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M«Jicol : Physics

m(t) O r. (c)
-I L - -=-'-=-- -;- 1 :J
2 25 3
c.,(t)forAM_~2::::~ ~-rhr~1\f . (d)

c,.,(t)for FM OLJL)L.':::JJ__:~~..).1..--;->~
l ~O---~~~7'1~01
c) t)for PM -1 Tirne
0 0.5 ve
1dal carrier wa
(a) a sinuso
Modulation of a carrier wave ' nude modulation '
(b) a modulating signal : (c) amp( I) hase modulation
(d) frequency modulation : and e p

In amplitude mod ulation the amplitude of the carrier is
varied in accorda nce with the info nnation signals. Let
c(t) = A sinrn t represent carrier wave and m(t) = Am
sin rom t ~epre:ent the message or the modulating signal
where mm= 2rrt is the angular freq uency of the message
signal. The modula ted signal c)t) can be written as
cm (t) = (Ac + Am sin rnmt) sin wet

.... .(1)

Note that the modulated signal now co ntains the ~essage

signal & it can be written as :
' ... .(2)

H ereµ= A../Ac is the modulation index

Vmax = Ac + Am (See figure)
V m;n = Ac - Am
V Sanderst
(H) +
YV cos(W - -(m)
= .

1/max. - 1/mlo
µ =
Vmax. + Vmin Ve
- .

2 -

In practice, µ is kepi 1 to avoid distortion.


⑫ P =

Using the .trigonometric relation sinA sinB = -2 [cos(A
. .
- BJ - cos(A + B)J we can

wn e cm
(t) f
o eq. (2)

= -
I ,r
µA c µA c
cm()t = A, sinw/ + 2 cos(w, - et\ ) t -
2 cos(w, + wm) t
.. .... (3)
Pre-Medical: Phr,s!cs
. All.II , a d u per side trequencie::.. ·n,e modulated
d ( t} + w are r~spcctively called the lowe~ side 811 . P ·,.J ..J waw..s each wiih a f~uency
Here w - ()) ,,n ' "' -- - plus two sl11US01U<J - -iiafi
' '"~ s of the ~n-lcr wave of frequency 11
', f the amplitude mocft1lated slgn s
~nafinow cor f r,octt um o
from know as side bands. The requcncy • 5
slightly different '
shown in f1gure :

Amplitude µ~, -·····- ············- · ·•·•·•···•·• ··-· ·······

( +, ,j ,i, (In radia~)

(c,>: <i\J <_:>,. (JJ, Jced out so thol sidebands do not owrlap,
As long as the !JrO<ldcast frequencies (carrier waves) are sufficiently Spd
different station~can operate without interf erring with each other.
Power in AM Wave :-
Power of carrier wave : P "'
viR; R ~ . ANrf;
...f.2!:... . ;;NNA IN- WI IICH• p0wm_ 15 l)IS.',IPATLD.
-- ,
2 2 2v 2 2
V ) (l'~
s.) .e.._ p
r272 R + U2 R ,.. 4R
1 I µ .. c .,. ,,..
Total power of sidebands : P'4rtxu1ds "' • ..2 - c__-- - '\.

- ~ - tc\ \
Total po~\'er of AM wave :
28 +
.. P,l1 + .e_2z) t~ -- \).. t ri.~l._ l 'r ~)
Fraction of total power carried by sidebands ""
2 +- µz t~

Note :- When µ = 0 : Power carried by sidebands = 0 -

1 1 100
Wh,~n 11 = : Power carried carried by sidebands
2 = 9 PtoUll = 9 = 11 .1%
When µ = I : Power carried by sidebands
3 Pwbl = 33.3%
Limitation of Amplitude Modulation :-
(i) Noisy reception :- In case of AM the reception is mostly noisy. This is because a radio receiver cannot
. distingur between amplitude variations that represent noise and these contain the desired signal.
(ii) Low Efficiency :- In AM. useful power is in the sidebands as they contain the signal. But this
power j~ quite low and hence the efficiency of AM system is low.

(iii) Small Operating Range :- The transmitting range ol AM t~nsmitters is small due to low efficiency.
Hence we cannot transmit message over large distances.
(iv) Lack of audio quality (Poor audio quality)
Producation of Amplitude modulated Wave :

AmP,itude mod11Jlation can be produced by a veriety of methods. A conceptually simple method is shown in
the block diagram of figure.

