.
to the insurance contractor (the employer), no matter if the dia- (9) The insurance premium is considered to be paid on the day when the
gnosis of the professional illness has been established also after the payment is registered on the account of the insurer.
conclusion of the insurance contract; (10) If the insurance contractor or their interested party till the agreed
4) If before signing the insurance contract the diagnosis of the profe- deadline, does not pay the agreed due installment premium, i.e.
ssional illness was established for the insured person / policy holder installment premium, the insurance contract is terminated, by the
which is the subject of the payment of compensation directed expiration of 30-day deadline from the day when to the insurance
towards the insurer, and thus is excluded obligation of the insurer contractor a written letter was delivered notifying him about the due
also for the insured case of body and / or organic damage due to the and unpaid premiums.
professional illness; (11) After the expiration of the deadline stated in the paragraph (10) of
5) If the professional illness occurred during the duration of the insuran- this article, the insurer can terminate the contract about the insurance
without the additional notice period and start the procedure for
ce contract and the diagnosis by the qualified medical institution was
charging the insurance contractor for the due premium installments and
established after the expiration of the insurance contract;
the interest rate in front of the court in charge of this case.
6) If the insured person on purpose prevents recuperation, i.e. beco-
(12) In any case, the insurance contract stops to be valid if the premium is
ming capable (refuses the recommended hospital treatment, does
not paid within the year of its due date.
not respect the prescribed way of treatment and similar);
(13) The insurance contractor is obliged to pay the insurance premium for the
7) If during the duration of the insurance contract there occurred the
whole year during the duration of the insurance also in the case when
getting ill by the insured person which was ordered by the employer
the insurance was terminated before the end of the current year of the
to work from home in the duration loner than 6 (six) months within insurance duration, due to the occurrence of the insured case.
the insurance year; (14) If the insurance is terminated before the agreed deadline, and the
8) If the insured person got ill due to the tropical, imported disease cause of its termination is not the occurrence of the insured case, the
caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites which have the scope of insurance contractor is entitled only to the premium till the day to which
epidemic, pandemic, the insurance lasted.
(3) The professional illness in terms of these conditions is not considered as:
1) The illness or injury which was the result of the chronicle illness Article 9.
which is not in connection of the damaging impact of the working THE CHANGE OF DANGER DURING THE DURATION OF THE
environment; INSURANCE
2) The illness which came about due to the inborn predispositions, ano- (1) During the duration of the insurance, the insurance contractor is
malies and deformities which can have an illness as a consequence; obliged to report the change of jobs and working tasks of the insured
3) The illness which occurred due to the insured person doing the job persons to the insurer. If this change has an impact on the change of
with the employer who is not the insurance contractor and who has danger, the insurer will in the case of increase of the danger suggest the
not signed the insurance contract for that insured person. increase in the amount of the premium, and in the case of lower danger,
(4) The insurance contract is not valid if at the time of its signing the insured the decrease of the premium or the increase of the insured sums. The
case has already occurred or was in the occurrence, or it was certain newly established insured amounts and premiums are valid from the
to take place, but the insurance contractor was familiar with these occurrence of the change of jobs/ work and working tasks of the insured
circumstances or could not have been unfamiliar with them. persons. If the insurance contractor does not report the change of work
and working tasks, nor accepts the increase or reduction of the premium
Article 8.
within 14 days from the day of the reporting of the work change, and the
THE PAYMENT OF THE INSURANCE PREMIUM AND THE insured case occurs, the insured amounts will be reduced or increased
CONSEQUENCES OF NOT PAYING THE INSURANCE PREMIUM respectively proportionally between the paid premium and the premium
(1) By the insurance contract, i.e. by the insurance policy the amount and which was supposed to be paid.
the manner of payment for the insurance premium have been defined.
Article 10.
(2) The amount of the premium is determined by the insurer in accordance
to the rate of the premium (in further text: rate) THE REPORTING OF THE INSURED CASE
(3) The insurance contractor is obliged to pay the premium adequately (1) If the insured case occurs, the insured person is obliged to report the
according to its payment due date. professional illness on the damage form of the insurer, the professional
(4) The insurance contractor is obliged to pay the premium to the insurer illness which was diagnosed during the duration of the insurance, as soon
at once in one sum, for each year of the insurance, if it is not agreed as his heath conditions allows him to do so.
otherwise. (2) Also the insured person is obliged to provide the insurer also with:
(5) If it is agreed that the annual premium is to be paid in the semi-annual, 1) The copy of the information / report of the professional illness
quarterly or monthly installments, in case of the compensation payment certified by the employer, i.e. insurance contractor and the insured
the insurer is entitled to the premium for the whole year of insurance. person;
(6) The insurance premium is determined according to the type of work of 2) The report about the professional illness made by the referent medi-
the insurance contractor and the working position of the insured person. cal institution whose main professional activity is to prevent, establish
(7) If the agreed insurance is without the name and family name marked, and treat professional illnesses on the territory of the Republic of
at the end of the insurance year the final calculation of the premium is
done, and according to the average number of insured persons during
3) Complete medical documentation from which it can indisputable be
the months. The insurer is obliged to provide the insurance contractor
within 30 days after the expiration of the calculation period with exact determined the relevant facts which refer to the professional illness
and complete data about the number of all the employees at the end of the insured person.
of each month for the previous year of insurance. The average number (3) If the death of the insured person occurred, and the insured amount
during one insurance year is determined in such a way that the number has not been paid, the heir is obliged to provide apart from the
of employees at the end of each month is added up for the year for documentation which the subject of the previous paragraph, also to the
which the calculation of the premium is done, and thus obtained sum is insurer the death certificate as well as the proof of inheritance.
divided by 12. If due to this calculation it is concluded that the average (4) The doctoral checkup expenses and the doctor’s report (repeated
number of employees is bigger than the number stated on the policy, checkup and the opinion of the specialist) and other expenses which
the insurance contractor is obliged to pay the difference in the premium. refer to proving the professional illness and the rights from the
If that number is smaller, the insurer is obliged to return the charged insurance contract are to be paid by the person who submits the
premium to the insurance contractor. request.

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 3
(5) By accepting these conditions, the insurer and the insured person / Article 13.
policy holder agree that the insurer has the right to have insight into THE TERRITORIAL COVERAGE
all the documentation and obtaining information from the third parties (1) The collective insurance of the employees for the case of professional
about the current health condition of the insured person in order to illness is valid on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
resolve the submitted request should he see it as necessary, as well as
the previous health condition of the insured person (medical records, Article 14.
reports from different specialists and specialist institutions, hospital THE CANCELLATION OF THE INSURANCE CONTRACT
treatment history and similar.) it is the obligation of the insurance (1) Each of the contracting parties can cancel the insurance contract in
contractors to provide the written agreement of all the insured persons line with the Obligations` Law. If the duration of the insurance is not
concerning the fulfillment of this paragraph. determined by the contract, each party can terminate the contract on the
(6) The insurer has the right to request from the insured person, insurance day of the due date of the premium, informing in writing the other party at
contractor or any other legal or private person additional proof. least three months in advance before the due date of the premium. If the
(7) On the demand of the insurer, the insurance contractor is obliged to insurance was signed for the duration longer than five years, each party
enable the insurer the insight into the act of the risk estimation, as well can after this time with the notice period of six months, in writing notify
as insight into all documentation which the insurance contractor has, the other party about the termination of the contract.
including the list of the insured persons included in the insurance from
Article 15.
the professional diseases (and its delivery) with the aim of establishing
the important circumstances concerning the insured case. THE OVERDUE Claims FOR FUNDS
(1) The financial claims from the contract of the collective insurance of
Article 11.
the employees for the case of professional illnesses become outdated /
THE PAYMENT OF THE INSURED AMOUNT overdue within the deadlines as prescribed in the Obligation Law.
(1) When the insured case occurs, the Insurer is obliged to pay the insured
Article 16.
amount, i.e. the corresponding percent of the insured sum for the
corresponding percent of the insured amount for body and /or organic THE CHANGES OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE INSURANCE AND THE
damage caused by the professional illness, to the insured person within PREMIUM RATE
14 days from the day when the insurer received the last necessary (1) The insurer is obliged to inform the insurance contractor about the
document for determining the obligations of the insurer and its amount. changes of the conditions for the collective insurance of the employees
(2) The percent of the body and / or organic damage made due to the for the case of professional illnesses at least 30 days before the end of
professional illness is determined according to the table for determining the current insurance year.
the percent of the body and / or organic damage made due to the (2) Ugovarač osiguranja ima pravo da otkaže ugovor o osiguranju po prijemu
professional illness, after the established diagnosis of the existence of obaveštenja. U tom slučaju ugovor o osiguranju prestaje da važi istekom
the professional illness. tekuće godine osiguranja.
(3) The percent of the body and / or organic damage made due to the (3) If the insurance contractor does not cancel the insurance contract, the
professional illness is determined after finishing the treatment of contract changes at the beginning of the following period in accordance
the insured person, at the time when the time of regularity has come with the made changes in the conditions of the insurance, i.e. the
about in the insured person`s state, i.e. when according to the doctor`s premium system.
predictions it cannot be expected for the stat to improve or get worse. Article 17.
If the state does not start after the end of three years from the day of
reporting the insured case, as the final state is taken the state after the
expiration of this deadline and according to it the percentage of the (1) The insurance contractor / the insured person/ the insurance beneficiary
body and / or organic damage made due to the professional illness is authorize the insurer to collect, examine, keep, guard and use the
calculated. personal data of the insurance contractor, i.e. the insured person,
(4) If for determining the amount of the obligation on the side of the i.e. the insurance beneficiary necessary for signing the insurance
insurer a certain amount of time is necessary, the insurer is obliged, at contract, as well as during the establishing the right for the damage
the request of the insurance contractor, to make an advanced payment compensation, and in accordance with the regulations which refer to the
which corresponds to the percentage of the body and / or organic personal data protection.
damage made due to the professional illness for which based on the (2) The insurer is obliged to keep the data from the previous paragraph as
medical documentation it is unquestionably established that it will the professional secret in accordance to the law which is in force.
permanently remain. (3) The insurer processes the data about the insurance contractor/ the
(5) The insurer will not pay the advanced payment before his obligation insured person/ the insurance beneficiary with the aim of realization of
concerning the circumstances of the insured case is established. the insurance contract and fulfilling the obligations as prescribed by the
(6) If before the established final percentage of the body and / or organic applicable legal regulations.
damage made due to the professional illness, and within the deadline (4) The insurance contractor/ the insured person/ the insurance beneficiary
of three years from the day of establishing the professional illness has the right to get informed about the data which the Insurer keeps
diagnosis, the death of the insured person occurs for any reason, the about him and has the right and obligation to request from the Insurer a
amount of the obligation of the insurer on the ground of the body and change, addition or updating of the data which refer to him. The data on
/ or organic damage made due to the professional illness is established the insurance contractor/ the insured person/ the insurance beneficiary
according to the existing medical documentation. can be used by the employees with the Insurer as well as the employees
with other people and / or institutions whom the Insurer provides with
Article 12. the data in harmony with the legal regulations or the agreed obligations
DETERMINING THE INSURANCE BENEFICIARY of the contract. The insurance contractor/ the insured person/ the
(1) According to the contract of the collective insurance of the employees insurance beneficiary have the right to cancel the previously given the
for the case of the professional illnesses, the beneficiary of the permission for the processing of the personal data as it was used for
insurance is the insured person. other purposes but those used for the purpose of signing the insurance
(2) In the case when the death of the insured person occurs for the person contract. In the case when the insurance contractor/ the insured
for whom the professional illness had been confirmed, the insurer is person/ the insurance beneficiary would like to withdraw his consent,
obliged to pay the insured amount or part of the insured amount to the he is obliged to send the information about the withdrawal of the
legal heirs of the insured person. If there are several legal heirs, the consent to the Insurer in the written form. The Insurer is obliged to after
insured amount will be paid in equal amounts to each of them. If the having received from the insurance contractor/ the insured person/ the
legal heir is a person under age, the insured amount is paid to the legal insurance beneficiary the written information about the withdrawal of
guardian of the under aged person. the consent for other purposes apart from the purpose of signing and
fulfilling the contract, deletes all his / her data.

