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SI. No.: BOEP/19 Register mber I 2019 BASICS OF ENGINEERING (Degree Std.) ‘Time Allowed : 3 Hours} [Maximum Marks : 300 10. lL 12, Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS The applicant will be supplied with Question Booklet 15 minutes before commencement of the examination. This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. Prior to attempting to answer, the candidates are requested to check whether all the questions are there in series and ensure there are no blank pages in the question booklet. In case any defect in the Question Paper is noticed, it shall be reported to the Invigilator within first 10 minutes and get it replaced with a complete Question Booklet. If any defect is noticed in the Question Booklet after the commencement of examination, it will not be replaced. Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks. You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do not. write anything else on the Question Booklet. An answer sheet will be supplied to you, separately by the Room Invigilator to mark the answers. You will also encode your Question Booklet Number with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fail to encode the above information, action will be'taken as per Commission's notification. Each question comprises four responses (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to select ONLY ONE correct response and mark in your Answer Sheet, In case you feel that there are more than one correct, response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each question. Your total marks will depend on the number of correct. responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet. In the Answer Sheet there are four circles @) .@), © and @ against each question. To answer the questions you are to mark with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen ONLY ONE circle of your choice for each question. Select one response for each question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong. e.g. If for any item, (B) is the correct answer, you have to mark as follows @e00 You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the time of examination, ‘ 2 1 -. You are allowed to ti juestion Booklet with you only after the Examination is over. Do not make any marking in the question booklet except in the sheet before the last page of the question booklet, which can be used for rough work. This should be strictly adhered. Applicants have to write and shade the total number of answer fields left blank on the boxes provided at side 2 of OMR Answer Sheet. An extra time of 5 minutes will be given to specify the number of answer fields left blank Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render you liable to such action or penalty as ‘the Commission may decide at their discretion. SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK BOEP/19 2 ‘The centre of gravity of a triangular lamina of base ‘b’ and height ‘h’ lies at a height of “ 2a from the base (B) {from the base © tn from the base a i h from the base ‘The moment of inertia of a square lamina of side 30 cm about its edges is (A) 3.7 105 cm! (B) 4.7 109 em! (C) 1.7 10° cm* 21 * 10° em* ‘A car is moving with velocity-of 15 m/s. The car is brought to rest after application of brakes in 5 seconds. The retardation is (B) Sms? @) 1 ms? When the radial distance is ‘r’ the linear acceleration ‘a’ and angular acceleration ‘a’ are related as follows In transmission belts, the creep is due to WH difference in belt tensions on two sides of pulley and the elasticity of belt material (B) __ plasticity of the belt material (©) __ elasticity of the belt material ©) density of the belt material Which of the following is not a scalar quantity? acceleration (B) time (©) volume (@) mass 3 BOEP/19 {Turn over 7. The unit of work or energy in S.I. unit is (A) Newton ®) Pascal of Joule @) Watt 8. The point at which the entire weight of an object by assumed to be acting is called (A) moment of inertia