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Name: Date:

from Of Wolves and Men

Barry Lopez
DIRECTIONS: Complete the following items after you finish your first read.

1. Why was the Goldstream Valley in the news a few years before the author wrote
this selection?

Because Goldstream Valley is lightly settled and lies on the edge of active

wolf range, and that winter wolves got the habit of visiting homes and killing pet


2. According to the selection, how are wolves like primates?

For example, the author suggests that wolves, like primates, engage in

complex social behaviors. They form close-knit family units, cooperate in hunting,

and display hierarchical structures within their packs. Additionally, both wolves and

primates are noted for their capacity for communication, using vocalizations, body

language, and other forms of interaction to convey information within their groups.

3. Where is the last North American stronghold of the wolf?

The last North American stronghold of the wolf is often considered to be

Alaska. Alaska is home to healthy and robust wolf populations and is recognized

as a stronghold for several wolf species

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4. Is it true that no healthy wolf has ever killed someone in North America? Explain.

There is no documented case of a healthy, wild wolf killing a person in North

America. Wolves are generally wary of humans and tend to avoid direct

interactions. Instances of wolf attacks on humans are extremely rare, and when

they do occur, they are often associated with specific circumstances, such as

habituation to human food sources or the protection of young pups.

5. To confirm your understanding, write a summary of the excerpt from Of Wolves

and Men.
"Of Wolves and Men" by Barry Lopez is a literary exploration of the complex
relationship between humans and wolves. The book delves into the cultural,
historical, and ecological dimensions of this relationship, examining how wolves
have been perceived, feared, and revered throughout human history. Lopez weaves
together scientific insights, folklore, and personal narratives to create a nuanced
portrait of wolves and the impact of human attitudes and actions on their existence.
The narrative addresses themes of coexistence, conservation, and the often
misunderstood nature of wolves, challenging prevailing myths and stereotypes. The
book reflects on the broader implications of human-wolf interactions for the natural
world and encourages a deeper understanding of these enigmatic creatures.

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Name: Date:


Research to Clarify Choose at least one unfamiliar detail from the text. Briefly
research that detail. In what way does the information you learned shed light on
an aspect of the story?
Research to Explore Choose something from the text that interests you and
formulate a research question.

DIRECTIONS: Respond to these questions. Use textual evidence to support your


1. (a) Analyze What is the biologists’ explanation for why the wolves killed dogs in
the Goldstream Valley? (b) What is the Athabascans’ explanation?

2. Classify Which group uses data to explain wolf behavior? Which groups also use
metaphor and legend?

3. Interpret Why do people find it hard to agree on what to think about wolves? Give
an example.

4. Analyze Reread the last paragraph of the essay. What does the author mean when
he writes that men “create their animals?”

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5. Essential Question: What effects do people have on the environment? What have
you learned about people and the planet by reading this story?

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