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 4
(5) By his / he signature on the policy the insurance contractor/ the insured
person/ the insurance beneficiary confirms that he / she is informed
and agrees with all of the stated above, and that the consent given in
this way, represents the legal base for the Insurer for the processing and
collection of the data about the character of the insurance contractor/
the insured person/ the insurance beneficiary, according to the Law on
the protection of the personal data.
Article 18.
(1) The organ in charge of the monitoring the business dealings of the
insurance company is the National Bank of Serbia, the sector for the
monitoring the insurance dealings.
Article 19.
(1) The Obligation Law also applies to the collective insurance contract of
the employees for the case of professional illnesses in the respect of the
mutual rights and obligations between the Insurer on one hand and the
insurance contractor/ the insured person/ the insurance beneficiary on
the other hand which are not regulated by these conditions or the signed
insurance contract.
(2) If by the conditions a question is regulated opposite to the legal
regulations, the Law on obligations will be applied.
(3) The insurer is obliged to warn the insurance contractor that these
conditions are the integral part of the insurance contract and to provide
him with its text. The integral part of these conditions is the list of the
professional illnesses and the table for determining / estimation of
the percentage of the body and / or organic damage of the insurance
contractor due to the professional illness.
(4) These conditions come into force and are applied 8 (eight) days from
the day of their publication in accordance with the Statute of Sava non-
life insurance ltd. Belgrade, and the publication is done on the day of
their adoption.


Bojan Mijailović
Mirjana Bogićević
Aleksandar Ašanin


"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 5
The list of professional illnesses is an integral part of the conditions for the collective insurance of the employees for the case of professional illnesses and
is applied with the aim of determining the professional illness, work positions, i.e. jobs where the illnesses occur and the conditions under which they are
considered professional illnesses.

Num- Jobs and working positions where The conditions for admitting that the illness is considered
Professional illness
ber. the illness occurs to be professional
1 2 3 4


1.1. Metals and metalloids

Jobs and work positions where there is expo- Very strong clinical poisoning picture or specific damage of blood
Poisoning by lead or its
1. sure to lead or its compounds (The proof of and hematopoietic organs or periphery nervous system or central
the intensity and duration of the exposure) nervous system or kidneys
Jobs and work positions where there is expo-
Poisoning by mercury or Clinical poisoning picture or specific damage nervous system or
2. sure to mercury or its compounds (The proof
its compounds kidneys or at least three of other organs or organic systems
of the intensity and duration of the exposure)
Jobs and work positions where there is expo- Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to blood and hema-
Poisoning by arsenic or its
3. sure to arsenic or its compounds (The proof topoietic organs or nervous system or two of the following organs:
of the intensity and duration of the exposure) heart, kidneys or liver
Jobs and work positions where there is
Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the two of
Poisoning by phosphorus exposure to phosphorus or its compounds
4. following organs or organic systems: bones, liver, kidneys, nervous
or its compounds (The proof of the intensity and duration of
system, blood and hematopoietic organs and heart
the exposure)
Jobs and work positions where there is Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the nervous
Poisoning by manganese exposure to manganese or its compounds system or two of the following organs or organic systems: liver,
or its compounds (The proof of the intensity and duration of kidneys, blood and the hematopoietic organs, the respiratory
the exposure) system
Jobs and work positions where there is
Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the with the
Poisoning by beryllium or exposure to beryllium or its compounds (The
6. specific changes on the lungs or specific damage on other two
its compounds proof of the intensity and duration of the
organs or organic systems
Jobs and work positions where there is expo- Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the kidneys or
Poisoning by cadmium or
7. sure to cadmium or its compounds (The proof bones or organic systems, respiratory system, liver, and blood and
its compounds
of the intensity and duration of the exposure) hematopoietic system
Poisoning by selenium or Jobs and work positions where there is expo- Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
its compounds sure to selenium or its compounds or organic systems
Jobs and work positions where there is
Poisoning by vanadium or exposure to vanadium or its compounds (The Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
its compounds proof of the intensity and duration of the or organic systems
Jobs and work positions where there is
Poisoning by chromium exposure to chromium or its compounds (The Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
or its compounds proof of the intensity and duration of the or organic systems
Jobs and work positions where there is expo-
Poisoning by nickel or its Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
11. sure to nickel or its compounds (The proof of
compounds or organic systems
the intensity and duration of the exposure)
Jobs and work positions where there is expo-
Poisoning by zinc or its Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
12. sure to zinc or its compounds (The proof of
compounds or organic systems
the intensity and duration of the exposure)
Jobs and work positions where there is expo-
Poisoning by copper or its Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
13. sure to copper or its compounds (The proof
compounds or organic systems
of the intensity and duration of the exposure)

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 6
Jobs and work positions where there is
Poisoning by aluminum or exposure to aluminum or its compounds (The Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
its compounds proof of the intensity and duration of the or organic systems
Jobs and work positions where there is expo-
Poisoning by cobalt or its Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
15. sure to cobalt or its compounds (The proof of
compounds or organic systems
the intensity and duration of the exposure)
Jobs and work positions where there is expo-
Poisoning by tin or its Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
16. sure to tin or its compounds (The proof of the
compounds or organic systems
intensity and duration of the exposure)
Jobs and work positions where there is expo-
Poisoning by antimony or Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the three organs
17. sure to antimony or its compounds (The proof
its compounds or organic systems
of the intensity and duration of the exposure)

1.2. Gases
Jobs and work positions where there is
Poisoning by halogen
exposure to halogen elements and their its Clinical poisoning picture with specific changes which correspond
18. elements and their com-
compounds (The proof of the intensity and to the chronical irritative effect on the skin, muscuous membrane
duration of the exposure) and respiratory system
Jobs and work positions where there is expo- Clinical poisoning picture with specific changes which correspond
Poisoning by sulphur or
19. sure to sulphur or its compounds (The proof to the chronical irritative effect on the skin, muscuous membrane
its compounds
of the intensity and duration of the exposure) and respiratory system
Jobs and work positions where there is expo- Clinical poisoning picture with specific changes which correspond
Poisoning by nitro genic
20. sure to nitro genic compounds (The proof of to the chronical irritative effect on the skin, muscuous membrane
the intensity and duration of the exposure) and respiratory system
Jobs and work positions where there is expo- Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the two of the
Poisoning by car-
21. sure to carbon-monoxide(The proof of the following organic systems: the central nervous, blood vessels,
intensity and duration of the exposure) blood and hemapoeic organs
Clinical poisoning picture with asterio-vegetational manifestations
Jobs and work positions where there is expo-
Poisoning by cyanide or and specific damage to the two of the following organs or organic
22. sure to cyanide or its compounds (The proof
its compounds systems: nervous systems, thyroid gland, blood and hematopoietic
of the intensity and duration of the exposure)

1.3. Solvents

Jobs and work positions where there is expo- Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the two of the
Poisoning by alphate
23. sure to alphate hydrocarbons (The proof of following organs or organic systems: blood and hematopoietic
the intensity and duration of the exposure) systems, liver, kidneys and the nervous systems
Jobs and work positions where there is
Poisoning by the cyclical Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the two of the
exposure to cyclical hydrocarbons and their
24. hydrocarbons and their following organs: blood and hematopoietic organs, liver, kidneys
homologues (the proof of their intensity and
homologues and nervous system
the duration of the exposure)
Jobs and work positions where there is
Poisoning by the ni- Clinical poisoning picture with the cataract or the specific damage
exposure to nitro-amino derivatives of the
25. tro-amino derivatives of to the two organs or organic systems: blood and hematopoietic
carbon-monoxide (The proof of the intensity
the carbon-monoxide organs, liver, kidneys and the nervous system
and duration of the exposure)
Jobs and work positions where there is
Poisoning by the halogens Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the two organs
exposure to halogens derivatives of the car-
26. derivatives of the car- or organic systems: blood and hematopoeic organs or organic
bon-monoxide (The proof of the intensity and
bon-monoxide systems, liver kidneys and the nervous systems
duration of the exposure)
Jobs and work positions where there is expo- Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the two organs
Poisoning by the carbon
27. sure to carbon disulphides (The proof of the or organic systems: the sight, central nervous system or peripheral
intensity and duration of the exposure) nervous system or three of other organs and organic systems
Jobs and work positions where there is ex-
Poisoning by alcohols or Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the two of the
posure to alcohols or asters or ketones (The
28. asters or aldehydes or following organs or organic systems: blood and hematopoietic
proof of the intensity and duration of the
ketones system, liver, kidneys and the nervous system