WP contre of gravity ©) centroid () line of action 9. A sinewave has a frequency of 50 Hz, Its angular frequency is ————— radian/seconds, (A) 50/z eo 2 2a (© 50” . wr 1007 10. The real power is an a.c. circuit ia given by ——_————. WM Vicoss ®) VIsing © Pz @) VI 11. The braking Torque provided by a permanent magnet in a single phase energy meter is proportional to the (A) square of the flux of the permanent magnet and speed of the meter (B) speed of the meter (©) distance of the permanent magnet from the centre of the revolving disc OF bot (8) and () BOEP/19 4 i: a 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1. Mechanical losses in a de machine consisting of (A) Hysteresis and eddy current loss e Friction and Windage loss (©) Friction and eddy loss (D) Armature copper loss The value of back emf in a de motor is maximum at (A) full load (B) half full load ao no load ) /,th of full load For higher efficiency of 3 phase induction motor. The ship should be (A) large (B)_ very large re as small as possible @ 1 In the breakdown region, zener diode behaves like a source. YF Constant voltage ®) Constant current © Constant resistance @) Constant power ‘The element that has the biggest size in a transistor is, WM Collector ®) Base © Emitter @) pnjunetion ‘The phase difference between the input and output voltages of a transistor connected in common emitter arrangement is @) 0 OT 180° (C) 90° @) 270° 5 BOEP/19 [Turn over i i 18. If | were your teacher, I would have taught you good manners. This means that, (A) Lam your teacher a 1 am not your teacher (© Iwill be your teacher (D) Iwas your teacher 19. She fell ——___—— the thorns. (A) on ik (©) between @) at 20. Choose the most appropriate alternative to correct the sentence. Teacher praised student. (A) Teacher praised the student ow’ ‘The teacher praised the student (©) The teacher praised student (D) A teacher praised student 21. Choose the appropriate article young are always in a hurry. Go tre f @) A (©) An (D) Any 22. Sheela refused hiss request. (A) accede (B) accedeto A to accede to (D) from acceding to BOEP/19 6 23: 25. 27. Read the passage and choose the best answer for the question: “The little boy, born to cricket, who once fashioned a crude pitch with a mattock out of the side of a hill in the tiny hamlet of Lisarow, had gone on to play forty four times for ia”. Whom do you think the passage refers to? Sf Acricketer () A traveller (C) A peasant (D) A voyager Choose the correct meaning of the following from the list “The fish in troubled waters”. (A) to aggravate the situation of to make the most in a bad situation (©) tocatch fish in the disturbed water (D) _ to indulge in evil conspiracies Choose the correct meaning of the expression “Turn over a new leaf” (A) hopeful situation OF change for the better (©) expression of anger (D) act foolishly Choose from the alternatives the word which is nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word. No one can claim to be Omniscient however knowledgeable ho or she may be (A) learned we ignorant (©) educated (D) illiterate Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the underlined word. It is onerous task to find an honorouble solution to the problem of parking in the society. exacting (B) formidable v light (D) useless 7 BOEP/19 [Turn over 28, 29. 30. 81. 32. The farmera four cong quaerelied <==" ¢heramel ves = the ahaie'of prof QA simone, over (B) between, for (©) © among, for ) between, over ‘The systematic extermination of a race or community is called ———___—_.. (A) Decimation (B) Devastation (© Slaughter St Genocide “This honey is tasting sweet” — This statement is wrong because of (A) wrong choice of pronoun er: wrong choice of tense form (C)__ wrong choice of adjective (D) wrong choice of noun If | with the child, I wouldn't have allowed him to dive into the deep water. (A) had not been (B) was being Re had been (D) have been The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has made many food stuffs unfit to eat. Research has shown that 80% of