Lexan Conductivity

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To Find the Thermal Conductivity of a Material (Lexan)
5.1. Apparatus:
 Steam generator that will deliver approximately 10 grams/minute
 Ice mold with cover.
 Lexan (Thermal conductor material).
 Beaker.
 Stop Watch.

Figure 5.1 Thermal Conductivity Apparatus

5.2. Theory:

5.2.1. What is thermal conductivity?

The thermal conductivity of a material is a measure of its ability to conduct heat. It is
commonly denoted by k, ĸ or ƛ. Heat transfer occurs at a lower rate in materials of
low thermal conductivity than in materials of high thermal conductivity. For instance,
metals typically have high thermal conductivity and are very efficient at conducting
heat, while the opposite is true for insulating materials like Styrofoam.
Correspondingly, materials of high thermal conductivity are widely used in heat
sink applications, and materials of low.
5.2.2. Formula:
The rate at which heat is conducted across a substance is given by
∆𝑸 𝒌𝑨∆𝜽
∆𝑻 ∆𝒙
 ∆Q is total amount of heat conducted in time ∆T.
 k is coefficient of thermal conductivity.
 A is area of conducting surface, ∆x is thickness.
 ∆ϴ is difference in temperature between two faces.


𝒌= 𝒘 /𝒎. 𝒌

5.3. Properties of Lexan:

 High level of impact resistance (250 times the impact resistance of glass).
 Low rigidity and can be bought in flexible grades.
 Can handle temperatures up to 240 degrees Fahrenheit before deforming.
 Highly resistant to acids and other chemicals such as gasoline.
 Can be drilled without worry of cracking.
 Can be cold formed or bent without heating.
 Low level of flammability.
 Easier to scratch than glass and some other thermoplastics.
 More expensive than glass and some other thermoplastics.
 Poor clarity, cannot be polished to restore clarity.
 Can be yellowed over time by UV rays.
 Low level of resistance to abrasive cleaners and surfaces.
 Can be dented easily.

5.4. Uses of Lexan:

 Electrical appliances.
 Medical equipment components.
 Outdoor signs.
 Safety face-shields.
 Storage modules.
 Communications equipment.
 Business machines.
 Aircraft components.
5.5. Apparatus Explanation:
5.5.1. Ice:
Ice is water frozen into a solid state. Depending on the presence of impurities such
as particles of soil or bubbles of air, it can appear transparent or a more or
less opaque bluish-white color.

Figure 5.2 Ice

5.5.2. Lexan:
Lexan is a polycarbonate resin thermoplastic. In a nutshell, what that means is
that it's a solid substance that can deform in extreme heat (typically 147 degrees
Celsius, or 297 degrees Fahrenheit) and whose molecules are comprised of
repeating subunits.

Figure 5.3 Lexan

5.5.3. Beaker:
A beaker is a cylindrical glass or plastic vessel used for holding liquids. It is a multi-
purpose piece of equipment used for containing a chemical reaction, measuring
liquids, heating them over a Bunsen burners flame or collecting them in a titration

Figure 5.4 beaker

5.5.4. Steam Generator:
Steam generator is used to convert water into steam. This steam is used to increase
the temperature of rod by a plastic pipe. One end of pipe is connected to steam
generator and other end is connected to a side of rod.

Figure 5.5 steam generator

5.5.5. Stop Watch:

A stopwatch is a handheld timepiece designed to measure the amount of time that
elapses between its activation and deactivation.

Figure 5.6 stop watch

5.6. Procedure:
 Measure and record the thickness of the material. ∆x.
 Run the jar under water to loosen the ice so that ice can move freely in the jar. Do
not remove the ice from the jar .Measure the diameter of the ice block and record
it as d1.
 Place the ice jar on top of the sample so that the open end is the contact with the
sample. Let the ice sit from several minutes on the top of the sample so that it
melts and comes in contact with the sample. Do not take any data at this time.
 Obtain the data for determining the ambient melting rate of the ice as follows:
 Determine the mass of the small beaker.
 Collect the melting ice in the beaker for 10 minutes.
 Measure the total mass (beaker+water).
 Obtain the mass of melted ice it as m.
 Run steam into the steam chamber. Run the steam for several minutes so that the
heat flow is steady. Collect melted ice for 10 minutes. Measure its mass and
record it as M.
 Measure the diameter of the ice block and record as d2.
 Repeat steps1 through 6 for four other materials.

This experiment uses steam heating, hot water and hot metal bars. Be careful to avoid
touching the hot surfaces of the steam generator, plastic tubing and the expression co-
efficient apparatus. Make yourself when the objects are hot. Don’t open the steam generator,
or touch the bars when they’re hot!
5.7. Observations and calculations:
 Determine d, the average of d₁ and d₂ and find r =d/2. Calculate the area of the ice
block contact with the material as𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2 .
 Determine M-m which is the mass of ice melted due to heat transmitted through
the material. then
∆Q= (M-m)*3.34*105 J.
 Calculate k using the equation 𝒌 = 𝒘 /𝒎. 𝒌 where ∆ θ=100 and
 Use the actual value of k to determine the percentage difference.

Table 5.1
X d1 d2 d=d1+d2/2 r=d/2 A=πr2 M(g) M ΔQ=(M- K=ΔQx/AΔϴΔT Actual Error
m) =
m m m M m m2 kg kg J W/mk W/mk %
5.8. Conclusions:
The thermal conductivity of lexan is ……………. This indicates that heat transfer rate for
lexan is low at 1 kelvin temperature. This shows that lexan is weak conductor.

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