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All my life it never came to me that I could ever fall in love but guess I could
fall in love with him, me falling in love I can now see that even the slightest of
people could fall in love.
Waking up this morning annoyed with this day’s present for 0me a
headache still annoyed I got up from my bed looking at a picture beside me
guess who I saw it was Bryan Kingston the boy I fell in love with for the first
time my head swelled up looking at his picture his slightly brown touched black
hair brings out his perfectly curved face with the innocent black eyes oh my god
he was fit not muscular and not out of shape I was so engrossed in his picture I
forgot the fact that I had to go to school and I would have kept staring but my
mum came in and started teasing me because of Bryans picture oh lover girl I
am really sure you will want to take a bath to impress him I am sure you
wouldn’t like to smell like rotten fish in front of him my mum yes one of the
most interesting woman I think I would ever know especially because I don’t
have friends because of my age I was 2 years younger than the normal class age
My lovecoaster so people
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Abiodun oluwadarasimi rehoboth

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underestimate me but I don’t take it personal because I have my mum normally
you would expect ct the young one in the family to be the most interesting one
but in my case it was the other way around in my family we had my dad a
strong hearted man who believed that if you are not the best then you are
nothing, a man who lives 60 miles away from home because of his work my dad
is a medical doctor that works in south way hospital. We hope that very soon he
c comes back soon for Christmas which is in the next 5 weeks 3 days. My elder
sister hazel she is just 1year and 2months older than me yet she behaves like a
control freak. Then me heaven the youngest. I can say my family is the best. I
finally got my mum out of my room so I could take my bath I was still
wondering if I actually smelt like rotten fish because I’m sure that no one would
come near me if I actually smelt like rotten fish . I took my bath and got in
my plain pink armless shirt and a black flower designed flair skirt and parked
my black hair in a ponytail I myself agreed that I looked cute and so did
everyone in my house as I got NNFFF down from the stairs
following the sweet smell of bacon eggs and honey tea my favorite breakfast
apart from lemonade and chocolate but I know as long as I lived in my mum’s
house that could never happen. I sat in my dinning when my mom gave me my
food I rushed it in carried my black headphone my bag collected some money
and off I went on my way I collided with a.

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