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Blades of the Air

Though you admire the blade generated through your psionic study, you prefer to inflict pain from
further afar and have learned to reshape the blade to suit this purpose.

Psychic Focus – While focused on this discipline, you gain proficiency with all weapon types.

Manifest Darts (1-7 psi)

As an action, you form your Mind Blade into 2 psychic darts. You may spend an additional psi point
to increase the number of darts summoned by 1. The damage scales the same as the mind blade,
but the darts deal D4’s rather than D8’s in damage. You mentally command the darts to strike any
creature within 60 feet and they must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC to
avoid them. However, they have advantage on the saving throw if they are further than 30 feet
away. On a successful save, the target takes no damage.

Manifest Shortbow (2 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest a shortbow made of psionic
energy. The shortbow maintains the finesse property, though it also has the ranged (80/320) and
two-handed properties. The shortbow also classifies as a simple weapon, rather than a martial
weapon. The shortbow created through this means requires no ammunition, however, the weapon
cannot also take ammunition and the psychic arrows it fires cannot be poisoned or altered through
physical means. The damage scales the same as the mind blade, but the shortbow deals D6’s rather
than D8’s in damage.

Manifest Crossbow (3 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest a crossbow made of psionic
energy. The crossbow maintains the finesse property, though it also has the ranged (80/320) and
two-handed properties. The crossbow also classifies as a simple weapon, rather than a martial
weapon. The crossbow created through this means requires no ammunition, however, the weapon
cannot also take ammunition and the psychic bolts it fires cannot be poisoned or altered through
physical means. The damage scales the same as the mind blade.

Manifest Longbow (5 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest a longbow made of psionic
energy. The longbow maintains the finesse property, though it also has the ranged (150/600) and
two-handed properties. The longbow created through this means requires no ammunition, however,
the weapon cannot also take ammunition and the psychic arrows it fires cannot be poisoned or
altered through physical means. The damage scales the same as the mind blade.

Manifest Heavy Crossbow (6 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest a heavy crossbow made of
psionic energy. The heavy crossbow maintains the finesse property, though it also has the ranged
(100/400) and two-handed properties. The heavy crossbow created through this means requires no
ammunition, however, the weapon cannot also take ammunition and the psychic bolts it fires cannot
be poisoned or altered through physical means. The damage scales the same as the mind blade, but
the heavy crossbow deals D10’s rather than D8’s in damage.

Ironclad Mind
Despite your mind being specialised in destruction, you have focused your studies on avoiding the
fate you try to subject others to.

Psychic Focus – While focused on this discipline, you gain proficiency with any armour or shield.

Armour Transformation

As a bonus action, you alter your armour to gain different characteristics. When you use this ability,
you can choose one or more of the following effects. Each effect has its own psi point cost. Add them
together to determine the total cost. This transformation lasts for 10 minutes, until you die, until you
unequip your armour, or until you end it as a bonus action.

Psychic Cape (1 psi)

You conjure a psychic cape. For the spell’s duration, you have advantage on any attempt to break
free from a grapple or physical bind. This ability has no effect on magical binds or grapples, such as
through a Hold Person spell.

Psychic Greaves (1 psi)

You psychically alter your legwear. For the spell’s duration, you may jump treble your normal jump

Psychic Boots (2 psi)

You psychically alter your footwear. For the spell’s duration, you may ignore any slowing effect
caused by difficult terrain. In addition, if the terrain were to inflict damage due to standing on it,
such as hot coals, you will take zero damage from this effect.

Psychic Gloves (2 psi)

You psychically alter your gloves. For the spell’s duration, you have advantage on any checks related
to climbing or attempting to pull an object or creature.

Psychic Toolbelt (3 psi)

You conjure a psychic toolbelt. The toolbelt exists for the spell’s duration and can act as a substitute
for any one tool. Whilst none of the other armour pieces can be shared, you can lend the toolbelt to
another creature, though you must remain within 30 feet or the toolbelt will dematerialise.

Psychic Helmet (3 psi)

You psychically alter your helmet. For the spell’s duration, you gain the ability to breathe in areas
you may not normally be able to breathe, similarly, spells that work based on a creature breathing in
the spell, such as Stinking Cloud, would have no effect on you.

Psychic Breastplate (4 psi)

For the spell’s duration, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 5 times your spellcasting
modifier. These do not reset at the start of your next turn unless you recast the spell.

