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Chanel Test

Abby Pruitt

September 20, 2023

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Introduction serves as a point of purchase for Chanel products online.
Although some products require contacting an advisor to purchase, Chanel
provides information and photos regarding their products.

A usability test is intended to determine the extent an interface facilitates a

user’s ability to complete routine tasks. Typically, the test is conducted with a
group of potential users either in a usability lab, remotely (using e-meeting
software and telephone connection), or on-site with portable equipment.
Users are asked to complete a series of routine tasks. Sessions are recorded
and analyzed to identify potential areas for improvement to the web site.

I conducted a test on the usability of when locating and

purchasing a specific product. The participant had to locate a necklace in the
Chanel Number 5 collection and proceed to checking out before inputting
credit card information.

Executive Summary
The usability test took place at my home on September 20, 2023. The
purpose of the test is to see how easy it is to navigate and see if
there is any difficulty when trying to purchase an item.

One participant was involved in the usability test. The session lasted
approximately 20 minutes. The participant believed that was
slightly hard to navigate. The participant does not typically visit high fashion

This test identified a few problems:

 Hard to navigate past the page of information pertaining to the jewelry
 The call-to-action buttons are not clear that take you to the items to
 Many products are unavailable to ship and must be picked up at the
nearest Chanel store.

This document contains the participant feedback, as well as information

regarding the session and its results.

I recruited my mother as a participant as she typically browses the internet to
shop online. She also occasionally works on a website at her job, so she
knows what to look for in a good website.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
After she completed each task, I asked the partipant to answers some
questions on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being
strongly agree. Some examples include:
 How easy it was to navigate the homepage.
 How easy it was to find jewelry in the specific Chanel number 5

After the last task was completed, I asked the partipant to rate the website
overall using a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being
strongly agree. Some examples Include:
 Ease of use
 Satisfaction
 Selection of items
 Check out process.

In addition, I asked the participant overall website questions:

 What the participant liked most.
 What the participant liked least.
 Recommendations for improvement.


The participant was tested on September 20, 2023. The participant works as
a manager of a production company specializing in laser cut items, stickers,
and more. She is constantly updating items on her website for her place of

Evaluation Tasks/Scenarios

The test participant completed two tasks that I created. (see Attachment D
for complete test scenarios/tasks and each participant completed a self-
directed task (i.e., a task of their choice) :
 Find a necklace in the Chanel number 5 collection.
 Proceed to the process of checking out until you must type in payment

Task Completion Success Rate

My participant completed task one successfully. She also completed task two

Task Completion Rates

Participant Task 1 Task 2

1 √ √

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Participant Task 1 Task 2

Success 1 1

Task Ratings
After the completion of each task, my participant rated the processes:
 It was easy to locate the Chanel number 5 collection.
 It was hard to access the specific necklace chosen.
 The checkout process was simple.

The 5-point rating scale ranged from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly

agree). My participant thought it was slightly difficult finding the specific
collection. However, she did believe the checkout process was somewhat

Ease in Finding Information

The participant thought it was neutral when finding a necklace (rating=3).

The participant disagreed that it was easy to locate the Chanel number 5
collection (rating=2).

Ease in Checkout Process

The participant though that the checkout process was simple (rating=5)

Test 1 – Mean Task Ratings & Percent Agree

Ease to
Task Accessibility
1 – Find necklace in
Chanel number 5 2 3
2 – Check out process
until payment 5 5
Scale of 1-5; 1= Strongly disagree, 5= Strongly agree

Time on Task
The testing software recorded the time on task for each participant. Task one
was slightly more difficult for the participant than task two.

Task one required the participant to browse the website to find a
necklace for their mother in the Chanel number 5 collection. It took her 2
minutes and 25 seconds to complete this task.

Task two required the participant to proceed to the checkout process until
they reached the payment information. It took her 30 seconds to complete
this task.

For example:
Time on Task
Task 1 2:25

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Task 2 0:30

Overall Metrics
Overall Ratings
After task session completion, participants rated the site for eight overall
measures. These measures include:
 Locating jewelry collection
 Accessing specific necklace to purchase
 Checkout process
 Navigation of website
 Satisfaction

The participant strongly agreed that the checkout process was easy. She was
neutral regarding the selection of jewelry available. The participant disagreed
that the website was easy to navigate and find the collection needed.

See table below.

Post-Task Overall Questionnaire

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
It was easy to find
the Chanel #5 1
It was hard to
access the specific 1
necklace I chose.
It was easy to
checkout my item.
It was easy to
navigate 1
Satisfaction with
jewelry collection
Satisfaction with
checkout process
Satisfaction with
navigation of 1

4.6.2 Likes, Dislikes, Participant Recommendations

Upon completion of the tasks, participants provided feedback for what they
liked most and least about the website, and recommendations for improving
the website.

Liked Most
The following comments capture what the participants liked most:
 Checkout process was simple.
 Necklace selection was okay.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Liked Least
The following comments capture what the participants liked the least:
 Finding the Chanel collection necessary.
 Too many photos to click through to get to items.

Recommendations for Improvement

 Less photos.
 More clear buttons to click.
 Ease of use overall

The recommendations section provides recommended changes and
justifications driven by the participant success rate, behaviors, and
comments. Each recommendation includes a severity rating. The following
recommendations will improve the overall ease of use and address the areas
where participants experienced problems or found the interface/information
architecture unclear.

Organize the website better overall (Task 1)

Task 1 required the participant to find a necklace for their mother under the Chanel #5 collection.

Change Justification

 Less photos. Participant believes that would be

easier for people to navigate if they remove
 More clear buttons to click. many photos. The page for the collection was
 Ease of use overall. hard to navigate as there were many photos and
the buttons to purchase jewelry were not clear.
The ease of use overall would include making
clear distinctions of where to purchase the
specific products wanted. The pages of
information are too long and hard to get around.

Implementing the recommendations and continuing to work with users (i.e.,
real lay persons) will ensure a continued user-centered website.

Overall, was found to be more difficult to use compared to other

consumer websites. The recommendations listed would allow for
to become more user-friendly, allowing for growth in their website traffic.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201

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