all illnesses are related to diet and 40% of cancer is related to diet. People of different cultures are man prone to contract certain illnesses because of the characteristic foods they consume, What is the best title for this passage? (A) Harmful and Harmless Substances in Food (B) Improving Health Through a Natural Diet MY The Food You Bat can Affect Your Health @) Avoiding Injurious Substances in Food BOEP/19 8 cal 33, If x=rcos8, y=rsin@ then a is = ® ys xt ty? x+y @) rcos@ 34. Ifx+y+z=u, y+z=uv, 2=uvw, then find e,9.2) (u,v,w) ww? Bw es uv (D) 2uv 35. If (a,b) is a saddle point of the function f(x,y), then at (a,6) ( ) 0 ®) >0 : we <0 (D)_ may be complex number 36. flogxde is QM xlogr-x+e @) xe*-e* +e (© xlogx-logx+e @) tee z 37. : fie +? -dx, where C is the path y =-x from (0, 0) to (1, 1). é ) @®) 1 oe Ka o 9 BOEP/19 [Turn over 38, 39. 40, 41. 42, Identify which of the following function is not analytic? “aw 2 @), ef (©) sinz az ee) If f(z) is an analytic function of z, then (S a oa] is equal to ak 0 w). |fe)f i e © z (wD) {fl ier ae Consider the statements: Si: Every bilinear transformation maps circles or straight lines into circle or straight lines. S2: Every bilinear transformation can be expressed as the resultant of an even number of inversions. Say True or False; 1; True ; Sz: True (B) Si: True ; Se: False (©) Si: Palse ; S2: True (D) Si: False ; S2: False Evaluate | (2+ 2)'dz 4 @ i/3 a -i/3 (©) 3i ; @) -3 Find the nature and value of singularity of the function f(z)= cosz—sinz (a) ozs 5 simple pole (8) z=, removable x z = simple pole @) ==, essential 4 6 BOEP/19 10 n 43, 44, 45. 46. 47. 48, A car accelerates on a horizontal road due to the force exerted by (A) _ the engine of the car (B) the driver of the car © theearth AM the road A block of mass ‘m’ is placed on a smooth inclined plane of inclination ‘Q’ with the horizontal. The force exerted by the plane on the block has a magnitude (A) omg (B) mglcos 0 Iw mg cos 0 (D) mgtan@ ‘The sand level at a point is increased by 30 dB. By what factor is the pressure amplitude increased? wr 32 (B) 22 © 12 @) 42 Which one from the following is a correct characteristic of ultrasonic wave? (A) Ultrasonics are sound waves of very long wavelength OY Ultrasonics are sound waves of very high frequency (©) Ultrasonic waves move faster than sound waves (D) Ultrasonic waves move slower than sound waves Sound waves with frequencies below 16 Hz are called as (A) audible waves 7 infrasonic waves (C) ultrasonic waves (D) hypersonic waves ‘The Young's modulus of Aluminium is (A) 0.9 10" Nim@ 20 Sterlisation of water can be done by using (A) Oxygen ee Ozone (©) Caustic potash (D) Hydrogen peroxide 13 BOEP/19 [Turn over 60. 61 62. 63, 64. Absorption of oxygen type corrosion occurs in PM Neutral aqueous solution (B) Acidic aqueous solution (C) Basic aqueous solution (D) . Both in (A) and (B) The process of zine coating over iron sheets by hot ~ dipping is called A Gatwanization (®B) Tinning (©) Sheradizing () Anodizing Concentration cell is used to determine (i) Solubility of sparingly soluble salts (i) Valeney of ion (iii) Oxidation potential (iv) Reduction potential (A) Only (iv) is correct a (@® and (i) is correct (©) (iii) and (iv) is correct. () Only Gii) is correct ‘The potential of the standard hydrogen electrode is @) 1 volt A 0 oro) (C) 10 volts (D) 5 volts Polarization depends on @ Size and nature of electrode surface (i) Concentration of electrolyte Gii) Conductivity of electrolyte (iv) Brightening agents (A) Only Gili) is correct @) Only (iv) is correct ©) i), Gi, Gv) is correct GF |. (3), Gi) is correct BOEP/19 14 65, (A) © 1N NaCl 1N MgCl ) Which among the following solution would have the highest electrical conductance? WT INKCI 1N CaCl Key board 66. An Input Device that is used widely in super markets is A Bar Code Reader ® (© Mouse @) Joystick 67. Which keys are used by applications and operating systems to perform specific commands? @ Function keys ‘Typing keys «B) ©) Arrow keys Control keys 68. Ascanner with 3,400 elements scanning an 8.5 inch wide sheet has an optical resolution of (A) 600 dots per inch PH 100 dots per inch (©) 800 dots per inch (D) 200 dots per inch 69. The time taken to initiate a data transfer from disk is called (A) _ Disk seek time WT Disk latency Time (©) Disk Rotational Delay Time () Disk Transfer Time 70. Post is perfornied by the (A) Compiler (B) Assembler SM Bios @) Linker a 16 BOEP/19 [Turn over 71 72. 