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African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and


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Influence of electro-polishing characteristics on

needle-tissue interaction forces

Mubita Kapui & Ramesh Kuppuswamy

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characteristics on needle-tissue interaction forces, African Journal of Science, Technology,
Innovation and Development, DOI: 10.1080/20421338.2017.1359446

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African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2017
© 2017 African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development

Influence of electro-polishing characteristics on needle-tissue interaction forces

Mubita Kapui * and Ramesh Kuppuswamy

Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
*Corresponding author email:

The electro-polishing process was applied to stainless steel 304 with the aim of improving its surface texture. The electrolyte
was a mixture of H2O, H2SO4 (98%) and H3PO4 (85%) at a volume ratio of 2:3:5. Gravimetric analysis and stylus
profilometry were used to analyze the samples. It was observed that the material removed during the electro-polishing
process could be controlled to an error limit of 6%. The surfaces obtained showed improved cleanness and reduced
surface roughness (Ra). Hypodermic needles were then electro-polished using the same parameters with the aim of
reducing forces during needle insertion into tissue. The needle tips were analyzed using a SEM. The needles were tested
using silicone phantoms as a tissue substitute. The forces during insertion were less for all the electro-polished needles,
with the most consistent results obtained at a current density of 0.66 A/cm2. A theoretical model of the needle insertion
forces at different insertion depths was developed.
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Keywords: electrochemistry, polishing, surface, roughness, forces

Introduction workpiece surface which has a higher resistance than the

Hypodermic needles are useful when percutaneous diag- bulk of the electrolyte. This results in the peaks and
nosis or treatment is required. With the advent of surgical valleys on the workpiece surface experiencing different
robots and minimally invasive treatment of cancer, such as current densities. The peaks, being closer to the bulk of
radio frequency ablation (RFA) and percutaneous ethanol the electrolyte, experience a higher current density than
injection treatment (PEIT) (Abdullah et al. 2014; Koethe the valleys which leads to their preferential dissolution.
et al. 2014), an understanding of needle insertion mech- This results in the smoothing of the workpiece surface.
anics is vital. This is due to the need for very good inser- The amount of material removed can be accurately
tion accuracy, which depends on the insertion mechanics controlled to approximately 0.0005 inches (Howard
(Kobayashi, Sato, and Fujie 2009). 1972). This is very useful as it is important that the
In recent years, research has been done regarding needle geometry and size be mostly maintained or at the
needle insertion forces and tissue deformation for a very least correctly predicted.
variety of tissues (Kobayashi, Sato, and Fujie 2009; The electro-polishing process is mainly used to substi-
Okamura, Simone, and O’leary 2004; Barnett, Lee, and tute mechanical polishing as a means of obtaining smooth
Moore 2016; Zhao et al. 2016). It is understood that the surfaces. When applied to stainless steel, it produces
main factors affecting insertion accuracy are needle deflec- clean, smooth surfaces with increased corrosion resistance
tion and tissue deflection. Hypodermic needle deflection is (Nazneen et al. 2012; Núñez et al. 2013). These properties
attributed to the needle geometry and the mechanical prop- make the electro-polishing process an ideal surface treat-
erties of the tissue. Tissue deflection is the result of a com- ment for biomedical applications. It has been used on stain-
bination of the needle tip contact force, mechanical less steel cardiovascular stents as a means of improving the
properties of the tissue and frictional forces between the surface texture and improving corrosion resistance (Latifi
needle shaft and the tissue (Abolhassani, Patel, and et al. 2013; Habibzadeh et al. 2014). Some research has
Moallem 2004). Tissue deflection makes percutaneous also been conducted on the electro-polishing of needles,
treatments difficult as the area being targeted for treatment although the available work mainly focuses on surgical
shifts as the tissue is deformed. The aim of our study was needles. In one study, a device was developed for the
to reduce needle tip contact force and the frictional forces electro-polishing of drilled surgical needles (Howard
between the needle shaft and the tissue by applying a con- 1972). The needles were electro-polished after they had
trolled electro-polishing process. undergone a sharpening grinding process. They obtained
needles with a mirror-like finish free of discoloration and
surface defects after electro-polishing. The removal of
surface protrusions and defects such as burrs reduces
Electro-polishing is an electrochemical material removal
tissue trauma during needle insertion (Brown et al. 1999;
process. The workpiece is connected as the anode in an
Schaeffer 2007). While a number of needle manufacturers
electrochemical cell. The power supply can be either DC
includes electro-polishing as one of their manufacturing
or AC, depending on the application. The electrolyte
steps, there is not much information on the electro-polishing
used in the electro-polishing of stainless steel is usually
of hypodermic needles available at the moment.
a combination of sulphuric and phosphoric acids
(Rokosz et al. 2015a, 2015b; Choi et al. 2016). When
the power supply is turned on, material is removed from Needle insertion mechanics
the anode on an ionic level in accordance with Faraday’s Several studies have been conducted to determine the
laws of electrolysis. A viscous layer forms over the nature of the forces present during needle insertion into