1.4. Pesticides

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 7
Jobs and work positions where there is expo-
Poisoning by pesticides
sure to the pesticides which are not covered Clinical poisoning picture with specific damage to the two organs
29. not covered in other
in other items (The proof of the intensity and or organic systems.
duration of the exposure)


Jobs and working positions where there is

exposure to the open and enclosed sources
Clinical picture with morphological and functional changes in the
of ionizing radiation (The proof of the dura-
Diseases causes by the blood and hematopoietic organs or skin (the ulcerous radiodher-
30. tion of at least five years and the intensity of
ionizing radiation mathitis) or eye lens (cataract) or the hyeprthyrosis caused by the
the exposure-personal bio-dissymmetry or
radioactive iodine
the measurement of the radioactivity of the
Jobs and working positions where there is ex-
Diseases causes by the posure to non- ionizing radiation (The proof The morphological and functional changes on the sight organ
non- ionizing radiation of the duration of at least five years and the (cataract)
intensity of the exposure)
Diseases causes by higher Jobs and working positions of keysonance,
The repetition of the air emboli and the functional failures of the
32. or lower athmospheric divers and flying staff (The proof of repeated
central nervous system or myocardia or lungs or the bone system
pressure rapid and sudden decompressions)
Jobs and working positions where there is The perceptive damage of the hearing on both sides of over 30%
Diseases causes by the
33. contact with the noise over the approved according to Fowler-Sa- bine. The proof of the progressive hearing
level (the proof of duration and intensity) damage during working in noise.
Jobs and working positions where there is
Diseases causes by the Clinical picture with the minimum of the morphological or func-
34. exposure to vibrations (the proof of at least
vibrations tional changes on the vascular and neuromuscular or bone system
five years)
The chronical bursitis of
the joints as the conse- Jobs and working positions where there is the Clinical picture of the chronical inflammation of the elbow or
35. quence of over strain- long term strain of the burses ( at least five shoulder od prepateral burse with the reduced function of the joint
ing and the long term years) in question
Syndrome of the carpal Jobs and working positions where there is the Clinical picture with morphological signs of the chronical com-
tunnel long term strain of the hand and lower arm pression and functional failures
The nerves` paralysis due Jobs and working positions where there is
37. to the overstraining and the long term strain and pressure on the
Clinical picture of the paralysis of the periphery nerve
long term pressure perpipherical nerve
Jobs and working positions where there is the
The damage to the knee strain of the ankle in the non-physiological
meniscus due to the position (The proof of the duration of the Clinical picture with morphological lesions of the meniscus and the
long term strain in the strain of the knee for at least five years with changes of the knee joint
non-physiological position the daily strain up to at least one third of the
working hours)


Tropical, imported dis- The jobs of the staff at work where the Clinical picture of tropical diseases (The proof of the contact with
39. eases caused by viruses, tropical diseases occur endemically and the biological agent and parasite and the space and time connec-
bacteria and parasites epidemically tion with the appearance of this illness)
Jobs and working positions where the contact Clinical picture of the antroposonoses (The proof of the contact
40. Antroposonoses was made with the causative agent of the with the biological agent and parasite and the space and time con-
disease i nection with the appearance of this illness)
Jobs and working positions where the par- Clinical picture of the hepatitis (The proof of the parenteral
41. Viral hepatitis enteral contact was made with the causative infection and parasite and the space and time connection with the
agent of the disease appearance of this illness)
Jobs and working positions where the par- Clinical AIDS picture (The proof of the parenteral infection with
Parenteral infection
42. enteral contact was made with the causative the biological agent and the space and time connection with the
caused by the AIDS virus
agent of the disease appearance of this illness)
Jobs and working positions where the paren-
Clinical tuberculosis picture caused by the bacillus of the tubercu-
43. Tuberculosis teral contact was made with the bacillus of
losis resistent to the anti-tuberculosis medicines

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 8
Jobs and working positions where there is
Clinical findings with the X-ray changes on the lungs, profusions 1/1
exposure to the dust of the free silicium
44. and the disorder of the lung ventilation of at least middle or higher
Lungs sylicososis dioxide (The proof about the intensity and the
degree of the profusion of the X-ray changes
duration of the exposure)
Jobs and working positions where there is
exposure to the dust of the free silicium Clinical findings with the X-ray changes on the lungs 1/1, as well as
45. Silicon-tuberculosis
dioxide (The proof about the intensity and the the signs of the active tuberculosis
duration of the exposure)
Jobs and working positions where there is ex-
Clinical findings with the X-ray changes on the lungs, profusions 1/1
posure to the dust of the asbestos fibers (The
46. Lungs asbestosis and the disorder of the lung ventilation of at least middle or higher
proof about the intensity and the duration of
degree of the profusion of the X-ray changes
the exposure)
Jobs and working positions in the coal mines
Clinical findings with the X-ray changes on the lungs, profusions 1/1
Pneumoconiosis of the with the underground exploitation (The
47. and the disorder of the lung ventilation of at least middle or higher
miners in the mine pits proof about the intensity and the duration of
degree of the profusion of the X-ray changes
the exposure)
Jobs and working positions of the production
Clinical findings with the X-ray changes on the lungs, profusions 1/1
Pneumoconiosis caused and processing of the hard metals (The proof
48. and the disorder of the lung ventilation of at least middle or higher
by a hard metal about the intensity and the duration of the
degree of the profusion of the X-ray changes
Jobs and working positions where there is
exposure to the dust of cotton, linen and
hemp especially at the beginning phases of The clinical picture of the biosynosis in the second and third stadi-
49. Busyness of the lungs
the processing (The proof about the intensity um of the illness
and the duration of the exposure of at least
ten years)
Jobs and working positions where there is the
The clinical picture of the asthma with the verification of attacks
contact with the substances which cause the
during working hours, positive non-specific broncho-provocative
50. Asthma allergic or irritative impact on the organs for
tests. In cases when the broncho-provocative test is counter indi-
breathing (The proof about the intensity and
cated, positive immunological tests
the duration of the exposure)
The jobs and working positions where the The clinical findings with the specific X-ray changes on the lungs,
Exogenous allergic bron- workers are exposed to spores of the fungi the disorder of the lung ventilation of the middle degree, a posi-
chiolalveolitis and the heterologous proteins (The proof of tive specific broncho-provocative test and the specific immunolog-
the exposure) ical changes
Angio-neurotic edema Jobs and working positions where the work- The clinical picture with the clearly expressed changes on the up-
52. of the upper breathing ers are exposed to allergic substances (The per breathing pathways and the positive exposition on the specific
pathways proof of exposition) immunological tests
The clinical picture of the chronic obstructive bronchitis with the
The jobs and working positions where there is
disorder of the lung ventilation of the grave degree (FEV1 <50%).
Chronically obstructive contact with irritating dust (the proof of the
53. Normal spiro- metric finding at the start of work. The proof of the
bronchitis intensity and duration of the exposure of at
progression of the lung function during work. The proof that the ill
least ten years)
person has always been a non-smoker.


Jobs and working positions where the work-
The clinical picture of the graver chronical or recurrent contact
54. Contact dermatitis ers are exposed to allergenic substances or
dermatitis with the positive specific immunological and other tests
irritating substances (The proof of exposition)
Jobs and working positions where the work-
55. Recurrent urticarial ers are exposed to allergic substances (The The clinical picture with the positive exposure and the
proof of exposition) immunological tests


The clinical picture of the malignant disease caused by the ionizing
The jobs and working posts where there is the radiation or ultraviolet rays or the chemically can erogenous sub-
56. Malignant diseases
contact with can erogenous substances stances from the ARC list of the certainly proven can erogenous

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 9
For determining the percent of the body and / or organic damage caused by the
professional illness
1. The table for determining the percent of the body and / or organic damage caused by the professional illness (in further test: the Table) is the integral
part of the conditions of the collective insurance for the professional diseases and is applied when determining the amount of the part of the insured
amount which the insurance beneficiary receives in case when there is the body and / organic damage due to the professional illness.
2. The collective insurance of the employees for the case of professional illnesses only this percentage is applied as determined by this table, i.e. the
Insurer admits to only this table when solving the requests for the compensation from the insurance.
3. The maximum obligation of the insurer based on the occurrence of the body and / or organic damage during the duration of the contract of insurance is
100 % of the insured amount.
4. In cases when the insurance contractor was diagnosed with several professional illnesses / diseases during the insurance period, the insurer is obliged
to pay a onetime payment for each reported professional illness, while the percentage of the damage for each professional illness is added up and the
payment of the insurer in that case cannot be bigger than 100 % of the insured amount.
5. If the definition of the professional illness is expressed through a point in the table where there are several degrees of the body and / or organic damage
in the certain range, it is the exclusive right of the doctor censor of the Insurer to establish this percentage according to the expert estimation within
the defined range.
6. The subjective ailments in the sense of the motor muscular strength, pain and swelling on the spot of the body and / or organic damage are not taken
into consideration when estimating the percentage of the body and /or organic damage due to the professional illness.
7. Individual capabilities, the social status or the profession (professional capability) of the insured person are not taken into consideration at determining
the percentage of the body and / or organic damage due to the professional illness.