17. RPC in networks means Remote Procedure Call (®) ) © Request Program Call _ is the expansion of NIC and LANs. re Network Interface Card (B) (© Networking Interface Cable o CSMA stands for (A) Control Sense Multiple Access ® WW Carrier Sense Multiple Access ©) Request Procedure Call Remote Program Call Network Interior Card Network Interior Cable Computer Sénse Multiple Access Card Sense Multiple Access ‘The shortcut used for checking the spelling in document is FT (B) © #F 3 ) JPEG stands for a Joint Picture Experts Group. «© @®) Joint Photo Experts Group ©) ‘The two types of audio and video broadcasts are A) © Forward and backward High speed and low speed © A browser is used to (A) Copy documents © Print documents @) BOEP/19 16 FS F2 Joint Pixel Experts Group Joint Publishing Experts Group Live and on-demand Large and small size ot Navigate the web Add documents 78. 80. 81 82, 83. 84, What is the name given to a detailed study of a job? (A) __ dob specification (B) Job, rotation oS Job analysis (@) Job description .In which model it is stated that the quality level increases when the cost of conformance increases? YO Joseph Juran ®) Philip Crosby (©) Masaaki Imai (©) Edward Deming involves complete delegation of authority so that subordinates themselves take decisions. (A) Participative Leadership NG Lanse “Faire Losdonakp (C) Autocratic Leadership D) None of the above ‘The control chart used for the fraction of defective items in a sample is (A) Range chart Si P—chart (©) Mean chart @) C~chart Management by objectives is the contribution of (A) Max Webber (B) Douglas McGregor (© Graicuna WM Peter. F, Drucker ‘The practice Seiso is related to (A) Standardise all practices Gf esate vice mene nice (©) Make cleaning a routine practice (D) Arrange thing in order Whigh type of process is recruitment? Positive process (B) Neutral process (C) Negative process (D) Short and Systematic process. Ww BOEP/19 [Turn over 85, 86. 90. 91. In which type of organisation the concept of unity of command does not apply? (A) Military type of organisation wo Functional type of organisation (©) Line and Staff organisation (D) Matrix organisation Who developed quality function deployment? 2 WA, Yosi Akao (B) Joseph M. Juran (©) Philip Crosby (D) Masaaki Imai Which type of communication exists between peers or colleagues? SM Horizontal communication (B)_ Upward communication (C) - Downward communication (D) Diagonal communication Who propounded fishbone diagram? (A) Armand V. Feigenbaum (B) Deming W. Edwards (©) doseph M. Juran or Kaon Ishikawa ‘Those activities involved in introducing the new employees to the organisation and its policies, procedures, rules and regulations is called as (A) Placement of Induction (C) Selection (D) Recruitment ‘The concept of “Gang ~ plank” was given by (A) FW. Taylor ot Henry Fayol (©) Elton Mayo (D) Peter F. Drucker ‘Most hazardous metal pollutant of automobile exhaust is Cd (8) He og Pb @) Cu ; 5 BOEP/19 18 a 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. Nuclear tests emit large quantities of. into air, (A) Isobars oe Isotopes (C) Isoleucine () Isomers Chromium is a A Heavy metal (B) Heavy solid (©) Light Jon (D) Heavy Ion Household sewage and laundry detergents add into water bodies. (A) COz, Nz, CFC (B) NaOH, CCl, Nacl (© TCA, HNOs, Hel 80%, NOs, C1 Water with contamination of cadmium can causes in humans. Nl tc: teai tinnaad ‘ouch cach dicta (B) Minamata and colour blindness (©) Dysentry and Osteoporosis () Cholera, Typhoid and Kidney disease Noise is (A) Loud sound (B) Constant sound (© Unwanted sound WH Sound of high frequency What is the source of polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)? ww Plastic Industries (B) Leather Industries (©) Vehicle Industries (D) Rubber Industries 19 BOEP/19 [Turn over 98, 99, 100. 