. -~
SQUARE y(t) Fit rt R AM Wave
A, sin w'"t
(Moduluting Signal)
Bx(t) + Cx(t)2--A
_J_ -''
(I)' ----'

QS •
:,:e-M edico/ · Phv51·
• · 4 CS
ALl.811 - - - - - - - - - - oduc:e the signal x (t).

' the modulating signa l A sin w t is added to the earner signal A< sin we to
m n• I d • h(CP
p: 15 a n o n -linear device
Tlus si<J na l x (!) = A sin 01 t + A slmo I Is passed th rough a square aw evice w
which produces an ~utpui"' ' ' . ..(4)
Y(f) -= B x (t) + Cxi (I)
where- B a nd C are w nstan ts. Thus,
y(l) = BA'" si111,,.,, t + BA, sin w, I . . .. (5)
+-CIA 2 sin2 tt.> I + A 2 sin2 <ot + 2A A slnwmt slnco,t)
m "' ' < ,. C r \ - L,IO '' C .ltL..J
r~ ..'-\U
= BA'" sinw'" t + BA, sin ,.,,, ,\- C, ~ \ \.- ~t..~•} ) .\- \
CA~ CA 2 CA 2 + '°Pt,~•Prtrr ..... 1w ~- v' "").r ~ l'W t +-W"'Y t~
2 -"' ·l A<2 - -
2 -"' cos 2w n , t - - 2 -' cos2aiC t L.-\...16)
... •··(6)
+ CAmA< co~ ("\ - w") I - CAmA< cos (we + l w,J
. . - A 5 ,nB mentioned earlie r
whe re the trigonometric relations sm 2A .. (1 - cos2A)/2 and the relation fo r 5111
a re used. .-1 '\ L
2 2 d . .d f f ·es 01,,,, 2 c,1rn , (t)< - Wm a nd
In equation (6 ). there is d de term C/2 (A m+ Ac) an smuso1 s o reque nci .
. lion (3) and 1s the re fore
'°c + c""' . The ~ tpul o f the ba nd pass filt~r therefo re Is o f the same form as equa --
an AM wave . .
. dulato r 1s to be fo llowed
It is to be mentioned that the modulated signal connot be transmitted as such . The mo I fed t
1gna Is to an an enr)a
by a power amplifier which p rovides the neccesary power an d Ih en th e mo d uIa te d s
o f appropriate size for radiation as shown in figure . ')_ • _..( . f\.,t 'l 'l,k>cJ - .,M -+
~""-~""~l + 11~•~"\WCt-\- (·~ ,\-lr\.t1.. - W -,_ ,
--r:. ').... I
~ •o.{~ \Wc-'""'-'JJ:- +- I
~~\~"'-'\- Q,· ~. ~\~y TRANSMITTING wfwl +~1t l

~t- ) .

Message si nal MODULATOR

t \o-tV~-o._~ 1
. r \...\ • < Ca rner
~ ·~Tv"'\1""'
J'tion of Amplitude Modulated Wave :
The transmitted message gets attenuated in propagating through the channel. The receiving antenna is therefore
to be followed by an amplifier and a detector. In addition , to facilitate further processing~ the carrier frequency
is usually changed to a lower frequency by what is called an intermediate frequency (IF) stage preceding the
de tection . The detected signal may not be strong enough to be made use of and hence in required to be
a mplified. A block diagram of a typical receiver is shown in figure.



. . n \ o(~ ~ ~_.( \2.Ql~tl.t<.'"") ' ,
De tection 1s 'the process of recove nng
. lhe modul'a'.'ting signal from the modulated c amer
· wave . W e JUS
· t saw
th a t the modulated carrier wave contains the frequencies roc and ro, -+ com • In "rd t bt · th e o ngma
"' er ai o am
· · 1
m essage sigma! m(t) of angular frequency rom , a simple ,rnethod is shown in the form O f a blOCk diagra m 10
. '

284 I

_ _..:...:.:...:....:...:.~-
(a)_!_ - - i (b) l _DETECTOR_(cH l _
ts• ~ t1t" 4 t~

time time

AM input wave Rectified wave Output (without RF component)

The modulated signal of the form given in (a) of above figure is passed through a rectifier lo produce the
output shown in (b). This envelope of signal (b) ls the message signal In order to retrieve m(t), the signal is
passed through an envelope detector (wh ich may consist of a simple RC circuit).