The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists even after the treatment, is estimated after the end
of the treatment
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partial numbness of the brachial plexus is determined based on the clinical
and electro-diagnostic findings.
c) potpuna uzetost radijalisa ili medijanusa 40%
d) delimična uzetost radijalisa ili medijanusa 30%
e) potpuna uzetost ulnarisa 30%
Special conditions
1. If with the state at point 1.under b) and d) of this chapter are determined significant trophic changes or causalgies
(at the damage of the medianus) can be increased by 10%.
2. Oštećenja lumbosakralnog pleksusa:
a) potpuna uzetost femoralisa 40%
b) potpuna uzetost gornjeg i donjeg glutealnog živca 30%
c) potpuna uzetost išijadikusa 50%
d) potpuna uzetost tibijalisa ili peroneusa 30%
The special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerves phemoralis and ischiaticus the percentage is reduced by 10% in relation
to the complete numbness.
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves is considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostically clear
functional disorders (failures), and not taking into the consideration the lesions

II The damage of CNS after the end of the treatment

1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disorder such as:
a) dominant picture of the permanent psychological disorders 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive attacks 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f ) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressive dementia or complete numbness of one half of the body or the complete body 100%
III The damage of the kidney - the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. Gubitak jednog bubrega posle prilagođavanja ili potpuni gubitak funkcije bubrega, sa normalnom funkcijom dru-
gog bubrega

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 10
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is estimated according to the creatinine clearance, and if the
value of the creatinine clearance is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
below 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneys of the graver degree
The percentage of the body damage is determined according to the possibility of the therapy:
a) a possible therpay with medicaments 60%
b) the necessary permanent dialysis 100%
c) the necessary transplantation, after which the state of the transplanted kidney is:
̵ with the compensated function 50%
̵ with the decompensated function 100%
The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists after the treatment is estimated after the end of
the treatment
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numnbess of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partial numbness of the plexus is estimated depending on the clinical and
electro-diagnostic findings.
c) the complete numbness of he medianus 40%
d) the partial numbnessof the radialis or the medianus 30%
e) the complete numness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If the state in the item 1. Under b) and d) of this chapter establish also a greater trophic changes or causalities (at
the damage of the medius), the determined percentage can be larger by 10%.
2. Oštećenja lumbosakralnog pleksusa:
a) the complete numbness of the femoralis 40%
b) the complete nubness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of the ischiaticus 50%
d) the complete numbness of the tibialis or peroneus 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerves of femoralis and ischiaticus the percentage is reduced by 10% in relation
to the percentage for the complete numbness.
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves is considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostically clear
functional disorders (failures), but the discrete lesions are not taken into consideration.

II The damage of the CNS after the end of the treatment

1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disorder such as:
a) the dominant pictures / images of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive attacks 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f ) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressive dementia or the total numbness of one half of the body or of the complete body 100%
III The kidney damage - the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the function of the kidney with the normal
function of the other kidney- 30%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 11
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined according to the findings of the creatinine
clearence, if the value of cc is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
under 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneys of the graver degree
The percentage of the body damage is determined according to the possibilities for therapy treatment:
a) a possible therapy with medicaments 60%
b) the necessary permanent dialysis 100%
c) the necessary transplantation, after which the state of the transplanted kidney is:
̵ with the compensated function 50%
̵ with the decompensated function 100%
1. The permanent reduction of the function of the lungs at the damage of the respiratory function of the severe
degree and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain on the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain of the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) medium degree 30%
b) sever degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinically manifested partial chronical
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinically manifested global chronical
insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
V The liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) Without encelopathy 70%
b) With encelopathy 100%
Special conditions
1. By the severe damage of the function of the liver is considered the state of the liver with the permanently changed
and pathological findings in the clinical laboratories and the functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encepha-
lopathy, ascites, varices exofagiae).
2. All the liver damage which last longer than three years are considered as permanent.
VI Gastrointestinal tract
With the existence of the chronically damaged functions the body damage is 30%


The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists after the treatment, is estimated at the end of the
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partial numbness of the brachial plexus depends on the electro-diagnostic
c) the complete numbness of the radius or medanius 40%
d) the partial numbness of the radius or medanius 30%
e) the complete numbness of the ulnarisa 30%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 12
Special conditions
1. If the states from the point 1. Under b) and d) of this chapter are confirmed and greater trophic changes or cau-
salgiae (at the damage of the medius), the established percentage can be increased by 10%.

2. The damage of the lumbosacral plexus:

a) the complete numbness of the femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c)the complete numbness of the ischiaticus 50%
d) the complete numbness of the tibiae or peroneus 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerves temoralis and ischiaticus the percentage is reduced by 10% as compared
with the complete numbness.
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves is considered to be the clinical and electro diagnostically clear
functional disorders (failures), but the discrete lesions are not taken into consideration.

II The damage of the CNS after the end of the treatment

1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disorder such as:
a) he dominant picture of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive attacks / seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) the progressive dementia or the complete numbness of one half or the whole body 100%

III The severeness of the heart damage is determined based on the estimated degree of the heart function (based
on the EF value) and can be:
a) the damage of the heart function of the small degree- body damage 30%
b) the damage of the heart function of the medium degree- body damage 60%
c) the damage of the heart function of the great / severe degree (decompensation)- body damage 100%
IV The kidney damage- the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the function of the kidney, with the normal
function of the other kidney
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined according to the creatinine clearance, and if the
value of cc is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
under 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneys of the severe degree
The percentage of the body damage is determined according to the possibility for therapeutical treatment:
a) a possible therapy with medicaments 60%
b) the necessary permanent dialysis 100%
c) the necessary transplantation, after which the state of the transplanted kidney is:
̵ with the compensated function 50%
̵ with the decompensated function 100%
V Liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) without encephalopathy 70%
b) with encephalopathy 100%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 13
Special conditions
1. The severe damage of the function of the liver is considered to be the state of the liver with the permanently
changed and pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal en-
cephalopathy, ascites, vaices exofagae).
2. All the damages of the liver longer than three years are considered to be permanent.


The bone manifestation of the chronical phosphorous poisoning is the jaw necrosis-the existenceof the partial
I 40%
defect with the functional impediments-and causes the body

II Liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) without encephalopathy 70%
b) with encephalopathy 100%
Special conditions
1. The severe damage of the function of the liver is considered to be the state of the liver with the permanently
changed and pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal
encephalopathy, ascites, varices exofagi).
2. All the liver damage which last longer than three years are considered permanent.
III The idney damage –the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the kidney function, with the normal function
of the other kidney
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined according to the value of the creatinine clearance,
if the value of cc is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
under 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneys of the greater degree
The percentage of the body damage is determined according to the possibility for the therapy treatment:
a) A possible therapy with medicaments 60%
b) necessary permanent dialysis 100%
c) the necessary transplantation, after which the state of the transplanted kidney is:
̵ with the compensated function 50%
̵ with decompensated function 100%
The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists afer the treatment is estimated after the end of the
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) The complete numbness of the plexus 80%
b) delimična uzetost brahijalnog pleksusa 50%
The special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partial numbness of the brachial plexus is estimated depending on the
clinical and electro-diagnostic findings.
c) the complete numbness of the radius or medanius 40%
d) the partial numbness of the radius or medanius 30%
e) the complete numbness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If the state in the item 1. Under b) and d) of this chapter is established and the greater trophic changes and causal-
giae(at the damage of the medianus), the established percent can be increased by 10%.

2. Oštećenja lumbosakralnog pleksusa:

a) the complete numbness of the femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 14
c) the complete numbness of the ischiaticus 50%
d) the complete numbness of the tibialis or proneus 30%
The special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerve femoralis and ischiaticus the percent is reduced by 10% compared to the
percent for the complete numbness.
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves is considered to be the clinical and electro diagnostically clear
disorders (failures), and discrete lesions are not taken into consideration.

V The damage to the CNS after the ending of the treatment

1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disorder such as:
a) dominant picture of the permanent psychological disorders 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressive dementia or the complete numbness of one half or the whole body 100%
VI The blood
a) The permanent damage of one blood line, the body damage 10%
b) The damage of two blood lines 20%
c) The damage of all the three blood lines 30%
The severenes of the damage of the heart is determined based on the estimated degree of the disorder of the
heart funtion (based on the values of EF) and can be:
a) the damage of the heart function of a smaller degree –the body damage 30%
b) the damage of the heart function of a medium degree –the body damage 60%
c) the damage of the heart function of a severe degree (decompensation) –the body damage 100%


I The damage of CNS after the end of the treatment
1. Encefalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomathology and the permanent organic disorder such as:
a) dominantne slike trajnih psihičkih smetnji 30%
b) progressive loss of memory and the cognitive fuctions 40%
c) the occurence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudobulbar syndrome 70%
f) ekstrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressive dementia or complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%
II The liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) without encefalopathy 70%
b) with encefalopathy 100%
Special conditions
1. The severe damage of the liver function is considered to be the state of the liver with the permanently changed and
pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encephalopathy,
ascites, varices exofagi).
2. All the liver damage which last longer than three years are considered as permanent.
III The kidney damage - the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the kidney function, with the normal function
of the other kidney
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined according to the finding of the creatinine clear-
ance, and if the value of cc is:
0.83 ml/s 40%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 15
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
under 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functionala damage of both kidneys of the severe degree
The percentage of the body damage is estimated according to the possibility for therapy treatment:
a) A possible therapy wih medicaments 60%
b) te necessary permanent dialysis 100%
c) the necessary transplantation, after which the state of the ransplanted kidney is:
̵ with compensated function 50%
̵ with the decomposed function 100%
IV The blood
a) the permanent damage to one blood linem body damage 10%
b) The damage of two blood lines 20%
c) The damage of all the three blood lines 30%
V The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung functionat the damage of the respiratory function of a severe degree and
the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the load / strain of the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the load / strain on the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lungs`ventilation (any cause):
a) to a medium degree 30%
b) to a graver degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe level with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) other damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the global chronical
insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the severe degree and
the existence of the respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the loaded / strained right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the loaded / strained right heart sa znacima opterećenja desnog srca 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilatio (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture manifested partially
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture manifested global chron-
ical lung insufficiency and the signs of the lung heart
Special conditions

1. Poisoning by beryllium manifested in the form of the lung fibrosis- beryloses.


I The kidney damage – the progressive loss of the kidney
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the kidney function, with the normal function
of the other kidney
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined according to the findings of the creatinine celar-
ance, and if the creatinine clearance value is:

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 16
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
under 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneys to a severe degree
The percentage of the body damage is determined according to the possibility to be treated with medicaments:
a) possible therpay with medicaments 60%
b) the necessary permanent dialysis 100%
c) the necessary transplantation, after which the state of the stransplanted kidney is:
̵ with the compensated function 50%
̵ with the decomposed function 100%
II Bones
a) Osteoporosis 30%
b) Osteomalatio 20%
III Lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the severe degree and
the existence of the chronicle respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strained / loaded right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strained / loaded right heart 100%
2. The damaged lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) of the damaged ventilation of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial chronical
d) of the damaged ventilation of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global chronical
insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
IV The liver
The permanent damage of the function of the liver of the___14 severe degree:
a) without encephalopathy 70%
b) with encephalopathy 100%
Special conditions
1. The severe damage of the function of liver is considered to be the permanently changed and in the pathological
findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encephalopathy, ascites,
varices exofagi).
2. All the damages to the liver which last longer than three years are considered permanent.
V The blood
a) the permanent damage of one blood line, the body damage 10%
b) the damage of two blood lines 20%
c) The damage of three blood lines 30%