Psychic Material (4 psi)

You psychically alter your armour, causing it to pulsate with psychic energy on command. For the
spell’s duration, you may use your reaction to subtract your spell modifier from a creature’s attack
rolls for the round, potentially causing their attacks to miss. You may not use the reaction after
seeing the attack roll.

Psychic Shield (4 psi)

As a bonus action, you conjure a psychic shield. The shield does not permit you to cast any spells
that require a somatic component unless you have the war caster feat. The AC boost of the shield is
equal to your spell casting modifier. Only you may wield the shield, if you lose physical contact with
it, it dematerialises.

The Best Defence (7 psi; conc., 1 min.)

You know that the best defence is a great offence. As an action, you conjure 3 weaker copies of your
Mind Blades which float around you. As a reaction, if you are hit by an attack but it does not exceed
your AC plus your spellcasting modifier, you may use one of the blades to parry the blow and then
roll an attack roll against the attacker, using the stats/modifiers for your Mind Blade. For example, if
your AC is 16 and your spellcasting modifier is 4, if you are hit for an attack roll at 19, you may use
your reaction for this. However, if you were hit for a 21, you may not use this reaction for that attack
roll as it exceeds 20. The ability lasts for 1 minute or until all 3 blades are spent, whichever comes

Psionic Armory
Through greater study of the blade produced through your psionic powers, you learn to reshape the
blade into differing forms, allowing for greater versatility.

Psychic Focus – While focused on this discipline, you gain proficiency with all weapon types.

Manifest Daggers (1 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest a pair of psychic daggers. The
daggers maintain the finesse property, though they also have the light and thrown (30/90)
properties. The daggers also classify as simple weapons, rather than martial weapons. The damage
scales the same as the mind blade, but the daggers deal D4’s rather than D8’s in damage. If thrown,
they dematerialise after dealing damage.

Manifest Net (1-4 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest a net of psychic energy. The net
maintains the finesse property, though it also has the thrown (15/45) property. The net also
classifies as a simple weapon, rather than a martial weapon. You can use your action to throw the
net, on a successful hit a creature of Medium size or smaller is restrained until it is freed. A creature
can use its Action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC, freeing itself on a success.
Another creature can use its action to do the same, providing it is within reach. On an unsuccessful
hit, the net dematerialises. You can spend additional psi points on this ability to increase the size of
the creature able to be restrained by this ability. If you attempt to manifest another weapon whilst
the net is restraining a creature, the net will dematerialise.

Manifest Duelling Swords (2 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest a pair of duelling swords. The
swords maintain the finesse property, though they also have the light property. The swords also
classify as simple weapons, rather than martial weapons. The damage scales the same as the mind
blade, but the duelling swords deal D6’s rather than D8’s in damage. As a bonus action, you can
prepare to use the blades to parry; you gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn or until
you are incapacitated.

Manifest Alak (3 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest an alak. The alak maintains the
finesse property, though it also has the special property. The damage scales the same as the Mind
Blade. Whenever you score a critical hit whilst wielding the alak, you can disarm your opponent.
Additionally, you may forgo one of your attacks to attempt to disarm your opponent instead. When
attached to a length of sturdy rope, the Alak can be used as a grappling hook.

Manifest Glaive (5 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest a glaive. The glaive maintains
the finesse property, though also has the two-handed and reach properties. The damage scales the
same as the mind blade, but the glaive deals D10’s rather than D8’s.

Manifest Dragon’s Paw (7 psi)

As a bonus action, in place of your regular Mind Blade, you manifest a dragon’s paw. The dragon’s
paw maintains the finesse property, though also has the two-handed and reach properties. The
damage scales the same as the mind blade, but the dragon’s paw deals D12’s rather than D8’s.

Psionic Vigour
You learn to control your vitality through the blade, allowing yourself to regain and expend your own
life in order to achieve greater powers.

Psychic Focus – While focused on this discipline, you can choose to spend your Hit Point maximum in
place of Psi Points. You are still restricted by how many Psi Points you can spend in one turn. You
restore any lost hit points to your maximum spent this way during a long rest.

Bloody Smite (2 psi; conc., 1 min.)

As a bonus action, you infuse your Mind Blade with necrotic energy, causing it to pulse with a dull
red light. The next time you hit a creature with an attack, it deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. Until
the spell ends, the target must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On
a failed save, it takes 1d6 necrotic damage, it bleeds profusely from the mouth, and it can’t speak
intelligibly or cast spells that have a verbal component. On a successful save, the spell ends. If the
target or an ally within 5 feet of it uses an action to tend the wound and makes a successful Wisdom
(Medicine) check against your spell save DC, or if the target receives magical healing, the spell ends.