African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development is co-published by Taylor & Francis and NISC (Pty) Ltd
2 Kapui and Kuppuswamy

various forms of tissue or phantoms. An area of significant was left on the coupons as a result of machining and hand-
interest is the modelling of these forces so as to improve ling, while the deionized water removed any acetone that
the accuracy of surgical robots and simulators (Misra did not evaporate from the coupon surface. Deionized
et al. 2010). The most common approach is to model the water was used because it has had the ions of any
forces with respect to needle displacement. Forces are mineral salts dissolved in the water removed. The ions
then modelled based on a variety of different approaches, would interfere with the electro-chemical reactions in the
including viscoelasticity (Zhao et al. 2016), fracture mech- cell which would, in turn, affect the electro-polishing
anics (Barnett, Lee, and Moore 2016) and data fitting via results. A DC power supply was used. No rotation or agi-
different methods (Maurin et al. 2004; Okamura, tation was used. The coupons were rinsed with acetone
Simone, and O’leary 2004). and deionized water after electro-polishing to remove
In some cases, the aim is to reduce the magnitude of any acid residue and products from the electro-chemical
the forces present during needle insertion. This leads to reactions from the coupon surface. The mass of the
a reduction in tissue deformation, which improves the coupons was determined before and after electro-polishing
effectiveness of treatments such as prostate brachytherapy. by weighing them using an electronic balance. The exper-
Abolhassani, Patel, and Moallem (2004) applied different iment had two independent variables, each with three
rotations to needles with the aim of reducing insertion levels. The variables were the electro-polishing current
forces. It was found that both maximum and friction and electro-polishing time. The experiments were
created using a 32 factorial design. The experiment par-
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forces were reduced for each of the rotation parameters.

The effect of needle insertion speed on the insertion ameters are shown in Table 1.
forces has been studied by Okamura, Simone, and
O’leary (2004) and Podder et al. (2006). Both studies
found that higher insertion speeds lead to an increase in Table 1: Electro-polishing parameters.
the insertion forces. Podder et al. (2006) measured the Experiment Time (min) Current density (A/cm2)
insertion speed of a needle during prostate brachytherapy. 1 5 0.16
They found that the speed varied from 0 mm/min to 2 10 0.16
54,000 mm/min. 3 15 0.16
The past studies presented in this chapter show that a 4 5 0.66
5 10 0.66
comprehensive amount of work has been done on a 6 15 0.66
number of factors affecting needle insertion forces. 7 5 1.70
However, there is nothing in the present literature on the 8 10 1.70
effects of the electro-polishing process on the needle- 9 15 1.70
tissue interaction forces.

Objectives A Taylor-Hobson Surftronic 3P stylus profilometer

The objectives of our work were to reduce needle insertion was used to evaluate the surface roughness of the
forces of hypodermic needles by applying a controlled coupons. The surfaces were further analyzed using a Leo
electro-polishing process. Electro-polishing was applied 1450 scanning electron microscope.
to the needles with the aim of improving their surface The needles were electro-polished using the same elec-
texture and cutting-edge geometry so as to reduce the fric- trolyte, parameters and procedures as the coupons. It must
tion and cutting forces during needle insertion. be noted that the maximum current/time combination for
The study also aimed to determine the effect of differ- electro-polishing the needles was limited by the small
ent electro-polishing parameters on the needle insertion mass of the hypodermic needles. The needle tips and
forces and to develop an analytical force model which bevel surfaces were evaluated using a Leo 1450 scanning
includes the effects of electro-polishing on the needle electron microscope.
insertion forces.
Needle insertion experiments
Materials and methods Needle insertion forces were measured using a Röeders
Electro-polishing experiments RFM600 high speed machining centre in conjunction with
The sample to be electro-polished was connected to the a Kistler 9257A piezo-dynamometer. The force signatures
positive terminal (as the anode) of a direct current power were captured using a Dewesoft Dewe-43 data acquisition
supply, and the cathodic (−) side was connected to a stain- system (DAQ). Silicone phantoms were used as a substitute
less steel 304 cathode. Both electrodes were immersed in for human tissue. The silicone phantoms were held in a
an acidic electrolyte. Prior to electro-polishing of the specially designed holding device which was then positioned
hypodermic needles, the composition and concentration in the machining centre using a mechanical vice. 21G × 1.5
of the electrolyte was optimized by making use of stainless inches (0.8 × 40 mm) lancet point hypodermic needles were
steel 304 coupons with a 6 mm diameter and a 20 mm used. The needles were held in place using an ER8 collet
length. The final electrolyte was a mixture of H2O, which was attached to the spindle by means of a modified
H2SO4 (98%) and H3PO4 (85%) at a volume ratio of adaptor. The set-up is shown in Figure 1.
2:3:5. The coupons were cleaned in acetone and rinsed The spindle movement was limited to 1 degree of
with deionized water prior to electro-polishing. The freedom (vertical). Rotation of the needle was not con-
acetone removed any grease and organic residue which sidered in this study. An insertion speed of 2000 mm/min
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 3