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the severe degree and
the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strained / loaded right heart a 50%
b) with the signs of the strained / loaded right heart 100%
2. The damaged lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the greater degree 40%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 17
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the manifested global chronical lung insuffi-
ciency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
II The damage of the CNS after the ending of the treatment
1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disorder such as:
a) Dominant picture of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) The progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) The occurrence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) the progressive dementia or complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%
III The liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) without encephalopathy 70%
b) with encephalopathy 100%
Special conditions
1. By a severe damage of the liver function is considered to be the state of the liver with the permanently changed and
pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encephalopathy,
ascites, varices exofagi).
2. All the liver damages which last longer than three years are considered to be permanent.
IV The blood
a) the permanent damage of one blood line, the body damage 10%
b) damage of two blood lines, 20%
c) damage of three blood lines, 30%


The damage of the peripherous nervous system which persists after the ending of the treatment is estimated
after the end of the treatment
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) The complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partial numbness of the brachial plexus is estimated according to the
clinical and electro diagnostic findings.
c) the complete numbness of the radius or medianus 40%
d) the partial numbness of the radius or the medanius 30%
e) the complete numbness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If at the state from the point 1. Under b) and d) of this chapter are confirmed even greater trophic changes or
causalgies (at the medanius damage), the established percentage can be increased by 10%.

2. The damage of the lumbosacral plexus:

a) the complete numbness of the femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of ischiaticus 50%
d) the complete numbness of tibialis or peroneus 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the femoralis and ischiaicus the percentage is reduced by 10% as compared to the
percentage for the complete numbness.
2. By the partial numbness of the spinal nerves are considered the clinically and electro diagnostically clear
functional disorders (failures), and the discreet lesions are not taken into consideration.

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 18
II The damage of the CNS after the completion of the treatment
1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disor-der in the form
a) the dominant picture of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive seizures / attacks 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudobulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressive dementia or the complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%
III The kidney damage – the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the kidney function, with the normal function
of the other kidney
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined according to the findings of the creatinine clear-
ance, and if the value of the cc is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
under 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneys of the more severe degree
The percentage of the body damage is determined according to the possibility for the therapy treatment:
a) the possible therapy by medicaments 60%
b) the necessary permanent dialysis 100%
c) the necessary transplantation, after which the state of the transplanted kidney is:
̵ with the compensated function 50%
̵ with the decompensated function 100%
IV The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lungs` function at the damage of the respiratory function of the more severe
degree and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency-the signs of the lung heart


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the severe degree and
the existence of the respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load of the rig heart 100%
2. The damage of the luns ventilation (any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 19
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
II The damage of the kidneys -the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the kidney function, with the normal function
of the other kidney
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined by the findings of the creatinine clearance, and if
the value of cc is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
Under 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneys of the more severe degree
The percentage of the body danage is determined according to the possibility of the medical thera-py:
a) the possible therapy with medicaments 60%
b) the necessary permanent dialysis 100%
c) the necessary transplantation, after which the state of the transplanted kidney is:
̵ with the compensated function 50%
̵ with the decompensated function 100%


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the se-vere degree
and the existence if the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load for the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load for the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) to a medium degree 30%
b) To a more severe degree 40%
c) The demage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronic lung heart
II The kidney damage - the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the kidney function, with the other kidney
with the normal function
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined accroding to the creatinine clearance findings, if
the value of the cc is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/ 90%
below 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneys of the more severe degree
The percentage of the body damage is determined according to the possibilities of the therapy:
a) A possible therapy with the medicaments 60%
b) the necessary permanent dialysis 100%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 20
c) the necessary transplantation, after which the state of the transplanted kidney is:
̵ with the compensated function 50%
̵ with the decompensated function 100%
III The liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) without encefalopathy 70%
b) with encefalopathy 100%
The special conditions
1. By the severe damage of the liver function it is considered the liver state with the permanently changed and
pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encephalopathy,
ascites, varices exofagi).
2. All the damages of the liver which last longer than three years are considered as permanent.
IV The permanent damage of the adrenal gland –the body damage 30%

V The loss or permanent damage of the spleen function –body damage 30%
Special conditions
1. The most frequent manifestation of nickel poisoning is the damage of the respiratory system under the picture of
asthma or lung fibrosis.


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the se-vere degree
and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
II The damage of the kidney –the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the kidney function 30%
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined according to the findings of the creatinine clear-
ance, and if the cc value is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
below 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneys of the more severe degree
The percentage of the body damageis determinedaccording to the possibilities of the therapy:
a) The possible therapy with medicaments 60%
b) the necessary permanent dyalisis 100%
c) neophodna transplantacija, posle koje je stanje transplantiranog bubrega:
̵ with the compensated function 50%
̵ with the decompensated function 100%
III The liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) without encefalopathy 70%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 21
b) with encefalopathy special conditions 100%
Special conditions
1. By the severe damage of the liver function is considered the state of liver with the permanently changed and
pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional
2. All the damages of liver longer than three years are considered permanent.


The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists after the end of the treatment is estimatede se po
završetku lečenja
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) The complete damage of the brachial plexus 80%
b) A partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partial brachial plexus is estimated based on the clinical and electrodi-
agnostic findings.
c) the complete numbness of the radius or medanius 40%
d) the partial numbness of the radialis or medanius 30%
e)the complete numbness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If the states from the point 1. Under b) and d) of this chapter are estimated even the greater trophic changes or
causalgies (at the damage of the medianus), the established percentage can be increased by 10%.

2. the damage of the lumbosacral plexus:

a) the complete numbness of the femoralis 40%
b) the complete of the upper and lower of the gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of the ischiaticus 50%
d) the complete of the tbialis or peroneus 30%
The special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerves femoralis and ischiaticus the percentage is reduced by 10% as compared
to the complete numbness.
2. the partial numbness of the spinal nerves is considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostically clear
functional disorders (failures), and discrete lesions are not taken into consideration e.

II The damage of the CNS after the ending of the treatment

1. Encefalopathy with the obvious neurological sympatology and the permanent organic disorder in the form of:
a) dominant pictures of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and the ognitive functions 40%
c) the existence of the onvulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudobulbar syndrome 70%
f) ekstrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressivne dementia or the complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%
III The liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) without encefalopathy 70%
b) with encefalopathy 100%
Special conditions
1. The severe damages of the liver function are considered the states of the liver with the permanently changed and
pathologically findings in the clinical, laboratory and i functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encephalopathy,
ascites, varices exofagi).
2. All the damages of the liver which last for longer than three years are considered to be permanent.
I Bones
a) Osteoporosis 30%
b) Osteopenia 10%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 22
II The damages of the CNS after the ending of the treatment
1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disor-der in the form
a) the dominant picture of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the existence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) the progressive dementia or the complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%
III The liver
The permanent liver function of the severe degree:
a) without encephalopathy 70%
b) with encefalopathy 100%
The special conditions
1. By the severe conditions of the liver function is considered the state of the liver with the permanently changed and
pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encephalopathy,
ascites, varices exofagi).
2. The severeness of the damage of the heart is estimated based on the estimated degree of the disorder of the heart

The severeness of the damage of the heart is estimated based on the estimated degree of the disorder of the
heart function
a) the damage of the heart function of the smaller degree – the body damage 30%
b)the damage of the heart function of the medium degree – the body damage 60%
c) the damage of the function of the severe degree (dekompensation) – the body damage 100%
V The loss or permanent damage of the function of the spleen 30%

VI The damage of the muscles 30%


The severeness of the heart damage is determined based on the estimated degree of the disorder of the heart
function (based on the values of EF) and can be:
a) the damage of the heart function of a smaller degree – body damage 30%
b) the damage of the heart function of the medium degree - body damage 60%
c) the damage of the function of the severe degree (decompensation) – body damage 100%
II The permanent damage of the function of the thyroid gland-body damage 30%

The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists after the treatment, is estimated after the medical
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partial numbness of the brachial plexus is estimated depending on the
clinical and electro diagnostic findings
c) the complete numbness of the radialis or mediaus 40%
d) the partial numbness of the radialis or medianus 30%
e) the complete numbness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If the stated in point 1.under b) and d) of this chapter estimate even greater trophic changes or causalgies (at the
damage of the medianus), the estimated percentage can be increased by 10%.

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 23
2. The damage of the lumbosacral plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of the ischiadicus 50%
d) the complete numbness of the tibialis or peroneus 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the femoralis and ischiadicus nerves the percentage is reduced by 10% when
compared with the percentage for the complete numbness.
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves are considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostically clear
functional disorders (failures), and the discrete lesions are not taken into consideration.

IV The damage of the CNS after the ending of the treatment

1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disorder in the form
a) The dominant picture of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressive dementia or complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%


The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists after the treatment is estimated after the end of
the treatment
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partial numbness of the brachial plexus is estimated based on the clinical
and electro diagnostic findings.
c) the complete numbness of the radialis or medianus 40%
d) the partial numbness of the radialis or medianus 30%
e) the complete numbness of the ulranis 30%
Special conditions
1. If the state from the point 1. Under b) and d) of this chapter establish even greater trophic changes or causalgies
(at the damage of the medianus), the established percentage can be increased by 10%.

2. The damage of the lumbosacral plexus:

a) the complete numbness of the femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of the ischiadicus 50%
d) the complete numbness of tibialis or peroneus 30%
The special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerves femoralis and ischiadicus the percentage is reduced by 10% as compared
with percentage for the complete numbness.
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves is considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostically clear
functional disorders (failures), and the discrete lesions are not taken into consideration e.

