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(adapted from:, https://www.usnews.

com/news and )

Halloween is time of celebration and superstition. The holiday originated

with the ancient Irish and later it was adopted by the Celts who set
bonfires and light candles to scare ghosts and spirits.

Today, Halloween is a secular* event characterized by family friendly

activities such as turning homes into spooky houses, neighborhood parties,
dances and trick-or-treating.

However, the popularity of celebrating Halloween brings on an entirely new

set of dangers for children. Some of the risks and dangers are these:

1.- Car accidents: the most common accidents during Halloween night, because
children are walking along the streets, unconsciously, not looking at cars when they
cross the streets.

2.- Burns form candles. The tradition says that you put a candle inside the pumpkin.
Well, kids love this, and some of them can get burnt.

3.- Another dangerous substance: face paint. Some paints are not appropriate and
some children can have skin reactions and allergies.

4.- Pumpkin craving: it’s a fun activity to cut and empty the pumpkin, but a bit tricky,
too. Knives cannot be used by children, because they can cut themselves very

5.- Indigestion: too many sweets in just one night. This is bad for your stomach and for
your teeth. In addition, excess of sugar can make you nervous and overexcited.

*secular: not religious.
VOCABULARY: write here the words you don’t understand and use a dictionary to
translate them:



1.- What is the origin of Halloween?

The origin of Halloween lies in an ancient Celtic pagan festival called Samhain.

2.- What do people do to celebrate this holiday?

Halloween candy, trick-or-treating, spooky costumes, carving pumpkins, lighting bonfires, playing
pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories.

3.-Why are there car accidents during Halloween night?

Increased pedestrian activity, Reduced visibility,

4.-How can face paint affect you?

Nothing i think

5.-what are the two dangers when preparing a pumpkin?

Cuts with the knife.

6.- Is sugar bad for you? Why?


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