101. 102. 103. ‘The unit of power in SI system is (A). Pascal (B) Joule I wane (D) Horse power ‘The forces whose lines of action lie in the same plane and are meeting at one point are known as (A) Coplanar non concurrent forces (B) Non coplanar concurrent forces (©) Non coplanar non concurrent forces Jf Coplanar concurrent forces ‘Two forces of magnitude 4 N and 5 N act at an angle of 60° at 4 point. The resultant force is AW Van (By V48N © BIN (D) 8N A force F =2i+4j-3k is applied at a point P(1,1,—2). The moment of the force about point Q(2,-1,2) is (A) 11i-10j-16k PF wi-11)- (©) 8i-11j-10k () 16i-11j-8k ‘The co-efficient of friction (i) in terms of the angle of friction (g) is expressed as follows (A) g=tanyg ®) uw=sing : 1 e H=tang MO) ue tang ‘The maximum efficiency of screw Jack for raising a load ‘w’ is ——____—. where. a = helix angle and ¢ = angle of friction. tw [ietang @ [ane I+tang 1+cos¢ cosg 1-sing © [sl JF [ei BOEP/19 20 a 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. A boat of mass 5000 kg initially at rest is pull by a forces of 30 kN through a distance of 4 m. Assuming that the resistance due to water is negligible, the velocity of the boat is (A) 5.20mi WP 6.93 mis (©) 4.82 m/s (D) 6.10 m/s Particle moving on a straight line is (A) curvilinear motion eM rectilinear motion (C) absolute motion (D) relative motion Which of the following is not the unit of pressure? (A) kg/cm? (B) ata (© bar WPF Newton ‘Moment of inertia of an area will be least w.t-t. (A) horizontal axis ew. central axis (©) vertical axis (D) point of suspension When a body slides down in an inclined surface, the acceleration of the body is given by 1 sind AS gsind @) gtan@ (A) gcosé @) A body dropped from a height ‘H’ reaches the ground after ‘t’ seconds. It would have reached a height of 0.5 Hat a time I 0.107 t seconds (B) 0.67 t seconds (C) 0.2 t seconds @) 0.15 t seconds 21 BOEP/19 [Turn over 110. The power in a 3 phase circuit is measured with the help of 2 watt meters. The readings of one of watt meters is positive and that of other is negative. The magnitude of readings is, different. It can be concluded that the power factor of the circuit is (A) unity (B) zero (lagging) (©) 0.5 Gagging) WM 05s than 0.5 (lagging) 111. Ina network made up of linear resistors and ideal voltage sources, values of all resistors are doubled. Then voltage across each resistor is (A) doubled (B) halved (C) decreased four times a not changed 112. Telegraph signal is a/an ————— signal. WM Digital (B) Analog (© Pulse train (D) Impulse 113. Automatic gain control is used in radio receiver to we maintain the carrier level to the detector input constant. (B) improve selectivity (©) improve signal to noise of the receiver (D) reduce gain 114. Contrast control is located in —_______— stage of a TV receiver (A) tuner (B) video detector WG video amplifier @) synchronizing separator BOEP/19 22, a 116. 118. 11g. 120. Convert the decimal number 113.5 into binary. (A) 1110011.0 (By) 1110101.1 Rd 1110001.1 @) ios * ‘The complete set of only those logic gates designated as universal gates is, (A) NOR, OR and AND gates (B) XNOR, NOR, NAND gates oo NOR and NAND gates (D) XOR, NOR and NAND gates Biomedical waste may be disposed of by (A) Incineration (B) Auto claving (C) Land filling wr Both (B) and (C) A latch is used to store 1 of data. wae bit (B) byte (©) kilobyte (D) megabyte ‘The maximum sampling time (T.) of a 10 kHz sinusoidal voltage for conversion to digital form is ————_—. (A) 0.01 ms ww 0.05 ms © 01ms (@) 0.02 ms ‘The iron core is used to of the transformer (A) _ increase the weight GF provide tight magnetic coupling (©) __ reduce core losses (D) provide mechanical strength 23 BOEP/19 {Turn over 121. The Librarian asked the children so much noise in the library. (A) don't make (B) not make rt to make (D) not making 122. Though the terrorists outnumbered the army. unit, the brave captain refused to (A). give way we give in (C) give out (D) give over 123. ————————— helped me, I would have failed. (A) Ifhe did not Ss Had he not (©) Have not he (D) He has not 124. The Inspector of Excise has to conduct regular checks and to visit the unit at least once a day. (A) requires (B) required (© _ is requiring 3 I is required 125. Choose the best one word substitute for “that which can live on land and water” ww amphibious (B)abstemious (©) aquatic (D) acquarian 126. Choose the best one word substitute for “One who is retired from service but retaining on honorary title” (A) meritorious (8) impecunious ft emeritus (D)_ emancipated BOEP/19 : 24 a 127. Choose the best synonym of the underlined word. ‘Maintaining law and order in cosmopolitan cities is an arduous task for the police. ra difficult (B) impossible i (© delicate (D) easy 128. Choose the best word which expresses the meaning of the underlined word. Sardar Patel is known as an iron-man of India, Even the news of his wife's death did not disturb his equinity. a composure (B) mood (©) temper (D) attitude 129. Choose the most appropriate alternative. Our teachers expect to them. (A) . that we should be respectful (B) that we respect to them o us to be respectful () we respect them 130. Choose the most appropriate alternative to fill in the blank. Learry that box for you? (A) Do (B) Will A shatt ) Can 131. ———- book on that shelf is interesting one about ————— history of Hindus. (A) aan, the (B) the, a, an I the, an, the (D) a,an,an Q 25 BOEP/19 (Turn over 132, The eigen values of a real symmetric matrix are (A) all zero oe all real (© _ purely imaginary (D) both real and imaginary 133. Two matrices A and B are said to be similar if there exists a non-singular matrix P such that @) P=B'AB A B=P ap (©) A+P"BP () P+B'AB 134, Inverse of an orthogonal matrix is (A) anull matrix @) an identity matrix A 2m orthogonal matrix (D) an unitary matrix 135. Which one of the following ordinary differential equation is Legendre’s linear equation? A) yt tay!-yax? ®) Ay aay =loge : (©) xty"-Say'+dy=(L+x) SF (2x +3) y"- (2x +3)y'-12y = 6x 136. ® x*-y'=C @) x+y? =C 187. Find the particular integral (P.L) of (D+2)(D-1)'y =2sinhx, where D= ¥/,, ae e ae (A) Pala tal @B) Plas 2 (©) Pl= ae + BOEP/19 26 o 138, 139. 140. 141. 142. (x? +9? ty-de is a % Ss © 3 © % ee cases ‘The maximum directional derivative of ¢ = xyz” at (1, 0, 3) is along, (x-axis a y-axis, (C) z-axis (D) it+jtk Final ‘a’ so that the vector A = (ax? — y* +x)i -(2xy+y)j is irrotational. (A) only (B) -2only (© 2only Mix all values of a” (+1)i + (2 +141)j + +02 +t+1)k then find the velocity at t= 0 (A) i+27+3k I isjsk (© ti +207 @ 6 ir If S is the surface of a sphere of radius ‘a’ then [[@ayae +ydzdx+zdxdy) is ‘s 2 dees, @ 4a ® 374 GS 420° @) Saat 27 BOEP/19 [Turn over 143. ‘The power series 2({1- z)+2*(1—-z)+ 2°(1-z)+...00 converges only if x «) ro) jz-1]<0 144. Which one of the following function is of exponential order? Se (B) sect (© ~~ tant () (oy 145. Find ct 7 } 2 WY & @ | : : x ZL (C) —- Oy ee © li @) Ps 146. cost 5 ont ®) t t t jo oe © sint ©) cost 147. Two particles of masses 1.0 kg and 2.0 kg are placed at a separation of 50 cm. Find the force of gravitation exerted by one on the another. (Given G : 6.67 x 107! Nm*Vkg?) ar 4 5.3 x 1019 N B) 3.5 10°N () 5.0 10-°N (D) 6.3% 10°9N BOEP/19 28 n 1 148. The device which converts heat into mechanical work is (A) Motor (B) Generator RC Heat engine (D) Energy Converter 149. Ultrasonic waves are (A) Electromagnetic waves of large wavelength (B) Electromagnetic waves of high frequency (©) Sound waves of very large wavelength oe Sound waves of very high frequency 150. A rotating calcite crystal is placed over an ink dot. On seeing through the crystal, one finds (A) two stationary dots (B) two dots moving along straight lines Mone dot rotating about the other (D) both dots rotating about a common axis 151. If im be the maximum angle of incidence