II The damage of the CNS after the ending of the treatment

1. Encefalopathy with the obvious neurological symptmatology and the permanent organic disorders in the form of:
a) the dominant picture of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudobulbar syndrome 70%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 24
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressivne demenia or the complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%
III The liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the svere degree:
a) without encefalopathy 70%
b) with encefalopathy 100%
Special conditions
1. The severe damage of the liver function is considered the state of the liver with the permanently changed and
pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encephalopathy,
ascites, varices exofagi).
2. All the liver damages longer than three years are considered as permanent.
IV The blood
a) The permanent damage of one blood line, body damage 10%
b) The damage of two blood lines 20%
c) The damage of all three blood lines 30%

V The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the function of the lungs at the damage of the respiratory function of the grave
degree and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart 100%


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the function of lungs at the damage of the respiratory function of the chronical
respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strained /loaded right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strained / loaded right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
The severeness of the heart damage is determined based on the estimated degree of the heart function disorder
(based on the EF value) and can be:
a) the smaller damage of the heart function – body damage 30%
b) the damage of the heart function to a medium degree –body damage 60%
c) the severe damage of the heart function (decompensation) – body damage 100%
The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists even after the treatment, is esti-mated after the
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the damage at the partly numb brachial plexus is determined based on the clinical and electro
diagnostic findings.

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 25
c) the complete numbness of radialis or medianus 40%
d) the partial numbness of radialis or medianus 30%
e) the complete numbness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If the state from the point 1. Under b) and d) of this chapter establish even greater trophic changes and causalgies
(at the damage of the medianus), the established percent who can be increased by 10%.

2. The damage of the lumbosacral plexus:

a) the complete numbness of femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerves 30%
c) the complete numbness of the ischiadicus 50%
d) the complete numbness of tibius or peroneus 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the femoralis and ischiadicus nerves are reduced by 10% in relation to the complete
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves are considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostically clear
functional disorders (failures), and the discreet lesions are not taken into consideration.
IV The damage of the CNS after the completion of the treatment
1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and permanent organic disorder in the form of:
a) the dominant pictures of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressive dementia or the complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%
V The skin
a) Skin cancer due to the exposure of antimony


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the se-vere degree
and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strained / loaded right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strained / loaded right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency with the signs of the chronical lung heart 100%


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the se-vere degree
and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strained / loaded of the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strained / loaded right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) Of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 26
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart 100%


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the se-vere degree
and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strained loaded right heart a 50%
b) with the signs of the strained / loaded right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart 100%


The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists after the treatment, is estimated after the end of
the treatment
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) delimična uzetost brahijalnog pleksusa 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partly numb brachial plexus is estimated based on the clinical and electro
diagnostic findings.
c) the complete numbness of the radialis or medanius 40%
d) the partial numbness of the radialis or medianus 30%
e) The complete numbness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If at the state in the point 1. Under b) and d) this chapter establishes greater trophus changes or causalgies (at the
damage of the medanius); the established percentage can be increased by 10%.
2. The damage of the umbosacral plexus:
a) the complete numbness of femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of ischiadicus 50%
d) the complete numbness of tibialis or peroneus 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the femoralis and ischiadicus nerves are reduced by 10% in relation to the complete
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves are considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostically clear func-
tional disorders (failures), and the discreet lesions are not taken into consideration.

II The damage of the CNS after the completion of the treatment

1. Encefalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disorders in the form
of :
a) the dominant picture of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the porgressive loss of memory and cognitive functions 40%
c)the existence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudobulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) progressive dementia or the complete numbness of one half of the body or of the whole body 100%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 27
The severeness of the damage of the heart is determined based on the estimated degree of the heart function
disorder (based on the value of EF) values of EF) and can be:
a) the damage of the heart function of the smaller degree- the body damage 30%
b) the damage of the heart funstion of the medium degreee - the body damage 60%
c) the damage of the heart function of the severe degree (decompensation) –the body damage 100%
Special conditions
1. The definite estimation of rhe working capability is given after having taken all the measures of medical treatment
and rehabilitation


The damage of the periferal nervous system which persists after the completion of the treatment, is estimated
after the completion of the treatment
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage at the partial numbness of the brachial plexus is determined based on the clinical
and electro diagnostic findings
c) the complete numbness of the radilais or medanius 40%
d) the partial numbness of radialis or medanius 30%
e) the complete numbness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If the states from the point 1. Under b) and d) of this chapter establish even greater trophus changes or causalgies
(at the damage of medanius) the estimated percentage can be increased by 10%.
2. the damage of the lumbosacral plexus:
a) the complete numbness of femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of ischialdicus 50%
d) the complete numbness of tibialis or peroneus 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the femoralis and ischiadicus nerves are reduced by 10% in relation to the complete
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves are considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostically clear func-
tional disorders (failures), and the discrete lesions are not taken into consideration.

II The damage of the CNS after the completion of the treatment

1. Encephalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disor-der in the or-
ganic disorder in the form of :
a) the dominant picture of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the progressive loss of memory and cognitive functions 40%
c) the existence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) the progressive dementia or the complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%
III The permanent damage of the thyroid gland – the body damage 30%

IV The blood
a) The permanent damage of one blood line, the body damage 10%
b) the damage of the two blood lines 20%

c) The damage of all the three blood lines 30%




"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 28



The special conditions
1. For the group of professional diseases stated under the numbers23, 24, 25, 26. And 28. The estimation is done
based on the clinical picture of poisoning with the specific damage of the two of the following organs or organic
systems: blood and hematopoietic organs, liver, kidneys and the nervous system, and based on the following tables:
I The blood
a) The permanent damage of one blood line, body damage 10%
b) The damage of two blood lines 20%
c) The damage of all the three blood lines 30%
II The liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) Without encephalopathy 70%
b) With encephalopathy with encefalopathy 100%
Special conditions
1. The severe damage of the liver function is considered the state of the liver with the permanently changed and
pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encephalopathy,
ascites, varices exofagi).
2. All the liver damages longer than three years are considered as permanent.
III The kidney damage- the progresive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the kidney functions, with the normal function
of the other kidney.
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined based on the findings of the creatinin clearance,
and if the value of cc is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
Under 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of both kidneysof the more severe degree
The percentage of the body damage is estimated accordig to the possibility for therapy:
a) Possible therapy with medicaments 60%
b) the necessary permanent dyalisis 100%
c) the necessary transplatation of the kidney after which the state of the kidney is:
̵ without compensated function 50%
̵ with the decompenated function 100%
The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists after the treatment is estimated after the comple-
tion of the treament
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) The complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) delimična uzetost brahijalnog pleksusa 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the damage with the partial numbness of the brachial plexus is estimated after the clinical and
electro diagnostic findings.
c) the complete numbness of radialis or medanius 40%
d) the partisal numbness of radialis or medanius 30%
e) the complete umbness of the ulnaris 30%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 29
Special conditions
1. If the states in point 1 under b) and d) of this chapter are estimated also the greater tophus changes or casualties
(at the damage of the medinas), the established percentage can be increased by 10%.

2. The changes of the lumbo sacral plexus:

a) The complete numbness of the femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of ischiadicus 50%
d) potpuna uzetost tibijalisa ili peroneusa 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerves femoralis and ishiadicus the percentage is reduced by 10% compared to
the complete numbness.
2. As the partial numbness of the spinal nerves are considered clinically and electro diagnostically clear functional
disorders (failures), and the discrete lesions are not taken into consideration.

V The damage of the CNS after the completion of the treatment

1. Encefalopahy with the obvious neurologiacal sympotamtology and the permanent organic disorder in the form
a) dominant picture of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) the pogressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparsis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidal symptomatology 80%

g) progresivne demenecije ili potpune oduzetosti jedne polovine tela ili celog tela 100%


I The sense of sight
A) The loss of both eyes, the complete loss of sight on both eyes or a very great reduction of the sight (the sharp-
ness of the sight on the better eye less than 0, 05%)
B) The great reduction of sight on both eyes, if the sharpness of sight on the better eye is 0,4 or less according
to the complete sight reduction
C) The loss of one eye or the complete loss of sight on one eye, with the reduced sharpness of sight on the other
eye ( if the sharpness of sight on the other eye is 0,5 or less)
D) The loss of one eye or the sight of one eye, if the sharpness of the other eye is greater than 0,5
The practical loss of sight on one eye entails the sharpness of the sight under 0, 05.
E) The isolated hemianopsy of the permanent character (except the square, binasala and upper horizontal hemi-
1) bitemporal hemianopsies 30%
2) homonymous hemianopsije 50%
3) lower horizontal hemianopsies 50%
F) The concentric narrowing of the vision field on both eyes of the organic character:
1) 30° do 21° 50%
2) 20° do 11° 60%
3) 10° and under 100%
Special conditions
1. Establishing the degree of the body damage at the reduction of sight in the sense of points B) and C) of this chapter
according to the table O which is enclosed in the attachment.

The damage of the peripheral nervous system which persists after the treatment, is estimated after the comple-
tion of the treatment
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the damage of the partially numb brachial plexus is estimated based on the clinical and electro
diagnostic findings.

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 30
c) the complete numbness of the radialis or the medanius 40%
d) the partial numbness of radialis or medanius 30%
e) the complete numbness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If the state from item 1.under b) i d) from this chapter estimates even greater trophic changes or casualties (at the
damage of the medianus), the estimated percentage can be increased by 10%.
2. the damage of the lumbo- sacral plexus:
a) the complete numbness of femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of ischiadicus 50%
d) the complete numbness of tibia is or peroneus 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerved femoralis and ischiadicus the percentage is reduced by 10% compared to
the total numbness.
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves is considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostic clear functional
disorders (failures), and the discrete lesions are not taken into consideration

III The damage of the CNS after the completion of the treatment
1. Encefalopathy with the obvious neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disoreder in the form
a) dominantne slike trajnih psihičkih smetnji 30%
b) progressive loss of memory and the cognitive functions 40%
c) the occurrence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syindrome 70%
f ) extra pyramidal symptamology 80%
g) the pogressive dementia or the complete numbness of one half or of the whole body 100%


The damage of the periferal nervous system which persists after the completion of the treatment, is estimated
after the completion of the treatment
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) ) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
The special conditions
1. The degree of the damage with the partial numbness of the brachial plexus is estimated depending on the clinical
and electro diagnostic findings.
c) the omplete numbness of the radialis or medianus 40%
d) the partial numbness of radialis or medianus 30%
e) the complete numbness of the ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If with the state from point 1.under b) and d) of this chapter a greater trophic changes or causalgies are estimated
(at the damage of the medianus), the established percentage can be increased by 10%.

