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eA EOerairy chant somite rossi he Cost Engine a el aA ward te Young ee ofl asin EST ss Tuco ueny\ Valerie 6. Venters, Coe Certification Board Chair Constant / Cae Cont Ener CCC/CE| enna. We edisourng arate ae ving the opypaee incon tent verting tei aby to communist The nen he Plagiarism is considered any wording used in the technical paper that is not the author's own words, and not quoted with a bibliography entry, This policy is effective from January 1, 2011 iyo dea and conciely communicate a techn tp The papers pupose = NOT to vate ‘he canes “copys land abit ute ite orate rut ofthe CCECE cemteton in 1976, Itedelopment ni tores believes tas portant hate (ea teva ecanddates bay to communcate a tech rience ana tec. Tatton emo CIEE tech esl ape ere part the reguteen! to Secome CEL (CCE Even today the primary purpose fr te tecrial However toys technaogy age has changed man aeas ‘Sew wot filed wth more Information than one ca ag tne We aleve, however at lemon stom aetion, bl wn comes 0 ng 3 Tche pape Tor the CCCICEEcetieation, the internet creates aotetal trougnts rom how they were anginal express by others ‘Thsmsiceat tales propery tat canbe ca ondaste Fmt rere as crested changes br wade Irsferedy tse chalga nds cesta tsps fer olin baa inthe manvcerpts we rece Bective of ts documented tend ofan cess in pi ‘ules ard stronger penaies for paglarism violations. These Wipe trty entree. Whether cera coneacing cers ean, ota ender ~ ease ee aaa your sel th new poly ot nad as allows [AACE INTERNATIONAL PLAGIARISM POLICY ‘The AACE International Certification Board has opted the followin Piaglarsm Poly” fr use the ‘uauation of each technical paper that is submited in patil ffllent ofthe requirements for seking Cert ‘hed Cost Consultant / Creed Cost Engineer (CCCICCE) certain, 4, Plagiarism is considered any wording used inthe techical paper that i not the author's own words, nd nt quoted with 3 biblonrsphy etry. 2. Pagar is unethical and nothingles than stealing ameane else's intellectual property. These i= 3 Ealut no excuse oF tolerance Yor plans 1 AACE uses CheckForPlogarsm to check fr pliar rism, For mare information, check tis webste: hapa checkforlagiarism net features hm “rie robus and wel respecte software ssimiae that used by universities and other professional a Sociations to assure the integrity oftheir Submision proces. AACE must protect te orgization from any litigation that may arse from publishing werk ‘hat fal io mect the standards apne laparion, as ety the Certation Boars 44. over 10 percent of he technicl papers vepovtes py tnesortware tobe plglarze, the achicalpoper vibe REIECTED and penaliesimpared '. Pagivien wil be the VERY FIRST PROCEDURAL (CHECK: If 2 paper fas the pagiasm test if rot Sent toa grader or reviewer 6. All papers wl be submited for plagiarism check ‘sing the CheclforPagiarism subscrigtion. NO (OTHER SOFTWARE WILL BE CONSIDERED. Authors [MAN NOT submit the pares to another plagiarism checking verdot to content the reals of the sof 7. Tecnzal papers wth ess than 2Opercent reported Piapianism il cotine othe next step the eae Ingprocess. over 10 percent of the technical paper ic eported to contain plaglarsm, wi be totaly eeectes. The report wil be Sent to the author, along with lear from AACE Certicaton Manager, addressing the founa plagiarism and rosfyng te carte ofthe impsed penalty andthe appeals proces. [AACE INTERNATIONAL PLAGIARISM PENALTIES “The AACE cartieation program has procedires et ng to unetial behavior, of whieh pagar flisinto ‘his caogory. The flowing outinesthe pena forun excl behavorwhenitrelates tothe ARC carsation rogram: 1+ For the fist ofenseof unethical behavior Immediate sussension rom the certification ro ‘7am fora period of not ess than ane ye re fulting in revocation of the indviduas AACE International ceriieason apliction. should the india! wien to obtain any AACE Intern tinal eetfcation, upon completion ofthe sus persion, the individual must submit 2 new Spplenion, fees, an ful al other requre- ‘ments that are in place upon expiration ofthe suspension period + Forthe second offence of unethisl behavior Permanent expulsion from partipation in the ACE international cerseation progam. After Certieation Board action, all cond ofenses wlbe referre to AACE International for further Sanctions for velotion of the AACE Conon of iesand ts code of ethical conduc. Sanctions ‘may include revocation of lof the indvua’s [AACE®Inarmatonlcericesons The AACE cetiiestion program tales palais very seriously and ll ste enforce the penalties where poe Baris sound, Ae noted aoe, pagans is also con sidered a breac of our Canon of Eth, and nda | ‘ound tobe engagedin the practices may also be subject || 1omembersia sanctions from AACE Intemational + Appeals Process ‘Shoule the candidate be able to provide proof that themateral cited was ther own intelectual property, oF ‘hat there was a mstake made by the sokware review roram the canidete wil be alowed 24 day to contest the decision and pede documentation an ‘eabieh autnorshi, “Tips on How to Prepare Your Paper Ifyou wart infomation on “Hato Wie a Techni Paper vis the AACE website (wera aacsirg), under Cetiestions” and read the document presente by i Wiiteside ofthe RACE Technical Board. Lin's paper de- scrbesexaety how a technical paper shouldbe win, AACE INTERNATIONAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION PROJECT CONTROLS SEMINAR ins ‘TOPICS INCLUDE: SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2011 Inverness Hotel and Conference Center, Denver, CO. imal + Project Conls systoms implementation Foe Huricane Katrina Storm Protection Project + Contract Schedule SumitlReview-Gettna it ight + Building 2 Credibie Performance Measurement Baseline + isk Mansgement + Ana Several others COMPANIES AND SPEAKERS INCLUDE: + DeStain cass fom Bl Aerospace + serey Young with C3 Sumit + Glen Aleman with Lewis and Fowler + Marlene Hie.CCE with Project Time and Cost + And Severs! others on \os Pana Ne ee pret eer Borer ‘Cost forthe full Day is only $160 for early registration and $175 for late registration. A great value! + Participants wil eam 1 CEU 0 10 PDUs for attending! + Broakastand Lune s include, + Sponsorship opportunites are avaible! REGISTER NOW. CLICK HERE

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