The internet
Students must be quite familiar with inte~et these d~ys. The Information provided by different these days.
The information provided by different bodies all over the world is centralised at one place which is then used
by anyone having a computer and internet facility. It's main uses are :
(a) E-mail (b) File transfer (c) WWW - World Wide Web
(d) E-commerce (e) Chatting
Facsimile (FAX):
FAX is abbreviation for facsimile which means exact reproduction . A fax machine sends a printed document
or a photograph besides speech, music or coded data from one place to another by data communiCcltion
system which , as we already know, consists 19f three elements.
Transmitter Transmission channel Receiver
It scans the contents of a document (as an image, not test) to create electronic signals. These signals are
then sent to the destination (another FAX machine) in an orderly manner using telephone lines. At the destination,
the signals are reconverted into a replica of the original document.
Mobile telephony
The concept of mobile telephony was developed first in 1970's and it was fully implemented in the following
decade. The central concept of this system is to divide the serice area into a suitable number of cells centred
on an office called MTSO (Mobile Telephone Switching Office). Each cell contains a low-power transmitter
called a base station and easterners. When a mobile receiver crosses the coverage area of one base station,
it is necessary for the mobile user to be transferred to another base station. This procedure is called handover
or handoff. This process is carried out very rapidly, to the extent that the consumer does not even notice
it. Mobile telephones operate typically in the UHF range of frequencies (about 800-950 MHz).
Remote Sensing :
Remote sensing is a technique which is used to, obseive and measure the characteristics of the object at a
distance. Tf:le ·r~mote sensing instruments acquire ~ formation about:an object without being in physical contact
with it. Remote sensing depends upon, forming an image by gathering , focusing and recording reflected light
.. of sun from th~' bbject, the energy emitted by the object itself or reflected radar waves which ~ere emitted
by satellites. Thus•the working of remote senslrl~'is-related with measuring some kirrd of energy that is emitted,
transmitted or.reflected from an object in o~r'to determine certain physical properties (like locatlo111·, size,
colour, nature, temperature etc.) of the object.

--- - --- -~ -·-6-=--,. - -Y-~.;_::."'~----..!::
:) ~.+-)~ V!...:.1h · ~ ~µl~t:- --
.D.-----'-Q,___ i ::.-
· -
V'(, - \f ,,..;; -- °' v
1- - - --
w °'':>rJ. I \-'>, Iv !Y)/1 sl "'\ !:' \.-{ d I,&,\K'. • tb8
- - -~'O:M-""--.o- .-,,.µ ! \c-V, sk ,' c:'\ 1-!J bi. 9r \I :kb r,,,lt
----~ M_.. : \. ".'~:Uci>c'o 1?,".cc,lll't½slA I~ .1,--o V\v-,d t-0 k '.2'1 I
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- - - - --;;:;::--;:::-~tt-..-,:_r='vr:ti'""'w\~~--- -;: : -,. __ ,=-r
. . 3r----_- - -
5 ----
VIIA& f \i M'r\ - <a-t-s ''
~ --d: QJ\o ~s ~"' ck "no J\\ '.\ c,,Jf~
V' tnt,:+ -:-- s::L t\A"' t:Yn '\/''rv,,,

\V"\ \ \i.._1' \,.)-S)..\;l \>~~

l'.cfi. ~~\::½> tJ 2.3~ '\i ").

_ . ,. .<, _~)~ __. .L-½.J,. :. . " '- "'- -(3~ ~ ~~>\Url d ko 6 t::~ ~&h~
°'-'-'\ \\'-'"'- q d t \~ \-- 5:D IY\ r



&The physical sizes of the transmitter and receiver antenna in a communication system are
(a) inversely proportional to the modulation frequency
(b) proportional to the carrier frequency
(c) independent of both carrier and modulation frequency
(d) inversely proportional to the carrier frequency
The physical size of the transmitter and receiver antenna is inversely proportional to the carrier frequency.
Answer: (d) inversely proportional to the carrier frequency

O A telephonic communication service is working at a carrier frequency of 10 GHz. Only 10% of it is utilized for transmission.
- How many telephonic channels can be transmitted simultaneously if each channel requires a bandwidth of 5 kHz?