2. The damage of the lumbosacral plexus:

a)the complete numbness of femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of ischiadicus 50%
d) the complete numbness of tibius or peroneus 30%
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerves femoralis and ischiadicusthe percentage is reduced by 10% compared to
the total numbness.
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves is considered to be the clinically and electro diagnostically clear disor-
ders (failures), and the discrete lesions are not taken into consideration.

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 31
II The damage of the CNS after the completion of the treatment
1. Encefalopatthy with the evident neuroloical symptomatoloy and the permanent organic disorder in the form of:
a) dominant picture of the permanent pshychological impairmentsi 30%
b) progressive loss of memory and cognitive functions 40%
c) the coccurrence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) extrapyramidial symptomatology 80%
g) progressive demntia or the complete numbness of one half of the body or the whole body 100%
III The liver
The permanent damage of the liver function of the severe degree:
a) without encefalopathy 70%
b) with encefalopathy 100%
Special conditions
1. The severe damage of the liver fusion is considered to be the state of the liver which is permanently changed and
in pathological findings in the clinical, laboratory and functional sense (portal hypertension, portal encephalopathy,
ascites, varices exofagi).
2. All the liver damages longer than three years are considered permanent.
IV The loss of kidney - the progressive loss of the kidney function
1. The loss of one kidney after the adaptation or the complete loss of the kidney funcion with the normal function
of the otehr kidney
2. The functional damage of the remaining kidney is determined according to the findings of the creatinine clear-
ance, if the value of cc is:
0.83 ml/s 40%
0.67 ml/s 50%
0.50 ml/s 60%
0.33 ml/s 70%
0.25 ml/s 80%
0.17 ml/s 90%
under 0.17 ml/s 100%
3. The functional damage of bothe kidneys of the more severe degree
The percentage of the bodydamage is determined according to the possibility for the tehrapy:
a) the possible therpay by medicaments 60%
b) the necessary dyalisis 100%
c) the necessary transplantation after which the state of the transplanted kidney is:
̵ with the compmensated function 50%
̵ with the decompensated function 100%


The existence of the morhpoological and functional changes in the blood and hematopoiec organs for all the
I 100%
absorbed doses of the ionising radiation stronger than 1Gy

II Ulcerous radoidermatitis, depending on the area of skin covered, and the minimum of ocovered skin is 1%.
a) Up to 10% of the covered skin 50%
b) Up to 20% of the covered skin 75%
c) over 20% of the covered skin 100%
With the cataract caused by the ionizing radiation the level of ocmpensation is determined based on the value of
the sharpness of the sight:
A) The loss of both eyes, the complete loss of sight on both eyes or a very large reduction of the sight (the sharp-
ness of the sight less than 0, 05%)
B) a great reduction of the sight on both eyes, if the sharpness of the sight on the better eye is 0,4 or less ac-
cording to the complete reduction of the sight
C) the loss of one eye or the complete loss of sight of one eye, with the reduced sharpness of the other eye (if
the sharpness of sight on the other eye is 0,5 or less)

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 32
D) he loss of one eye or the sight of one eye, if the sharpness of sight on the other eye is greater than
E) The isolated hemianopsies of the permanent character (except with square, binasal and upper horizontal hemi-
1) bitemporal hemianopsy 30%
2) homonymies hemianopsy 50%
3) lower horizontal hemianopsy 50%
F) Concentric narrowing of the vision fields on both eye of the organic character:
1) 30° do 21° 50%
2) 20° do 11° 60%
3) 10° and lower 100%
Special conditions:
1. Under the practical loss of the sight of an eye it is considered the sharpness of sight below 0, 05.
2. The estimation of the level of the body damage with the reduced sight in the sense of B) and C) of this chapter is
done according to the table O which is enclosed in the attachment.

IV Hypothierosis caused by the radioactive iodine 30%


Cataract caused by th non-ionic radiation –the level of compensation is determined based on the value of the
sharpness of the sight:
A) The loss of both eye, the complete loss of sight on both eyes or a very great reduction of sight the sharpness
of the eye smaller than 0,05%)
B) The great reduction of the sight on both eyes, if the sharpness of the sight of the better eye is 0,4 or less,
according to the complete reduction of the sight
C) The loss of one eye or the complete loss of sight of one eye, with the reduced sharpness of sight on the other
eye ( if the sharpness of the sight of the other eye is 0,5 or less)
D) The loss of one eye or the sight of one eye, if the sharpness of the eye is greater than 0, 5.
Under the practical loss of the sight of one eye is considered the sharpness of the sight less than 0, 05.
E) Isolated hemianopsies of the permanent character (except square, binasal and upper horizontal heminopsies):
1) Bitemporal heminopsies 30%
2) Homonymous heminopsies 50%
3) Lower horizontal heminopsies 50%
F) The concentric narrowing of the vision field of both eyes of the organic character:
1) 30° to 21° 50%
2) 20° to 11° 60%
3) 10° and lower 100%
Special conditions:
1. The estimation of the level of the body damage with the reduced sight in the sense of B) and C) of this
chapter is done according to the table O which is enclosed in the attachment.


I The damage of CNS after treatment
1. Encephalopathy with the evident neurological symptomatology and the permanent organic disorder in the form
a) Dominant pictures of the permanent psychological impairments 30%
b) Progressive loss of memory and cognitive functions 40%
c) The occurrence of the convulsive seizures 50%
d) hemiparesis 60%
e) pseudo bulbar syndrome 70%
f) Extra pyramidal symptomatology 80%
g) Progressive dementia or the complete numbness of one half of the body or of the whole body 100%
The severeness of the heart damage is determined based on the estimated degree of the disorder of the heart
function (based on the value of EF) and can be:
a) the damage of the heart function of the smaller degree – body damage 30%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 33
b) the damage of the heart function of the medium degree – body damage 60%
c) the damage of the heart function of the severe degree (–decompensation) -– body damage 100%
III The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function with the damage of the respiratory function of the severe degree
and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load on the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load on the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of ay cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more serious degree 40%
c) the damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) the damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
IV Bones
a) Osteoporosis 30%
b) Osteomalatia 20%


The hearing damage perceptively on both sided of over 30% according to Fowler-Sabine, with the complete loss
of hearing on both sides, wth the existence of proof about the progression of the eharing damage while wrking
in noise and the exclusion of other etiological factors which an be associated with the hearing damage (ototoxic
medications, traumaof the head)
a) The complete loss of hearing on bothe ears
By the complete loss of hearing on bot the ears is considered the loss of hearing of over 95% according to Fowl- 70%
er-Sabine (FS).
b) The severe damage of hearing on both sides of over 90% according to FS 60%
c) The hardness of hearing on both sides:
1) the total loss of hearing of over 70 and ending with 90% according to FS 50%
2) the total loss of hearing of over 60 and ending with 70% according to FS 40%
3) the total loss of hearing of over 50 and ending with 60% according to FS


I The damage of the muscles and the neuromuscular system:
Muscle dystrophy, spinal muscle atrophy, polimiositis and dermatomiositis, as well as other diseases of mainly the
muscular kind, depending on the degree of the reduction and the loss of function
a) muscular atrophy and dystrophy 80%
b) polimiositis 50%
c) dermatomiositis 30%
II The bones
a) Osteoporosis 30%
b) Osteopenia 10%
III The vascular system
The changes of the microcirculation proven by the capillaroscopy 10%

I The disorder of the shoulder joint:
1. The stiffness of the shoulder joint in the favourable position 30%
2. The stiffness of the shoulder joint in the unfavourable position 40%
3. The contracture of the shoulder joint with the preserved abduction under the horizontal 30%
4. Non-pondered dislocation of the shoulder joint with the reduction of the function 40%
5. Habitual dislocation of the shoulder joint which is frequently repeated and which caused the permanent reduction
of the degree of the function of the joint

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 34
6. Loose shoulder joint 40%
7. Loose shoulder joint in connection with the lesion of the muscle of the shoulder range 50%
Special conditions
1. As the favorable position of the shoulder joint is considered the abduction of 70 to 80 degrees with the anteflec-
tion of 20 degrees.
2. The unfavourable position is the abduction of over 80 degreed, abduction or retroflection
II The disorder of the elbow joint:
1. The stiffness of the elbow joint in the favorable position 30%
2. The stiffness of the elbow joint in the unfavorable position 40%
3. The contracture of the elbow joint with the movements possible only in the unfavorable position 30%
4. The loose elbow joint with the necessary equipment 40%
The special conditions
1. The favorable position of the elbow joint exists when the elbow is under the angle of d 90 to 120 degrees, and under
arm is in the medium position of pronation and subponation.
2. The unfavourable position of the elbow joint exists when the elbow is stretched under the angle larer than120
degrees or smaller than, and under arm is in the medium position of ponation and subponation.
III The disorders of the knee joint:
1. The stiffness of the knee joint in the favourable position 30%
2. The stiffness of the knee joint in the position 40-60%
3. The limited mobility of the knee joint of the lagrger degree, according to the anatomic or functional damage
(contractures of different etiologies)
4. Very loose knee joints with necessary use of the equipment 40%
Special conditions
1. The favourable position of the knee joint is under the angle between 175 and 150 degrees.
2. The percentage of 40% is applied to the stiffness of the knee in the stretched position or under the angle of
150 to 120 degree, and 50% on the stiffness of the knee under the angle of 120 to 90 degrees, and 60% of the
stiffness of the knee under the angle less than 90 degrees.
3. The limited mobility of the knee joint exists when the extension is less than 150 degrees, and the flection is less
than 90 degrees.