the Hertzian contact theory. The theory was originally

developed for elastic contacts with small strains but has
since been extended to cover the contact of materials
with larger deformations such as elastomers (Wu, Lin,
and Juang 2016). The peaks of the sinusoidal waveform
are replaced by spheres by finding the curvature of the
waveform at the peaks as follows:

|y′′ |
k= (2)
(1 + y′2 )3/2

where y = f (x) is the function given by Equation 1 in one

direction only. Substituting the first and second derivatives
of Equation 1 and simplifying yields

k = Ra (3)
Downloaded by [Stockholm University Library] at 01:36 02 September 2017

the radius of the contact sphere is given by R = 1/κ. The

depth of indentation of an asperity onto the silicone
surface is given by Johnson and Johnson (1987, 93)
Figure 1: Force testing set-up.
was used and data were captured at a sampling frequency d= (4)
16E ′2 R
of 5 kHz. A fixed insertion speed was used to limit the
focus to the effects of electro-polishing on the needle where P is the normal load and E’ = E/(1−ν 2). E and ν are
insertion forces. Force data were recorded during needle the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the silicone
insertion. No data were recorded during needle extraction. respectively.
Every new insertion was made at different points in the The real area of contact, Ar, is given by
phantoms to avoid previously created holes.
Ar = pRd (5)
Friction force model
An analytical force model was developed based on and
the change in surface area and surface texture of the hypo-
dermic needles after electro-polishing. The needle surface Total Ar = pNRd (6)
is assumed to have a sinusoidal profile defined by
Equation 1. where N is the total number of asperities on the needle
surface at the needle-tissue interface and δ is the depth
     of indentation of an asperity as defined in Equation 4. N
Ra 2p 2p
h(x, y) = sin x + sin y (1) is given by Nx*Ny, where Nx and Ny are the total
2 l l
number of asperities in the x and y directions respectively.
where h is the vertical displacement of the surface from the The total frictional shear stress at the needle-silicone
mean at a given position. Ra is the arithmetic mean roughness contact zone can then be found using the following
and λ is the wavelength of the profile. x and y are the spatial expression:
ranges of the contact surface. The wavelengths are assumed
to be equal in both directions. The ranges x and y are the t= (7)
length and the circumference of the needles in the contact Total Ar
zone, respectively. Equation 1 is a simplified representation
of the surface, as it does not take into account the Gaussian
random nature of the surface asperities. The effect of Needle insertion force theoretical model
electro-polishing on the surface asperities is the focus of The needle insertion force is modelled as five stages
the current work, thus Equation 1 is sufficient because it according to the different events during needle insertion.
incorporates the surface roughness value (Ra) measured In stage 1, the needle makes contact with the phantom
during the experiments. A similar simplification was made but its surface is not punctured. It has generally been
by Kuppuswamy and Mubita (2015) with good results. agreed that the force at this stage is due to stiffness of
It is assumed that the wavelength does not change after the phantom (Okamura, Simone, and O’leary 2004). In
electro-polishing as there is no mechanical contact during stage 2, the needle penetrates the phantom. Friction and
the process. The surface peaks are preferentially attacked cutting forces act on the needle. Both the friction and
which leads to sinusoids of the same wavelength having cutting force increase linearly with the insertion depth.
reduced amplitude. The contact was modelled based on In stage 3, the whole of the cutting edge is inside the
4 Kapui and Kuppuswamy

phantom. The cutting force reaches a constant maximum

value, but friction continues to increase with insertion
depth. In stage 4, the needle tip exits the phantom. Force
due to tissue stiffness and cutting reduces as the cutting
edge exits the phantom. In the final stage, only the shaft
friction force acts on the needle as the needle cutting
edge is completely outside the phantom.
The forces in stage 1 are modelled based on the ana-
lytic expression developed by Love (1939) and Sneddon
(1965) which has been found to fit experimental data
well for conical indenters (Cheng and Cheng 2004).