for which total internal reflection occurs, then sini,, is known as (A) — acceptance angle (B) measure of the efficiency of optical power (C) _ the value of the difference of refractive index of core and cladding YT umerical aperture 152. De — Broglie waves are associated with (A) moving neutral particles only (B) moving charged particles only WY all moving particles (D) all particles whether in motion or rest o 29 BOEP/19 [Turn over 153. A young’s double slit experiment is performed with white light (A) The central fringe be black (B) There will be completely dark fringe (C) The fringe next to the central will be red wy ‘The fringe next to the central will be violet 154, An ion displaced from the lattice into an interstitial site is called a (A) Schottky defect we Frenkel defect (©) Electronic defect @) Line defect 155. ‘The favourable condition for occuring Superconductivity (A) A.weak electron ~ Phonon interaction (B) A strong electron ~ Phonon interaction (© Aweak phonon ~ Phonon interaction wer A strong electron ~ electron interaction through phonon 156. The magnetization of a solid is related to its magnetic induction B and the field strength H by the relation Mou (2| H (B) B=wH+M Ho ( B=H+y.M ©) B=,[H-M] 157. Clausius — mosotti relation in dielectrics is given by Zr+l wo 35 ® drei Ora BOEP/19 30 cal 158. 159. 160. 161 162. 163. Water containing magnesium bicarbonate and calcium chloride is (A) Permanent hard water only (B) Temporary hard water only Na” Both Temporary and Permanent herd water (D) Soft water Stereo specific polymers are obtained by using polymerization. a Ziegler - Natta (B) Free radical (©) Cationic (D) Anionic Polymerisation in which two or more chemically different monomers combine to form a polymer without elimination is known as (A) “Addition polymerization ae Co — polymerisation (©) Condensation polymerization (D) Homochain polymers Phenol — formaldehyde resin is commercially known as (A) Teflon PF Bakelite © Dacron @) Styrene ‘The water absorption tendency of voleanized Rubber —___—, as the Sulphur percentage content increases. (A) _ Increases rapidly : MH Decreases (©) Remains constant (@) Increases two times Rusting of iron in saline water is (A) Slow (B) Very slow WM Fast ) No corrosion 31 BOEP/19 [Turn over 164. ‘The Net reaction for methanol ~ oxygen fuel cell is (A) CH,OH+£0, + CO, +2H,0 (B) CH,OH+$0, > CO, +2H,0 eH CH,OH +0, + CO, +2H,0 (D) CH,OH+%0, > CO, +2H,0 165. Initial flash set of cement is caused by the wa Hydration of Tricalcium Aluminate (B) Presence of gypsum (©) - Gelation of Dicalcium Silicate (D) — Gelation of Tricalcium Silicate 166. Lime used for the manufacturing refractories is : (A) Hydraulic lime (8) Lean lime a Dolomitic lime @) Gypsum 167. Major component of Portland Cement is we ‘Tricalcium Silicate (B) Cad (MgO (D) CaSO. 168. High resistance to spalling is shown by (A) Magnesia refractory (B) Dolamite refractory Sf Alumina refractory (D) Lime refractory BOEP/19 32 169. 170, 172. i73. 174, Performing multiple activities at the same time with different programs is known as (A) Multithreading ew Multitasking (©) Multi processing @) Multi user BIOS is stored in (a) RAM x ROM (©) Hard Disk (D) Cache Memory Which Memory chip is programmed during the manufacturing process? (A) Flash Memory Mt Prom (© EPROM (D) EEPROM Every computer system has three different types of buses to carry information from one part to the other, namely (A) Data bus, control bus and Instruction bus (B) Address bus, Data bus and peripheral bus (©) Data bus, Instruction bus and control bus YM Adazess bus, Data bus and control bus Bridges operate in layer (A) Transport layer (B) Session layer oS Data link layer (D) Application The host in the internet is identified by (A) Search Engine (B) Browser gf IP address (D) Hub 33 BOEP/19 [Turn over 175. Payment Transactions can be done using (A) E-earning (B) E-mail WH e-commerce ) E-government 176. Which of the following is not a procedural language? ar LISP (B) Pascal @ ¢ (D) FORTRAN 177. PERT and CPM