The numbness of n. medianus:
a) the complete numbness of n. medianus 40%

b) the partial numbness of n. medianus 30%

I The damage to the peripheral nervous system which persist after the treatment, is estimated after the treatment
1. The damage of the brachial plexus:
a) the complete numbness of the brachial plexus 80%
b) the partial numbness of the brachial plexus 50%
Special conditions
1. The degree of the body damage with the partial numbness of the brachial plexus is determined based on the clinical
and electro diagnostic findings.
c) the complete numbness of radialis or medanius 40%
d) the partial numbness of radials or medanius 30%
e) the complete numbness of ulnaris 30%
Special conditions
1. If the states under the point 1. Under b) and d) of this chapter are confirmed in even greater trophic changes or
causalgies (at the damage of the medianus), the established [percentage can be increased by 10%.
2. The damage of the lumbo- sacaral plexus:
a) the complete numbness of femoralis 40%
b) the complete numbness of the upper and lower gluteal nerve 30%
c) the complete numbness of ischiaticus 50%
d) the complete numbness of tibialis or proneus 30%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 35
Special conditions
1. With the partial numbness of the nerves femoralis and ischiadicus the percentage is reduced by 10 % when com-
pared to the percentage for the total numbness.
2. The partial numbness of the spinal nerves is considered to be the ones where there are clinically and electro diag-
nostically clear functional disorders (failures), and the discrete lesions are not taken into consideration.


I The disorders of the knee joints
1. The stiffness of the knee joint in the favorable position 30%
2. The stiffness of the knee joint in the unfavorable position 40-60%
3. The limited mobility of the knee joint of the greater degree, according to the anatomic or functional damage
(contractures of different etiologies)
4. Very loos knee joint with the necessary use of the equipment 40%
Special conditions
1. The level of the compensation is estimated based on the functional damage of the knee joint
2. The favorable position of the knee joint is under the angle from 175 to 150 degrees.
3. The percentage of 40% is applied to the stiffness of the knee joint in the stretched position or under the angle of
150 to 120 degree, 50% on the stiffness of the knee under the angle of120 to 90 degrees, and 60% on the stiffness of
the knee of less than 90 degrees.
4. The limited mobility of the knee joint exists when there us the extension of less than 150 degrees, and the flection
of less than 90 degrees.

I If after the carried treatment there comes to the complete recovery, i.e there remain no sequels. 10%

If after the carried treatment there ae permanent consequences, the level of compensation will depend on the
II 30-100%
damage of the function of the covered organs or systems.
Special conditions
1. The necessary condition for admitting this category of the professional disease is the visible clinical picture of the
tropical illness with the proof of the existence of the contact with the biological agent, the cause of the diseases and
the spatial and temporal connectedness with the appearance of the disease.

I If after the carried treatment there comes to the complete recovery, i.e there remain no sequels 10%

If after the carried treatment there ae permanent consequences, the level of compensation will depend on the
II 30-100%
damage of the function of the covered organs or systemscije zahvaćenih organa ili sistema.
Special conditions
1. The necessary condition for admitting this category of the professional disease is the visible clinical pictre of the
tropical illness with theproof of the existence of the contact with the biological agent, the cause of the diseases and
the spatial and temporal connectedness with the appearance of the disease.


I The degree of the eprmanent damage of the liver function:

A) moderate permanent damage 50%
B) the damage of the liver function of the sever degree:
a) without encelopathy 70%
b) with encelopathy 100%
Posebni uslovi
1. Teškim oštećenjem funkcije jetre smatra se stanje jetre sa trajno promenjenim i patološkim nalazima u kliničkom,
laboratorijskom i funkcionalnom smislu (portalna hipertenzija, portalna encefalopatija, ascites, varices ezofagi).
2. Sva oštećenja jetre koja traju duže od tri godine smatraju se trajnim.
3 . Neophodan uslov za priznavanje ovog profesionalnog oboljenja je ispoljena klinička slika virusnog hepatitisa uz
dokaz o postojanju kontakta sa biološkim agensom, uzročnikom oboljenja, kao i prostornoj i vremenskoj povezanosti
sa pojavom bolesti i isključenje hirurške intervencije (u vremenu inkubacije hepatitisa) kao mogućeg uzroka infekcije.


I The clincally manifested disease 100%

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 36
Special conditions
1. Neophodan uslov za priznavanje ovog profesionalnog oboljenja je ispoljena klinička slika AIDS-a, uz dokaz o pos-
tojanju kontakta sa biološkim agensom, uzročnikom oboljenja, kao i prostornoj i vremenskoj povezanosti sa pojavom
bolesti i isključenje mogućnosti da je do infekcije došlo u porodici (uvidom u zdravstvenu dokumentaciju članova

a) the existence of the disease o the lungs, bones, GIT-a, kidneys, primary reproductive organs and 30%
b) The existence of the disease in the CNS 50%
Special conditions
1. The necessary condition of admitting this professional illness is the visible clinical picture of the tuberculosis
caused by the bacillus of tuberculosis resistant to the anti-tuberculosis medications.


I With the existing smaller shadings of the profusion 1 or 2 they appear before the age of 50
a) profusion 1 50%
b) profusion 2 75%
With progressive massive fibrosis which is characterized by the great shadings or smaller shadings of the profu-
II 100%
sion 3
Special conditions
1. The condition for admitting this professional disease is the clinical finding with the X-ray changes on the lungs of
the profusion 1/1 and the disorders of the lung ventilation of at least medium degree or the greater degree of profu-
sion of the X-ray changes.

The condition for admitting this professional disease is the clinical finding with the X-ray changes on the lungs of
I 100%
the profusion 1/1 and the signs of active tuberculosis.
I Profusion 1/1 and the disorder of the lung ventilation of at least medium degree 50%

The conspicous asbestoisis existing in the level of profusion of 1/2, 2/2, 2/3 i 3/3 is paid depending on the level
II 80%
the damage of the lung function 80%

III In the case of the malignant mesotelioma or bronchogenous cancer as the complications 100% 100%
Special conditions
1. The condition for admitting this professional disease is the clinical finding with the X-ray changes on the lungs of
the profusion 1/1 and the disorders of the lung ventilation of at least medium degree or the greater degree of profu-
sion of the X-ray changes


KodWith the form of illnss without the appearance of the progessive massive fibrosis the level of the compensa-
tion depends on the degree of the damage of the lung function.
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the severe degree of the existence of the chron-
ical respiratory insufficiency:
a) Without the signs of the strain of the right heart 50%
b) With the signs of the strain of the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) Of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency with the signs of the chronical lung heart
When the progresivne massivne fibrosis occurs, for establishing the elvel of compensation the rules which apply
to the sylycosis of lungs also apply here. alsi

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 37
Posebni uslovi
1. The condition for admitting this professional disease is the clinical finding with the X-ray changes on the lungs of
the profusion 1/1 and the disorder of the lung ventilation of at least medium degree or greater degree of profusion
of the X-ray changes.


Reverzible opstruction of the air pipes (which by its clinical picture resembles asthma and for which it is charac-
I tersitic that after the leaving the job post the symptoms withdraw,a nd come back after the returnto work if the 10%
irreversible obstruction of the air ways has not occurred with the obligation to change the job post.

The allergic bronchioloalveolitis for which the compensation is decied based on the degree of the damage of the
lung function.
1. The permanent reduction of the lung functions at the damaged respiratory function of the severe degree with
the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 50%
b) without the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more serious degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
III Intersticial fibrosis –the degreeof th damage of the ung function:
1. The permanent reduction of the respiratory function of the lungs of the severe degree with the existence of the
chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load of the right heart sa znacima opterećenja desnog srca 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
Special conditions
1. The conditions for admitting / accepting this professional disease is the clinical X-ray finding with the X-ray chang-
es on the lung profusion 1/1 and the disorder of the lung ventilation of at least medium or greater degree of profusion
of the X-ray changes. Change.


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the se-vere degree
and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 38
Special conditions
1. The condition of accepting this as the professional illness is the clinical biosynosis in the second and third stadium
of the illness

I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function with the damage of the respiratory function of the severe degree
and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency:
a) without the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load of the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the sever degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilating function of the sever degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the lung heart 100% 100%


I The lungs
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the se-vere degree
and the existence of the chronical respiratory insufficiency
a) without the signs of the strain / load on the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain / load on the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more serious degree 40%
c) the damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lung insufficiency
d) the damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lung insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart
Special conditions
1. The condition for admitting these professional diseases is the clinical findings with specific X-ray changes on the
lungs, the disorder of the lung ventilation of the medium degree and the positive specific bronchoactive test and
specific immunological changes.


The condition for admitting this professional illness is the clinical picture with the clearly noticeable changes in
I 25%
the upper airways and the positive exposition and othe immunological tests
1. The permanent reduction of the lung function at the damage of the respiratory function of the severe degree and
the existence of the respiratory insufficiency:
a)without the signs of the strain in the right heart 50%
b) with the signs of the strain in the right heart 100%
2. The damage of the lung ventilation (of any cause):
a) of the medium degree 30%
b) of the more severe degree 40%
c) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested partial
chronical lungs insufficiency
d) The damage of the ventilation function of the severe degree with the clinical picture of the manifested global
chronical lungs insufficiency and the signs of the chronical lung heart

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 39
Special conditions
1. The condition for admitting this as the professional disease is the clinical picture of the chronical obstructive
bronchitis with the disorder of the ventilation of the severe degree with the normal Spiro metrical findings at the
start of work, the proof of the
Progression of the lung functions during work and the proof that the ill person has always been a non-smoker.




I All types of malignant tumors 100%

II Dijagnosed „carcinoma in situ“ 50%

Special conditions
1. The pre condition for admitting of this disease as the professional illness is the clinical picture of the malignant
disease caused by the ionizing or UV radiation or the chemically can erogenous substances from the IARC list which
are certainly proven as cancerogenous.

Tabela O


The sharpness of the sight of the body dam-

0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,05 0,00
age in percent’s
0,8 - 1 30%
0,6 – 0,7 30%
0,5 50%
0,4 30% 30% 40% 40% 50%
0,3 30% 40% 40% 50% 60%
THE BETTER EYE 0,2 50% 60% 70% 80%
0,1 80% 80% 90%
0,05 90% 90%
0,00 100%

The remarks:
1. The sharpness of the eye entails the sharpness of the sight which is obtained by the correction by the prescription glasses or contact lenses.
2. If the sharpness of the sight is expressed by two decimal numbers, the second decimal number is ignored, except for the sharpness of the sight from 0, 05
or 0, 00. The sharpness less than 0, 1 and bigger than 0, 05 is estimated as the sharpness of the sight of 0, 05.

"SAVA NON-LIFE INSURANCE", s.a.i. BELGRADE, Bul. vojvode Mišića 51, 11000 Belgrade
CN: 17407813, VAT ID: 100002516 member of Sava Insurance Group, 40

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