2E tan a 2
F1 = x (8)
p(1 − n2 )

where E = 0.152 MPa and ν = 0.5 are the Young’s modulus

and Poisson’s ratio of the silicone respectively. The com- Figure 2: Comparison of theoretical and measured amounts of
Downloaded by [Stockholm University Library] at 01:36 02 September 2017

material removed during electro-polishing.

ponent of force due to viscous friction is not considered
here because a constant insertion speed was used. A
linear increase/decrease in the cutting and friction force The measured values of the mass of material removed
with insertion depth is used. The insertion force is given were compared with the theoretical values. The results are
by shown in Figure 2.
⎧ It was observed that the theoretical values were similar

2E tan a 2
for 0 ≤ x ≤ 5
to the measured values with an error of about 6%.

⎪ x (F1 )

⎪ p(1 − n2 )

F1 (5) + fr x + fc x for 6 ≤ x ≤ 9 (F2 )
F= Surface texture

⎪ F2 (9) + fr x for 10 ≤ x ≤ 15 (F3 )

⎪ The surface texture obtained after electro-polishing was

⎪ F (15) − f1 x − Fc x for 16 ≤ x ≤ 19 (F4 )
⎩ 3
analyzed by comparing the change in the arithmetic
F4 (19) for 20 ≤ x ≤ 30 (F5 )
mean roughness value for each of the electro-polishing
conditions. This was done by making use of a polishing
percentage (ΔRa%) as defined by Núñez et al. (2013). It
where fr and fc are the friction and cutting force per unit
is shown in Equation 12.
length, and f1 is stiffness force (from stage 1) per unit
length. The maximum values of fr, fc and f1 are denoted  
Ria − Rfa
by Fr, Fc and F1_max. Fc is determined from the measured DRa % = × 100% (12)
data using the following expression: Ria

where Ria and Rfa are the initial and final arithmetic mean
Fc = Fmax − F1 max − Fr (10)
roughness values of the stainless steel 304 coupons. The
results are shown in Figure 3.
where Fmax is the maximum force measured during needle
It is observed that the electro-polishing current and
time have a significant impact on the surface texture. At

Results and discussion

Material removal rate
The material removed from each coupon was determined
by measuring its mass before and after electro-polishing.
Theoretical values were then obtained using Faraday’s
laws of electrolysis as shown in Equation 11 (Jensen

EW .I.t
m= (11)

where m is the mass of material removed in grams, I is the

current and t is the electro-polishing time. EW is the equiv-
alent weight which depends on the chemical composition
of the workpiece and the electrolyte. F is Faraday’s Figure 3: Effect of electro-polishing on surface texture for the
constant. different electro-polishing conditions.
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 5

a current density of 0.16 A/cm2, the change in surface density of 0.66 A/cm2 are favourable and show an
texture is not consistent. This is likely because the almost linear trend.
current is below the threshold value required for the Figure 4 shows SEM micrographs of the needle bevel
electro-polishing process to take place. It is widely edges after being electro-polished using different parameters.
accepted that four different mechanisms take place on a It is observed that the bevel surface of the standard
stainless steel surface when exposed to varying currents needle has more scratches, striations and foreign particles
in an electrolytic cell (Chen, Tu, and Huang 2005). than any of the electro-polished needles. The reduced
These are oxidation, passivation, diffusion limited roughness and improved cleanness of the electro-polished
current and oxygen evolution. Past studies agree that surfaces agrees with the results obtained in previous
electro-polishing occurs in the diffusion limited current studies (Awad et al. 2012; Nazneen et al. 2012; Latifi
region (Magaino, Matlosz, and Landolt 1993; Matlosz, et al. 2013).The smoother and cleaner surfaces reduce
Magaino, and Landolt 1994; Chen, Tu, and Huang 2005; the amount of friction present at the needle-tissue interface
Nazneen et al. 2012). The results obtained for a current during needle insertion. It can also be seen that the bevel
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Figure 4: SEM micrographs of bevel edges for needles electro-polished at different parameters (magnification: 1500×).
6 Kapui and Kuppuswamy