are control techniques. YM Production (B)_ Inventory (©) Manpower (D) Budgetary 178. EMS certification is against (A) ISO 14000 (B) ISO 14004 WA 180 14001 (D) 180 14050 179. Which does not fall under QS 9000? (A) Statistical process control (B) Measurement system analysis GF Cause and Effect Analysis (@) Failure mode and Effect Analysis 180. Kaizen means SF Continuous improvement (B) Enhancing process (©) Reduce failure rates (D) Gradualmaintenance 181. What is the type of maintenance named when the critical parts of the equipment are continuously monitored? (A) _ Routine (B) Preventive So Condition based (D) Predictive BOEP/19 34 a 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. How many major blocks are there in House of Quality? (a) 5 Ors © 4 © 8 Which diagram forms the basis of relationship diagram? (A). Tree a Affinity (©) _ Prioritisation (D) Arrow ‘The obligation to carry out delegated authority (A) Authority WT Responsibility (©) Departmentation (D) Decentralisation ‘Taguchi suggested that loss in a process is increased with the increase of (A) _ Specifications (B) Standards (©). Breakdowns SS Variability determines the complexity of manager's job, the number of managers required and the shape of organisation. (A) Unity of command a Span of management (©) Unity of Direction (D) Delegation of authority Which was the first company to adopt six sigma? (A) Texas Instruments G7 Motorola (C) General Electric (D) Kodak Specify the major objective of TPM (A) Quality Assurance (B) Quality management at Preventive maintenance ©) Break down maintenance 35 BOEP/19 (Turn over 189. What is the causative organism of Salmonellosis pathogen carried by the sewago? WH Salmonella species (B) Escherichia coli (© Round worms @) Flat worms 190. The by products of composting are (A) Organic Manure (B) Methane © COz Both (A) and (B) 191. Match the following Information Comments @® — Accountabilities (@) Who does the job holders report to directly (Line Manager) or on grounds of Functional authority. (1) Organisational factors (b) ‘These are the results for which you are responsible. In practice they might be phrased in the same way as a description of a task. : (HI) Environmental factors (¢) ‘The task you are expected to do. If the purpose of the job is to ensure. (IV) Content of the job (@). Working conditions, security and safety issues equipment. o @m a aq @ ab c d ® b a c 4 wr b a a e Mn tae ise b a 192. What is the BOD level in polluted water? WT Above 30mg /L (B) Below 30 mg/L. (©) 5mgiL ©) 10mg. 193, Which of the following is a major sources of thermal pollution in water bodies? (A) Treatment plants (B) Solid wastes (©) Both (A) and ®) GP Thermal power plants 194, The major pollutant in vehicle emission is YT Cor ®) CO (@) NOx BOEP/19 36 a 195.- Global significance of ‘coral bleaching’ occurred in WW Great Barrier Reef (8) GulfofMannar (©) Pacifie ocean (D). Atlantic Ocean 196. Which of the following strategy is not useful for the global warming? (A) __ Increase in forest cover - (B) Limited use of fossil fuels GA increasing use of nitrogen fertilizers (D) Use of other options instead of CFCs 197. The origin of positive lapse rate, ie. increase of temperature with increasing altitude occurred in YT Swratosphere (B) Mesosphere (©) Ionosphere (D) Troposphere 198, is widely used as a blending oxygenate in petrol for clearner burning of the x fuel. \ (A) BIX na MTBE | © TEL @) CNG 199. IPCC stands for ft Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (B) _ International Panel on Climate Change — (©) _ International Panel on Climate Convention (D) _ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Convention 200. Montreal protocol was implemented in (A) 1985 (B) 1995 oS 1987+ (@)- 1997 a 37 BOEP/19 [Turn over SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK BOEP/19 38 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 39 BOEP/19 [Turn over SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK . BOEP/19 40

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