Borrowing (3 psi)

As a bonus action, you touch a creature. You gain one sense, movement type and speed, feat,
language, immunity, or extraordinary ability of the target, that you do not already possess, for the
next minute. An unwilling target prevents the effect with a successful Constitution saving throw. The
target can be a living creature or one that's been dead no longer than 1 day; a corpse makes no
saving throw.

At Any Cost (3-7 psi)

As a bonus action, you consume a dose of venom or other poison. After suffering the effect of the
poison, you can then cause one other creature, that you can see, to make a Constitution saving
throw against your spell save DC. If they succeed, they just take the effects of the poison consumed.
If they fail, they also take an additional 3d6 poison damage. A creature utilises your own
resistance/immunity to these effects. You can spend an additional psi point to affect an additional
creature. If the poison consumed requires a Constitution saving throw, they roll separately for both.
You must be able to survive the effects of the poison to cast this spell.

Transference (5 psi; conc., 1 min.)

As an action, you form a link with the soul of another creature, that you can see, within 60 feet.
During this time, whenever you take damage, you inflict half of that damage to that creature as
psychic damage. The creature must remain in range for the duration or the spell ends early.

Exsanguination (5-7 psi; conc., 1 min)

You dematerialise your Mind Blade, causing it to be reformed as shards within a creature that you
see within 30 feet. The target must make a constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On
a successful save, it takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage and the spell ends. On an unsuccessful save, it
takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage and proceeds to take 4d6 bludgeoning damage each round. It is also
incapacitated and cannot speak as it vomits up torrents of blood and ichor. In addition, its hit point
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. The target dies if this effect reduces
its hit point maximum to 0. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can make a Constitution saving
throw, ending the effect on a success—except for the reduction of its hit point maximum, which lasts
until the creature finishes a long rest. You can spend additional psi points to target an additional
creature within range. You cannot resummon your Mind Blade, without ending the effects of this
ability early, whilst this spell is in effect.

Last Hurrah (7 psi)

As a reaction, when you drop to 0 hit points, you can immediately fail all 3 death saving throws in
order to detonate your corpse, dealing 1d12 necrotic damage, per character level, to all creatures
within a 15 foot radius.

Psychic Assassin
Psychic Focus – While focused on this discipline, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Poison of the Mind (1-7 psi)

As a bonus action, you mentally generate a poison targeted for a specific creature. The poison must
be applied to a weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage, or, your Mind Blade and is rendered
inert if not used by the start of your next turn. On a successful hit, the poison deals 1D6 poison
damage per psi point spent on this ability. The target must make a Constitution saving throw against
your spell save DC. On a successful save, they just take the damage as above. On a failed save, they
also have disadvantage on all saving throws until the start of your next turn.

Target Acquired (2 psi; conc., 10 min.)

As a bonus action, you designate a target creature within 60 feet for elimination. This effect lasts for
10 minutes and cannot be recast until the end of that time, or, if the target dies. During this time,
you have advantage on all attacks against the target, however, you have disadvantage on attack rolls
against any other targets as you focus in on your mark.
Clouded Thoughts (4 psi; conc., 8 hr.)

As an action, you cloak your mind in shadows. Whilst you maintain concentration on this spell, you
cannot be mentally detected. Any divination spell that targets you whilst you are under the influence
of this ability will fail, any divination spells that are already targeting you will cease and they will only
be aware of your last known location to when the link ended, if they were already aware under the
effects of the spell/ability. No creature (both allied and not) will not be able to form a telepathic link
with you.

Assassin’s Mark (5-7 psi; conc., varies)

To activate this ability, you must spend 10 minutes either within 30 feet of the target, or, in physical
contact with an item held dear to the target. After this time, you gain advantage on all attack rolls
against the target. The target also has disadvantage on all saving rolls against yourself. You are also
able to track their location to within 30 feet and are able to see them, even if they are invisible. If
you spend 5 psi points on this ability, the effect lasts for 8 hours. If 6 psi points are spent, the effect
lasts until you next take a long rest. If 7 psi points are spent, the effect lasts for 48 hours and no
longer requires concentration.

One With the Shadows (7 psi; conc., 1 min.)

As an action, you dematerialise becoming a being constructed of pure darkness. You become
resistant to all non-magical damage. You are also invisible in areas of darkness and have a +10 bonus
to stealth in areas of dim light. Whilst transformed, you can move through a space as narrow as 1
inch wide without squeezing. However, while you are in the light, you have disadvantage on attack
rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.

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