thickness reduced with an increase in electro-polishing currents. From Figure 5(a), the maximum forces decrease
time at each of the currents. This leads to the sharpening in a non-uniform way with an increase in electro-
of the needle cutting edges resulting in reduced cutting polishing time. While the decrease in force for the times
forces during needle insertion. While the needle tips of 5 and 15 minutes is within an expected range, the
showed improvement with increased electro-polishing time of 10 minutes produces a much lower force value
current and time, the maximum useable parameters were than expected.
limited by the small mass of hypodermic needles. The The erratic nature of the force data obtained for a
removal of too much material from the needle surface current of 0.2 A is not unexpected, as the surface texture
resulted in the needle wall rupturing. This is followed by results presented earlier were also inconsistent. This
the complete dissolution of the needle in the electrolyte. could possibly be explained by the fact that both the
Such a situation is easy to avoid as the amount of material cutting and friction forces have a large impact on the
removed can be controlled by controlling the electro-pol- overall force during needle insertion (Okamura, Simone,
ishing parameters. Consequently, electro-polishing for and O’leary 2004). The electro-polishing process is
more than 10 minutes at a current of 0.82 amps should known to produce sharper cutting edges on micro-
be avoided. needles when applied in a controlled manner (Gill and
Prausnitz 2007). It has also been shown to increase the
Needle insertion forces hydrophilicity of stainless steel surfaces (Latifi et al.
Downloaded by [Stockholm University Library] at 01:36 02 September 2017

The forces present at the needle-tissue interface during 2013). This leads to reduced friction at the needle-tissue
needle insertion into the phantom were captured and interface because of the increased lubrication. These
plotted against time as shown in Figure 5. additional factors could likely play a role in the relation-
It is observed that the maximum forces present during ship between the electro-polishing time and the insertion
needle insertion are reduced for all electro-polishing par- forces at a current of 0.2 A. The large drop in force,
ameters. Despite this, the reduction in forces is not however, cannot fully be accounted for. This discrepancy
uniform and differs for each of the electro-polishing is not present at higher currents.

Figure 5: (a) Insertion forces at J = 0.16 A/cm2. (b) Insertion forces at J = 0.66 A/cm2. (c) Insertion forces at J = 1.70 A/cm2.
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 7

the current is above the optimum, electro-polishing still

takes place with an improvement in surface texture until
pitting occurs on the stainless steel surface. In the case
of the hypodermic needles used in this study, the polishing
time permissible before excess material removal is insuffi-
cient for pitting to occur. Another effect of this limitation
is that no meaningful relationship could be determined for
the change in forces with polishing time, as the high
current only allowed for an electro-polishing time of 5
minutes before dissolution of the needle in the electrolyte

Friction force
The frictional shear stress for the different electro-polish-
ing conditions is shown in Figure 6.
It is observed that the stress reduces uniformly as the
Figure 6: Frictional shear stress at needle-tissue for different
electro-polishing parameters.
electro-polishing time is increased at a current of 0.82
Downloaded by [Stockholm University Library] at 01:36 02 September 2017

A. This is due to two main factors; the improved wettabil-

ity of the stainless steel needle surface and the reduction of
From Figure 5(b), the insertion forces are observed to the real area of contact at the needle-silicone interface. It
change more uniformly for needles electro-polished at has been shown that more hydrophilic surfaces exhibit
0.82 A. This agrees with the surface texture results pre- lower coefficients of friction in aqueous environments
sented earlier. It was previously stated that a polishing (Borruto, Crivellone, and Marani 1998). The reduction
time exceeding 10 minutes resulted in the rupture of the in frictional shear stress is 27% and 46% for electro-pol-
needle wall, thus needles were electro-polished for only ishing times of 5 and 10 minutes, respectively.
5 and 10 minutes. The maximum force obtained for the
standard needle was 6.61 N. The maximum forces for Theoretical model
electro-polishing times of 5 and 10 minutes were 5.29 N Figure 7 shows the theoretical and measured insertion
and 4.70 N, respectively, corresponding to force forces as a function of insertion depth.
reductions of 19.9% and 28.9%. The friction forces are reduced with an increase in
It can be seen from Figure 5(c) that the maximum force electro-polishing time. This is expected based on the
during insertion is reduced for the needles electro-polished work presented in the previous section. The cutting
at 2.11 A for 5 minutes. The maximum force obtained was forces are also reduced. This agrees with the findings of
4.87 N, equivalent to a force reduction of 26.4%. This is Moore et al. (2011) who found a positive correlation
consistent with the surface texture results, as the reduction between both the needle outer diameter and wall thickness
in force falls between that of needles electro-polished at a with the cutting force. From the section called ‘Needle
current of 0.82 A for times of 10 and 15 minutes. While insertion force theoretical model’, a linear relationship

Figure 7: Experimental and theoretical needle insertion forces.

8 Kapui and Kuppuswamy

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