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(a) To convert 10km/h2 to mm/s2, first we need to convert both unit from kilometers to
millimeters and unit of time from hours to seconds.

1 kilometer (km) = 1, 000, 000 millimeters (mm)

1 hour (h) = 3600 seconds (s)

Thus, the conversion is

(10 km/h2) x (1, 000, 000 mm/km) x (1s/3600h) x (1s/3600h)

= 27.777777777777777777777777778 mm/s2

= 2.7778 x 101 mm/s2

(b) Magnitudes a and b = 100 units each

Angle between a and b = 60°
b = x-axis

magnitude |a| = 100 units

|ax| = |a| x cos (θ ¿ = 100 x cos (60°) = 50 units
|ay| = |a| x sin (θ ¿ = 100 x sin (60°) = 86.6025 units

Magnitude |b| = 100 units

|bx| = |b| = 100 units
|by| = 0 units (b is along the x-axis)

i. Calculate a+b
a + b = (50i + 86.6025j) + (100i + 0j)
= (50 + 100i) + (86.6025 + 0)j
= 150i + 86.6025j

Calculate the magnitude of a + b

Using the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the magnitude of two vector
|a + b| = √ (150)2 +(86.6025)2

|a + b| = 172.621 units

ii. Calculate 2a – 3b
To find the resultant vector, we subtract the corresponding components :
2a – 3b = 2(50i +86.6025j) – 3(100i + 0J)
= (100i + 173.205j) – (300i + 0j)
= -200i + 173.205j

Therefore, 2a – 3b
|2a - 3b| = √ (−200)2 +(173.205)2

= 268.318 units

(c) Total distance traveled by the object between t=0s to t= 10s is equal to area of the curve
between t=0s to t= 10s .

Total Distance (D) = area of square ( t=0s to t= 5s ) + area of triangle (t=5s to t=10s)

D = 12 (m/s) x (5s) + 0.5 x (10s – 5s) x 12 (m/s)


Area of triangle = 0.5× base × height and

area of square = base x height

D = 60m+30m

D= 90m
Total distance traveled by the object between t=0s to t= 10s is 90m


Average speed of object between ( t=1s to t= 8s) is the ratio of

Average speed of object between ( t=1s to t= 8s) is the ratio of total distance traveled by
object between ( t=1s to t= 8s) and total time taken in this journey tal time taken in this journey

Let total distance traveled by object between ( t=1s to t= 8s) is = X

X = area of square ( t=1s to t= 5s ) + area of triangle (t=5s to t=8s)

X = area of square ( t=1s to t= 5s ) + area of triangle (t=5s to t=8s)

X = 12(m/s) x (5s – 1s) + 0.5 x (8s – 5s) x 12 (m/s)

X = 48m + 18m

= 66m

And the total journey time is 8s – 1 s = 7s

Hence, Average speed of object between t = 1s to t=8s is

66m/7s = 9.428(m/s)

a) Energy is the ability to do work. When there is a force acting on a body, the body will
move in the direction of the force and that means work has been done. Energy and work
involve force and distance.
Kinetic energy is the energy that involves a moving body. Kinetic energy depends on
mass and velocity. The heavier the mass of an object, the greater the kinetic energy of the
object. Whereas when the velocity of an object increases, the kinetic energy of the object
also increases.
When the speed of the car increases from 20km/h to 60km/h, the kinetic energy of the car
also increases and becomes larger.

b) The presented issue includes a motor that produces continuous force when in use. The
motor is a tool that generates work from supplied energy in the real world.

Provided details include: The produced motor force is constant. The toy vehicle is moved
by the force. You can ignore the friction. The goal is to determine a power-to-time
relationship so that variation and the plot may be compared.

The definition of power expresses power as work done by a force in unit time or the
product of Force associated with the instantaneous velocity. Given the force is constant,
there is an application of constant acceleration on the car due to the motor.
For any arbitrary time t during the motion starting from rest, the equation of motion

V = u + at
V = 0 + at
V = at

The acceleration here can be defined in terms of the force applied by the motor:
V = (f/m) t
m = assumed mass of the car
The power is thus expressed in absence of the frictional force as the result of only applied
P = Force x velocity
P = F x f/m x t
P = (F2/m) t

Thus, for a constant force by the motor and constant mass of the car (as the car’s mass is
not being changed)

The relation implies P ∝ t, which would result in a straight line linearly increasing plot.
However, the graph shown in the question is not linear as its slope is changing with time.

The correct variation is depicted below:

P = (F2/m) t



The power variation might change when there is friction to be considered which would result in
work being done against motion as well. The power vs time variation has been found to be linear
for a constant force and no friction which is NOT depicted by the graph shown.
c) Given data is:
Mass of blue ball m1 = 0.5kg
Initial velocity of blue ball is zero
Mass of green ball m2 = 0.8kg
Height h = 1m
(A) First we find velocity of blue ball at point B. From energy conservation law

mghi + ½ m1V2ib = m1ghf + ½ m1v2bf

m1gh + 0 = 0 + ½ m1v2bf

Vbf = √ 2 gh = √ 2 x 9.8 x 1 = 4.43 m/s

(B) At point B, head on collision occurred in between blue and green ball and collision is
elastic. Initial velocity of green ball is zero.
So final velocity of green ball is
2 m1
Vig = Vbf
m1+m 2
Now we put all values
2 x 0.5 x 4.43
Vig =
0.5+ 0.8
Vig = 3.41m/s

(C) The final height of green ball is calculated by using energy conservation law. At
maximum height velocity of green ball is zero. Thus, from energy conservation law
½ m2v2ig = m2ghf
Hf = = 0.59 m
The final maximum height for green ball is 0.59m

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