(a) 2 × 10^3 (b) 2 × 10^4 (c) 2 × 10^5 (d) 2 × 10^6

Frequency of carrier wave = 10 × 10^9 Hz
Available bandwidth 10% of 10 × 10^9 Hz = 10^9 Hz
Bandwidth for each telephonic channel 5 kHz = 5 × 10^3 Hz
Number of channels = 10^9/(5 x 10^3) = 2 x 10^5
Answer: (c) 2 × 10^5

& A TV transmission tower has a height of 140 m and the height of the receiving antenna is 40 m. What is the
maximum distance upto which signals can be broadcasted from this tower in LOS (Line of Sight) mode? (Given:
radius of earth = 6.4 × 10^6 m)
(a) 65 km
(b) 48 km

daar=RL+ +
(c) 40 km
(d) 80 km Rho 6512m=
A signal of 5 kHz frequency is amplitude modulated on a carrier wave of frequency 2 MHz. The frequencies of the resultant
signal are
(a) 2005 kHz, 2000 kHz and 1995 kHz
(b) 2000 kHz and 1995 kHz
(c) 2 MHz only
(d) 2005 kHz and 1995 kHz

⑧ (a) Optical fibres can be of graded refractive index

Consider telecommunication through optical fibres. Which of the following statements is not true?

(b) Optical fibres are subject to electromagnetic interference from outside

(c) Optical fibres have extremely low transmission loss
(d) Optical fibres may have a homogeneous core with a suitable cladding

⑨ The modulation frequency of an AM radio station is 250 kHz, which is 10% of the carrier wave. If another AM station
- -

approaches you for a licence, what broadcast frequency will you allot?
(a) 2750 kHz
(b) 2900 kHz
(c) 2250 kHz
(d) 2000 kHz
Solution -
10% of fc = 250 kHz
Hence, range of signal = (2500 ± 250 kHz) = 2250 kHz to 2750 kHz
10% of 2000 kHz = 200 kHz
Range is 1800 kHz to 2200 kHz
Hence, allocated broadcast frequency will be 2000 kHz
In a communication system operating at wavelength 800 nm, only one percent of source frequency is available as signal
bandwidth. The number of channels accommodated for transmitting TV signals of bandwidth 6 MHz is (Take velocity of
light c = 3 × 10^8 m/s, h = 6.6 × 10^–34 J s)
(a) 3.75 × 10^6

(b) 4.87 × 10^5 No .

(c) 6.25 × 10^5
(d) 3.86 × 10^6

34012 25x5
N =

$85g 75x10n2




11 off is =

3 -
75x101242 .

⑧ A signal of frequency 20 kHz and peak voltage of 5 volts is used to modulate a carrier wave of frequency 1.2 MHz and peak voltage
25 volts. Choose the correct statement. u =

0 .

(a) Modulation index = 5, side frequency bands are at 1400 kHz and 1000 kHz
f(+fm 1220kH2
(b) Modulation index = 0.2, side frequency bands are at 1220 kHz and 1180 kHz

(c) Modulation index = 0.8, side frequency bands are at 1180 kHz and 1220 kHz fl - fm =

(d) Modulation index = 5, side frequency bands are at 21.2 kHz and 18.8 kHz

⑧ An audio signal consists of two distinct sounds: one a human speech signal in the frequency band of 200 Hz to 2700
Hz, while the other is a high-frequency music signal in the frequency band of 10200 Hz to 15200 Hz. The ratio of the AM
signal bandwidth required to send both the signals together to the AM signal bandwidth required to send just the human
speech is
(a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 3
Band width for both signals = 15200 Hz – 200 Hz = 15000 Hz
Band width for human speed 2700 Hz – 200 Hz = 2500 Hz
The ratio = 15000/2500 = 6
⑨ In an amplitude modulator circuit, the carrier wave is given by, C(t) = 4 sin(20000π t), while modulating signal is given by,
m(t) = 2sin(2000πt). The values of modulation index and lower side band frequency are
(a) 0.4 and 10 kHz
z 0 511k

9000 = 9kH2

(b) 0.5 and 9 kHz



(c) 0.3 and 9 kHz

(d) 0.5 and 10 kHz

O In amplitude modulation, the modulation index m, is kept less than or equal to 1 because
(a) m > 1, will result in interference between carrier frequency and message frequency, resulting into distortion.
(b) m > 1 will result in overlapping of both side bands resulting into loss of information.
(c) m > 1 will result in change in phase between carrier signal and message signal.
(d) m > 1 indicates amplitude of message signal greater than amplitude of carrier signal resulting into distortion.

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